October Boyfriend

By benandmirandalover

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Miranda accidentally wishes for a boyfriend and Zara the sorceress makes it happen. More



602 30 21
By benandmirandalover

Miranda woke up and noted her head placed on Ben's chest. Their legs were tangled together and she enjoyed the feeling of being in his embrace.

They spent almost half the night talking. She picked his mind about so much. He was such a sweet individual. He asked her about surgery and she loved how fascinated he was in her response. She had never met someone who was solely interested in her. He wanted to know all of her dislikes and likes about anything.

She told him about her parents, her son, and her ex-husband. Laughing at every facial expression he showed. Clearly, he was just as displeased with Tucker as she was. Ben balled his fist up and shook in anger when Miranda told him how Tucker made her feel. He also shared things from his database, indeed telling her where she went wrong in that previous relationship and she needed to honestly hear it.

"Good morning," Ben whispered opening his eyes and looking down.

"Good Morning," Miranda replied sitting up some but ultimately was held down by Ben who pulled her closer.

"I like this," he commented pulling her on top of him.

Miranda placed her hands on his chest as she sat up and looked down at him, giving him a smile.

"Me too," she admitted.

"Does this mean I can lay beside you at night now,"

Miranda pursed her lips thinking. "We shall see."

"You said you weren't comfortable the first time. You look comfortable now."

Miranda chuckled and moved her bang out of her face. Giving him another bright smile. "We shall see,"

She then gasped and looked down. Ben's hard-on was pressed against her. "Benjamin," she whispered. It turned her on instantly.

"I'm sorry," he apologized sheepishly.

"It's okay, come on let's get up so we can go get something to eat, go home, and get cleaned up, we are gonna be late to work." She returned sliding off of him.

Miranda took a shower and was dressed for work. Ben drove them, letting the top down. She took in people's stares as he opened the car door and held his hand out for her.

She held it up until they were walking through the hospital door. Ben looked over at her questionably.

"I'm not this open," she responded and he nodded.

"Have a good day Dr. Miranda Bailey."

"You too Dr. Warren." She said and watched as he walked away. She stared at him as he walked down the hall and bit her lip.

"Looks like you two are getting along well."

"Sorta," Miranda blushed.

"Well, now you definitely have to spill."

'Spill what?" Miranda asked her shoulders tense.

She watched as Callie smirked and pointed to her shoulders. "You like him." She cheesed.

"I'm starting to,"

"Well, what changed?"

"Last night is what?"

"Ohhhh you two?" She questioned wiggling her eyebrows.

Miranda looked around before speaking. "No, last night he'd made dinner but I wasn't really interested. He wanted us to have a romantic setting and get to know each other. I was rude and mean to him. So, he grabbed his shoes, coat, and wallet and left. At first, I thought good but then I went into the bathroom and he had the most relaxing bath put together. He made my favorite meal and I felt so bad. So I went and found him and he was at the Embassy Hotel. He was just coming out of the shower and had that towel wrapped around his waist. The water was just dripping down and I was trying to apologize but he was distracting me. So I ask him to put a shirt on"

"4 or 6 pack?"

"It's 6," Miranda responded quickly. "Anyway he asked me if he was distracting me and I told him yes. Then he said good. He pulled me into him and asked me if he was attractive and had the nerve to be cocky about it. He swooped in and kissed me. To shorten this story, I almost orgasmed and then he stopped."

"You almost came from a kiss." Callied said shocked.

"No, his fingers and then mouth," Miranda answered blushing and looking around.

"So why did he stop?"

"Because he's a computer. He knows about stuff....knowledge but not the actual experience. So he was curious to....god, I can't believe I'm talking bout this...he wanted to see what I tasted like. He went down and licked like I was ice cream and ate like a fruit and then he stopped because he just wanted to see."


"I know. It was so good and then he just stopped and looked at me confused because I was irritated. I told him that you don't do that without completing and then he says that we can't have sex because I don't like him and I am supposed to."


"Mmm-hmm," she responded moving her bang behind her ear.

"This whole thing is just unbelievable."

"I know like, who knew magic was real and you could have a man if you wished for it. Anyway, girl, I gotta go to work. So I'll see you for lunch.

Miranda went and changed into her scrubs. She got started on her rounds and then went into surgery. After surgery, she walked to the nurse's station and handed over her chart to the nurse Samantha. "Thanks," Miranda smiled and caught Nurse Eli's gaze.

Eli grinned, his brown eyes lighting up "Dr. Bailey, it's not every day I get to see that beautiful smile of yours. It's like a ray of sunshine in this place."

Miranda chuckled. "Thank you, Eli, but I'm here to work, not to be swept off my feet."

As Eli playfully protested, a deep voice interrupted their exchange. Ben had just finished his surgery and had come to the nurse's station and saw Miranda. He couldn't help but notice the scene before him. Eli was close by her ear and she was smiling. The sight made his body heat up in anger.

Eli was taken aback when he saw the figure, standing behind Miranda. Ben's face wore a stern expression as he glared at Eli.

Miranda turned to see Ben's expression and felt a mix of amusement and concern. She noted Ben's protective nature, and she didn't want any unnecessary confrontation at the hospital.

Ben cleared his throat, his voice low and authoritative. "Eli, isn't it?" he said, his arms crossed over his chest.

Eli nodded, "Yeah, that's me."

Miranda could see Ben's jaw tense as he continued, "Dr. Bailey is my woman, and I think it's time for you to know that."

Miranda's eyes widened and she blew out a breath. She just told this man that she was private but she smiled and reached out to touch his arm, trying to diffuse the situation and calm him. He was like a pit bull ready to attack. Very territorial "Ben, he was just doing a bit of harmless flirting. Eli and I were just having a friendly conversation." Miranda explained. She couldn't read this Ben. I mean she had made him mad last night but that was a relationship angry. This was different. She had to remember that he was almost a machine and she didn't know if he could control and tame his emotions.

Eli, realizing that he had crossed a line, quickly responded, "Of course, Dr. Warren. I meant no disrespect."

"Good, now come on Miranda let's go," Ben gritted holding his hand out for her.

Miranda looked him up and down and licked her lips slyly. Why was she turned on from being told what to do? She placed her hand in his and gave Eli apologetic eyes before walking off.

"Ben Warren," Miranda gritted.

"What was that Miranda? Is that why I can't be your boyfriend because of that guy." He huffed.

"No, I'm not with him."

"You were smiling and entertaining him."

"I did not! I literally told the man that I was there to work and not be swept off of my feet."

"From the looks of -

"Looks can be deceiving Ben Warren. I'm not a cheater and I would never step out of this relationship,"

"Ohhh so we are in a relationship," Ben asked with a smirk.

Miranda rolled her eyes playfully. "You know Benjamin, you don't just show up being someone's boyfriend. You have to put the work in and you have to ask that person."

"Okay noted," Ben responded. "So am I single?" He asked with a serious expression.

Miranda stuttered, "No....yes."

"No...but yes?"

"Mmm-hmm. Yes and no."

"I didn't know it was such a thing."


"It's not a thing Miranda. I just looked it up."

"That's because you didn't check Urban Dictionary,"

"Whatever Miranda," he laughed.

"Hey, Bailey, and Ben are you coming out to Joe's? We are celebrating Derek's research grant."

"Um yeah we can do that," Miranda responded.

That night Miranda walked into the bar with Ben and moved over to the table with everyone. She introduced him to everyone he didn't meet. Most of them were shocked, although she never said he was her boyfriend she knew that Mark had already spread the word.

"So, Ben you are an anesthesiologist?" Derek questioned crossing his arms.

"Yeah, I am and have been for years,"

"How did you get into that? Or want to be that."

Miranda watched as Ben struggled to respond. "Uh, it came naturally, almost as if I was made to do it. I love calculations, medicine, and things like that so I just fell into it during med school." He spoke.

"But recently, I have found surgery so fascinating," he added.

"Are you thinking that's next?" Callie asked curiously.

"Yeah, I think so."

"That's great," Miranda stated smiling at him.

"I'm going to go get a drink do you want one?" Ben asked Miranda.

"Yeah, you know what I like. Thanks."

Ben made his way to the bar and before he could get the bartender's attention he heard someone call his name.

"Hey, Ben,"

"Hey, Ivy, " Ben greeted with a smile.

"What are you up to?"

"Oh I am here with the group celebrating Dr. Shepherd's research grant," he explained.

"Oh, I heard about that. Give him my congrats."

Ben nodded, "I know this is forward of me but I was wondering if you would like to get dinner one night as a date?" Ivy asked

"I am-

"He's mine," Miranda said loudly over the music. He turned to face Miranda and she reached up and grabbed Ben's chin pulling him down for a kiss.

The two kissed for a minute before breaking apart.

"There will be no date," she said sternly looking over at the woman.

"I'm sorry Doctor Bailey, I did not know he was your boyfriend."

"Oh no we're not boyfriend and girlfriend," Ben returned and Miranda’s eyes widened.

"Don't mind him," Miranda waved off grabbing his hand.

Ben looked over at her as she walked off. He could read the frustration and jealousy pooling up and down her body as if it were circulating.
"You don't have to be jealous, I only want you."

"I wasn't...I am not jealous,"

"I can read you, Miranda," he informed

"Well read me now," she remarked pursing her lips.

"Now you are annoyed with me...that's not very nice." Miranda laughed loudly,

"Can you dance with me ?" Ben asked looking at the other couples dancing.

"Of course."

Miranda danced with Ben and she loved teaching him all the ones she knew. She even loved grinding on him. His groans in her ear while he held her waist lit a fire in her belly. She could feel his erection pressing against her. "What kind of dance is this?" He asked in her ear.

"It's just a slow, sensual and romantic one." She replied.

"I like it,"

"I bet, me too." She smiled turning to face him.

"You ready to sit down?"

"Yeah, we can, come on. Walk behind me." She teased looking down at his problem.

Ben pulled out Miranda's chair and helped her sit. Callie looked at Miranda knowingly. "So where are your drinks?" Callie teased earning an eye roll.

"I'll get them in a few minutes."

"I'll go get you some," Alex said walking off.

The crew stayed at the bar for two more hours laughing and talking before everyone called it a night.

Miranda came out of the bathroom in her white nightgown and she looked up as Ben walked through the door. He'd taken a shower in the other bathroom and was dressed in pajama pants.

Miranda looked down and gasped again. This man was like a teenager. He had a hard-on nonstop.

Ben followed Miranda's eyes and he sighed.

"I'm sorry ever since last night at the hotel,
I keep getting them. I can't control them. You just look so good. It could be anything. Your smile, smell, eyes, look." He explained rubbing his hand across his head.

"It's okay Ben Warren I'm flattered. Let me know if you want me to help you out with that,"

"What do you mean?" He asked quickly looking at her intently.

"Research it," she smiled

"What exactly am I researching though."

"Research this..."
Miranda stated walking over to him. She ran her hands across his erection and lowered herself to the floor so she was at eye level with the bulge in his pants. Ben stared down at her as she rubbed his legs and placed a kiss right on the center of his pants.

Ben's eyes widen and he groaned.
"I think I get the picture," he swallowed.

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