The Great Secret of Life

By eleutherophilia365

4 1 0

Led by a goth girl, a group of eclectic friends is facing the inevitable end of their high school journey, th... More

The Buzzy cafe

4 1 0
By eleutherophilia365

The image reflected in the café window unveiled an almost cinematic gothic makeup, where each detail of the golden eyeshadow, black eyeliner, and purple lipstick seemed to narrate its own story. Contemplating this artistic expression, she considered that her mother might have been correct in suggesting the presence of a latent talent. With a smile, she elegantly flipped her long black hair, pushed the door open, and the soft chime of a little bell resonated throughout the coffee shop.

From her vantage point, Mina patiently awaited her coffee, observing the customers of the establishment. It was a rooted conviction in her mind that as we settle into a place, a subtle symbiosis unfolds an interaction between the environment and our own personality. In this space, individuals weren't mere customers; they constituted integral components of the café's distinctive atmosphere. They were students from the nearby college and a couple of federal workers. It resembled, as if you gazed at a piece of art from a distance, where each element contributed to the intricate visual narrative of the place. However, on this particular Thursday, the café buzzed with more activity than usual, as if the atmosphere itself was charged with anticipation. People bustled like industrious bees after having their hives disturbed. The scene intrigued her, yet Mina put that thought on hold as she redirected her attention to her friends.

She let her eyes meet the two students at the rear of the shop, she observed the curly-haired skateboarder deeply engaged in a lively conversation with a petite girl who was wearing the uniform of a nearby supermarket. The synchronicity between them was so effortless that it appeared that they had meticulously choreographed every gesture. Each word he uttered elicited a response from her, propelling the conversation. Similarly, with every expression she conveyed, he replied in an equally flawless manner, as if engaged in a dance to the rhythm of unspoken words, crafting a distinctive complicity.

Holding her coffee, Mina took the croissant and made her way toward her eclectic group of friends. A mysterious aura seemed to envelop the environment as the girl crossed the establishment. Her long strides carried a clear purpose, and she joined her friends at their favorite booth. The brief glances that were cast her way soon vanished, and people returned to their own worlds.

She placed her backpack at her feet and, with a graceful movement she held her skirt as sat down. Only then she tasted her coffee, as always she tried a different flavour. However, that particular coffee surprised her in an unpleasant way. It was too bitter, as if it had been extracted from the deepest shadows of the bean, and the certainty that it wasn't fresh hung in the air.

Michael, noticing her disapproving expression, laughed warmly. In a matter of seconds, the three friends shared not only the disappointing coffee but also the same sense of unity that always surrounded them. Their friendship could transform all the most bitter moments into something palatable, full of live.

Image credit: Christa_explores

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