Thread of Destiny | Lando Nor...

By tyongorion

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"Why isn't there some sort of 'How to be a Guardian Angel 101' manual for this?" Eli groaned in frustration a... More

Chapter 1: The Unseen Connection
Chapter 2: The Pearls of Calling
Chapter 3: The Second Pearl
Chapter 4: A Fellow Protector
Chapter 5: A Connection Unveiled
Chapter 6: An Unexpected Reunion
Chapter 7: The Third Pearl
Chapter 8: Back to Beginnings
Chapter 9: A Night of Revelations
Chapter 10: The Fourth Pearl
Chapter 11: Into Her Past
Chapter 12: The Fifth Pearl
Chapter 13: Memories of Summer
Chapter 14: The Seventh Pearl
Chapter 15: The Eighth Pearl
Chapter 16: The Ninth Pearl
Chapter 17: A Fragile Thread
Chapter 18: The Last Pearl
Chapter 20: A Pulling Thread of Destiny

Chapter 19: Parallel Paths

91 1 0
By tyongorion

The days at the hospital were a blur. Lando's mind echoed with the events leading to the accident— a violent spin, the static over the team radio, and the raging fire. Yet, amidst the blank spaces in his memory, there was no recollection of seeing Eli rush out, no memory of her desperate act to save him. It was as though that part of the race had been wiped clean from his mind. No one else seemed to recall those moments either— all they remembered was the crash and the driver's miraculous escape from the jaws of a care ablaze, not the sight of Eli charging towards it. Well, except for one person—Charles. Being a former guardian angel, it someone allowed him, and him alone, to hold onto the memory of Eli's valiant and selfless intervention to save Lando, a detail that seemed inexplicably erased from everyone else's awareness.

Confusion enveloped him upon waking up in the hospital room. He anticipated her presence, expecting Eli to be the first one by his bedside. But she was nowhere to be found. Lando laid awake at night, staring at the ceiling. He couldn't shake off the lingering absence he felt. Where is she? As the days passed and the hospital's sterile environment turned mundane, the weight of her absence became increasingly apparent. He questioned where she was and why she hadn't shown up as she always did. Physically, he was on the mend. The doctors assured him of a swift recovery, but emotionally, he grappled with an inexplicable void. He'd tried reaching out, scouring through contacts, and even enquiring within the paddock, but all roads led to dead ends. He'd grown accustomed to her being around, her presence a soothing balm even in the most nerve-wracking moments on the track. But now, the sudden absence left an inexplicable emptiness in his life. Every familiar laugh, her calming words of assurance, and the sparkle in her eyes haunted his thoughts. Lando couldn't help but feel an unmistakable sense of loss.

Upon discharge, back in Monaco, a city that once held fond memories of unexpected encounters and burgeoning friendship with Eli, now felt hauntingly empty. Winter break descended, marking the end of the season, yet brought no relief from his emotional turmoil. Every corner of the principality reminded him of her— the harbour-side bench where they'd often chat, the streets they walked together. Desperate to find her, he made endless attempts to reach out, but every call and text to her number ended in frustration— blocked. His search for her became a daily routine, including a ritualistic pilgrimage to the Port Hercule every evening, hoping she'd miraculously appear. The longing in his heart only deepened as each day passed with no sign of her. He would even meet up with Charles, hoping for answers. Yet, the conversations left him disappointed. Charles evaded divulging Eli's whereabouts, "I'm sorry mate, I wish I knew too. But even if I did, it wouldn't be my place to say." His response, masking the truth behind guarded words left Lando with a hollow promise of ignorance. In a final act of desperation, the culmination of his quest brought him to her house, knocking on the door, anticipation curdling into dismay as a stranger greeted him. The sinking realisation dawned on him— the person he cherished, whose absence had cast an irremovable shadow over his life, had vanished without a trace. Unanswered questions lingered, leaving him in a state of melancholy and confusion.

Eli, on the other side of it all, settled back into the rhythm of her life in London, pouring herself into her final year of music studies with an unwavering dedication. Each note she practiced, bore the echoes of her passion and resilience. The weight of the past year's extraordinary events still lingered in her mind, a silent spectre that occasionally intruded upon her focus. Of course, she still longed to be by Lando's side, to see him again to reassure herself of his recovery and just be with him. However, the reality loomed— she knew she had to move on and that perhaps, it was better for everyone that way. The only connection she had to that past life was Charles, who she kept in touch with. After all, he was the only one with the memory of her last act as Lando's guardian angel and he was always a supportive presence in her journey. Although she aimed to move forward, there were moments where the memory of the F1 season and her time as a guardian angel, her time with Lando, pulled at her heartstrings, a testament to the profound impact those experiences had etched upon her soul. But despite the emotional burden she carried, Eli remained steadfast in her determination to forge ahead. Music became her sanctuary once again, a place where she could channel her emotions, both the joy and the sorrow, into something beautiful. Her commitment to her studies was also partly fuelled by a sense of gratitude toward Lando, a muse who had unknowingly inspired her and pushed her on. The bracelet, still living on her wrist, now adorned with ten darkened pearls, remained a constant reminder of the intense journey she had travelled alongside Lando.

Parallel lives, diverging paths—Lando resumed the roar of race cars and the grind of another Formula 1 season. Meanwhile, Eli delved deeper into the world of music, every minute she spent with the piano a dedication to her craft. Time passed, and their lives drifted along separate trajectories, each yearning for closure and understanding in their own way.

Almost a year after their paths separated and the low hum of anticipation filled the press conference room in the middle of yet another bustling paddock. It was a momentary respite from the adrenaline of the race weekend, allowing brief tranquillity before the storm of questions erupted. Lando lounged on the couch, surrounded by a group of fellow drivers, waiting for the session to commence. He leaned back, scanning the room, his gaze drifting from the lively chatter around him to the silent entry of Charles. As he made his way toward the unoccupied seat next to Lando, he fished his phone out of his pocket to leave beside him before sitting down. It buzzed and Lando's attention was immediately drawn to the illuminated screen. A flicker of recognition crossed his face as he spotted the name "Eli' flashing on the display. His pulse quickened, a mixture of emotions coursing through him— one of surprise, confusion, and an undying desire to know more. Before Lando could utter a word, the room fell into sudden silence, the start of the press conference signalling an abrupt end to any possible conversation. Lando's eyes lingered on Charles for a moment longer, a furrow forming on his brow, processing the revelation of Charles's connection with Eli. His mind raced, seeking answers, longing to confront Charles about this newfound information, but the ensuing press conference prevented any chance of immediate inquiry. With a sigh of resignation, Lando redirected his attention to the front, mentally bookmarking this moment for later discussion. The room buzzed with reporters' inquiries, but his thoughts lingered on the message, on Eli, and on the possibility of finally unravelling the mystery surrounding her sudden departure.

As the press conference wrapped up, and the drivers left the room to go about their individual schedule, Lando wasted no time and seized the moment. His emotions surged, the pent-up frustration surfacing, as he pulled Charles aside with an intensity that could not be ignored. Lando's eyes flashed with a mix of fury and anguish, each emotion fighting for dominance, and questions poured out of his mouth about Charles' supposed lack of contact with Eli. "What the fuck, Charles? You knew where she was this whole time, didn't you?" His voice cracked with a barely contained tremor, brimming with an irrevocable sense of betrayal. "You lied to me. Why?" Charles met Lando's gaze, his own troubled eyes reflecting a weighty truth. "It's not that simple, mate," he began, attempting to diffuse the rising tension. "Don't give me that 'not my place to say' bullshit again!" Lando snapped, his frustration boiling over. "This whole time... Why couldn't you just tell me the truth? What is going on?" Lando's anger began to dissipate, the storm of emotions within him gave way to a deep-seated sorrow. His words came out in a subdued tone, tinged with longing and regret. "I miss her, Charles. I really did like her. It feels... odd, not having her around. She was always there, you know? Around Monaco, around the paddock... in my life." Tears welled up, threatening to breach his defences. A momentary silence engulfed them, and Charles recognising the depth of Lando's pain, relented, ushering him to a private space.

Within Charles's driver room, Charles guided Lando into a chair. The room fell into a heavy silence as Lando's torrent of emotions continued to brew inside him. Charles cleared his throat, breaking the tension. "I know you're confused, but there's more to this than you realise," Charles began, his voice gentle yet tinged with a weighty sadness, before revealing the intricate tale of Eli's role as a guardian angel. Lando listened in silence, his mind racing with questions, emotions tugging in various directions. It was a story of celestial duty and human emotions, of a young woman straddling the realms of the ordinary and the divine. His eyes widened upon hearing how Eli selflessly ran into the thick of the fire that engulfed him back at the final race of the previous season. "Wait, what?" Lando interjected softly, breaking his silence for the first time. Charles continued, recounting Eli's internal conflict, her struggle with the boundaries of duty and a developing love. As the story unfolded, Lando remained silent, processing the enormity of the revelation, his thoughts a whirlwind of disbelief and longing. In the wake of Charles's revelation, the room held a sense of sombre realisation. "She cared about you, a lot, and it wasn't just because she was your guardian angel," Charles comforted. Lando's gaze shifted, emotions churning within— sure, the idea that he was sent a guardian angel was hard to believe, but it was the knowledge that Eli had indeed cared for him in a way that transcended her cosmic duty that stirred an unfathomable mix of emotions within him.

"Then why didn't she come back to me?" Lando finally managed to speak again, voice trembling and laced with ache, his eyes searching Charles's for answers.

Charles met Lando's gaze with a solemn expression, his eyes conveying an unspoken empathy. With a regretful shrug, he wordlessly conveyed the limits of his knowledge, a silent admission of his inability to provide the closure Lando sought. "I don't know, mate," Charles replied softly, his tone tinged with an unspoken apology. He patted Lando's back, offering a wordless solace before leaving Lando some space on his own to grapple with the emotions that enveloped him, casting him adrift in a sea of unanswered questions and unresolved feelings.

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