Die For You || Hange x prince...


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‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩... More

𝓈𝑒𝒸𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝒾
𝓈𝑒𝒸𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝒾𝒾
𝓈𝑒𝒸𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝒾𝒾𝒾
𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒾𝓋
𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓋

𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓋𝒾

141 13 0



The King, the Lord commander, the Grand Maester, the prince, and the Master of Coin sat at the war council table to discuss their upcoming battle with King's Landing, a powerful kingdom.

"It's decided then, we leave for battle tomorrow", the King decided. "The soldiers, they are ready no?", the King asked his lord commander, the second leader, after the king, of all the knights within his kingdom.

"Yes sire", the lord commander answered. The king nodded his head slightly. His clenched hands rested against the corner of his lips as he tried, failing to hide his worry about this upcoming battle.

"Our dragons", the king questioned. "..Rebellious, but ready", the lord commander answered.

The king released a sigh and stood up. "Long as they burn the right soldiers, it's fine", the king said. "Time to speak with the knights, son...", the king said making the prince sit up a bit. "Remain here with the Grandmaster", the king ordered. "Yes father", the prince answered. The king gave one last glance to the men in the war room before leaving.  The lord commander followed after him now leaving the prince and maester.

The prince released a scoff gaining the Maester's interest. "Dust in your throat your highness", the Maester commented. "No dust in my throat", the prince replied. "No dust, then why the scoff", the maester asked.

The prince released a sigh and shifted in his seat to lean forward. "I don't understand why Father is making a fuss, this is just another war", he told. "Sure this kingdom has dragons but so do we".

"Ah yes, war is war there's nothing different about them", the Maester said moving towards him. "So why the fuss", the prince asked. "King's landing is powerful in size and that princess", the Maester frowned. "Princess? The one who burned down that city", the prince asked. "Poseidon's rule, remember their name", the Maester corrected. "That cunt of a princess burned it down because her feelings got hurt", the Maester huffed pacing back and forth slightly.

"But I heard- don't matter what you hear", the Maester cut the prince off violently. "You declare war, not kill a good king", he snapped. "He was a king, not a dragon snack!".

"Okay she burned a city down still don't see the issues with her", the prince sighed folding his arm. "Just take her down first like with any other dragon rider".

"It's not the rider, it's the bond".

"What", the prince questioned. "What makes a powerful dragon is the bond you share with it", the maester stated. "You don't just ride a dragon like a horse, if you tame it, befriend it, love it...that beast will become your wings, weapon, and savior".

"Okay then so how strong is their bond", the prince asked. "Powerful", the maester answered. "How powerful", the prince asked rolling his eyes.

"They're sisters", the maester says. "Her and that blasted beast are bounded by more than just blood, they're twins, counterparts, rebellious princesses that were born into this world to shit on the old laws", he explained.

"Shit on the old laws?", the prince questioned. "She's a princess, they're built to shoot out heirs and learn their history of why they're higher than whores", the prince scoffed.

"Her being heir to king's landing and her dragon, The Stormfyre, the bitch of all dragons", the maester answered. "...That rumor was true", the prince frowned. "Yes, so my prince listen to what I say", the maester said in a serious tone making the prince sit up more straight in his seat.

"If our kingdom fails, the world will end soon after", the maester said.

"Beware Y/n of King's Landing, for she will become the bitch queen".

"My gods you should've seen him!", you laughed. "He clung to my backside like he was a newborn babe!".

Jean, Connie, and Sasha burst into laughter at what you revealed to them about their friend. Eren was fuming at you while furiously drunk his wine drying to drown out the embarrassment bubbling in his chest.

"You were flying too fast!", he fussed. "All dragon riders must fly fast", you chuckled. "We must soar through the sky as if our dragon's wings are our legs and as if attackers are coming from every direction", you explained.

A frown remained prominent on his features as he dunked his wine. His eyes focused on something else making you chuckle.

"Don't worry Eren I was like you", you reassured catching his eyes interest again. "What do you mean", he asked. "I clung and screamed against my mother's backside in fear", you told nodding your head slightly.

"I nearly screamed until her ears bled", you said placing a hand on his shoulder. "I did it more than you did". His frown faltered a bit at your reassuring words.

"So it's normal? Since you did it too", he chuckled. "I guess maybe if I wasn't a newborn baby at the time and was on the ground", you chuckled.

Eren's frown returned almost immediately. Connie, Jean, and Sasha burst out laughing again nearly gasping for their breaths clinging to each other. "Fuck you", Eren snapped before storming off with Mikasa trailing after you shooting you a glare as she did.

"I was merely kidding my friend! At least you didn't shit yourself more than I did when I was a baby!", you laughed.

"You'll have to stop messing with him eventually", Hange said leaning against the wall beside you. "Once he gets that temper of his under control then I'll stop", you hummed turning to ace her. "Didn't think you alchemists-scientist", they corrected. "Right Scientist", you scoffed before sipping your drink. "Didn't think you scientist were allowed to party", you said. "We can when we want to", she said. "Shouldn't you be studying right now", you said. "I could say the same thing for you", she replied. "Yet you didn't", you countered. "Figured since this party is for you it gives you a day without studying", she said taking the goblet from you, her fingers brushing past yours briefly, enough to make you wish she lingered.

"That doesn't answer why you're partying", you said. "I don't study just dragons as much as I want to, I study you as well", she explained. "Me?", you questioned. "Am I that special", you smiled tilting your head at her and stepping a foot closer. "A young dragon rider is special", she said.

"That's all", you scoffed amused. "...That's all", she smiled her glasses shining briefly due to the lights in the room. Biting your lower lip, you giggled tipsy at her taking the goblet from her and holding it out for a servant to refill it for you.

"You are by far the most interesting person I have met Dr. Zoe", you chuckled before pushing yourself off the wall and passing her heading to your seat next to your father. He sat at the royal long table that sat on top of a platform. This gave you the view of the room like a sun rising over the peak of a mountain. The number of people in the room was dangerous, and powerful, a room so crowded an assassin could hide in it.

"How about you lay off the drinks", your father sighed. "You telling me, a person made of your half, to lay off the wine", you suggested making him scoff. "I'm not that much of a drunkard", he said. "Tell me after your twentieth drink", you said before sipping your goblet and glancing out toward the crowd of people.

A giggle escaped from you when he playfully hit your shoulder. "I was just saying Father", you giggled. "You lose control of your tongue when tipsy, just like your mother", he sighed faintly at the memory. "Loose lips I would call her, not to her face of course", he chuckled. You hummed in response covering your faltering smile with your goblet as you drank.

"One time one of the ma-", he went to say but a cough escaped from his throat, then another. Your father covered his mouth with a handkerchief trying to drown out the sounds of his horrid coughs.  The coughs sounded like they were ripping his throat as they propelled their way out. As he lowered the handkerchief you saw specks of scarlet blood. He quickly tossed it away.

"As I said, a maid tried telling her I said that, easily told her that my brother said it", your father laughed making you chuckle dryly.

"Your majesty, your highness", noble greed as he approached the table. "Lovely party", the noble smiled.

"Thank you Lord Jason", your father smiled. "It wouldn't have been a fun party if it wasn't for my daughter's successful battle", your father spoke giving you a quick smile which you returned.

"Ah yes of course", Jason agreed. "Her...control of her dragon and her beauty makes a beautiful combination in a young woman such as herself", Jason said smiling at you. "Which is why I'm offering you a proposal that would fancy her if she would marry me".

"I'm listening", you said resting your cheek against your fist.

"If you were to marry me not only would you get mountains of gold I would gift your dragon a fire pit", Jason informed "A fire pit", you questioned which he happily nodded his head to.

"Yes a dragon pit bigger than a clearing during the winter", Jason informed. "Bigger than the one I already have", you questioned. "Well no BUT it is decorated purple in gold, from the floors to the walls", he boasted.

"Ah yes a golden interior is a far more important feat to have in a dragon pit", you said glancing at your father who shook his head. "So if I were to marry you I would get this gold dragon pit", you asked. "You can even try it before we are wed", Jason smirked. "Excellent so you'll be the first I try it on", you smiled.

"...Excuse me?", Jason chuckled dryly.

"I need to test that theory if melted gold harms men, so I'm sure you'll fit", you smiled. "More gold on you will make you more handsome".

Jason bursts out laughing. "You jest Your Highness".

"I wasn't joking".

Jason's laughter died down. "I don't understand", Jason scoffed amused. "Let me dumb it down for you", you began.

"Dear gods", your father sighed diner his breath.

"As much as I want to see you drown in molted gold, which we all know, you need more gold on you to look far prettier than a whore during the summer season", you insulted. "I am rejecting your offer".

"I-I think rejecting my offer would be foolish Your Highness", he scoffed.

"The princess can decline whatever and whoever she wants", your father pitched in. "But sire-My father and I have said what we said", you spoke. "Besides last time I checked you do not have expenses to even build a farm".

"Your grace please", Jason tried convincing your father. "My daughter has given your answer", your father frowned. "It is best to save yourself from embarrassment and return to the other lords".

Jason looked at the two of you in disbelief before releasing a defeated sigh. "Your grace, your highness", Jason sighed and went to leave.

"Oh and do tell the other lords who are saying that I chose y/n as my heir on a drunken whim, that I chose her because I wanted what's best for this kingdom", your father said. "All the lords will do well to remember that".

Jason stood still for a moment before giving a quick bow and left.

"You tore him a new one", you chuckled going to drink your wine, but your father snatched the goblet from you and slammed it on the table making the wood shake and nearly the room gaining everyone's attention in the room. Your wide eyes stared into his angered ones.

"..Your room..now", he frowned.

After a tense moment of silence, he released a sigh. "Y/n you have to find a husband or-", your father tried saying but his words killed when left the room. He released a sigh and focused back on the crowd of people staring at him.

"Come on people it's a party! Drink!", he exclaimed causing people to go back to their paused conversations regarding you or other things.

"Fuck him, fuck Jason, fuck old people, young people", you cursed under your breath storming into your room and slamming the door behind you. Releasing anger pants and huffs you paced around your room.

"I didn't ask to be firstborn nor to be heir", you fussed. "I didn't ask to be a woman, I didn't ask to be a princess", you complained. "There are way worse monsters out there in our world than me! Like child lovers yet a young woman is the most dangerous person in the room", you shouted. "I don't need a man, men are pigs, parasites women are way better! But no I need to poop out little bastards just to get some fucking respect!".

"Fuck everyone!", you shouted hurling your goblet at your opening door. The goblet slams into the wall next to it spilling the red content down the old and jagged stones. Hange glanced at your mess then at you.

"Are you okay", she asked closing the door behind her.

"What do you want", you frowned. "Can't you wait until tomorrow, I don't feel like entertaining you about my dragon".

"I know, I just came to check on you", she answered walking towards you.

The frown on your face died away leaving your lips. "You came to check on me?", you asked. "Of course", they replied.

Silence overtook the both of you, you stared at Hange still processing that they came to check up on you. Not to get in your good hopes nor to get something from you, they were genially worried.

"So are you okay", they asked again. "Everyone saw what happened with you f-", they went to say, but you grabbed their collar and yanked them towards you.

Your lips soon slammed onto theirs.


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217 13 11
inspired by @druce_eruri !! thank you for letting me use this idea!