An Interesting Adventure (Ala...

By alan_becker_fan

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Characters #1
characters #2
Alan Becker extra characters
Eeveelution squad extra characters
chapter 1: strange new world
chapter 2: the talk (and other things too!)
chapter 3: meet The Chosen One!
A/N and a sneak peek
Bonus Chapter 1: The Second Coming's dream
Bonus Chapter 2: The Chosen One's dream
this is not a chapter
thank you so much!
I AM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

chapter 4: the sticks first battle

141 3 243
By alan_becker_fan

(location: five minutes away from ???'s house)

(POV: ???)

As I was walking I accidentally bumped into another stick


???1: "I-I-Im s-so s-sorry s-sir I d-didnt m-mean to"

This purple sticks fear made my mood boost to the brim

???: "hey kid why don't we y'know meet at that fountain for a little talk later ((A/N never talk to strangers kids))

Purple: "o-ok"

Then I went home to do some work

(Location: ES treehouse: backyard)
(The Second Coming's POV)

I was watching Silvia Sunshine and Red play tag and I'm pretty sure Red is no longer the fastest one

Silvia: "what? can't keep up?"

Red: "shut it Silvia*pant*"

Sunshine touches Red

Sunshine: "tag!"

Red: "I need to take a *pant* break girls"


Red: "wait! Green! no! you'll ruin my reputation!"

Yellow: "did I just hear what I think I just heard?"

Red: "wait! *pant* it's not true! *pant*"

Blue: "Reds not the fastest! Reds not the fastest!"

Pearl: "that's not nice guys"

TCO: "of course he's not the fastest I could beat him in a race without any of my powers"

Red: *sad*

TSC: "Kay guys that's enough! why don't we go for a walk to chill out"

Green: "good idea Second"

TSC: "how about you four?"

Blue Yellow: "we'll come"

Red: "count me out"

TCO: "I guess I'll come"

Pearl: "I'll go ask somemons if they want to come too"

Red: "somemons?"

Pearl: "that just means multiple pokémon"

Red: "oh"

It's cool how everyone came except Red not saying him not coming is a good thing! don't get me wrong!

(One hour later)

As we were walking we heard some strange noises coming from a bush then we carefully approached it aaannnnd nothing

TCO: "there's nothing here?"

Blue: "A-"

TSC: "Blue?! Blue where are you!"

Green: "everyone stick togeth-"

Sunshine: "wheres everyone going?"

Speed: "I don't know Sunshine but we'll be ok alright"


Green and Yellow were gone too now!

Silvia: "I'm scared!

Crystal: "me too!"

Flare Leaf: "me three!"

Then everything went black

(POV change: The Chosen One)

As everyone stuck close together I felt a cloth on my mouth but I quickly blew fire at the cloth it was sleeping gas! I ignited my hands with fire and was ready for battle!

TCO: "who's there?!"

Then I saw a little yellow pokémon (it was a riachu) sitting in a bit aways from us

riachu: "your coming with me strange new pokémon

TCO: "I'm not a pokémon!"

riachu: "yeah right"

Then the creature spoke into a little microphone on his shoulder

riachu: "I need backup there is a fire type at my location send in a water type or two it doesn't seem to strong

receiver: "copy that sending two down now

riachu: "great thanks"

receiver: "no prob"

Speed: "wait! he's not a bad guy!

riachu: "still he needs to go to the lab for testing"

Speed: "wait you don't understan-"

TCO: "you won't be catching me any time soon"

riachu: "you sure about that?"

Then two blue pokémon come behind the pokémon (lv.39 wartortle) and a (lv.41 poliwrath)

riachu: "get the black one you two!"

wartortle: "the umbreon or the... the new one?"

riachu: "the new one"

Speed: "those are water types Chosen! you can't do that alone"

TCO: "if it's me they want there gonna have to battle me I don't need help"

Then the smaller one (wartortle) shot a water blast at me

(Third person POV)

As the wartortle shot a water blast at TCO he quickly flew out of the way and went straight for the wartortle's head cuz the head is always a weak spot

wartortle: "ahhhh!"

riachu poliwrath: "nooo!"

poliwrath: "I'll make you pay!"

riachu: "we need major backup boss!"

Receiver: "who do you want us to send?"

riachu: "at least ten mons this guy is REALLY tough"

receiver: "really? alright do you want the highest levels to come?"

riachu: "yeah!"

receiver: "alright sending them now"

riachu: "also bring the experimental device the boss made"

receiver: "wow he must be at least a level 95 then"

riachu: "yeah"

Then the poliwrath jumped at TCO but he was to slow as TCO slid under then uppercutting him

TCO: "too easy! got anyone stronger?"

riachu: "your pretty cocky"

TCO: "thanks"

the riachu looks behind himself and was thinking about something

Speed: "we're gonna follow the mons who captured the 4 ok Chosen"

TCO: "k"

Then all the eeveelutions secretly tip toed away

riachu: "sooooo what's your name?"

TCO: "why should I tell you?"

riachu: "because you... uhhhh nevermind what level are you?"

TCO: "if I had a level I'd probably be abooooouuuuuuut level 800 or more"

riachu: "stop lying what is your ACTUAL level? I'm not kidding around"

TCO: "I dont have a level"

then 10 more pokémon came behind the riachu (lv.53 kingler) (lv.55 greninja) (lv.58 golduck) (lv.60 tauros) (lv.63 vaporeon) (lv.65 prinplup) (lv.71 machamp) (lv.74 sandslash) (lv.79 graveler) (lv.89 suicine)

TCO: "seriously you had to bring ten pokémon to try and beat me hehe I certainly feel the affection"

vaporeon: "surrender or else we will use force

TCO: "use force all you want. You. Can't. Beat. Me.

riachu: "alright that's it get'em boys!

Then they all went to battle The Chosen One

With the eeveelutions

(Speed's POV)

As we followed those mons we walked to what looked like an abandoned laboratory we knew these were the right mons because we could basically see the four in the bags

Lazuli: "everyone be as quiet as you possibly can"

Pearl: "let's enter the lab guys"

Then we entered the abandoned laboratory

Sunshine: "this place is really s-scary daddy"

Speed: "we won't be here for long Sunshine we're gonna get our friends then leave ok?"

Sunshine: "o-ok"

as we were walking down the halls we saw little blue lights coming from a room

???1: "we got these ones sir we couldn't get the last two though"

???2: "its fine we'll catch them later on"

I peaked through the door and saw 2 more riachus a manectric a blitzle and a luxray... WAIT A LUXRAY???

luxray: "these pokémon sure are fascinating they dont even look like pokémon"

Yellow: thats cuz we're no- AHHH

one of the riachus shocked him

luxray: "your not allowed to talk... wait you can talk without a mouth???"

TSC: "if we are allowed to talk we can tell you"

one of the riachus was about to shock him but the luxray stopped him

luxray: "you may talk"

TSC: "first of all we're not pokémon"

manectric: "how?! nothing else exists except pokémon!"

TSC: "that's what you think"

luxray: "he's right nothing else exists except pokémon"

TSC: *little laugh* "if you can let my hands free I can demonstrate something for you"

luxray: "hmmmm alright but you must be put in the test chamber

Then they put all of them in different test chambers

the first three chambers looked normal it told their name their level and a little bit about them but when they looked at Seconds chamber it was REALLY weird

luxray: "alright let's look at how strong the orange one is

Name: The Second Coming (The Chosen One's Return)

Level: 18 *glitch* 36 *glitch* 65 *glitch* 97 *glitch* 100 *glitch* 100 *glitch* 100 *glitch* 100 *glitch* 100 *glitch* 100 *glitch*

riachu1 : "whats going one?!?"

Level: *glitch* *glitch* *glitch* *glitch* 1000000000000000000


manectric: "what are we gonna do sir???"

luxray: "uhh just stand your ground!"

blitzle: "alright!"

then we saw the chambers glow a blinding light green then...


With The Chosen One

(Third person POV)

The battle raged on as TCO was gaining his ground against all of them (even the water types!) he already got half of them knocked out he was only using fire so it was more of a challenge

TCO: "pretty easy if I do say so myself"

while he was saying that he knocked out the prinplup

suicine: "ugh! we have to fall back!"

riachu: "wait! don't you have the device I asked for?"

suicine: "oh yeeaaaah"

riachu: " you distract him and I'll get him from behind k?"

suicine: "k"

the suicine started to shoot water blasts at TCO

TCO: "really? this is easy!"

then TCO felt something strap onto him

TCO: "huh? whats this!? AGGGHHHHHHH!!!"

TCO fell to his knees

TCO: "ughhhhh that hurts"

suicine: "who's on top now huh?"

greninja "us! ha!"

riachu: "hey bud (machamp)

machamp: "yeah?"

riachu: "bring the fallen"

machamp: "you got it"

TCO: "you can't *pant* beat me"

suicine: "what was that?"

the suicine held him down

TCO: "I said you CANT BEAT ME!!!!!"

suicine: "what the?!?"

TCO rolled so his back was on the ground

TCO: "TAKE..."

suicine: "wait!"

TCO: "THIS!!!"

two red lasers shot out of TCO's head (where his eyes would be)

suicine: "AHHHH!!!"

TCO flew up at an outstanding speed and with one firey punch the suicine went unconscious

all the pokémon below were terrified and didn't move a muscle

Then TCO ripped the device of him and burned it to ashes with ease

TCO: "THIS? this was your master plan? HA! I'm surprised you even thought you could beat me!"

riachu: "w-wait! Please don't hurt us!"

TCO: "and why shouldn't I? you attacked me first isn't it logical to protect yourself?"

riachu: "because um just please dont!"

TCO stopped and stared at all the pokémon and sighed

TCO: "I'll let it go this time but I warn you *goes right infront of the riachu* if you attack me or my 'friends' ever and I mean EVER attack me or them the last thing you'll feel is this firey burn from my fist

Then TCO flew to where all the others were (not including Red cuz he not there)

with the eeveelutions and 4 stick figures

(third person POV (still))

The glass on the tubes shattered into millions of peices the cause of the light was still 'unkown' and then all the eeveelutions came out from the shadows

Speed: "put your hands"

awkward silence

Speed: "up..."

???2: "SPEED?!?"

Speed: "TRACE?!? what are you doing here?!"

Trace: "researching these new pokémon"

Speed: "well I know that also they aren't pokémon"

Trace: "not you too... they have to be pokémon nothing else exists"

then they heard a noise that sounded like... a pencil?

then all of a sudden Yellow flys up with a set of black and white wings and uses his staff and put a bunch of barrier blocks containing Trace and the other four

Trace: "HEY! let's us out!"

Yellow: "after you trapped us?! no way!"

TSC: "come on guys let's get outta here"

Trace: "come on we won't do it again please let us out"

Blue: "I don't trust him"

TSC: "we all don't"

Yellow: "y'know what I'm gonna make a command so that in two hours those barrier blocks break"

Trace: "command?"

Green: "whatever just do it so we can git outta here"

Yellow: "you got it"

Then TCO flew in threw a window

TCO: "what did I miss?"

Lazuli: "nothing special"

Leaf: "yeah we were just about to go back home actually"

TCO: "dang"

TSC: "at least we're all going back safely and we're gonna have to check up on Red"


Crystal: "it's funny how you call him brat"

Silvia: "yeah"

Green: "I've always called him brat"

Blue: "that's cuz he IS one!"

TSC: "knowing Red he probably made a mess somewhere in the house"

Yellow: "knowing him he's probably gonna ask Second if he can clean it up"


Pearl: "we should get going back"

Lazuli: "YES I'll finally be able to read my book"

Speed: "your obsessed with books"

Lazuli: "so?"

Speed: "just saying"

And so our characters left to go home and found Red stuck in a box

Green: "brat!"

1696 words! it done!

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