Attached to you - [Bbangsaz]

By ch4rm_kp

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"Min, Are you doing this to me because you know that I'm very attached to you?" - Han. ----- Bbangsaz story... More

5 - ⚠︎


434 31 40
By ch4rm_kp

"So what do you want to buy first?" I asked, smiling at her. "Uh, let's eat first. I'm hungry; let's head to Chowking!!" she said excitedly. As we headed to Chowking, I remembered that this place was Minji's favorite, but we only came here occasionally.

"Find a seat, and I'll order," I told her, and she found a seat for us as I headed off to order for both of us.

As I waited in line for our food, I couldn't help but smile at Minji and the thought of her smiling face. It was sweet, innocent, and so full of life. Every time she laughed or smiled, I felt my heart flutter and my spirits lift. I just wanted to be around her and soak up every moment we had together. I was truly falling in love, and it felt so right. But I knew that she would not like me because she said that she would 'study first.' But that didn't mind me at all; falling in love is enough for me.

As we ate, I couldn't help but marvel at Minji's joy and enthusiasm. Her excitement was infectious, and I found myself feeling more and more attracted to her. Her sweet, gentle smile and lively laugh always made my heart skip a beat. After finishing our meal, I decided to surprise Minji with a treat.

"I'll be right back; stay here; I'll be back!" I told her and then went off to the nearby convenience store. I quickly bought her favorite ice cream flavor and then returned to the table.

As soon as I handed Minji the ice cream, her face lit up with delight. "You remembered my favorite flavor!" she said with a smile as she took a spoonful of the creamy treat. I sat down and watched her enjoy herself, feeling grateful that I was able to make her happy with a simple gesture.

"Enjoy it," I said. As Minji continued eating, I couldn't resist admiring her beauty and sweetness.

My heart was still beating frantically while I observed Minji enjoying the ice cream. She was so captivating and lovely in this moment, her smile bringing joy to my heart. Her delicate features, her radiant gracefulness-everything about her was just captivating. Her presence was calming and peaceful, and even though we weren't dating, I felt a deep connection to her, like I'd known her for a long time.

"Thank you for the ice cream; I appreciate it a lot," Minji said, with a bright smile, as she finished the rest of her treat.

"You're most welcome, Minji; I'm really glad that you like it, "I replied, smiling back at her. As we continued chatting and getting to know each other, I couldn't help but feel more and more drawn to her. Minji was a wonderful girl who could make anyone fall in love with her, and I was no exception. Her innocence, her kindness, and her sweet nature were all traits that made me feel like she was the girl of my dreams. I was completely infatuated with her.

Minutes passed.

"Hey, I remember you're planning to have a sleepover at my house, so are you definitely staying over?" I asked Minji to confirm that she would be staying with me without a doubt.

"Yeah, I'm definitely going to. I miss it," Minji responded with a faint smile before smiling again. Her expression had a subtle shift, as if she were thinking about something else. Maybe she had conflicting thoughts about our sleeping arrangement, or maybe her thoughts were of a more personal and intimate nature.

"Okay, let's go home now?" I asked again

"Right, sure~".....

When we stepped out of the mall, I was surprised to see Minji's bodyguard standing right in front of us, greeting her with a warm and friendly smile. "Ma'am, you may come inside now, and you can bring a friend with you as well," he said politely.

I was a bit confused, since I didn't know that Minji had a bodyguard. But I wasn't one to judge, and I understood that she wanted to stay safe. "Oh, I see. Well, that's reasonable," I replied.

As we headed towards the car, Minji turned to me and explained, "Hanni, I know you must be wondering why I called my bodyguard to drive us home, but the truth is, I called him to ensure that we would be safe on our way to your house."

I nodded in understanding, and while a part of me was a bit surprised by her caution, I also respected her choice. "It makes sense now," I replied. "I'm glad that you took the extra precaution of bringing your bodyguard, Minji."

Minji smiled shyly, a slight blush forming on her cheeks. "Yeah, I just want to make sure that nothing happens to us on our way back home," she replied. I could tell that she was a bit embarrassed by her own caution, but I made sure to reassure her that it was okay.

"It's perfectly alright, Minji. Your safety is the most important thing, after all. I'm glad that you're taking the necessary steps to ensure it," I replied, looking at her warmly.

As I mentioned before, Minji is quite wealthy. She even has her own car but only drives the BMW, and she owns a Lamborghini but doesn't allow anyone to ride in the passenger seat.

When we arrived at my house, the bodyguard immediately opened the door for us to get out. I jumped a little out of surprise, and Minji noticed my reaction. She then looked at me with concern and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing. Just deep in thought," I responded, trying to act nonchalant.

As we stepped out of the car, Minji took my hand and led me up the stairs of my house. Once we got inside, we headed into the guest room, where a cozy bed with fresh sheets was waiting for her. "Here's where you'll be staying tonight," I said, offering the room to her.

Minji nodded, her mind clearly already occupied with something else. She then turned to me and asked, "Hanni, can you sleep with me? Not in a naughty way, but I'm just a bit scared to sleep alone," she replied softly.


Minji told me that she was going to take a half bath with me too. We took a bath.

Minji and I took our separate baths, not together, so don't assume anything.

After finishing our baths, Minji lay back on the bed and commented that it was so comfortable and soft compared to her bed. She then proceeded to use her phone, allowing me to secretly take out my diary and start writing about my day with Minji.

I wrote in my diary:

Yes, I broke my promise to stop writing about her, but I couldn't help it. Minji and I had so much fun together, and I kept falling more and more in love with every second we spent together.

11-11-20 : Falling in Love

I always write cringe-worthy ones; it's okay, I guess.

"Hey, hey. Are you writing about your crush again?" Minji asked playfully, seeming jealous of whoever the subject of my writing could be. "I want to know," she demanded with a smirk. "Soon, Minji. Soon," I replied with a little smile. "Let's sleep?" I asked, noticing how sleepy she appeared to be. But she didn't plan on going to sleep yet, as she had other intentions, specifically spending the night with me.

As I got under the blankets and turned off the light, Minji rolled over and faced me, her eyes locking onto mine. She smiled warmly before gently tugging me towards her, signaling for me to come close. I hesitated for a moment, but then I gave in and allowed her to pull me next to her on the bed. We were now face-to-face, our breaths mixing and our hearts beating together, feeling so close together even though we weren't touching. I could feel the electricity in the air between us, and I was sure that she felt it too.

She yawned so deeply.

As Minji let out a deep yawn and closed her eyes, I found myself flustered, unable to resist her charms. Turning around to face the opposite direction, I tried to hide my flustered face, only to see Minji's eyes peeking through to see me at all times. It was quite embarrassing, especially knowing that she was now fully aware of my feelings for her. As she continued to lay her head on my back, I felt my face heat up even more, unable to contain my blush. As I lay there, trying to hide my blushing face, Minji's head rested comfortably on my back, her warm breath against my skin causing me to feel even more attracted to her. It was a bit embarrassing having her right behind me, but at the same time, it felt so good and comforting to have her so close. I couldn't help but feel my feelings for Minji growing stronger as I lay there, unable to do anything but let my heart run wild with thoughts and dreams of us together. I was slowly being carried away by my emotions, with no signs of stopping in sight.

Bye, I will sleep, too.

Third person's point of view

As Hanni drifted off to sleep, she dreamed about Minji and imagined their lips meeting in a sensual and intimate kiss. It felt so real, and Hanni desperately wanted to wake up, but her body was filled with desire, and she wanted Minji to continue kissing her. Minji became more aggressive in her kisses, and Hanni was out of breath from the excitement.

Suddenly, Hanni woke up, only to find Minji sleeping beside her. She was facing her back, not noticing Hanni's awakening. Hanni realized that her dream of Minji kissing her was just a figment of her imagination, and she was only a friend to Minji, not a romantic lover. Hanni felt embarrassed by her own thoughts and hopes of a more intimate connection and tried to push these images out of her mind. She turned over to face Minji's back and watched as she slept, feeling her own sleepiness taking over once more. The only sound in the room was Minji's quiet breathing, punctuated by occasional light snoring. Hanni took a deep breath and closed her eyes once again, hoping to push her dreams of an impossible love out of her mind and drift off into a peaceful sleep again.


As the sun began to rise, its first rays of light streamed through the window and fell upon Hanni's face. She felt a tinge of annoyance, as she hadn't yet closed or covered the window. Rising from bed, she headed towards the window to shut the blinds, hoping to block out the bright morning light. In that moment, she realized just how tired she was, and she figured she could still get some more rest if she tried to go back to sleep, but nevermind.

Back to Hanni's point of view

I woke up before Minji to cook breakfast. I headed downstairs to the kitchen and placed a pan on the fire, then added a bit of oil to it. I dropped in a couple of eggs and some hotdogs and waited until the oil was hot enough before adding in the egg and the hotdogs. Suddenly, I heard someone approaching me, and then... I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind, breath whispering into my ear. I turned around to see Minji with a devilish grin on her face. Minji looked at me with those deep and mysterious eyes of hers.

Her voice dropped to a low and sultry tone. "Morning," she purred. Caught off guard by her boldness, I could only stammer a reply: "Hey, Minji, what are you doing?" I wondered, my mind reeling at the realization that I was not dreaming and that Minji was truly right here with me. Her arm remained wrapped around me, and I felt my heart skipping a beat, knowing that Minji was close enough to kiss me if she so desired.

I suddenly felt Minji's soft and gentle hands caressing my waist, her fingers moving slowly inside my shirt, and her touch making my mind and my body heat up with desire. "I'm going insane; what the hell are you doing, Minji?" I thought, trying to pull away, only to realize how strong Minji was, and her grip on me prevented me from escaping her touch. "Your body is so soft and smooth; can I touch it?" she asked sweetly, her voice full of innocent and irresistible charms.

With her lips near my ear, She was trying to bite it and I was unable to speak, lost in the sheer pleasure of Minji's tender and gentle kiss on my ear. My body trembled in her soft and sweet embrace, every sensation I felt with her adding to my desire and my love for her. But I also knew that Minji was just joking around with me, not intending to do anything more than flirt and tease me. So, forcing myself to act normal, I managed to break away from Minji's hold and pointed toward the dining room, telling her that breakfast was ready.

When we sat down in the dining room, I placed the plate of food on the table, along with the rice and other dishes. "Help yourself, Minji," I said, and Minji filled a plate for herself as well. We both sat down at the dining table, happily eating our breakfast together. It was early, around 6 a.m., and while eating, we were getting ready for school.

But suddenly, Minji looked at me and gave me a playful wink. "We should take a bath together," she said, her voice full of mischief.

I was surprised by Minji's proposition, my mind racing with thoughts of bathing with Minji. Was it a friend thing, as Minji had mentioned? Or was it something more? "Friends bathe," Minji said, trying to reassure me that it was nothing more than two friends taking a bath together. But my mind wouldn't stop thinking about the possibilities. Finally, I gave in to my desires and nodded my head. "Sure, let's bathe together. It should only be a quick one; we don't want to be too late for school."

After finishing showering, Minji and I were both dressed and ready for school, feeling refreshed from the shower we just had. Minji's naughtiness and flirty behavior towards me had caught me off-guard in the bathroom, as she was caressing my body as if it were her first time doing it. Although we had taken showers together only twice so far, it didn't bother me much either, as it was just a "friend thing" after all and I had nothing to worry about.


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