Sometimes Hate is Enough

By auroranequam

155K 9.5K 918

The story follows the events of the night when Arnav tried to force Khushi into marrying him. More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Epilogue I
Epilogue II

Chapter 28

3K 245 42
By auroranequam


I stood, crossed arms, near one of the pillars that separated the living room from the dining room, while the whole Raizada and Gupta family sat in the living room with the jeweler. Including NK standing right behind Khushi.. I don't know how NK's here. But he just is.

I stared at Khushi, who sat next to the jeweler, who carefully unwrapped the bandage from her finger while she sat there and quietly talked to the jeweler and NK. But she had an emptiness in her eyes. She might be talking and smiling, but it was clear that she was trying to hide her emotions. And it's all because of that bastard, Shyam. I'm not going to go easy on Shyam anymore. I'll make sure he suffers... But nothing changes the fact that I should've been there for her. I should have been there to save her, to pr...

"Bhabhi Ji, why didn't you call me when this got stuck on her finger?" The jeweler asked loudly as he unwrapped another layer.

"Actually, I had completely forgotten about the store. Or else I would've contacted you as soon as possible." Aunty answered from his left. But he just gave a shake of his head.

"Bitiya, I understand. You like jewelry like any other girl, but that does not mean that you'll wear a ring as small as this and then try to take it off using a knife." He remarked with another shake of his head as he removed the bandage completely and stared at the wound with wide eyes before looking up at Khushi.

When she didn't say anything, he shared a look with Aunty, then sighed slowly before raising his hand with his palm up, and his assistant from behind handed him a plier with a small circular-looking blade attached to it. And within a few minutes, the ring was off her finger. When he was about to return the ring to Khushi, Payal came and took it.

"I'll take it." She said it quickly and gave a tight smile as she fisted the ring.

"Okay, now tell me, when are you coming to the store?" He asked as he handed the plier back and looked at Khushi.

"The day after tomorrow." Khushi spoke for the first time as she poked her now-ring-free finger. Then NK said something from behind her ear, and she stopped poking her wound. They're still this close?.. Also, it was just yesterday that Shyam tried to force her. How can she be this comfortable with another guy so soon?

"Don't ditch me this time. I want to retire as soon as possible. But because of you and Suraj, I can't." He said. I felt my brows rise slightly before I looked at the jeweler. Who is Suraj?

"Don't worry, Bhai Sahab. She won't ditch you this time." Aunty assured him with a soft glare at Khushi, while the jeweler laughed. "I'll make sure she visits."

Khushi smiled tightly before she glanced up at both of them and spoke to the jeweler.

"I'll come. So blame Suraj if you can't retire. Because he's not here." Who is this Suraj?

"Arre, he's back from America." Bua Ji said as Manoj handed me a cup of tea, "So Sanka Devi, you worry about yourself. Because this time he won't let you go."

Khushi pressed her lips together as NK asked curiously, "Who is Suraj? And why won't he let Khushi Ji go?"

"He's my son," The jeweler explained with a big smile as he looked over his shoulder at NK, but soon his face turned sour as he added, "Who doesn't have time for his own father and family business because he's more happy in America. So, I had to lie to him to bring him back. But now that he's here, I'll trap him by giving him the responsibilities of the business." He pointed at Khushi with a thumb. "Then he's her problem to handle." I straightened up as I stared at him with furrowed brows. What does he mean by his son being Khushi's problem? What does his business have anything to do with her?

Aunty and Bua Ji laughed as Khushi shook her head.

"How is Suraj, Khushi Bitiya's problem?" Mama asked as NK also opened his mouth to say something but closed it while I waited for the jeweler's answer.

"Khushi Bitiya's Baba, Kamal Ji, and I started this jewelry business together years ago. And after his death, I was handling it for all these years. But now that both the kids are back, I'll hand them their responsibilities and retire." The jeweler answered with a big smile in the end, then looked at Khushi. "Don't run this time." She slowly nodded.

Then he said goodbye to everyone and left with his assistant. So, she's also an heir to a jewelry business.. I wonder what more she hid.

"Payaliya, Nandkishore, sit down." Bua Ji said as she motioned at the empty space beside Khushi, then turned to me and motioned for me to also take a seat, and I obediently obeyed and went to sit next to Di. Because this is the moment when we'll finally talk about what we were here for.

After everyone was settled down, it was Aunty who spoke up. "I would like to give my answer first because there's nothing to discuss. Also, I was very happy to host you." She looked at Nani. "And your family as guests, but I don't want my daughter to marry your son."

The entire room fell silent as she finished, and we stared at her.

"Aunty, we can talk the reasons out." I said catching her attention. "I know, it's because of me why you are refusing the alliance, but don't punish Akash and Payal for something th... "

"Don't speak for my daughter." She interrupted before she gave me a look, then turned to Nani and spoke softly. "I want you to understand why we are saying no. And... I don't want to ruin whatever relationship is left between the families."

Nani nodded thoughtfully before saying. "I understand, Garima. But can't you.. give Akash another chance? He really loves Payal Bitiya."

Aunty pressed her lips together for a moment before sharing a short glance with Bua Ji and looking at Payal, who took a moment before speaking.

"I don't want to marry Akash."

"Payal, what are you saying?" Akash asked as he looked at her with disbelief in his eyes. "Don't you... don't you love me?"

"I do." She answered with a straight face. "But that's not enough to spend a life with you. It never will be. And... even if it were, I would never choose you before my family." She stared at him, unblinking. "Just like you." Is she trying to take revenge on him?

I stared at her as she finished. Is she even for real?.. What does she mean that's not enough?..

"Hello-Hi-Bye-Bye, Khunbhari Tang! Of course, it won't be enough for the likes of you. Because what you really want is money, money, and money." Mami taunted from next to Mama as she gave Payal a look with accusing eyes.

"Ay, Hello-Hi-Bye-Bye! Don't talk about my daughter like that when you are the one who's greedy for money. And I swear, Nandkishore, if you don't stop your nonsense, I'll throw you out of the house myself." Bua Ji threatened loudly as she glared at Mami with an angry face.

"Bua Ji, Maa didn't mean it like that." Akash said as he shared a look with Mami. "She didn't mean to..."

Bua Ji barked out a laugh as if he had just cracked a joke before saying, "You want to marry our Payaliya?.. When you can't even tell your mother that she's wrong, that sh.."

"Bua Ji.." I started, but she stopped me with a hand as her laugh melted away and her face turned hard before she spoke again.

"I suggest you don't talk to us. Because even seeing you in the same room as Sanka Devi makes my blood boil." I stared at her for a second before looking at Khushi, who was already looking at me.

"Bua Ji, don't say that. Please," Di requested. "We are all sorry for whatever happened. And.."

"If you were actually sorry, then you would have apologized and left, instead of trying to fix this with a discussion like everything that has happened was nothing but merely a mistake on your part." Bua Ji cut in with pressed lips. "And I admit that we hid the truth about Shyam from you. And we are sorry. And we are ready to pay whatever price you wish from us."

"Then don't separate Akash and Payal." Di suggested softly.

Bua Ji stared at her for a moment before clearing her throat and saying, "Our mistake was never so big that we'd be ready to sacrifice our daughter."

"Bua Ji, please." Di pleded then turned to Aunty. "Aunty, please give him another chance. Please."

"Bitiya," Aunty said slowly but firmly. "This might sound really bad to you, but... Your family doesn't have a place for others. You and your family only revolve around each other." She took a short glance at me. "You people don't care about others. About what your decisions are doing to others... So, I.."

"You can't speak about my family like that. I won't allow it." I said it loudly because I had enough of them insulting us. What do they ev..

"And you can't speak to my mother like that." I heard Payal from my right. I turned to look at her. She was looking at a distance as Khushi added, "Amma... is not insulting. She's just trying to make Anjali Ji see her point of view. And.. if anyone is insulting anyone," She looked me in the eyes. "Then it's you."


"Don't." Nani cut in. Her face was angry and disappointed. "Don't say another word."

Another silence fell in the living room before Mami broke it again.

"Hello-Hi-Bye-Bye, Sasuma! You planned all this, didn't you?" I looked at her, then at Nani, in confusion.

"But nothing worked accordingly." She answered with a sigh before turning to Bua Ji. "I'm sorry for everything, Madhumati Ji. I thought that maybe they'd understand their mistakes and apologize for everything. But..."

"Arre, you don't have to apologize. We did what was possible for us; if they don't understand their own mistakes, then there's nothing left for us to do." Bua Ji replied as she patted Nani on the hand.

"You.. did this, Dadi?" Akash asked. His voice was laced with shock and acquisition.

She just nodded before explaining, "I had only planned the return of the Shagun and coming here." She pointed at Bua Ji with a hand. "But for the rest, it was Madhumati Ji who had actually suggested everything, including bringing Shyam's real face out." She played us. " we needed to know everything about Shyam... So, I sent NK to Lucknow, where Shyam grew up and lived before coming to Delhi. But he returned empty-handed. Because there was no trace of Shyam, like he just didn't exi..." This is enough.

"Really, Nani?" I asked loudly as I stood up. "You are our family, yet you helped them instead of standing with us."

"Nanav, you're getting it completely wrong. She only wanted t..." NK tried to explain as he stood up from between Khushi and Payal, where he sat.

"You, just shut up." I spoke loudly then as I pointed my finger at him. He knew everything, and he helped Nani with this stupid scheme.

"Chote..." Di said as she also stood up from her seat.

"You knew everything, didn't you?" I asked as I looked at him.
"Not completely everything, but some parts of it." NK answered quietly and looked down. At least he's not proud of what he did.

"Hello-Hi-Bye-Bye, NK Bitwa! I didn't expect you to betray your own beloved Mami a..." Mami said as she stood and gave him a look.

"Manorama, at least, think about others sometimes." Mama interrupted her and turned to Aunty. "I apologize for everything that happened, and... we'd like to take your permission and leave." Then he looked at every Raizada in the room with a heavy look. "Pack your bags. We are leaving."

"But Papa, I..." Akash started.

"Don't do this, Akash Bitwa. Don't." He said that and went upstairs.

I guess this is the end, then.

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