By Paciolo_2001

72 1 0

Silhouette is a testament to the artistry of erotic literature, offering an exploration of desire and pleasur... More


72 1 0
By Paciolo_2001


Silhouette is a collection of poems that explores the realms of pleasure and sexuality through the lens of literature. Originally written in 2022 and now officially published, these poems delve into the intimate and sensual aspects of human experience. It is important to note that while Silhouette delves into erotic themes, its purpose is not to promote illicit or harmful behavior. Instead, it seeks to celebrate the beauty and complexity of human desire, showcasing the power of language to evoke emotions and capture fleeting moments of passion. These poems invite readers on a journey of sensuality, where the interplay of words and imagery creates a vivid tapestry of intimate encounters. Silhouette is a testament to the artistry of erotic literature, offering an exploration of desire and pleasure within the boundaries of literary expression.

Author: Ismail Junaid. O (Paciolo Pen Saint)


The clouds announce the rain,
And the birds adjourn the strike, flying home.
The ears give birth to silence.
Longing has raged within both of us,
The ruins on the road of our thighs
Until the valley of buttons falls out of order.
The dialogue between our lips washes with fluids in styles.
Warring tribes of unsettled palms roam the pyramids of nipples.
Quenching waist full of fullness,
Down to the home that constitutes the life of a child,
In the complexion of the night,
A group of muscles pumps,
And signs of femininity shake.


My eyes weep in their blackness,
And the cores of my heart complain between my ribs
For the affliction of you not loving me, stings.

"Tell me how you want it."

In the midst of misery and despair,
With tears, I will scribe from my heart - fill the ocean with lines describing your beauty.
If that is not enough,

"Tell me how you want it."

I will let the moon shine its light on your face,
Steal brightness after the sun,
Slaughter darkness after the night,
I wish you could understand the feelings.
If that's still not enough,

"Tell me how you want it."

I will let you live in the midst of my breath,
I will be your heart,
You will be my soul,
And be my breath.
If that's not enough,

"Tell me how you want it."


Near my lips,
Her lips,
Should we mix some fluids right?
But I am thirsty,
I want to drink some juices,
Suck some honey,
And fly with the imagination of another era.
She is smiling,
She has a gap in her mouth,
She expresses astonishment with the gap,
But my eyes are drawn to her chest,
Burning, increasing in sedition,
Tormenting moon juices.


Rising in position,
I want to caress the head in joy,
Slowly and ask the tittes about its complaint.
She wants to be confined,
And be lost in my mouth.


Hello, hello,
Do you miss me?
Sorry, ere the dawn came,
Seven moments beat me with a smile from the roots of my nightmare.
Joy reminds me of you,
Sadness reminds me of you,
Warmth reminds me of you,
The cold reminds me of you,
Laughing reminds me of you,
The river reminds me of our love.
The cliffs collapse and tears overflow,
Our love is like the flame blown by the wind,
It stays shining and afloat.
From the monastery of exile,
And the shores of death,
Just believe me,
Even when odds are against me,
Remember me.
Without you, I will not live,
I'm a mountain, not a mile,
I'll stand by your side,
I won't love your parting.

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