Starr || will Byers x male OC

By ilovetbpststi

193 3 6

this will start in season 1 and HOPEFULLY work it's way up to season 4, maybe season 5 when it comes out NO S... More

about my male oc
β€’The Vanishing of Will Byersβ€’
β€’Holly, Jollyβ€’

β€’The Weirdo on Maple Streetβ€’

15 0 0
By ilovetbpststi

There's thunder and HEAVY rain outside while in the basement of the Wheeler residence were a scared Eleven, an anxious Tre'Von, a concerned Micheal, a slightly angered Lucas but held it in for now and a dumbfounded Dustin

Eleven was breathing heavily because she didn't know what to do because she left the only person she could trust and is all alone again. . . Benny (Ben)

"is there a number we can call. . you know. . . for your parents?" Mike asked trying to break the silence, mind you Trey and Lucas are by the stairs talking about this 'girl' even though she looks like a boy (no offense yall) and how they should go back and find Will first and then help 'her'

"where's your hair, do you have cancer?" Dustin asked dumbfounded still "did you run away?" Mike asks concerned yet again

"are you in some kinda trouble?" Mike asked another question

"is that blood?" Dustin said getting close but backing away when she looked up "Trey, Lucas, c'mere" Mike says, gesturing the two boys over "what" Trey said with an attitude and Lucas just stares at Mike

Dustin went to touch her for some reason and is interrupted by Micheal slapping his hand

"stop it! you're freaking her!" Mike says, gesturing to the girl "she's freaking me out!" Dustin says while Trey and Lucas look at each other

"I bet she's deaf" Dustin said proud of himself while Trey facepalms

Dustin then decides to clap towards her making the girl jump from the action and from confusion "not deaf" Dustin says sadly while Trey looks at him with a 'obviously' face

"all right, that's enough, she's just scared and cold" Mike says looking at the boys

Mike then walks away and Trey looks at Lucas and shakes his head no and Lucas doesn't care and still goes to do it but Trey grabs his arm and says "Lucas. Don't." and saying that made Lucas chill and go back to his best friends side

Mike then walks back with some clothes saying 'here clothes' and the girl accepted the clothes and stood up taking the jacket-coat Mike gave her and grabbed the bottom of the extremely over sided Benny's shirt but was cut off by Micheal grabbing her to make her stop and a course of 'no's and 'omg's went around

Mike points and says "see bathroom, privacy" (🥷🏿over here talking to his girl like a dog😂😂neva could be me) "get it?" Mike says again, El just looks at him scared

Trey knew what was happening now. . . El was scared because of the 'lab'


3rd person POV

Eleven was being dragged back to her 1 by 1 room because she couldn't find the demogorgon how Dr. Brenner asked and that upset him because he knew 11 and 13 had alot of potential but just didn't know what to do yet

13'S POV

Before will goes missing

13 used his powers to walk around in his mind without anyone seeing, he watched as the bad men along with 'papa' as eleven called him, he would never call him that, he hates him with a whole passion so he avoids having to call him anything, he doesn't have a name to him

"it's ok El, we're getting out of here tonight, I don't know how but I know that we are" he said connecting the mind link so he can talk to her "ok, don't leave me ok?" El says, genuinely not want him to leave her here. . . alone

"obviously El, why would I leave you" 13 says with a slight attitude because why would he leave her, she is all he has "ok good, dont disconnect yet" she says and he complies

after the men threw El in the 1 by 1 room, she got to her feet and stood there looking at the men and heard something tell her to do it now. . . it was 13

she tilts her head and the man's neck snapped and the other is thrown into the wall and El runs to the hallway and is met with her papa at the other end and that caused 13 to help her because there were two men and Dr. Brenner surrounded her so he made himself mad, and through the bottom of the door, he sent a black ball and El used her powers to pull it to herself to use and kill the bad men, without touching it obviously, she would be dead if she did

'go El now' 13 said to her and she complied and ran to his room door and she used her powers to throw the door off it's hinges and 13 came walking out and El said 'come on' and 'hurry' and now the hardest part came. . .

how are they gonna break the wall??

they were met with the concrete wall that was about 4 feet thick "ok El, are you gonna do it or me" he asked already knowing neither one of them alone would be strong enough to break though this thick wall

El had an idea and she usually doesn't but when she does it's a good one "why don't both of us do it" she says and he felt dumb for not thinking of that, so they both looked at the wall he made himself extremely mad and they both aimed for the same point of the wall and hit it perfectly

After they destroyed the wall big enough to walk through, they ran though and right before they left, El found out that she couldn't leave(Remember, Trey has an actual family he lives with but was taken away from for a good 7 years)

"13, wait" El says while grabbing 13's arm, nearly crying "woah, hey what's wrong" he asked scared "I. . . I . . I can't. . . I can't leave yet" El said " why not what's wrong, whatever it is, I'll do-" he was cut off by El hugging him and running back inside 'El you know I'm not leaving without you right' he said in the mind link, apparently he didn't close it '13 please just go, I'll be fine ok, I promise to come back' she said crying while using her powers to fix the wall so he doesn't come through

'El, n-" he was cut off again by El getting too far away from him. . . the mind link closed itself

he decided to walk home instead of run with his sister El home, he was sad now


the girl grabbed her clothes and went to the bathroom and Trey was walking to the door and decided to open a mind link to talk to El but was stopped by Mike "what are you doing, let her be in there alone" he said with protection in his voice "man, dont nobody want yo girl" Trey says that and leaves mike dumbfounded and the others snickering

Trey stood at the door,he put his back on the wall next to the door and sat there and to his surprise he heard a familiar voice in his head. . .

'. . . 13?'

he heard El call for him in his mind because she knew what it felt like when the mind link was connected 'hey, sis, how you been' he said in his mind smiling on the outside El was gonna run out but was stopped by Trey

'El, don't, they don't know I have powers nor you, and they don't know we know each other, so don't, ok not right now' he explained fast and she complied but was sad because she missed him so much, he did too but he kinda forgot about her because of Will, His mother, Lucas, his baby brother, and his two sisters.(these were all his favorites)

when Trey was done talking to El though the mind link, he closed it and walked away, leaving his 'secret' sister sad

when Trey walked back, he heard his friend group minus Will, saying a lot of bad stuff about his 'secret' sister, Eleven' like, 'this is mental', 'there's something seriously wrong with her, like wrong in the head', 'I bet she escaped from penhurst

"she's an escapee, she's probably a psycho" he heard his best friend say, Trey was gonna confront Lucas for saying that to his sister but then he remembered that he doesn't know that him and El are related, he decided to bottle that anger up because if he brushed it off then he would be weak when he really needed the power for what ever is to come

he was walking back to the boys but then decided to sit on the stairs and wait this entire thing out

he then heard his best friend again say "we went out to find Will, not another problem" he then gets mad but slightly agrees

he then says "I think we should tell your mom" but to him Mike and Dustin surprise, Trey butted in and said "that's crazy" Lucas looked at him with a "are you serious" face and says "how is that crazy"

trey then says "cause, we weren't supposed to be out at all tonight remember-" but was cut off by Lucas saying "so!?" trey got aggravated bc he hates when people cut him off because he never cuts people off so they should give the same respect

'man, this boy REALLY thinks that I won't hurt him right now because he's my bestfriend' he thought to himself and laughed, Lucas asked "why are you laughing" you replied with a 'nothing' and then calmed down and said "so if you tell ANY of our moms or dads then..." he trailed off thinking they figured it out, Mike been did, he actually was gonna say it before Trey but Trey beat him to it

"oh man" Dustin says understanding "our houses become Alcatraz" Lucas finally calms down and thinks for once "exactly" Mike says like he was the one talking "we'll never find Will" Trey says hurt on the inside for even saying that

trey then becomes lightheaded and faints on the stairs without anyone noticing

Mike starts explaining the plan and towards the end, El comes out, and sees her brother unconscious on the stairs, she rushed to him and says "thir-" but cut herself off and just goes to Mike and taps his shoulder and points at trey on the stairs

Mike runs to trey with Lucas and Dustin right behind "Trey, dawg, get up" Lucas says "guys move, I'ma put him on the couch, I guess he's being here too for tonight" Lucas scoffs and Dustin rolls his eyes but they push it off since Trey is a friend

after 27 minutes of everyone getting ready to leave or getting ready to go to sleep, Trey makes a noise, the noise is words, he says "will...I'm...I'm't worry" Mike heard him but nobody else did, they look at each other confused and say "what he say?"

Mike explains what you say and says "we need to find Will fast, for Trey"

after Mike says this, everyone heads upstairs while Mike says "night, el" when el says "night, Mike" mike opens the door and takes one last look at El, he then closes the door and goes to the kitchen to eat

after a minute goes by, Trey waits to make sure his friends left and mike isn't near the door so he uses his powers to walk around in his mind, he sees Karen helping Molly go to sleep, Ted already sleep in the Lay-Zee chair, Nancy washing the dishes and mike walking upstairs to go to his room, when he sees no one is near the basement door, he goes back to his body, opens his eyes and sits up

he sits there and just listens to the thunder, he loves the sound of thunder, and rain, and loves to look at it too alongside snow

he then hears faint cries come from a makeshift fort, he goes to it already knowing who's there, he pulls the fort open and sees his sister, Eleven

eleven shoots up and hugs him, he connects the mind link so they don't talk in real life so nobody knows they are down there, except Mike 'i really missed you' she says to him holding back tears but since he is the older one and a gentleman he says 'it's ok, let it out, I'm here'

eleven then breaks down right then and there but softly because he has to make sure nobody heard them so they moved closer to the basement outside door and leaned on the door

after what felt like hours, El was fast asleep on her brothers lap, trey then decided he wanted to go to sleep but he remembered that nobody including Mike knew they knew each other so if they saw him and El holding each other then they would get suspicious

he decided to pick El up and put her in the makeshift fort Mike made for her and whispered "night, sis" and kissed her on the forehead and went to go to sleep but he heard something he wasn't was will again, but he didnt get shocked this time, he sat there, closed his eyes and went to go look for him in the void thing that el knew how to go to

once he got to the void, he called out for will but made sure to not say anything in reality, when he called for will there was no response, he called again, nothing, he looked to his side and jumped because someone was right next to was El

"what are you doing here" he asked slightly annoyed that she jumpscared him "help" Trey was confused because why was his sister that he just found saying help, Trey tried to open a mind link but for some reason it wasn't working

he sat there thinking for like 2 seconds and figured it out..."will, where are you, are you ok?" he asked will through his sister's body, the body started talking in Will's voice which sent chills down his spine "help... it's cold...I don't know where I am... it's just... it's just cold... really cold... help me Trey, please" that entire sentence almost sent Trey into shock but he stayed strong

"will, look around for me, tell me what you see" when Trey said that will said "it's like home but it's dark and cold, really cold...Trey please...please help me" Treys eyes started watering but pushed it aside and said "it's alright, I'm here, I'm coming, will, I'm coming, just hold on, I'll be there"

when Trey said that he also said "will I need you to do something for me ok? I need you, to sing, i need you to sing your favorite song and don't stop ok?" when Trey said that will was confused but said "ok, I will, but why?" he asked concerned, Trey sighed and said "its gonna protect you, ok, just sing for me, ill be there, ill save you, I promise" when trey said 'promise' El's body disappeared and he opened his eyes

when he opened his eyes, they hurt, so he decided he was gonna go to the bathroom and put some cold water on them, his mother always told him when his eyes burn, put cold water on them and that stayed with him forever

when he got back from the bathroom, his eyes were extremely heavy so he didn't fight it, he just drifted to sleep with one person on his mind



the next morning, the wheelers are making and eating breakfast, Nancy makes waffles for herself, Karen makes them for herself, Molly and Ted, while Mike makes waffles for another person, trey left a couple hours ago, Mike woke him up and told him he had to go because they had school today and he didn't have any clothes in his size, Trey didn't find offense from what mike told him, he understood and called his dad to come and pick him up because he was too tired to bike

when his dad came, he left his bike at mikes and just told Mike "I'll get it tonight, when I come over ight?" and mike nodded, they said they're goodbyes and here we are now

Mike snuck one waffle in his pocket when the three came out the toaster, he then put the other two on his plate and went to go eat, when Mike sat down he didn't waste anytime discussing anything or looking at anyone, he wanted to give El her food, no one knows how long it's been since she has eaten anything real or good

while Mike was tearing down his second waffle, his "slut" sister said "slow down, Mike, that's disgusting" she said disgusted, Mike retorted with "do a lot of studying last night?" with his typical sibling attitude "yeah, actually, I did" Nancy said proud "what was your test on again? human anatomy?" Mike said annoyed she was still going, Nancy gave Mike that one sibling look, the 'stfu' one

Nancy then decides to be the childish one and decides to kick Mike's chair, Mike retorted with one to her chair back, they both become normal siblings for once and hit eachothers chairs

"Hey, what's going on" Karen said with her hideous wig on, they both stop and say "nothing" in unison, Nancy gives Mike one last glare to the side of his head until they both devoure their waffles up like gremlins


El is downstairs playing with Mike's walkie when he comes down, El looks at the fort entrance and sees the fort open and sees Mike looking at her "hey, you found my supercomm, pretty cool, huh?"

"I talk to my friends with it" Mike says, El looks at the walkie "mostly Lucas, cause he lives so close, signal's pretty weak" Mike says correcting himself

El looks at Mike and Mike remembered why he came down here "got you breakfast" he says while digging in his pocket and grabs the waffle he made for her

El grabs the waffle and takes a bite of it every once in a while "so listen, this is gonna sound a little weird, but I just need you to go out there" Mike says pointing to the outside door, El looks at the door confused

"then go to the front door and ring the doorbell, my mom will answer and you'll tell her that you're lost and that you need help, but whatever you do, don't tell her about last night or that you know me" Mike says making sure she understands the last part

"understand?" Mike says hopeful "really, it's no big deal, we'll just pretend to meet each other again, and my mom, she'll know who to call" eleven jus blankly says "No." Mike was taken aback a little from that "no?" El just simply says "No." again and looks down to play with the supercomm again

"No... you don't want my mom to get help?" mike says confused but listens, El just looks up and shakes her head

mike finally understands and says "you're in trouble, aren't you" el takes a second to look at mike but when she does she nods her head "who... who are you in trouble with?" he honestly wants answers but doesn't want to scare the only girl that doesn't find him weird

El again just simply says "...bad" without looking at Mike "bad? bad people?" mike asks, El nods her head once again "they want to hurt you? the bad people"

other than answering with words, El decides to show him so she can get this over and done with, she makes a gun with her three main fingers, her thumb, index, and middle, she points it towards her head and points it towards mikes chest

"understand?" she used Mike's word on him, before Mike could give any feedback, his mother yelled out for him "Micheal, where are you, we're gonna be late, lets go" mike whips his head towards the door and back at el and says "all right, ill be back, just stay here okay? stay here" Mike says while stuttering and closing the fort entrance

El got scared again, she missed Mike already... she missed company... she missed her older brother... Trey


trey was in his P.E class playing basketball with his friends Jaylen, Liam, Deonte, and Marsell when he heard the bell ring for next period, he had Mr. Clarks class with his friends

when he got his hoodie on he left out the door and right when he stepped out the door he heard this "Attention, faculty and students, At 8:00 p.m. tonight, there will be an assembly on the football field in support of Will Byers and his family, all are encouraged to attend. Volunteer sign-ups for search parties are still available in the office." when they finished saying that, his heart was in his ass by now, he could barely breath and was going blind from his eyes deciding to not work but he used his healing factor and his eyes were better some but he couldn't use too much or others would see

when he got to class, he sat next to Dustin and put his head down and wanted to go to sleep for the whole class because he wasn't feeling too well but obviously Dustin and Mr. Clark kept asking if he ok but after Dustin asked the 5 time, he heard Dustin say "oh , this is weird, he's never this late" with a follow up by Lucas who he didn't know was here "im telling you, his stupid plan failed" treys heart sank again, of the thought his sister getting taken away again

"I thought you liked his plan" Dustin said with a smirk on his face "yea, but obviously it was stupid, or he'd be here" Lucas said like that was obvious "if his mom found out a girl spent the night -" he was cut off by Lucas saying "he's in deep shit right about now" Lucas said as if Mike was standing right in front of him "hey, what if she slept naked" Dustin said but to his surprise he heard a groan come from his left

it was Trey, Trey was getting annoyed of hearing about his sister naked and allat "you ok?" Dustin asked "for the last time, Dustin, I'm FINE" Trey said using aggression on the 'fine' and Dustin left him alone for the rest of the class

Dustin turnt and told Lucas "what if Ms Wheeler tells our parents" Lucas retorted with "no way, Mike would never rat us out like that" Dustin replied with "I don't know?" but Lucas retaliated with "all that matters is, after school, the freak will be back in the loony bin, and we can focus on what really matters, finding Will"


Jonathan was driving to Lonnie's when he heard an all to well familiar song come on the radio... Will's favorite song...

Should I Stay Or Should I Go


Darling, you got to let me know,
Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

both Jonathan and Will's heads were bobbing to the song "you like it?" Jonathan asks "yea, it's cool" Will says, smiling "all right, you can keep the mix if you want" Jonathan says gifting it to his baby brother

"really?" Will says surprised "yea, really, all the best stuff's on there, Joy Division, Bowie, Television, The Smiths... It'll totally change your life" Jonathan says glad Will likes it "yea, totally"

the boys hear a faint noise come from the hall, it's Joyce arguing with Lonnie because Lonnie was supposed to come pick will up and never showed up

"where the hell are you, Lonnie" Joyce yelled into the phone angry "I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear it." she said some more but the music was louder than her

Jonathan saw Will was sad so he got up and closed his room door, not without hearing his mom say "this is ridiculous! I'm so sick of your excuses" he got back to the bed they were sitting on

one day is fine and next is black•

Jonathan turnt the music down and will asked "he's not coming, is he?" he knew will was hurt so he opped to fix that "do you even like baseball?" will was confused but answered truthfully "no, but... I don't know, it's fun to go with him sometimes" will said giving false hope (AWWW my baby) "come on" Jonathan said, already knowing the truth, he just wants will to say it

"has he ever done anything with you that you actually liked?" Jonathan said throwing shade to his deadbeat father "you know like the arcade or something" he said also giving Will things to look for in his memories "... I don't know" will said loosing hope for his father

"No, all right, he hasn't, he's trying to force you into liking normal things and you shouldn't have to like things because people tell you you're supposed to, okay?" Jonathan said being a proud big brother (I could neva, be a good big brother like him, im most definitely unproud of myself)

Jonathan had to add it "especially not him" he said patting his brothers arm, Jonathan decided he had to change the subject so will could feel better, so he did "but you like the clash, for real?" Jonathan said in disbelief "for real, definitely" will said with a bright smile on his face, it worked

Jonathan had to do the sibling tease and say "so... why don't you show it to... you know" Jonathan says with a smile on his face, wills face gets hot and smiles generously hard "no, I don't... I don't think he likes... this type of music" Jonathan laughed

"buddy, he would listen to anything if you're there, I know he will" Jonathan said confidently "really?" will said getting another sign of hope "really." Jonathan said and the boys just smiled and laughed at eachother

Jonathan leans forward and turns the music back up and the boys bop their heads to the music again

•Should I cool it or should I blow?•

Jonathan was imitating that he was playing drums with his hands while bopping his entire body and head while will snickered and bopped too

•So you gotta let me know•

•Should I Stay Or Should I Go?•

•end of flashback•

Jonathan continued to drive the rest of the way to Lonnie's, and he was glad he remembered one of the best memories he had with his baby brother


Lucas and Dustin were biking to Mike's house, when they got there they saw a car pull up

Trey gets out of the car and says "ight cya, be back by 11-ish" he closed the door and the car drove off

he walked down the sidewalk and was met with Lucas and Dustin, they asked "who was that?" he laughed and said "damn, nosy, but anyway, that was my sister, she drove me here because earlier today since I stayed at mikes, I left my bike here so she said she'd drive me here" both Lucas and Dustin said "ohhh"

the three boys made it into the hallway, when Trey grabbed the doorknob to Mike's room, he opened it and sighed of relief but had to make sure he hid it so he internally sighed and got 'annoyed'

when the boys got to Mike's room, they closed the door and saw something they didn't want to see... they saw El

Lucas looked at Dustin with wide eyes and back at Mike and said "Are you OUT of your mind!?" Lucas was INFURIATED "just listen to me" Mike tried but failed "you ARE out of your mind" Lucas said 'figuring it out' "she knows about will!" mike said loud enough to shut Lucas up, Mike caught the attention of everyone even... Trey

trey was in his own world, until Mike said the words "she knows about will" Trey didn't even know that "... what do you mean... she knows about will" Trey said getting up angrily because if Mike was lying on his SISTER about knowing about his LOVE OF HIS LIFE then he knew something... (that means he was gonna hurt him, like fight)

mike walked past Trey and Trey said 'these little boys are getting TOO comfortable' in his head, Mike grabbed a small picture, that picture was of all the boys excluding Trey because the picture was the winners of the science fair but Trey didn't want to join the science fair, that's why he wasn't in it

"she pointed at him, at his picture. She knew he was missing. I could tell" Mike said to Lucas even though there was a person getting slowly heated right next to him because he didn't answer his question

that person stood in front of Lucas because he saw that Lucas was REALLY mad like he was gonna do something, that person said "you could tell?" he was slowly getting mad because he knew Mike was lying on his sister's name and for this event in particular

(just know y'all, he isn't lying, it goes with the story)

"just think about it" Mike says, now realizing who the two heated people are in front of him, the two who are the most aggressive, Trey and Lucas

Mike saw Trey's veins coming out so, he tried to use less tone and be more respectful, and to not ignore him but he didn't know why Lucas was mad so he had to figure it out

"do you really think it's a coincidence that we found her on mirkwood, the same place where will disappeared?" Lucas thought for a second, Dustin butts in and says "that is weird" Mike continues by saying "and she said bad people were after her, I think maybe these bad people are the same ones that took Will" Mike finally gets all of it off his chest and he sighs in relief

both Lucas and Trey calm down enough for Treys veins to go down and enough for Lucas to listen but he was still mad "I think she knows what happened to him" Lucas's blood starts to boil from that sentence and he says "then why doesn't she tell us!?"

while Mike and Lucas were going at it, Trey opened a mind link and looks over at el, she quickly shoots her head down and looks at her hands 'eleven, don't... you need to tell me... did you do what I hope you didn't" Trey tried but she wasn't budging

right before Trey could keep trying, Lucas walked up on El and said "do you know where he is?" calm 'enough', she didn't answer, that angered Lucas so...

"Do You Know Where Will Is!?" he yelled while grabbing her shoulders, he was pulled off her by someone, that someone was too strong to be Mike, it was Trey

mike yelled 'stop it, your scaring her' right before Trey pulled Lucas off her, when he did he said "one, your too loud, do you want our parents to find out that we have a girl in a room with only boys in? two, chill, you being WAY to aggressive" Lucas pushed off Trey and Trey has a smirk on his face but decided to brush it off... for now

"she should be scared" Lucas said back to Mike, he turned to El and said "if you know where he is, tell us" with aggression still in his voice, even though the baddest person they know, threatened him... kinda

Lucas turnt back around to Mike and said "this is nuts, we have to take her to your mom"

mike said "No! eleven said telling any adult would put us in danger" defending El, Dustin's heart dropped and asked "what kind of danger" Mike looked at him and was about to tell him but Lucas cut him off by asking "her name is Eleven?" mike answered with "El for short" seaming proud that he made that name up, Dustin felt like he NEEDED answers so he got them by yelling "MIKE, what kind of danger!?" it worked because Mike finally answered by saying "danger danger" and making a finger gun, just like how El did and pointed it at Dustins head and at Lucas's too but was swated away by Lucas

"No, No, No! we're going back to plan A, we're telling your mom" he said this aggressively while pushing past both Mike and dustin, saying that triggered something in Trey's head and was about to use his powers to stop Lucas but someone beat him to it... El

when Lucas tried to open the door, it was instantly closed by 'force' he tried again but the same thing happened but the door 'magically' locked on itself, that force didn't come from Lucas, it came from something else, all the boys, excluding Trey turned around and looked at El, she had blood dripping from her nose and her head tilted down, with a serious look the boys never saw on her

'oh, how I missed that' Trey thought, luckily he closed the mind link before his sister heard him

the only thing that happened next was, El was standing up and said "No." blankly looking directly at Lucas, there was a boy hiding his smile in the corner of the room... it was Trey


they was gone for dinner at his place but came back right when he was done eating, even though it was dark but he didn't care, he knew how to fight but anyway when he got to they're house he saw Mike holding a tray of food asks his mom "mom can me and they boys eat the rest of this in the basement?" Karen then asks confused "sure, ain't nobody else gonna eat it, but why the basement?" mike was lost for words but luckily Trey was there so he talked for him and said "because we are still hungry, mostly me since I biked all the way here" Karen was startled but recovered and was surprised he was here

"when did you get here?" she asked "oh, Nancy let me in, since she was already outside, waiting for Barb to pick her up" Trey lied for Nancy "oh ok, next time, try not to scare me" she said snickering "alright ms. Wheeler" Trey said laughing on the inside 'ion know who she thinks she is, it ain't my fault I scared you' he said in his head

when Trey got done saving mike, they walked downstairs with Mike and Trey in the front, when Mike walked downstairs, Trey was right behind him, Mike sat the tray of food down in front of El and said "don't worry it's just us, no adults, with meatloaf" reassuring her "they won't tell anyone about you, they promise, right?" mike said again looking at the two boys standing like NPC's behind both trey and mike

"we never would've upset you if we knew you had superpowers" Dustin said with a smile on his face but in return he got a elbow to the knee by Mike, a glare from Trey and a sigh from Lucas "ow!" Dustin said but everyone pushed his 'pain cry' away "what Dustin is trying to say is that they were just scared... earlier, that's all" Mike covered for dustin

"we just wanted to find our friend" Lucas says soft enough to seem apologetic "friend?..." El says like she doesn't know what the word 'friend' was "yea, friend, Will?" Lucas says making sure she was talking about will when she 'saw they're friend on mirkwood' "what is friend" El asks still looking at Lucas

"is she serious" Lucas says, that almost makes trey laughs because how is he acting like this but he went through this with him, Dustin shrugged his shoulder at lucas, Lucas pushed that aside and tried to explain what a friend was "um, a friend-" he was cut off by Mike

"is someone that you'd do anything for" Mike said quickly, Trey looked at his like he knew why he did that

'if you want my sister that bad, just say that's Trey said in his head, he almost laugh from himself but calmed himself

you could hear all the boys talking but couldn't focus on them because your mind was on something else... or someone

but the one thing you did see and understand was Lucas spitting on his hand and shaking Dustins, Dustin then looks at his hand in disgust and Lucas and Trey snickers at that

when Trey was laughing he heard something again... he heard will... he was singing, just like he was told to, Trey was glad will did what he was told, he then continued to listen to wills voice, just in case it was the last time he would hear it, until he was knocked out of his thoughts when he heard Mike say

"that's super important, because friends... they tell each other things... things that parents don't know" Trey knew where Trey was getting with this but didn't care right now, he wanted to here will but was thrown out of his thoughts for the last time because he felt someone looking directly at him, he turned around and saw his sister El looking at him with slightly closed eyes


El walks to the table where the boys excluding Trey play DND, she sits in Will's seat, Trey knew that because he always watched Will when they played, El softly and gently placed he hands flat and fingers spread on the DND board, she closed her eyes

"what's the weirdo doing" Lucas said confused and genuinely curious, Mike walked to the side of El and said "El?" but there was no response until she opens her eyes and picks up a figurine which was Will's The Mage

"Will" was all that came out of her mouth, Dustin says 'superpowers' and gets a glare from Lucas and Trey in return

mike sits down next to El and asks "did you see him? on mirkwood? do you know where he is!" El just slides her right arm across the board, throwing all the figurines on to the floor, Mike looks at the three boys in confusion but looks back at El when she flips the board around to show a dark black, void type of side

mikez Lucas and Dustin, watch in confusion, Trey was in denial the entire time because he didn't want to accept that will was there

El places The Mage in the middle of the dark board, Mike just says "i don't understand" for all three of the boys, EL just says "hiding" while still looking at The Mage

"Will is hiding?" mike says like he didn't already know that, El just nods "from the bad people" mike says hoping he was right, el shakes her head, Trey walks away already knowing whats coming "then from who?" mike asks even more curious and concerned for his bestfriend, El picks up another figurine and places it right next to will, it was the... the demogorgon

mike looks at Lucas, Lucas looks at Dustin, Dustin puts his hands on his head and then looks at trey, Dustin was confused and asked "sorry to ask again but what's wrong" he asked again because, treys veins were popping out again

trey looks at Dustin and just glares at him and says "nothing" with his voice EXTRA deep, Dustin leaves him alone again and thankfully he did because Trey was EXTRA mad

they needed to find Will soon, or Trey was gonna break

this one was LONG and kinda fun to make so hopefully you have fun reading it


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