Scattering Lilac Ashes

By Jasfysh

722 237 167

"You've just been staring at me all day. Are you good?" Lila Moloney's insatiable curiosity had landed on Ash... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Five
Chapter Eighty-Six
Chapter Eighty-Seven
Chapter Eighty-Eight
Chapter Eighty-Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety-One
Chapter Ninety-Two
Chapter Ninety-Three
Chapter Ninety-Four
Chapter Ninety-Five
Chapter Ninety-Six
Chapter Ninety-Seven
Chapter Ninety-Eight
Chapter Ninety-Nine
Chapter One Hundred
Chapter One Hundred and One
Chapter One Hundred and Two
Chapter One Hundred and Three
Chapter One Hundred and Four
Chapter One Hundred and Five
Chapter One Hundred and Six
Chapter One Hundred and Seven
Chapter One Hundred and Eight
Chapter One Hundred and Nine
Chapter One Hundred and Ten
Chapter One Hundred and Eleven
Chapter One Hundred and Twelve
Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen
Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen
Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen
Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen
Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen
Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen
Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-One
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Two
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Three
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Four
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Five
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Six
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Seven
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Eight
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Nine
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-One
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Two
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Three
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Four
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Five

Chapter Sixty-Three

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By Jasfysh

Lila nuzzled her Mum's cheek on Wednesday morning, after reminding her that Asher would be coming over that night. Her Mum confirmed this without any hint of enthusiasm. She called Lila back as she tried to leave, and Lila reluctantly returned, her stomach twisting in knots as she anticipated what would follow.

"I heard a few things from Clare," Lila's Mum said through pursed lips. "Earlier in the year, that Asher isn't good for you."

Lila grimaced. "How long ago was that?" she asked.

"A couple months," Lila's Mum nodded. She narrowed her eyes at Lila. "You're not dating him."

It wasn't a question.

"Of course I'm not," Lila replied, affronted.

"Good. He doesn't sound like a good boy."

Lila sighed. "Mum, he's not bad. Clare... just didn't like him then. She was protective."

Lila's Mum pursed her lips again, clearly unconvinced by Lila's statement. "Did something change?"

"You might want to ask Clare what her opinion of him is now," Lila said hurriedly after checking the time. "I've got to go. He's tutoring Daniel, anyway, so whether he's good for me or not doesn't matter."

"See you at dinner," Lila's Mum called as Lila rushed out the front door.

'Hopefully Mum likes him after meeting him,' Lila thought to herself as her school bus dragged along through the streets. She quickly arrived at English to see Asher pacing outside. He grinned when he saw Lila.

"Hey," Asher said, not dropping his grin. "Big day."

"Sure is," Lila nodded. "Got a nice lunch planned, assignments due, plus a tutoring session with my brother after school. You're a busy man."

Asher snorted. "Couldn't do it without you. You're just as busy, you know. I mean, almost literally – you're doing most of that with me."

Lila laughed before becoming serious. "Here," she said, pulling out a $50 note from her wallet and handing it to Asher. "Since you keep paying for my Uber Eats."

"I'm not gonna take this," Asher shook his head, taking a step back from Lila. "I paid 'cause I could and 'cause I wanted to."

"Please take it," Lila pleaded. "I did take out money for things that you said you wanted to pay for, in the beginning. So, don't feel guilty. I want to pay you back."

Asher tentatively reached for it, before looking into Lila's eyes with a hint of uncertainty.

"You're serious," he said softly. Lila nodded firmly.

"Take it. Please. Thank you for paying up until now, but I can't take advantage of your kindness or your cash."

Asher gently took the note and put it away in his wallet. "Thanks," he mumbled.

"No, thank you," Lila said earnestly. "Let's go to class."

During English today, Lila checked and rechecked her assignment before submitting it. Asher had already submitted his and was going through his Maths textbook quietly. Lila yawned, stretching. There were about ten minutes left of class, which she used to plan her study schedule.

"Looks good," Asher muttered. Lila looked at him sharply. She hadn't realised he was looking over at her laptop.

"How do you even know what this is for?" Lila asked, tilting her screen down.

"Says 'Study Schedule' at the top," Asher said simply, turning the page of his textbook.


Asher chuckled, and they didn't speak until the lesson was over.

"See you at lunch," Lila smiled as they parted ways by the STEM area of campus. Asher beamed eagerly at her.

"Hope you're ready for Japanese food."


It felt like lunch couldn't arrive fast enough. Lila locked her locker shut at the beginning of lunch, a desperate growl sounding from her stomach. Elise and Grace were waiting for her, seeming just as hungry.

"Let's go!" Elise said eagerly. The trio began to walk towards the designated meeting point – the corner of the STEM area that Lila always split off from Asher before his Chem class and her Maths class.

"I know you mentioned that we'd be getting Uber Eats," Grace said, her voice low as they passed several younger students. "But... how? I thought we weren't allowed to get delivery on campus."

"You've heard of the Banker, right?" Lila asked. Elise and Grace both nodded hesitantly.

"Haven't heard much about them," Grace added. "Besides that they loan out money."

"They also let you buy Uber Eats with cash, or on a tab," Lila replied. Having reached their destination, Lila scanned the surrounding area to see if Isaac and Asher were nearby. Her eyes snapped onto a very familiar student walking towards them - Daniel. He had his hands in his pockets, and a Grade 12 boy shadowing him, clearly as a bodyguard. The bodyguard was overtly checking out the three girls with a smarmy look across his face.

"Dude, that's my sister," Lila heard Daniel say disapprovingly once he was within earshot.

"So?" the bodyguard shrugged. "She's not bad."

"Lay off, dude. That's an order," Daniel said sternly. The bodyguard threw his hands up in the air and remained a few metres away from Lila, her friends, and Daniel. Elise and Grace gaped at Daniel as he started talking to Lila.

"Are you sure Asher is coming tonight?" Daniel asked, looking off to the side of Lila.

"Yeah," Lila replied. "Don't worry."

Daniel took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay. I'll head home straight after class, then."

"Was that it?" Lila asked, blinking rapidly at Daniel. "Bro, you could've just texted me. It's not like you lost my number."

"I just happened to see you. You hardly check your texts anyway," Daniel pointed out.

"Guess you're right. Your texts are so boring, though."

Daniel rolled his eyes. Lila grinned at him to show she was joking. He returned the grin with a tight, anxious-looking smile before walking off in the direction that he came, unscrewing the cap of a juice carton that had been in his blazer pocket. Seeing the look on Daniel's face troubled Lila, but she didn't call him back.

"Hold up," Elise said, waving her hands at Lila in disbelief. "What was that? Why's Daniel hanging out with Lachlan?"

"Is that his name?" Lila asked absently, still staring after Daniel and his bodyguard.

"W-Well, I think it is," Elise faltered before soldiering on. "Anyway! What's going on with Daniel?"

"He's getting tutored," Lila replied faintly, turning her attention to Elise and Grace.

"I didn't think Lachlan was that smart," Elise frowned. "But he's good at touch. Daniel still does touch footy, yeah?"

"U-Uh, yup," Lila said, unable to hide the panic in her voice.

"You don't sound confident about that," Grace observed shrewdly.

"He definitely still does touch," Lila said firmly, not looking at either Grace or Elise.

"Moving on from that," Elise said dramatically. "What's this about Asher going to your place? Don't you normally go to his? And why would Daniel care?"

Instead of responding, Lila suddenly waved, flagging down Isaac and Asher as they rounded the corner. Asher beamed at Lila again, his pace quickening.

"Hey," he breathed upon stopping short of Lila. She couldn't help but grin back.

"Hungry?" she asked, her eyes not leaving his face.

"Definitely," Asher said, nodding vehemently.

"Earth to Asher and Lila," Isaac said, snapping his fingers. "We're still here, you know."

Lila's eyes flickered to Isaac. "Hey Isaac," she said excitedly. "Congrats on the job!"

"Why, thank you!" Isaac bowed. "McSaac, at your service. Y'know. Like a BigMac."

"You haven't finished your training yet," Elise snorted. "Right now you're just a McTrainee. Slow your roll, mate. Plus, that one was dumb."

Isaac pouted. "Way to dull my shine," he whined.

"Let's go," Grace said softly, placing her hand on Isaac and Elise's shoulders. She looked back at Lila and Asher. "Uh, where are we going?"

Asher smirked and led the way to the lab. Unlike yesterday, it was packed outside the lab. Asher, being the tallest out of the group, pushed through the crowd, making a path for everyone else to follow. They survived the ordeal, Lila feeling as though she was a freshly squeezed toothpaste tube by the end, and Asher opened the door to the lab.

"Welcome," Livi's chirpy voice floated out of the open doorway. Asher and Lila entered first, with Isaac, Elise, and Grace trailing behind.

"I see you've brought friends," Livi said politely, her eyes darting between Isaac, Elise, and Grace before resting on Asher and Lila. "I'd been wondering why your order was so large."

Her eyes quickly flicked back to Isaac before her face split into a sly smile. "Hello, Isaac," she said, her tone sickly-sweet.

"Hello, Olivia," Isaac replied unenthusiastically. Livi's eyes narrowed considerably.

"Hey, Lila," Theo called, waving from his desk. His voice seemed warmer than usual today. Lila waved back. Zack, Jake, Jason, Vi and Harper greeted Asher and Lila as they normally did, with Zack and Theo acknowledging Isaac as well. Lila introduced Elise and Grace, both of whom tentatively nodded.

"You know the drill," Livi said loftily. "You're welcome to stay in here and wait for your food, or head outside with the rest of them."

"It was a battle just to come in here," Lila said, drawing her shoulders closer to herself. "I'm good to stay here."

"Excellent," Livi said happily. "That way Theo can gaze for as long as he wants at you."

Lila rolled her eyes and caught Elise, Grace, and Isaac staring at her in unison.

"Don't mind her," Lila whispered to them. "She... likes to tease people."

"What was it like dating Lila, Isaac?" Livi's voice sliced through the air, severing the threads of the questions brewing on Lila's friend's faces. Isaac's face immediately turned red and he began spluttering, his eyes desperately looking about the room. Lila caught sight of Asher's body becoming reminiscent of a marble statue and he seemed to be fixated entirely on the back left corner of the lab. Livi's grin grew even wider.

"You're really cute," Livi said to Isaac, amusement lifting her tone. "When you're flustered."

This seemed to only fluster Isaac even more, his hands flailing. It was unbearable to watch. Lila cast her eyes across the room instead. Theo seemed to be the most invested of the Grade 12s, besides Livi, having closed his laptop. He was gazing at Isaac intently. Jason was smirking but quickly turned his attention to his phone. Vi had lowered her book onto the desk, bookmark at the ready though she was still clearly reading. Harper hadn't moved a muscle since greeting Lila and her friends. Zack and Jake were staring blankly ahead, as usual.

"Go on," Livi goaded, leaning across the desk towards Isaac. "Rate Lila as a girlfriend. This is a rare opportunity! Isn't that right, Theo? I'm sure there's interested parties in here that would love a review."

Lila expected Theo to shut Livi down as he usually did, but he remained quiet. Lila saw Asher's eyes rest on Theo.

"I-I'm not going to rate Lila," Isaac finally managed to get out. "She's a friend."

"Ex-girlfriend, you mean," Livi replied, raising an eyebrow. "Admirable that you consider her a friend, though. I'll give you that one."

"How far away is the food?" Asher interrupted the conversation, his voice uncharacteristically commanding. Livi immediately pulled out her phone and began to scroll through it.

"About five minutes to get to school," Livi responded thoughtfully. "Then it takes the runners about five minutes to get here."

"Great," Asher said shortly. "I'm going outside."

The room was oppressively silent as Asher left, the door clanging shut behind him.

"Now you've done it," Vi said stiffly, closing her book after bookmarking where she was. "You've chased away a high roller. The Banker won't be happy."

Livi pouted. "I didn't know he was so sensitive."

"I don't have to be a genius to know that that's a lie," came Vi's stern reply. She glared at Livi as she continued. "Of course you knew."

"It'll be fine," Livi said, waving a hand dismissively. "Asher and Lila are a complete set. I haven't driven away a high roller. Especially not one as kind, selfless, and giving as Asher." Livi made direct eye contact with Isaac, who immediately looked down at the floor with a grimace. Livi glanced at Lila before smiling serenely. "Right, Lila?"

Isaac took this as his cue to stumble after Asher, his face bright red. Lila couldn't tell whether he was angry or upset from where she was, but he burst out of the lab all the same, the door wobbling on its hinges before shutting with a dramatic, metallic bang. Elise and Grace looked at Lila with wide, confused eyes, their jaws agape.

"Besides," continued Livi, narrowing her eyes, "the Banker wouldn't be unhappy with me, would he, Lila?"

"How would I know?" Lila replied truthfully. She cast a furtive look at Elise and Grace to see if they had any particular reaction to Livi's last statement. They didn't.

"L-Let's go outside," Grace urged quietly, tugging on Lila's blazer.

"Before you go," Livi said, her face dropping its mischief. "Tell Asher I'm sorry. Truly."

Lila considered this request briefly, assessing Livi's sincerity. Asher probably wouldn't accept it, though there wasn't any compelling reason to keep it from him, either. Lila wanted to say that she didn't think Livi was apologetic in any sense but stopped herself. Despite all of Livi's jabs and provocation, Daniel would be lost without her, given he was spending all his time purely on the books. The crowd outside was more than enough to show Lila that Daniel was right – he didn't have a way out. If he just shut up shop because Livi stopped helping him, it wouldn't end well.

So, Lila held her tongue and turned on her heel. As soon as her hand touched the door handle, Livi sang out, "See you soon!", her voice chipper. Lila didn't look back.

Grace and Elise scurried outside after Lila. Lila tried to find Asher or Isaac but couldn't spot either due to the sheer size of the crowd. The icy wind buffeted against Lila and she huddled closer to Elise and Grace. She was regretting leaving the lab, but she wasn't about to double down and go back.

"What the hell is her deal?" Elise asked impatiently, blowing air into her cupped hands in an effort to warm them. "Why'd she ask Isaac to rate you?"

Lila sighed heavily. "Like I said, Livi likes to mess with people."

"Does Asher usually storm off like that?" Grace asked curiously.

Lila shook her head. "That was the first time he's done something like that. Asher... is a bit sensitive about relationships, after the whole Holly thing, so that's probably why he left."

Elise and Grace exchanged a look before looking back at Lila.

"Lila, that's dumb," Elise huffed.

"You can't just say it like that!" Grace chided.

"Fine. Lila, your reasoning is way off," Elise said sternly.

"Asher told me that," Lila replied defensively. "I have no reason to believe he's lying."

"He's probably not lying," Grace said slowly. "But he's probably not telling you the whole truth, either."

"Which would be?" Lila asked, pulling her blazer tightly across her body. Elise and Grace glanced at each other again. Grace shook her head before popping the collar of her blazer up, protecting her neck from the wind.

"I can't speak for Asher," Grace said after a few moments.

"Why would you be?" Lila asked, fluffing up her scarf.

"Look, while it seems obvious what's going on here, we just think it needs to come from him," Elise explained, though she didn't meet Lila's gaze.

"What does?" Lila pressed. A rush of warmth was bubbling down her body as she waited for an answer.

"Why'd you guys leave?" Isaac's voice destroyed any hope that Lila had of getting answers to her questions. That much was clear in the grateful smiles both Elise and Grace gave him. He emerged fully from the crowd, pushing aside two gossiping younger students, looking harried and flushed.

"Livi was still being a menace," Lila said glumly, the warmth she'd been feeling quickly freezing over. Isaac nodded in understanding.

"She does that. She was like that when I went," Isaac said sagely.

"You've been here before?" Elise asked abruptly.

"U-Uh, w-with a friend," Isaac's voice cracked as he answered Elise's question.

"A friend?" Elise raised an eyebrow.

"Yup. Definitely with a friend. Definitely not alone. Definitely not for me," Isaac vigorously nodded. It was a miracle that Lila could hold in her impending snort, and settled for exhaling sharply. He glanced at her uncertainly. It suddenly occurred to Lila that she wasn't exactly sure whether Asher had told Isaac that she knew about his debt. 'Not like I can ask now,' Lila thought to herself.

"Where'd Asher go?" Grace asked curiously.

"Oh. He got a bit claustrophobic in the crowd. He went to see if he could intercept the runners early by going more towards the carpark," Isaac said, glancing at Lila again. She couldn't figure out if he was trying to communicate something with his look, but the conversation swiftly moved on.

"He's in the carpark?" Elise asked, bemused.

"No," Isaac chuckled. "He's just over at the end there." Isaac vaguely gestured towards the direction they had come from. Not even half a second later, he abruptly pulled out his phone. "Looks like he managed it," Isaac grinned. "What a legend. Let's go."

Some parts of the crowd appeared to swarm towards where Isaac said Asher had gone. Most of the crowd stayed stubbornly put, and now that Asher wasn't here to provide a path, Lila felt like she had to claw her way out.

Eventually, Lila passed Nate, who was holding an insulated bag that was presumably full of food. He didn't seem to notice her as students around him erupted into applause, shouting "The Man!"

Finally, Lila saw Asher in the distance. He was clutching a large paper bag, looking slightly melancholic. He idly scuffed the top of his black leather school shoes into the speckled stone pathway he was standing on. It didn't seem like the cold was affecting him in the slightest, at least.

"Oi, Asher," Isaac shouted. "Let's go to the library, yeah?"

Asher's head snapped up and he nodded.

The group traipsed to the library, Asher far in front. It felt almost like he was the mother duck, leading his charge of bumbling, hapless ducklings, with Elise and Isaac chattering away about their McManagers. Lila and Grace trailed behind, listening on in amused silence. It seemed that Isaac's first training shift would be on Friday afternoon.

"Do you reckon I'd look good in red?" Isaac asked, patting down his school shirt as if it would turn red. Elise snorted.

"Is that all you're worried about?" she smirked.

"Of course. How else am I meant to pick up my future girlfriend at work?"

"Nah, dude," Elise snickered. "Not happening."

"Why not? I've got luscious green eyes."

"Is that all you've got to offer?"

"I've got... hands. Two of them."

"Sounds ableist but go off, King," Elise cackled. Isaac frowned, his face tinged with pink.

"Well, what about you then?" he asked.

"What about me?" Elise asked, sobering up.

"No McBoyfriends? Or McGirlfriends?"

Elise rolled her eyes. "Not looking for any. I'm at work to work. Get in and out, hopefully without anyone noticing."

"Sounds boring," Isaac teased.

"Once you meet the team, you'll find that there's very slim pickings anyway."

Elise and Isaac continued their discussion regarding their coworkers, with Elise remarking that some were way too old to be working at Maccas (at the ripe age of 22). The group finally settled inside an empty meeting room and cracked into their Japanese food. Asher was still quiet but appeared to be listening intently to everyone's conversations.

"This is nice," Lila smiled after drinking some of her peach iced tea. "I think we should hang out as a group more often."

"It's not so bad," Isaac replied, gulping down his food. "Maybe I should get more jobs so we can celebrate me more."

"Probably should, aye," Asher piped up with a cheeky grin. Isaac wrinkled his nose at Asher, tossing his empty drink bottle at his shoulder. Asher laughed as it missed.

"I agree," Grace said, snapping her empty takeaway box closed. "We may as well. We've been missing you at lunch, Lila."

Elise and Isaac exchanged a look, though Lila couldn't discern the meaning, if any, behind it.

"Agreed," Elise said promptly.

Isaac nodded. "Alright with you, Asher?" he asked, his eyes lingering on Asher's face.

"U-Uh," Asher faltered, looking down at the table they were sitting around. "I guess if Lila wants to."

"Why me?" Lila asked, surprised. Asher's face reddened as he looked up at her.

"I mean, we've been having lunch with just us two for a while. I guess... I never thought about an end to that after all."

Elise audibly gasped before clapping a hand around her mouth.

"Never mind," Asher said hurriedly, shaking his head, his face still red. "Forget I said anything."

"That settles it, then," Isaac interjected before Lila could respond to Asher. "Glad to be hanging out with you guys at lunch from now on."

"Ew, it sounds so formal," Elise remarked, pursing her lips. "Got a contract at the ready?"

At the mention of the word 'contract', Isaac and Asher both immediately looked dour. Elise evidently sensed the shift in mood.

"I was kidding," Elise said awkwardly. Isaac and Asher exchanged a quick glance before bursting into laughter.

"Well, it wasn't that funny," Elise said, bewildered.

"Don't worry about it," Isaac replied, wiping a non-existent tear from his eye. "Just some light trauma."

"Trauma?" Elise uttered, tilting her head.

"Yup. Looks like lawyering isn't in my future," Isaac sighed, shrugging in defeat. "Can't believe my dream's been shot down before it ever began."

Asher gave a sharp, sarcastic laugh. "I don't think it ever was in your future, mate. Engineer, definitely."

"An engineer?" Lila glanced at Isaac, who looked bashful as he scratched the back of his head.

"Yeah, thinking about becoming a chemical engineer," he admitted, a shy smile stretching across his face.

"That's... unexpected. Seems like you need to be pretty smart for that," Elise replied, looking impressed.

"I already take Engineering, you know. Do you think I'm a dummy or something?" Isaac lamented. "Actually, don't answer that."

The group descended into more laughter, and the rest of lunch passed with idle chatter and jokes. Asher seemed much more at ease as he threw out his own jokes. Seeing him so carefree – that was a sight Lila couldn't get tired of...

Lila was still thinking about it fondly when Asher sidled into his side of the booth at the beginning of Study, their last class of the day.

"What're you smiling about?" Asher asked, a smile on his own face.

"Lunch was pretty fun, wasn't it?" Lila replied, turning on her laptop.

Asher's smile flickered for a moment. "Aside from Livi, yeah," he concurred.

"You've never walked out before," Lila said lightly, opening up an assignment that was due shortly.

"I think I'd rather never walk back in," Asher shuddered. "I've... had quite enough, I reckon."

"That's fair," Lila responded. "We won't go there again."

"We can if you want Uber Eats," Asher mumbled, typing slowly on his own laptop.

"I'm good," Lila's eyes travelled down her laptop screen, though she wasn't fully comprehending what she was reading. "I've survived thus far on tuckshop and lunches from home. I get uncomfortable being there, too."

"Is it just because of Livi?"

Lila's eyebrows twitched at Asher's question. "Well, yeah..."

"No one else?"

Lila contemplated Asher's follow-up question. No one else had really talked to them, and if they had it was usually in defence of Lila and Asher.

"Nah, the rest are alright," Lila replied, her gaze flitting upwards. Asher looked intently at his laptop. He muttered something under his breath that she didn't catch.

"Did you say something?" she asked, peering at him inquisitively.

He shook his head, his eyes not lifting from his laptop. "Nothing at all."

Lila pressed her lips together. "Righto," she said quietly. They worked throughout the rest of Study in silence, though Lila glanced at Asher occasionally. He was absorbed entirely in his work, frowning and sighing deeply every so often.

"What's wrong?" Lila asked after the fifth sigh.

"I'm deeply disappointed in my Chem write-up, but I don't know how to fix it," Asher replied, his tone flat.

"Can I have a look?" Lila suggested, stretching a hand towards his laptop.

"You don't do Chem," Asher responded, blinking in disbelief.

"If you're having trouble figuring out what sounds off, maybe it's because your language is too complex," Lila said simply, hand still outstretched. "It's probably better off that someone who doesn't do Chem reads it. That way you can be sure you're clear and concise, without overwhelming the reader."

Asher stared at Lila openly for a few seconds.

"What?" Lila queried impatiently, checking behind her in case Asher was actually looking beyond her.

"S-Sorry," Asher responded, sliding his laptop towards Lila. "I was just surprised. I didn't expect that from you."

"Sick," Lila replied, grabbing his laptop.


"I know you don't mean to be rude," Lila interrupted Asher, a small smile across her face. "I'm teasing. I'm well aware that I'm not as smart as you in any capacity. But sometimes us mediocre people can get things right, too."

"You're not mediocre," Asher said softly, turning his attention to his Chem textbook.

"Nothing wrong with being mediocre," Lila said plainly, scrolling to the top of Asher's assignment. "Besides, I've had my fill of being exceptional enough to make enemies and have rumours about me flying around school."

Asher gave Lila a chuckle as he turned to another page of his textbook. "You may see yourself that way, but that's not how I see you."

Lila's heart skipped a beat as she tentatively looked at Asher. His brow was scrunched in concentration as he read a passage from the textbook. Lila wasn't sure what to say. She knew, though, that she didn't want to disrupt his reading.

She began to read Asher's assignment and quickly became lost in his terminology. She highlighted various sections and added comments to this effect, pointing out wordiness and convoluted descriptions. By the time she finished, they only had ten minutes left of Study.

"Here," she said, passing Asher's laptop back to him. "I just made a few comments. As I thought, it was a bit confusing. Of course, some of it is just confusing 'cause I know squat about Chem. But maybe you can figure out if you need to clarify, or whatever."

"Thanks," Asher smiled, his eyes meeting hers with sincerity before he cast them back down towards his laptop. Lila watched him read through the comments, nervous energy thrumming through her hands. Were her comments too much? Too little? Were they not helpful after all?

Asher looked up at Lila, his eyes gleaming with an enthusiasm she hadn't seen in a while.

"Thanks!" he repeated, this time much more brightly. "That really helps. I think I know what to do now."

"That's a relief," Lila grinned, packing away her things. "I thought for a moment that it wouldn't do you any good."

"If I do well on this assignment, maybe you can put that on your resume," Asher nodded. "'Helped Dux get head out of his arse for Chem assignment'. Has a ring to it."

"Not sure what kinda bells you're ringing, but maybe you should pick different ones," Lila chortled, hoisting her book bag and laptop bag on her shoulders. She waited for Asher to finish packing up and they set off to the locker room.

"We're taking the bus to yours, yeah?" Asher asked before they split off.

"I'd assumed so," Lila shrugged. "Unless George is already here."

"I may have assumed so as well," Asher said sheepishly. "I told him he had the arvo off."

"Then why ask?" Lila laughed.

"Point taken."

They arrived at the bus station promptly afterwards, hats firmly on their heads, school bags bulging. Lila was glad for the cold – the walk here had made her incredibly warm. Asher seemed to have spotted Daniel waiting a few metres ahead of them, talking with some boys his age. He looked like he was about to walk over to Daniel before Lila grabbed his school bag. He glanced back at her, and she shook her head.

"He's with his friends," Lila said, gesturing towards Daniel with her head. "Let's leave him be. We are going to be with him all afternoon."


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