The Dekiru of Arcadia

By Darkdecade97

7.3K 220 132

Izuku Midoriya, learned at the age of 4 that he was Quirkless, that all Men aren't equal. At that age, his wo... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

3.1K 90 86
By Darkdecade97

???: 'Why? Just why?'

This is the thought process that Izuku Midoriya, a Student of Class 1A, a Student of the Hero Course in U.A. High School, and the Ninth Wielder of One for All, a Quirk that was given to him by none other than All Might himself. Despite all this, he is at a standstill, not from a Villain attack, no, they already dealt with those far too many times for someone in their First Year. Izuku Midoriya is dealing with an ultimatium.

Go to the exit and pass the test when he has the chance to do so, or go and save Bakugo.

But the Hero in him is telling him to help Bakugo, that it's a Hero's duty to help others, no matter who they are. But the Deku in him is telling him, no. Why should he help someone who had no interest in cooperating? Had no interest in even listening to him? Always telling him that he is nothing more than a pebble? A pebble that needs to be crushed. Izuku was even given a reminder when he tried to plea with Bakugo, but was met with a punch to the face.

So, why? Why is he having a hard time to decide, when the answer is so simple?

Izuku: I.......I'm sorry......but I just can't.....I just can't anymore....

All his life Izuku was nothing but a useless Deku, and always will be. Ever since he was born, he was brought upon by so much pain and suffering, those who are weak willed won't handle such a burden and may possibly end it. But Izuku continues to push on, despite the struggles, despite the pain, despite everything that has happened to him. He still continued on and hoped a light would be there to save him, and it did.

But still, things didn't change, they still stayed the same as what happened all those years back in Middle School. He finally has a Quirk, All Might's Quirk, which was given to him and one he made his own. But it seems life will always be unfair to him, no matter what he does. The world will always be against him.

If you want a Quirk so badly, why don't you take a swan dive off the roof!

Bakugo's words, those very exact words that were said to him back in Middle School triggered in Izuku, making him feel a rage he has never felt before, sparks of lightning and fire erupt all around his body. Izuku himself did not notice the feeling due to the amount of emotions he has repressed inside of him. But whatever it is, it's telling him a decision he would either regret or give him an outlook of what he is truly delusional of.

That Bakugo was never his friend from the start and he should let go.

On the Arena that serves as the Main Area for the Final Exam, Bakugo can be seen on the ground. He suffered a huge punch from All Might that sent him flying to the Building, Bakugo ignored Izuku's pleas to not attack All Might head on, Bakugo wanted to show he can become the Number 1 Hero, Bakugo wanted to show he didn't need anyone's help, including Deku's. But in another timeline, in another story, Izuku saved Bakugo for making that foolish mistake, even if it caused a bruised cheek. But in another story, Izuku didn't do this.


Hearing the announcement from the speaker shocked All Might. The same can be said for those in Class 1A, those who know Izuku the most or understand his outlook when it comes to saving everyone, and Izuku is one to save everyone wherever he goes. But here, they saw Izuku commit one action they never expected him to do.

Izuku didn't save someone.

Unknown to them, an individual can be seen watching this whole interaction and noticed something occurring in Izuku's body during that whole ordeal.

???: It seems he's awakened his powers.

They left their spot, whoever was watching will have to make a report about this.


Izuku has returned to the main area where the Students can watch the Exams going on, joining him were All Might and Bakugo. Izuku can feel Bakugo's eyes glaring at him from the side. Izuku questions why he's glaring at him? How is HE at fault here, when HE was the one who refused his help, refused to listen to him, and chose to fight All Might ALONE.

So why is Izuku getting the blame for this? Because that's how it works! That's how it always works!!

Izuku gets the blame and Bakugo gets the praise.

And that's how it seems to go right now. Izuku turns to see all the stares. He can see Nezu looking most happy of the results, which is odd, he never really understood how the Rat's mind works. He can see All Might thinking of something, Izuku probably thinks he will scold him for actions, but he won't bother listening to him right now. He turns his attention towards his Classmates, he can see the looks of disappointment from Kirishima and Ashido, then he sees Iida, Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, Asu-Tsu, Aoyama, looking at him oddly, almost trying to piece something like it's a puzzle. But to his surprise, he sees Todoroki, Jiro, Shoji, Tokoyami, Hagakure, Ojiro, and even Koda giving him a look of approval, almost like they are waiting for this moment to come.

This greatly confused Izuku as his thoughts were interrupted when he heard Aizawa calling out to him.

Aizawa: Midoriya.

There he is, Izuku thought things would change, that the Teachers in UA will be different, unlike what happened in his Middle School, but it seems things didn't change and they're still the same. Aizawa never cared for him, the man seemed to favor Bakugo in every way, allowing him to commit such acts towards Izuku, examples being the usage of his Quirk towards him, even when his Classmates tell him Bakugo used it, Aizawa would just brush it off, stating, "I didn't see any Quick use", and they would get in trouble for it, leaving Bakugo unscathed.

It seems Aizawa has favoritism when it comes to Bakugo, which leads to him favoring the Explosion Boy then the rest of the Class. Bakugo is Aizawa's "Golden Boy"

But unknown to Aizawa, this was noticed by a few certain individuals in Class 1A. They're just too afraid to act out or even speak out. Believing the Teachers won't do anything about it.

Aizawa: You disappoint me, Midoriya. This exercise had one purpose, and one purpose only, making sure both you and Bakugo cooperate with one another, putting both of you against an enemy that neither of you could defeat. But it seems you failed in that part.

Izuku is almost about to snap, small bits of green and yellow electricity is coursing through his body. Nezu went to Aizawa and asked him what is the reason why he paired these two together.

Nezu: Aizawa, please explain to everyone here on why you paired up Bakugo and Midoriya for this Exam.

Aizawa: They need to put aside their petty rivalry and learn to work together. In a work setting, their bickering will lead to people getting hurt.

Nezu's eyes wander over to Class 1A seeing Uraraka, Tsu, and Iida, having a look of anger and fury, with Iida trying his best to figure out the situation, but found there is no logic to this, there is no reason for such an action to occur when the obvious is already in plain sight. Koda and Ojiro had an upset expression to this, with Tokoyami shaking his head, and Hagakure's fists clenching in anger. While Shoji, Jiro, Yaoyorozu, and Todoroki were disappointed and not surprised by said action, with the stoic expression of Todoroki breaking.

Izuku: 'Rivalry, huh?'

So this is what it's all about, a rivalry, Aizawa is a Pro-Hero, an Underground Pro-Hero to be exact, and yet he fails to see the signs, seeing that Izuku Midoriya is a victim and Bakugo is the bully, but what he sees is Katsuki Bakugo is a victim and Midoriya is the bully.

Izuku: Guess nothing has changed, huh?

Everyone has now turned their attention towards Izuku, with the exception of Aizawa and Bakugo, believing this is Izuku complaining about the Exam being unfair to him.

Izuku: You know, I thought things would change when I got to UA, that everything would be different and it won't be just like Middle School. But apparently I was wrong, it is like Middle School all over again. You never cared for me, you never cared for any of us, all you care about is your little "Golden Boy", Bakugo.

Aizawa glares at Izuku, activating his Quirk. He was about to stop Izuku's useless rant, but was stopped by Nezu, he wants to listen to this.

Izuku: Do you not realize what kind of person Bakugo is? How he acts and treats his fellow peers? Are you so blind by his powerful Quirk that you are going to let it slide? Are you so lazy you didn't bother checking the files about me?! How my Quirk only manifested a few months before the GOD DAMN ENTRANCE EXAM?! Oh, you didn't? Since the only thing you care about is that fucking sleeping bag!! You fucking lazy ass piece of shit!!

This shocked everyone who knows Izuku, not expecting he would curse at Aizawa.

Izuku: I thought this would be my Dream School, that I could actually have friends, make a change for the better, but it seems I'm not getting that whatsoever. This School isn't a place to make me a Hero, to help my Quirk better. No, this whole act was nothing but to help make Bakugo a better hero. The only thing you all care is making Bakugo the center of everything, because he has a so called powerful Quirk. Well, news flash! We also have Quirks just as great as him, but yet you fucking focus your attention at him and not US!!

Something seems to be growing around Izuku's arms, almost that of Dragon Scales and they are yellow in color, with a few sharp teeth showing up. But before anything were to happen or if anyone were to notice. It disappeared.

Izuku: Stop using me! Stop using all of us! We are not fucking tools to make this fucking piece of shit better! We are here to learn!! To be Heroes and are willing to do so! But you don't seem to care, you don't seem to fucking care!! Only caring about this asshat!! We will never allow you to use us to make him a better person!! It is not our job, it's yours!! You're a Teacher!! Do. Your. Fucking. Jobs.

Nezu: Midoriya-

Then Izuku said something that shocked everyone.

Izuku: I want resignation papers, Principal Nezu. I'm leaving UA, and I'm leaving this School for good.

All Might: Young Midoriya, you don't mean-

Izuku: It's like what I said. I'm done. I'm done with UA........and I'm done being a Hero....

It's now the first time Aizawa spoke during that whole rant, Izuku scowls at the Pro-Hero, seeing the smirk on his face, he can tell he has been waiting for this moment for a long time, and he knows why.

Aizawa: Good. Now you realize why you don't belong here. I said this from the start, Midoriya. With the way you used your Quirk, you have no potential in being a Hero.

Izuku: Then by all means, replace me with that oh so favorite Student of yours. I know what you've been doing Mr. Aizawa. You focused on Shinso more than us, you are willing to train a Student who is not even in our Class, who's not even a Hero Student!! We have problems with your Quirks and you expect us to fix it ourselves, when it's your job to do so!! You ignored us for him!!

And just like that, a few members of Class 1A know what Izuku is talking about. Aizawa was targeting Izuku from the start, wanting to replace him with Shinso. Why not target Mineta? His actions show he isn't worthy of becoming a Hero, and yet, Izuku, who has shown and done so much, is the one getting the boot. They also point out that Aizawa spends so much of his time to train his Student, when he could have done it for them. Even if they know a handful of knowledge on how to use their Quirks, this is a School, where they learn how to expand and fix their Quirks to make it better or to improve it. Yet, it isn't happening at all.

Aizawa: He has potential, Midoriya. Where you don't.

If Izuku were to laugh right now, he would.

Izuku: And you don't think we have potential? You never cared about us. You expected us to do things on our own, when it's your job to guide us!! You are no Teacher, Aizawa, and I hope karma comes to bite you. The same can be said for you Bakugo. I'm leaving UA and there's nothing you can do to stop me. Goodbye, and good riddance.

And from there, no words were said as Izuku abruptly left the room. Not a care for the world at his friends, is that what they are? "Friends", calling for him as they all fell into deaf ears, Izuku doesn't care, he truly doesn't care anymore. If the Teachers want to care so much about Bakugo, make him UA's Golden Boy, and leave him behind, then so be it. After all, it happened in Middle School, so why should it be a problem?

Izuku ran out of UA without a matters notice and went back home.

Midoriya Residences

In the Kitchen of the Midoriya House, his Mother, Inko Midoriya, can be seen doing something by the Kitchen. She is not the same woman we all know from a different story. This Inko looks very young for her age, her hair is much shorter now and is known to sport a suit when she goes out to her work.

And what is that kind of work you as? Well, it involves dealing with dirty business as we can see Inko removing the magazines from her Heckler & Koch MP7A1, checking the ammo count, before opening up the top part of the Kitchen Stove, revealing a compartment to place her MP7A1s.

Inko: 'That's another Black Arms Cell down. Only a few more remnants of Shinra and Vlad's little Exiled Army left, and I can go back home.....but....'

She looks towards a picture of her and Izuku, when he was little, then towards a picture of her and Hisashi, it's been too long since he left this world and Inko still misses him. But she knows, this decision is still hard for her.

Inko: 'But is he willing to go with me? After what I did to destroy his dream'

Just like that, the door of the Midoriya Residences opened and Izuku rushes towards the home, placing his Bags in the Couch. 

Inko: Everything okay, Izuku?

Izuku stopped there, he wanted to tell his Mom that everything is fine, that's how it worked and always does. But right now, he decided to tell her what really happened, and maybe, maybe she can help him through this.

Izuku: Mom.........something happened in School. It-

Inko: Was it the one regarding what happened in the Exam? How Aizawa essentially rigged it in Bakugo's favor? How it's a test where you need to learn to put aside that "rivalry"? I wouldn't even call that a rivalry. The signs are very obvious and yet he fails to see it, Underground Hero my ass.

When he heard that, Izuku's eyes widen in surprise. How did his Mom know about this?

Izuku: Mom, how did you-

Inko: Maiya, come out here and tell me what happened in full detail.

Out of nowhere, a woman teleports in front of the Living Room, making Izuku jump in surprise. The woman has short green hair and black eyes, her outfit is entirely in black, and gives the cold, distant impression of someone who doesn't have a strong sense of self.

Izuku: Wa-wait!! I know you!! I've seen you follow me everywhere! Even in UA!! I asked them if you were a Staff and they said you were!! But you keep following me even after School!! Just who are you!?

The woman can be seen giving off a small laugh as she introduces herself to Izuku.

Maiya: Well, Izuku. Allow me to formally introduce myself, my name is Maiya Midoriya, but I go by my fake name, Maiya Hisau. I'm your Mother's younger sister, I'm your Aunt.

Izuku: My Aunt?! Mom, why didn't you tell me about this?!

Inko: I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to know just yet. I assigned Maiya to keep an eye on you and make sure you're safe. If you recall, she was the one that helped you against your fight with Stain.

Izuku: Wait, that was you?!

Izuku remembers facing off against the Hero Killer alone, since Iida was on the ground paralyzed. Izuku was about to be sliced into pieces by Stain, but a gunshot rang and struck Stain by the side, giving Izuku a chance to punch Stain and sent him flying, it also gave time for Todoroki to arrive.

Maiya: Yes, that was me. Although, I would have assisted your Class during the USJ, but I got surrounded by Villains. Don't worry, they were taken care of.

Izuku could only nod, not realizing what his Mother and Aunt have been doing behind close doors.

Inko: Now then, Maiya. Tell me everything.

Maiya nods, she proceeds to tell Inko everything she has witnessed during the Final Exams, both what happened in the test and the aftermath. Inko grits her teeth in anger, that damn rat gave his teachers to much freedom and is letting these kinds of actions slide. But the good thing that came out of this is Izuku wanting to transfer, which gives her all the more reason to convince him to go with her. But the bad thing is, his powers are starting to come back.

Inko: Guess your powers are coming back, huh? The Dragon Blood wants to raise it's wings and fly.

Maiya: Sister, are you-

Inko: I know what I did, Maiya. It's time I face the consequences and it's time for me to let go. Even if it will lead to a rift between us.

Izuku: Wait, Mom, Aunt. What's going on? What do you mean by Dragon Blood?

Inko: Izuku, please sit down. We have much to discuss, and I haven't been all that truthful to you.

This got Izuku curious as he sat down in the couch, with Inko and Maiya sitting in the two chairs in front of the couch.

Inko: I'm not one to prolong explanations, so I'll get straight to the point. Maiya and I are not from Earth, Izuku. But from what an entirely different planet.

Izuku: Wait, what?

Inko sighs, she expected this kind of reaction from Izuku. But she'll see what she can do with this.

Inko: Yes, Izuku. You heard it right, both my Sister and I are born and raised in a planet called Remnant, in a Continent far larger than that of Earth called Arcadia. If you want to know how big the planet is, it's around 15 times the size of Earth, so it's quite large.

Izuku nods, even if he does not know what's going on. He is willing to listen.

Maiya: We were Knights, Warriors, Soldiers that serve in the Kingdom of Knights. A land where the most powerful of Knights are bred, they serve under the name of Arcadia and it's people.

Inko: And we, or I, will tell you more about our past. But be warned, Izuku. This is not the kind of world the people in this planet view, so please keep an open mind and understand the world isn't black and white.

Izuku: I understand.....Mother.

She nods, and from there, Inko recounts her stories of her time in Arcadia, before she arrived in this planet.

Arcadia: The Kingdom of Knights - Blackstone Legion Castle, Conference Room

In the Kingdom of Knights, the land in which houses many Castles, each of them belonging to their respective Countries, Nations, Rulers, Fortresses, and most importantly, it houses the Headquarters of certain Factions that keep the peace and serve the land of the Knights. One of them belongs to that of the Blackstone Legion.

Inside the Conference Room, which is brightly lit by their Chandeliers. Many Knights can be seen wearing bright silver or black armor, all of them donning dark yellow and black robes. Their emblems shown in their armor, to show pride for their Faction and leader.

Among them, a Knight can be seen walking up to the table, showcasing a map of the entirety of Arcadia, with the Kingdom of Knights being focused the most.

Blackstone Knight: If the commanders of the Kingdom of Knights knew about this-


The Knight was cut off when the blade of a Longsword was stabbed right through his chest. He breathes his final breath, before the Knight who did it, whose armor has been shown to look very menacing and outright intimidating, throws the lifeless corpse away.

Inko: We are part of the Faction in the Kingdom of Knights, known as the Blackstone Legion, and we were under the command of my Mother, Celeste Midoriya, or how she is known to all of Arcadia, Apollyon.

We now see a full view of who Apollyon is, she stands tall in ash black armor, reflecting her determination to bring continuous war upon the world. Her armor is not any normal armor of a Warden, but one that was refitted from that of a Lawbringer's, evident with parts of the armor retaining the Lawbringer's armor aesthetics such as the neck guard on the chest plate. Spikes and sharp edges are present on her armor, and her helmet looks like no other with the stare of death embedded in its design.

Apollyon: Now, we can speak freely.

She looks towards her fellow Blackstone Knights, with a Knight sitting by a tall chair, standing up and saying his opinion about the matter.

Blackstone Knight: Well! That's a relief!

One of them approaches the War Table, he is a man wearing heavy armor and is a humble servant of Apollyon, his name is Holden Cross.

Cross: We're all your humble servants, Master.

Blackstone Knight: So. What is the real plan?

Apollyon: War. The natural state of our species.

She went up to the Knight's corpse, that's still on the table, and lifts his body up, tossing towards the floor, without a care for the world.

Apollyon: This charade has gone on for far too long. The Council sitting idly, letting us believe that our enemy is out there, waiting to cause our extinction. When in reality, our enemy was inside the very halls we call home.

Blackstone Knight: The Council of Knights.

Inko: I remember that day very well. The Council always believed themselves to be right, no matter what. The people's voice was shunned, forgotten, those that dare speak out against them were exiled from their home. It led to many loses. I lost many of my Brothers and Sisters because of their arrogance and shortsightedness.

She slams her Sword on the table, looking towards her fellow Blackstone Knights.

Apollyon: Yes, these so called Elders, controlling us, manipulating us, bringing us down a path of destruction that many have seen but are being shackled by their control. Arcadia is evolving, why we are heading back to the Stone Age. Many have rebel rebelled against them and were met with their heads cut off or stabbed towards a pike as a message to all who oppose the Council. But no more, today we shall start a new war. A war to free our very people from this control. These feeble sheep, believing themselves to be Wolves. When in reality, they are not.

Cross: And how are we certain the Empress won't eradicate our rebellion the minute it starts?

Apollyon: Fear not, our highness has our full support. I have spoken to her, she and the many leaders of our land, wish to rid of the Council once and for all, their corruption and greed will spread to the other Kingdoms. It's our job to cleanse this.......ignorance from the face of Arcadia for good.

She looks towards the corner of the Conference Room, where the window illuminated inside. There, we see a figure standing in the shadows.

Apollyon: My Daughter, please step forward.

Inko: And then their's me, I was known in the battlefield as Astrea, my Mother's personal servant and how they call me, a lapdog.

Inko approaches her Mother, she is wearing armor that gives her the silhouette of Apollyon, but giving it a much more refined twist. Her armor consists of a full metal cuirass, together with metal pauldrons embedded with what can be assumed to be Draconite gems on the rims. She wears a chainmail shirt with long sleeves under the cuirass, with a chainmail skirt and leather tassets protecting her thighs. Wearing metal greaves over long pants, she also wears clawed metal gauntlets that extend into vambraces. She dons a long cape with a wolf pelt around her neck. Her helmet is where the similarity to Apollyon is clearest, as she wears a clean metal version of Apollyon's helmet. In addition, her helmet is laced with gold trims and embroideries, while the mouth part is covered by a metal visor.

She stabs her sword towards the floor and kneels in front of her Mother.

Inko: I'm at your service, Mother.

Inko: I was always at service to my Mother. Doing the necessary steps to achieve the mission, no matter the cost. But compared to my younger sister, my Mother favored me more.

Apollyon: It's time to prove yourself to our people. Show them who you are. You and your Sister will lead the Blackstone to victory, ensure your enemies are slain and to show no mercy. Show our enemies, who among them are Wolves, and those that are Cattle shall be wiped out from the face of the planet. As my Daughter, you will be my legacy. Ensure of it.

Inko: I understand, Mother. I will not fail you.

Apollyon reaches her hand out to Inko, as she takes it, lifting her up on her feet as Inko stands by her Mother's side. Apollyon then turns towards her Knights and addresses them.

Apollyon: We can't stand idle any longer. It is time to rid those in power and usher in a new age in the Kingdom. One where we can call ourselves wolves, to stand equal and above the others. We need to show them that we won't fall like sheep, we need to bring out the Wolves among us. Show them what we really are. It is in our blood after all.

Cross: There will be bloodshed among our ranks. Our very ideals will be thrown away once this war starts. It will take years before we are back at our feet.

Apollyon: Honor and Duty will be thrown away the minute a war starts, it's every man and woman for themselves. There will always be honor amongst us Knights, but not here. Only in due time can we instill these ideals back. But we will survive, and we'll ensure of it.

Inko: From there, I, along with the Blackstone Legion and their allies, led a campaign against those in the Kingdom of Knights, a Civil War to rid of those in power, to usher a new age in the Kingdom. We succeeded at the cost of hundreds of my Brothers and Sisters. All of them fighting for the cause they believed in, and I showed no mercy to those who are against me.

In the main Castle of the Kingdom of Knights, where one of the Council Members are holed up, Inko blasts a hole in the walls of the Fortress, bringing her Army of Knights. Inko charges in, blocking a strike from a Knight using her Longsword, holding it with two hands. She pushes the sword forward, forcing the Knight to stumble backwards, Inko blocks an attack from a Knight holding a Spear by grabbing the weapon, then stabbing her weapon in the Knight's chest.

She sees the Knight from earlier heading in, and uses both the Spear and the Longsword, to block the attack. Inko pushes the weapons forward, forcing the two back as she swings her Longsword using both hands, killing the one armed with a Spear. She missed the first Knight and grabs him by the throat, lifting his body up in the air, as she proceeds to stab him in the chest, then throwing his body to the ground.

Blackstone Knight: Master, more of the Council's Knights are retreating to the Interior Halls.

Inko: Then let's go pay our glorious Councilman a visit.

Inside the Halls of the Castle, Inko can be seen dealing with the Councilman's Knights, stabbing one in the stomach with her Longsword. She goes behind him and grabs the Knight by the neck, removing the sword as blood spills out of it. Inko let's go of the body, spinning around and blocking an attack from another Knight. She grabs the blade of her sword and swings it around, hitting the Knight in the head with the hilt of her blade. The Knight spins facing the other way as Inko stabs him in the back, the sword going through his chest.

She swings her body around, bringing the sword and the Knight's body with her as Inko blocks an attack from a Knight, the impact sent the Knight tumbling to the ground. She blocks another strike from a Knight in front of her as the one on the ground stands up and was about to attack Inko, but she grabs the helmet of the Knight up front and throws him towards the blade of his friend, the Knight looks towards his sword, seeing his ally stabbed through it. He took one glance at Inko as she swings her sword, slashing him by the throat, his body collapsing to the ground, dead.

Inko: Finally, the Coward has shown himself.

She looks towards the Castle Balcony to see one of the Council Members armed and ready to fight her

Knight Councilman: This has gone on far enough, Traitor. Surrender and you shall face justice!

Inko: I'll pass.

She gets into a stance and as the Councilman was about to attack, Inko unleashes a slash, sending out a large yellow and black beam towards the Councilman, he didn't have time to create a Magic Barrier as the blast disintegrates him into nothing but ash, causing the Castle Tower to explode into nothing but pieces.

Through the rubble and smoke, Inko emerges, looking at the view of the City, seeing the fires has been lit and the battle has ended, with it being the Blackstone Legion's victory, the Council's forces have all but surrendered. Inko doesn't say anything and leaves the area.

Hearing the story, Izuku is shocked to the core, never expecting his Mother to be a bloodthirsty, savage Warrior, willing to slaughter anyone that stands in her way. If the people in Hero Society hear about this, they would immediately label her a Villain. But Izuku has a feeling his Mom and Aunt don't care.

Izuku: So you killed people?

Maiya: Yes, Izuku. But you need to remember, we are not Heroes, there are no Villains in Arcadia. We are Soldiers, Warriors, men and women bred for warfare, the only thing we know in war is who are the winners and who are the losers.

Inko: We didn't kill for the sake of killing. We killed to protect our homes, to ensure the safety and security of our people.

Izuku: I see.....Mom.....since you led a campaign against the enemy and are known to show no mercy to there a moment where you acted like a Villain? Where you showed no mercy and took pleasure in their deaths?

Inko stays quiet and remembers that day she was undercover in the Kingdom of Knights, a small sadistic smirk forms up in her mouth as she remembers that day.

Kingdom of Knights: Unknown Castle

In the Halls of one of the many Castles in the Kingdom of Knights, we can see a drunk man stumbling towards the room at the end of the Hallway.

Man: Hey, is anyone there? Ugh, worthless trash.

The man falls towards the walls of the hallway, you can see he is drunk right now as he can be seen chugging the bottle of wine. The man sees light coming from the room and slowly walks up to it, opening the door and finding Inko wearing a beautiful green and white dress, holding a Staff as she can be seen waiting for the Man's arrival.

Inko: Oh, you're awake.

Man: Lady Inko.

Inko: I was planning to come and wake you if you didn't do so on your own.

The man drunkly walks to Inko and spouts nonsense, while she gives a smile that doesn't reach her eyes.

Man: You're here to save me, aren't you? The daughter of Apollyon, leader of the famed Blackstone Legion, saving me! A mere pawn!! This was all done by the people who envy me!!

Inko: Indeed, please open the box. I have brought a present for you.

Man: How kind of you

She gestures towards the box as the man went up to open it, but his face turned into shock and horror when he sees what's inside of it. Over a dozen decapitated heads of all the Nobles in the Kingdom, courtesy of Inko Midoriya.

The man falls to his knees as Inko stands up and gives him a very evil smile.

Inko: How dare you soil my good name with your actions.

The man slowly moves back in the floor as Inko inches closes to him, her face now turning into a feral and maniacal grin.

Inko: You know, your Father begged me. He wanted to let his stupid son experience the same suffering he and his people experienced.

The smile Inko gives him is more sadistic and downright creepy, her green eyes glowing very brightly.

Inko: I'll be sure to keep that promise.

All that was heard in the house is the sound of the man screaming in pain and agony. We will leave it up to our imaginations when it comes to what Inko did to the man.

Inko: Yes, but that man deserved it. His actions caused an entire Kingdom to fall, but it's not my problem. Once less vermin roaming the lands of my home.

Izuku quickly changed the topic since that made him very uncomfortable.

Izuku: about you, Auntie? What do you do in this Remnant or Arcadia?

Maiya: I'm an Assassin for the High Table and I do missions for the Spy Organization, I'm under the command of the Handler. Oh, and if you're wondering. Your Mother is also an Assassin, but one of the highest regard, she's an Assassin for the Empress of Arcadia herself, Juniper Arc. They are known as Shadows.

She went up to her phone, shooting out a holographic screen in front of them. Maiya uses the Arcadian database to search for their old files, and found it. There, Izuku sees a picture of her Mother when she is around her early twenties, this was her time as a Shadow, an Assassin for the Empress of Arcadia.

He nods at the information that was given and shown to him, just hearing what she does makes Izuku believe on why Maiya has not been suspected by the Staff or anyone around her, her skills must be exceptional. The same can be said for his Mother, but it begs the question on why she hid it from him.

But enough of that, Izuku has more important questions to ask.

Izuku: Mom.....Auntie....why are you telling me all this? And why are you telling me this now?

Inko looks towards Maiya, who gestures her to tell Izuku the truth.

Inko: The reason why I'm telling you this is my mission is close to being done here, and......I get to go back home. Back to Arcadia where I truly belong.

Izuku: I see.......and you were afraid I was going to say no if you asked me?

Inko: Yes, seeing how much you want to be a Hero so much, I let you continue your dream. I never stopped you, Izuku, I wanted what's best for you. But it seems certain events changed that.

Izuku: Yeah.......

Izuku remembers what happened earlier, but something in his mind clicked. Something he noticed earlier.

Izuku: Mom....during my exams. I felt a surge of power running through me when I felt all that emotion and suppressed anger building up, almost like it wants to be set free. I thought it was my Quirk, but I feel like it's something else, and I know you have an answer to it.

Inko: Yes, Izuku. I do have an answer. But it's not a Quirk.

Izuku: What? What do you mean by not a Quirk?

Inko took a deep breathe, knowing of what's to come next.

Inko: Besides the fact we come from an entirely different planet, Arcadia is a land full of Fantasy and Magic, the gist of it is anything you have seen in those RPG Games, exists in Arcadia. 

Izuku: S-s-so I have Magic?! Why hasn't it awakened yet?! Don't tell me I'm something related to that of the Quirkless?!

Inko: It's because-

Maiya: It's because your Mother locked your powers when you were a child. Children in Arcadia can get access to their Magic when they're around the Ages of 4-6.

Inko: Maiya!!

Maiya: Sorry, Sister. But he needs to know.

This shocked Izuku to the core, his Mother locked his powers! Why?! Why did she do it?! If she didn't, then he wouldn't have to face the discrimination! The beatings! Everything! So why?! Why did she do it?!

Izuku: Auntie, what is my power, and why did my Mom seal it?

Inko was about to say something but Maiya raised her hand, telling her to not interfere and that Izuku needs to hear this.

Maiya: You inherited two Magic Traits from both your Mother and Father.

Izuku: Wait, Dad is from Arcadia?!

The two Sisters didn't say anything and only nod.

Maiya: For your Mother's side, you inherited her Destructive Magic, able to create beams of destruction from the palm of your hands, and even your weapons, a fine tool for warfare. As for your Father's, you inherited his Dragon Blood.

Inko: Your Father hails from the Race of Dragons in the Dragon Kingdom. He has flames hotter than Endeavor and at this point, are way hotter than the sun. From what I can gather, it seems those traits were inherited on to you, Izuku.

Izuku: Is that why a felt a strong aura erupting around me? Almost like something is telling me to stand up for myself? To not be talked down any longer?

Maiya: Yes, that was your Dragon Blood communicating with you. Telling you to fight back, it essentially has a mind of it's own when you take the form of a human. Then once you become a Dragon, those mind combine into one.

Izuku nods at the information, to think he had this power all this time. But something in his mind tells him that even with this, Bakugo won't be too happy about his so called power and claim he cheated his way to get it.

Izuku: Then why did Mom lock my powers when I could have used it for something good?

Maiya: Because she didn't want you to die like your Father, Izuku. She sealed your powers because Inko believes you'll die just like your Father, sacrificing himself for the mission, so all of us can go home. He died like a True Hero, like he always told us he would, to sacrifice his life to save his friends. But apparently your Mother didn't want a similar event to happen, so I guess sealing or locking your powers if the best option, huh?

Inko: Maiya-

Maiya: She was being selfish, Izuku. Not caring about what you feel whatsoever. Thinking you would follow in the same footsteps as your Father, because she sees the same look your Father would give every time he does something reckless to protect his Teammates, his friends, and the people he loves.

Inko: Maiya stop-

Maiya: He needs to know this, Sister. He needs to know about what you did, what you selfishly did. Your actions caused him so much torment from these assholes and I will not let it continue from here on out. Do you understand me?!


She stood up in anger as Maiya does the same, the two sisters glaring at each other. When they were interrupted by something in front of them.


The two look and see Izuku emitting a very powerful aura, One for All no longer existing in Izuku and instead, being replaced by his Dragon Blood, refusing to stand for this any longer.

All this time, his Mother lied to him, his Quirk-no, his newfound power was sealed away all because of a selfish act done by his Mother!! If this didn't happen, then so much that was done to him won't even be a thing! And he get to live his life like how those who have Quirks do!! And it's all her fault!! It's all her fault!!

Izuku now shot out a large beam of energy towards the ceiling, luckily it didn't break the ceiling, but it caused everything around the House to fly around, even causing an earthquake in the entire street.

Inko and Maiya are staying still in their positions, but had to cover their eyes due to the large gusts of wind Izuku is shooting out. To prevent any more damage from happening, Maiya gets a small remote out of her pocket and presses a button. From there, the bursts of aura and wind dies down as Izuku collapses to his knees, he breathes heavily, looking at his hands to see what he just did.

Inko: Smart of you to place the Magic Nullification Bracelet.

Maiya nods as she went over to Izuku to help him up his feet.

Izuku: Th-that was-

Maiya: Basically a taste of your power, Izuku. We have yet to tap into it's full potential. UA doesn't have the means to achieve that, but Arcadia does.

Inko: She's right, Arcadia can easily make you into a powerful Warrior in the span of a few months. Like what Maiya said, this is your shot in a second chance. To prove them wrong.

Izuku looks towards his Mother and Aunt, he didn't expect this abrupt decision to come out of nowhere, along with this huge revelation that was somehow kept secret from him. But he made his final decision that he's going to leave UA for good, during that time, he didn't have a plan the minute he left. But hearing this, guess luck's on his side after all. The only thing he needs to do is say some conditions regarding this whole deal.

Izuku: Fine, if it means proving them wrong......I accept. But I don't what your help for now, Mom. After what you did, I don't trust you at this moment and want Aunt Maiya to help me through this.

Inko nods, understanding why Izuku doesn't trust her, but still felt upset by it. She will have to do a lot to regain said trust, but she knows it will take a while. Maiya on the otherhand, smiles, happy she gets to train his nephew.

Maiya: Don't worry, Izuku. You'll be in good hands.

Izuku: So, what's the plan now? Where do we go from here?

Inko: I'll contact my Superiors in Arcadia and inform them of our departure, Maiya will get her contacts to meet up with us in the Arcadian Military Academy. Once we arrive in the Academy, you will start your training immediately. Do you understand?

Izuku: Of course.

Maiya: And don't worry about your collection, Izuku. We have people that can pack our stuff in a matters notice. So you don't need to worry about that part.

Inko: Indeed. But first, we need to make a quick pit stop at UA. It's time I show those Teachers what happens when you mess with my Family.

Author's Notes:
- Since I created Arcadias with Jaune as the Main Character. Why not have someone else take the spotlight?

- This will serve as the 1st Season of the Story. It will showcase Izuku's journey in Arcadia, and will end during the final conclusion of the Arc Civil War. Season 2 will focus on his return in UA

- Izuku will not only be trained by Maiya, but a couple other individuals that know of the Midoriya Sisters

- The 2nd chapter will most likely be a long one.

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