You Wanna Be a Movie Star?: T...

By Timmy184

8.5K 137 72

It's been a few weeks since the previous season ended. It started with 22 campers, an after a grueling 8 week... More

Chapter 2: Alien Resurr-eggtion
Chapter 3: Riot on Set
Chapter 4: Beach Blanket Bogus
Chapter 5: 3:10 to Losertown
Chapter 6: The Chefshank Redemption
Chapter 7: One Flu Over the Cuckoos
Chapter 8: The Sand Witch Project
Chapter 9: Masters of Disasters
About Kai - New Entry
Chapter 10: Full Metal Drama
Chapter 11: Ocean's Thirteen- or Fourteen
Chapter 12: One Million Bucks B.C.
Chapter 13: Million Dollar Babies
Chapter 14: Dial M for Merger

Chapter 1: Monster Cash

1.6K 15 6
By Timmy184

Yo hope the wait was worth it but I am here to give you... "You Wanna Be A Movie Star?" 


(Chris): Last season on Total Drama Island... Duncan and Gwen battled it out for $100,000. In the end, Duncan, a super-tough delinquent, won a super-sized check. But then gave it all up for the chance to win one million big ones! 

He chose to ignore how he tricked Duncan into chasing the million dollars with the delinquent having to hunt it down and risk the chance of losing the money

(Chris): With the million smackeroos stuffed into a briefcase, our twenty-two campers set off on The Race for the Case! Until the case was eaten by an alligator. Then a shark

He laughed as he remembered what had happened

(Chris): I bet you they didn't see that one coming. Haha. Now the twenty-two who were all close to winning have been given the chance to win another million dollars

He snickered

(Chris): Actually, it's the same money. They've been instructed to report to an old film lot for a whole new set of challenges. Forty-two days. twenty-two cast mates. One heck of a lot of cash! Welcome to Total. Drama. Action!



A bus pulls up to some run down, abandoned film lot. The doors open and Duncan is the first to step out he breaths in the air

(Duncan): Man, I miss the smell of the city

Duncan spoke with a nostalgic smile on his face. Noah steps off while reading a book a disinterested look on his face. Leshawna walks out of the bus with a smile. Harold followed her he was solving a rubix cube. Heather and Gwen try getting off the bus at the same time and get stuck

(Heather): Step off!

(Gwen): You step off!

They glared at each other

(Heather and Gwen): Grr...

Suddenly the bus driver kicked them off the bus causing them to fall onto Harold who fell onto Leshawna

(Harold): Ow! Sorry, Leshawna

(Leshawna): No harm done

The bus leaves making sure to leave behind a cloud of smoke which caused the campers to cough. Once it cleared everyone was seen sitting on their luggage wondering where Chris is

(Leshawna): Where is everybody?

(Kai): Need a hand babe?

Gwen saw Kai's extended hand and accepted it with a smile

(Gwen): Uh, maybe we got off at the wrong stop?

Gwen wondered as she looked around

(Justin): That broken down bus only had one stop

(Heather): I'm not hanging around here

Heather said as she got up

(Leshawna): You're gonna give up the chance at a million big ones? Heh, that's a lot of hair weaves

Heather paused clearly liking the idea of winning the million

(Heather): Guess I can stay for a bit

(Beth): Face it. The money's the reason we all put up with Chris

The campers nodded in agreement. Katie was quick to realise Beth no longer had braces

(Katie): OMG Beth, you got your braces off!

Beth smiled as everyone realised what she said was true

(Justin): Hot as ever

Justin wasn't complimenting her but his own reflection in her teeth

Leshawna shoves him aside

(Leshawna): You look fi-i-ine, girl!

(Gwen): You really do!

(Lindsay): You are totally on your way to looking the part of my new BFF. That's my new best French friend. I am so moving to France when I win

(Beth): My mom said my world would totally open up when I got my braces off! She was right! I'm going to France!

The group watched the two girls celebrate 

(Lindsay and Beth): Yay!

The two jumped on the spot clearly excited. Suddenly the campers hear a honking noise. They looked and saw Chris driving up to them in a golf cart and attached to it was a tram with exactly enough seats for the campers

(Duncan): Dude, it's about time!

Duncan complained as he picked up his luggage and joined his fellow campers on boarding the vehicle

(Chris): Hop-on, everyone! Come on, people! Sheesh, we haven't got all day! This cart's rented by the hour!

Duncan saw Courtney take a seat and wave him over. Duncan looked nervous and pretended he didn't see her and sat next to DJ. DJ looked down at Duncan in confusion having witnessed his friends reaction to Courtney

(DJ): You good man?

Duncan nodded easily putting on his normal glare. He always had a good poker face

(Duncan): Never better

Duncan is confident DJ wouldn't suspect a thing. What he didn't know is that he was wrong. DJ is known to be many things a coward, a gentle giant, and a waste of muscle. But one thing he's good at is being able to easily read people and figure out whats ticking in their heads. So DJ saw through Duncan's poker face and looked at Courtney who was slightly confused at Duncan's reaction and was soon brought into a conversation with Bridgette. DJ looked back at Duncan he knew something was wrong but he didn't want to force his friend to spit out the truth so he would wait for Duncan to come to him when he felt he was ready

(Chris): We ready to go? Perfect

While DJ was distracted with wondering what was wrong with his friend he didn't realise the tram is full and that Chris has started to leave. As it drove off in the back Owen noticed something was off and that something is that Izzy was missing. He looked around and found Izzy standing where they were all grouped up

(Owen): Izzy! Run!

Izzy whistled acting as if she didn't hear him. Noah who is sitting in front of Owen and next to Eva looked up from his book and turned around to face Owen

(Noah): She goes by Kaleidoscope or E-Scope now

Owen widened his eyes in realization. He completely forgot that Izzy wanted to change her name and quickly corrected himself

(Owen): I mean Kaleidoscope!

(Izzy): No one leaves E-Scope behind!

She yells and rushes for the tram. She performs a variety of front flips and lands in her seat which was next to Owen. Noah went back to reading his book. Next to him was Eva who was listening to some of her music watching the passing secenery. The two aren't exactly friends but they both appreciate silence and not being bothered so they would always end up close to each other. Noah quietly reading his book and Eva quietly lifting her weights or doing her cardio

(Chris): Alright campers!

Chris spoke which caused Noah to put his book away, he was slightly annoyed since this page seemed to be a good one. Noah noticed Eva didn't seem too keen on pausing her song either or not it was hard to tell with that permanent glare of hers

(Chris): Welcome to the set of Total. Drama. Action!

Chris pulls up to what looked like an even more run down film lot

(Chris): This season's hottest reality show will be shot here, on an abandoned film lot!

(Lindsay): Does this mean we're gonna be in the movies?

Lindsay asked looking around eagerly

(Chris): No. It means you're gonna be on TV. And don't interrupt me! Ever!

Chris pointed at her with a frown

(Lindsay): Oops. Sorry


Chris drove through a mid-western themed area

(Chris): You'll be spending the next six weeks here, competing against each other in challenges, and for rewards. All for the chance to win some monster cash!

(Owen): Yeah, baby! I'm gonna win me some moolah!

Chris looked annoyed at the fact someone talked over his explanation

(Chris): Shush!

He continued driving along

(Chris): Like last season, one team will win, and one team will watch one of their own make their way down the dreaded Walk of Shame to the Lamousine

He pushed a button which caused windows to come out of his cart and protect him from the smoke that came from the rundown limousine. The campers weren't so lucky and got a face full of smoke and began coughing

(Kai): Couldn't you have spun for a better ride?

Kai asked between his coughing

(Chris): No. Now, since we don't have the outhouse to dump your deepest darkest secrets in, you'll ditch the dirt in our new makeup confessional!

He points to the building where the campers will be confessing their secrets in



Lindsay Confessional

(Lindsay): Oh my gosh. A whole trailer full of makeup?! 

A hand comes out from the side holding some lipstick. Lindsay politely declined the hand

(Lindsay): Oh, sorry, I don't use that brand



Chris drives past a tent

(Chris): To your left is the Craft Services Tent. Catered by Chef

They heard the sounds of metal smashing against metal. The campers were shocked to see a racoon runing out of the Craft Services Tent and were even more shocked when they saw Chef chase after it with a diamond sword. Chris was quick to regain their attention

(Chris): If you survive Chef, you'll have to make it through our dramatic awards ceremony! Where all but one loser will receive a Gilded Chris Award!

They drive past the area where the elimination ceremonies will take place



Gwen Confessional

(Gwen): That Gilded Chris? Ha. What a narcissist! Don't get me wrong, I still want one



Kai rolled his eyes when he saw the two massive golden statues of Chris. He nudged Cody who sat next to him

(Kai): Those statues represent how big his ego is

Cody laughed as Chris overheard this and glared

(Chris): Care to repeat that Kai? Keep in mind I have an eject button!

Chris calls out to Kai who immediately sat up with a straight face

(Kai): I was just telling Cody how incredible those statues looked

Chris smiled as he looked at his own reflection in the rear-view mirror

(Chris): I appreciate the compliment Kai. I know I look amazing

Chris took the opportune time to compliment his looks. They drove into a city area

(Geoff): We done now, dude?

Geoff asked sounding bored. Chris looked back

(Chris): Eject button!

His finger hovers over a red button

(Chris): I will use it!

Geoff smiled

(Geoff): Please. Continue

Chris smirked and drove them into a space themed set

(Harold): Whoa. Cool. Is this a dream?

(Chris): No, Harold! It is not! But you may soon wish it was

He then drove into another city themed set

(Chris): A few months ago, this lot was home to a high-budget monster movie. Until the star began experiencing some... Ah, uh, difficulties?

Lindsay gasped

(Lindsay): Oh no. Did she have like, a mental breakdown?

(Chris): Actually, the star wasn't a her. It was an animatronic monster!

This was when Gwen noticed her surroundings. Multiple buildings had chunks bitten out of them even the trees looked like they had a bite taken out of them. Gwen looked slightly nervous

(Gwen): What happened to it?

As she said that her immense knowledge of movies hit her and she felt incredibly stupid



Gwen Confessional

(Gwen): In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have asked that question



Suddenly a loud roar could be heard. It didn't take a genius to figure out what created those roars. Duncan was the first to recover and smirked

(Duncan): Come on, dudes. He's yanking our chains

They hear footsteps and the ground shook a little. Duncan watched as a tail smashed into a cellphone tower. Chris hit the brakes and a loud crash was heard. The campers stuck their heads out and saw how the tower was inches away from the cart

(Chris): Since we're on a film lot, this season's challenges will be based on movie genres. Today's genre?

The monster roars loudly

(Chris): The monster movie! Duh!

He laughs. Everyone gasps as they saw the monster stomp past them. Duncan heard a gasp and turned to DJ who was shaking like a leaf. He pointed between the cellphone tower and the direction the monster went. He spoke in mumbles and promptly passed out. Duncan watched Chris poke DJ with a stick

(Chris): Down for the count. For your first challenge, everyone must get from here to the cast trailers while our state-of-the-art monster prevents your every move

He chuckled

(Chris): Chef has kindly offered to control the beast

He points to Chef who was inside a tent wearing special gear and stomping on the spot

(Chris): And... Action!

No one moved they looked at each other in confusion

(Chris): Uh... That means go

The campers scrambled to get out of the tram

(Heather): Me first!

(Kai): Out of my way!

Kai threw Heather aside

(Harold): Hi-yah!

Harold karate chopped Kai

(Duncan): Move it or lose it!

Duncan threw Harold who collided with a wall

(Harold): Ow!

Chris looked back at him and then the cameras

(Chris): This is gonna be a long season

Harold is quick to get up and join his fellow campers


The campers scream as they run through a beach set. Owen turned around grinning

(Owen): Whoa, baby! Did you see that?! That thing is so cool!

Noah looked at Owen in disbelief

(Noah): Now is not the time to be admiring it!


(DJ): I can almost hear your sweet lullabies, mama!

DJ was curled up into a ball terrified at the thought of facing the monster. He began sucking his thumb, Chris wordlessly patted his head


Owen is taking multiple deep breaths since he was having a hard time running. Izzy had stopped to make sure he didn't get eaten. Owen widens his eyes as he saw the monsters claw reaching for Izzy

(Owen): Izzy, duck! Duck!

Izzy giggles not noticing the hand that is reaching for her

(Izzy): Goose! 

The hand smashed into the ground sending Izzy flying. She landed on a car, she was quick to sit up. It seemed like that it didn't affect her

(Izzy): Yeah! Haha. Do it again!

Owen had the same wide eyed look and shook his head disagreeing with what she said


The monster went straight for her. It picked her up with both claws Izzy laughed

(Izzy): Whoo, yeah!

It took her to a bouncy castle and dropped her inside of it



Owen Confessional

(Owen): Maybe the monster won't look for me in here. I love Izzy. Not like "love" love. But I think she's amazing. I just wish she'd notice me and not that dumb monster. How can I compete with it?! Sure, we're both big and we both eat a lot. But it's really tall



Courtney is running away she is trying to join up with Duncan who didn't seem to eager

(Courtney): Let's find those trailers Duncan!

Duncan was trying to come up with a reason for her to not join him

(Duncan): Uh I-

Suddenly the monster grabbed Courtney and took her away

(Duncan): Thank you freakazoid!

Duncan ran off. Courtney is dropped into the bouncy castle


Kai and Gwen ran past Geoff and Bridgette who are making out on a beach towel. They skid to a stop as they realised something

(Gwen): How are we supposed to find the actor's trailers anyway?

Kai was trying to remember if Chris showed it off to them during the short tour of the film lot. As Kai was thinking Justin ran past

(Justin): Follow the good looking people!

Justin shouts Beth, Katie, and Sadie are following him

(Beth): Yeah! Follow Justin!

(Sadie): Justin knows where to go!

Duncan was running alongside Kai and Gwen. He then spotted Geoff and Bridgette

(Duncan): I don't think that is the kind of action Chris had in mind

Duncan joked to Kai which earned a chuckle from him. Bridgette and Geoff overheard what Duncan had said



Bridgette Confessional

(Bridgette): What was I thinking? Duncan is so right. I like Geoff, but hello, I also like a million bucks!




Geoff Confessional

(Geoff): Duncan's right. It's time to get our heads in the game. Booyah!

He raised his fist into the air



Geoff and Bridgette get off the towel and are running with Kai, Gwen, and Duncan

(Gwen): This challenge isn't so bad. What, no explosions? No burning buildings? No bears?

(Kai): Maybe it's not in the budget

Kai said with a smirk. He was proven wrong when they saw an explosion in the distance, a house burning to ashes, and a bear who was inside the house. It's fur is singed and roared at the group angrily it quickly began to chase them


Chris saw the bear on the screens and turned to his co-host

(Chris): I thought the bear was tranquilized and returned to its handler

(Chef): Had one day left on its contract

Chris turned to the screen grinning

(Chris): Nice!


The group are still running from the bear when suddenly the monster comes in out of nowhere reaching for them. The group managed to avoid it or so they thought. The monster got Bridgette and Geoff

(Bridgette): This is it. The end!

(Geoff): As long as we're together, baby!

The monster drops them

(Bridgette): I love you!

(Geoff): I love you too!

They are surprised to see that they landed in a bouncy house


Leshawna runs across the beach and spots Harold hiding in a closed beach umbrella

(Leshawna): Come on, string bean! I hope you can run! We've got a challenge to win!

Harold joined Leshawna as they began running for the trailers

(Harold): If I wanted to, I could run as fast as a prong-horned antelope. It's the fastest land mammal after the cheetah

As Leshawna was going to question the legitimacy of what he said the monster roared which caused them to be launched back. The monster is quick to grab them. Leshawna glared at the monster

(Leshawna): Easy now! This booty is breakable!

The monster raises them above the bouncy castle

(Harold): I love you!

Harold shouts as they are dropped

(Leshawna): Say what now?

Leshawna said as they bounced up and down


Kai and Gwen continued to run around the beach trying to find a path to the trailers. Duncan had split off telling them it would be best to cover more ground. They stopped as they barely avoided the monsters tail they were quick to run away. They passed Justin, Katie, and Sadie. Justin is the only one who noticed the look of panic on Kai and Gwen's faces. He wondered what caused it until he was grabbed by the monster and the monsters other hand grabbed both girls

(Katie): It got us Sadie!

(Sadie): I'll miss you Katie!

The two girls clung to each other and began crying

(Katie): I'll miss you too!

Justin was raised to it's eyes Justin did what he does best, looking hot

(Justin): Yo

The monster is charmed


Chris looked at the screen and immediately looked to his co-host in confusion

(Chef): What can I say? Kid's hot



Justin Confessional

(Justin): I'm not just another gorgeous face. and abs, and butt, and shoulders, okay? I'm also a master strategist. And this year, I'm in it to win it



Katie and Sadie are dropped into the bouncy castle

(Katie): We're alive!

The girls hugged and cheered. Justin was next to join them but unlike the others Justin is carefully placed in the bouncy castle. Justin smiled at the monster giving it a thumbs up. Justin noticed that everyone inside is looking at him

(Justin): What are you all staring at?

(Everyone): You

(Justin): Oh. Right


Heather is seen running through a city. The wind almost caused her wig to blow away. But she is quick to realise it wasn't wind but the monsters roars. She tried running away. Lindsay pops out of a nearby bush

(Lindsay): You tell her, we don't like her!

Lindsay is immediately grabbed and so is Heather. Beth appears and watched the monster take the two girls away

(Beth): I'll miss you, Lindsay!

The monster drops both girls into the bouncy castle

(Lindsay): Ahh!

Heather felt the cold wind on her head she realised her wig is missing she glared at the monster

(Heather): Excuse me! I think you forgot something! 

It dropped her wig

(Heather): That's better

She happily put it on


Kai, Gwen, Beth, DJ, and Cody are running through the city screaming as the monster chases them. The monster corners them Kai came up with a plan

(Kai): Everyone, follow me!



Gwen Confessional

(Gwen): That's what makes Kai such a great boyfriend. He's always thinking of others. It's one of the things I love about him



Kai rushed for a nearby building. Everyone followed Kai except for DJ who froze in place. Kai is quick to come back for him

(Kai): It's okay, big guy. I got you

He grabbed DJ's arm and ran for the building he originally went for. Kai burst through the door. He is surprised to see that it wasn't a real building

(Kai): You mean, everything around here is fake?



Gwen Confessional

(Gwen): That and Kai's exceptional powers of observation

She said with an amused smile



The monster roars and reached for them. Kai looked worried suddenly his eyes widened and he took on a more confident and feminine appearance. Svetlana took the wheel and performed a back flip which caused her to avoid its claw. Though the others weren't so lucky and got grabbed

(Svetlana): Oh, Svetlana apologises!

Svetlana called out to Kai's friends. Beth didn't seem too scared

(Beth): I'm comin', Lindsay!

The four were dropped into the bouncy castle. Duncan emerges from behind a cardboard cutout of a car. He laughs as Ezekiel appeared beside him

(Duncan): Losers!

Svetlana noticed the boys

(Ezekiel): Boy, am I ever glad I'm not them eh

Ezekiel looked at Svetlana who was looking around as if preparing for something

(Ezekiel): Oh hey Kai!

Ezekiel cheerfully waved he approached him

(Ezekiel): Any luck with the trailers eh?

(Svetlana): You have me mistaken. I'm not Kai I am Svetlana, the Olympic queen of gymnastics!

Svetlana proudly boasted. Ezekiel looked confused until it suddenly hit him

(Ezekiel): Oh I get it now! Your one of Kai's personalities right?

Svetlana nodded confirming what he had said

(Duncan): Anyway back to the topic at hand. Do you know where the trailers are?

Svetlana looked confused

(Svetlana): I'm sorry but why are we looking for trailers?

(Duncan): You're in Kai's head right? You should be able to remember what Chris said

(Svetlana): Oh I see the confusion. None of us share memories

Svetlana explained as she pointed at her head. Duncan was surprised to hear this and looked a little annoyed

(Duncan): Mind giving Kai the wheel then? That way we can-

Suddenly he was tapped on the shoulder by a green claw

(Duncan): Wha- AH!

He turned and saw the monster which roared at them

(Ezekiel): I'm gonna die!

Ezekiel hid under the cardboard cut out car

(Svetlana): You will never be able to catch Svetlana! 

Svetlana leaped towards a tree and flung herself from branch to branch to escape. Duncan and Ezekiel didn't fare well as they were instantly captured


Owen, Noah, Eva, and Tyler are running through the city. Well Owen was gasping for air, Noah is being carried by Eva, Tyler is drenched in sweat but didn't want to show weakness to Eva who has the same look of indifference on her face as always. Suddenly the monster appeared Eva glared at it

(Eva): You want a piece of me?!

Tyler placed a hand on her shoulder

(Tyler): I've been upping my training I can totally take this thing on!

Tyler glared at the metallic beast that stood before him

(Tyler): Get ready cause imma mess you u-

He was cut off as the monster grabbed him, Noah, Eva, and Owen in one go. It dropped them in the bouncy castle. Eva glared at Tyler

(Eva): So you could totally take it on huh?

Tyler chuckled nervously


Svetlana is running along the tops of the cardboard cities. She doesn't realise she is the last one remaining. The monster found her and tried grabbing her but she easily dodged it and ran up its arm and stopped at it shoulder. It reached for her clearly confident it would get her Svetlana smirked and at the last second performed a backflip landing on its head. The monster couldn't stop and its clenched hand smashed into its face sending it tumbling to the ground electricity sparked from its body. Svetlana stood on top of its head

(Svetlana): As they say the bigger they are the harder they fall. Now what must I do now? The delinquent mentioned something about finding trailers... Svetlana shall find those trailers heeyah!

She gracefully leapt off the monsters body and searched for the trailers. She had no idea where to go so she went in a random direction. It didn't help that she went the wrong way


Five hours had passed. Kai is seen peeking his head around the corner of a city block and grinned when he saw two trailers and a bouncy castle. Kai ran over to it and heard his fellow contestants sleeping inside of it

(Kai): Hey I'm here!

His shouts woke everyone up

(Noah): It took you five hours to walk three city blocks?

(Kai): Hey its not my fault! Svetlana switched with me and I took the wheel again and I found myself on the island. It took me a while to find my way back

Kai felt a bit weird talking about his personalities like their common knowledge when he has previously done his best to hide them. It felt relieving in a way. Noah raised an eyebrow

(Noah): How bad is her sense of direction?

Kai shrugged as he spotted a needle with a note saying "Use on bouncy castle". Kai did as instructed which allowed everyone to escape from their bouncy prison

(Duncan): How come no one thought of doing that hours ago?

Duncan asked which got various murmurs

(Leshawna): Wait. Where's Izzy?

Leshawna asked having noticed she is missing. Suddenly the monster's hand lowers in front of them revealing Izzy

(Izzy): Thanks for the date, baby! Don't ever leave me! 'Cause I'd find you!

Duncan looked at her in disbelief

(Duncan): How did you manage to escape?

(Izzy): Monster and I had a romantic date. He doesn't take no for an answer. Mhm. Pretty crazy. I can't even tell you guys

Chris exits from a nearby trailer

(Chris): It looks like you all made it. Guess I lose the bet. That was just a warmup. Good news is, your next challenge is a reward

Everyone cheers

(Chris): It will be the boys against the girls, with the winner getting the first pick of the trailers, where you'll be living in until the next challenge. The losers will have Trailer A...

He points to the run down trailer that everyone assumed he got from a dump

(Chris): ...And the winners get Trailer B!

He points to a two story luxury trailer. Outside were two masseuse stations, a spa on the roof, and they could smell something delicious coming from the open windows. Everyone wanted that trailer

(Chris): Off to the Craft Services Tent!

Owen is excited to hear that as the one thing he absorbed on the tour is that the Craft Services Tent is associated with food

(Owen): Aw, yeah, baby! I'm starving!



Owen Confessional

(Owen): My mom says I eat when I'm upset. And happy. And tired. Not to mention bored, gassy, morose, joyous, comatose, semi-conscious, avuncular

He laughs

(Owen): Avuncular



Everyone was awed to see the spread that was made for them. It seemed like there was one of everything. The spread looked heavenly

(Owen): Woohoo! This is awesome!

(Geoff): Dude. This chow looks like something out of a commercial!

(Lindsay): Ooh, can I star?

Owen is drooling he is trying to hold his hunger back but he ultimately fails

(Owen): Let's get this speed-eating contest started! On your marks, get set, come to papa!

(Chris): No, wait!

Chris calls out but is too late as he watches Owen demolish the food. Well he didn't eat everything he found a salad he glared at it and threw it away. He continued to eat he didn't even chew he just swallowed everything. It was disgusting yet captivating


It didn't take long until the table was cleared with nothing but a few crumbs remaining. Chris approached Owen who is laying on his stomach groaning

(Chris): Owen, the man of many appetites. How was it?

(Owen): The turkey was a bit-

He burps loudly

(Owen): Dry...

(Chris): Not surprising, since the food was fake!

Owen looked shocked

(Owen): Fake?

(Chris): Yep, just props made from foam core, silicone, sawdust, and wax

He points to Chef who had all of the materials listed

(Chris): It wasn't a speed-eating contest. It was a contest to find the key

Owen looked at Chris in confusion

(Owen): Key? What key?

He burped and a key came out of his mouth and landing on the table in front of him

(Owen): Oh, you mean this key?

Owen asked as he held it up

(Chris): That'd be the one

(Owen): Does this mean I win?!

(Chris): Yes. Yes, it does

Owen raised a fist into the air

(Owen): All right!



Duncan Confessional

Duncan is holding his stomach as he howled in laughter

(Duncan): Did you see that? The dude ate foam core and wax! Full props for that, man!

He continued to laugh




Geoff Confessional

(Geoff): Way to find the key, dude! I used to think Owen was just some party dude, but he's really a stand-up guy. Party on!




Harold Confessional

(Harold): I could've done that, you know. I just wasn't hungry




Owen Confessional

(Owen): Oh wait, wait, wait. There's still one more

He burps, he had a relieved smile on his face




Leshawna Confessional

(Leshawna): Know what that boy has? Guts. Guts full of foam core and rubber. But guts just the same



Chef offers Owen a drink

(Chef): It'll help clear you up

Owen waved his hand

(Owen): Oh, don't worry. I'm cool. Hahaha. My mom says I've got a gut like a goat

His stomach gurgles in a way that makes Owen looked worried

(Owen): Nope. Call 911

Chris comes over laughing. Owen has been giving the host some good laughs today

(Chris): You're gonna need it. Since you're the winner, you and the other guys get the winning trailer for today!

The guys cheered


Chris stood in front of the two story trailer. It was pure white and it was massive being almost triple the size of the other trailer

(Chris): I welcome you guys to the spa trailer! Just a reminder you'll have to be up by six

He steps aside letting Owen walk up and unlock the door with his key. The door opened allowing the campers entrance into the vehicle. The guys entered the trailer and it looked nice

(Kai): Woah this looks sick man!

Kai states as he looked around on the inside. Cody is inside the fridge

(Cody): The fridge is stocked too!

Cody shouts as he pulls out a soda. Kai grinned

(Kai): Soda me brodame!

Cody threw Kai a soda as the guys continued their exploration of the trailer. Geoff spotted something the made him grin

(Geoff): Check it out dudes

Geoff flicked a switch and a disco ball came down from the roof and music blasted

(Geoff): We can throw wicked parties man!

Noah stood off to the side and he wanted to get away from the noise and noticed some stairs he began going up them

When he reached the top there were a few couches near the stairs and further along are the beds

The guys are quick to join him so they can claim their beds

(Duncan): What gives there's 5 beds thats nowhere near enough to fit us

Cody who is off to the side spots a switch and he flicks it. The beds are raised revealing to be bunk beds and another lone bed comes out of the wall. The guys were content with this and began picking beds

(Harold): I'll take the top

Harold said as he took a bunk. Tyler followed closely behind

(Tyler): I call the bottom

Kai was next to Geoff and nudged him

(Kai): Wanna bunk with me?

Geoff nodded

(Geoff): For sure, you want the top?

Kai nodded

(Geoff): Sweet I call bottom then

Kai and Geoff picked their bunk and placed their stuff underneath the bunk. Duncan and Ezekiel bunked, Duncan got the bottom and Ezekiel got the top. Cody felt a hand placed onto his shoulder he turned and saw DJ

(DJ): Wanna take the top?

He pointed at the vacant bunk. Cody nodded and the two headed for the bunk. Justin hopped onto the top of the bunk and Owen chose the one beneath him. Noah is quick to realise he gets the only single bed. He laid in the bed and reads a book smiling clearly happy with how the bed picking went

(Duncan): Oh, yeah, that's the stuff

Duncan said as he enjoyed the softness of the pillow and the blanket that practically hugged him. Geoff stood out of his bed grinning

(Geoff): Hey dudes, lets give Owen a round of applause for winning us this sick trailer!

(Tyler): Yeah way to go big guy!

The guys clapped and cheered for Owen who smiled. While the guys were originally planning to check out the trailer but they were beat and wanted to get some sleep. So they took turns showering and prepared for bed


The girls weren't having a good time. They are arguing over the beds

(Heather): I need to sleep on the east side so my head will be closer to the ocean

(Leshawna): That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. We're in Toronto. We're nowhere near the ocean!

Heather rolled her eyes

(Heather): Then maybe I don't wanna lay my pretty head near this big-butted, loudmouthed, mall-shopping–

Leshawna got into her face glaring

(Leshawna): And maybe I don't wanna sleep near a two-faced, bossy little string bean of a prom queen!

Bridgette placed a hand on their chest and pushes them away from each other

(Bridgette): Girls! You heard Chris, we need to be on set by six a.m.

Leshawna raised an eyebrow

(Leshawna): Worried we might cut into your early morning make-out session?

Leshawna imitates kissing. Bridgette blushed



Bridgette Confessional

(Bridgette): I didn't think that Geoff and I did it that much... I'll talk to him and tell him we should cut back we can't let that get in the way of winning the money!

Bridgette smiled confidently. She paused as if asked a question

(Bridgette): I'm not gonna stop entirely. Have you seen that guy?

She smiled with a light blush



(Bridgette): Kind of... Gwen?

She silently asked if she'd bunk with Heather

(Gwen): No way

Gwen immediately declined

(Lindsay): Heather's meanness might leech down while I'm sleeping

Beth gasped in shock

(Beth): Is meanness contagious?

(Lindsay): Totally. Besides, I'm bunking with my new BFF. My Beth friend forever

Beth smiled clearly touched by Lindsays words

(Beth): Aww

Katie and Sadie were already in a bunk

(Sadie): Katie and I are bunking!

A loud bang shook the trailer. The girls looked and saw Eva had dropped her bag full of dumbells and took the only single bed. She laid into the pillow closing her eyes

(Heather): Hey we haven't decided who gets which bed yet!

Eva opened her eyes and glared at Heather

(Eva): You said something?

Eva questioned an angry look in her eyes

(Heather): I didn't say anything!

Heather backed off immediately. She wanted to win a million dollars not to end up in a full body cast. Bridgette wanted to get some sleep so she came up with a solution

(Bridgette): We'll draw straws

(Leshawna): Who's got straws?

Lindsay looked at her make up bag

(Lindsay): We can use makeup brushes instead!

Lindsay stated as she went to grab them

(Gwen): That's actually a good idea

Gwen smiled clearly liking the idea. Lindsay came over holding 8 brushes. The group silently decided to exclude Katie and Sadie so they could avoid an outcome where neither share a bunk. They also decided to exclude Eva as no one wanted to upset her

(Beth): Longest ones get the top bunks. Shortest ones, the bottom. Shortest of all gets to sleep with Heather

Heather growled at Beth who didn't look intimidated. Everyone grabbed a brush from Lindsay she opened her head and grinned

(Lindsay): Yes! Top bunk!

She cheers happily, Beth looked at her brush and saw that it was a short one

(Beth): I got bottom! I call Lindsay

Beth calls out while pointing at Lindsay. Lindsay also points at her

(Lindsay): I call Beth right back!

The two girls eagerly get into their bunks

(Bridgette): I got bottom. Courtney?

Bridgette turned to Courtney with a smile which Courtney returned

(Courtney): I got top. Sure

The two went for the closest bunk

(Leshawna): I got bottom

Leshawna looked at Gwen who had a tall brush

(Gwen): Seems I got the top

Heather stood next to the last vacant bunk and took a head count and realised whose left

(Heather): Seriously?! I get-

Izzy suddenly shoved her and jumped onto the top bunk

(Izzy): I'm a top!

Heather sighed and prepared for bed


An hour passed and Chris was seen standing in front of the trailers he placed a finger on his lips

(Chris): Shh. They're sleeping

He slowly pulls out a megaphone and in his other hand is an air horn. He pressed the air horn against the megaphone and blasted it causing the campers to scream as they are awoken by the loud noise. Chris laughed and used it to talk to the campers

(Chris): This is your five a.m. wake up call!

The campers let out noises of surprise which caused Chris to chucke

(Chris): I'm only kidding. You can sleep... For now!

Everyone sighed in relief as they went back to sleep. Chris turned to the camera grinning

(Chris): That's a wrap on day one. How will Owen fare with a stomach full of foam core and sawdust? What will tomorrow hold for Kai and Gwen? Who knows what drama is in store for our cast? Well, I do. But I ain't tellin'. See you next time for another thrilling episode of Total. Drama. Action! McLean out

Chris jumps as he heard the monsters roar. He glared to the side

(Chris): Can someone please put a wrap on that monster?!


This marks the first chapter of the new story I hope you'll enjoy what I have planned out. Idon't have much else to say but I hope you continue to enjoy this story!

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