Legion Britannia, "Steam and...

By JamesSwallowGaunt

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In the wake of Rome's collapse, the winds of change swept across the ancient world, carrying with it the remn... More

Chapter 1: A Legacy of Defiance
Chapter 2 : The hunted.
Chapter 3: The horror of war
Chapter 4: A Glimpse of Bliss
Chapter 5: the Rendezvous
Chapter 6: Gathering Storm
Chapter 7 : the Emperor's word
Chapter 8 : Deception
Chapter 9 : from the depths
Chapter 10 : Liberation
Chapter 11 : Iron Titan
Chapter 12 : A storm awakens.
Chapter 13 : Pirates
Chapter 14 : Against all odds
Chapter 16 - The trial of Tiberius and Sebastes
Chapter 17 - the game is afoot
Chapter 18 - Reunion in a far off land.

Chapter 15 : Bend the knee

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By JamesSwallowGaunt

It had been days since the Iron Titan had destroyed the mighty Bismarck and much of the Gothic Air fleet now a new battle faced Sebastes, Tiberius and the handful of Roman survivors, a mixture of Mark Augustus and his Reconnaissance Legionnaires and Praetorian guard members who now all huddle together in the depths of the command and control bunker. After the Goth bombardment had collapsed many of the tunnels and entrance to the bunker complex a new threat had emerged a battle for survival as the air supply in the bunker had begun to run out. Outside the Roman Engineers worked hard trying to find away in but all looked bleak.

The air inside the bunker grew thick with desperation as the Roman Engineers, their brows furrowed with determination, continued their tireless efforts to reach their entombed brothers. Their tools clanged against the unyielding walls, echoing through the desolate corridors, as they dug with fervor and prayed for a breakthrough.

Sweat trickled down their foreheads, mingling with the grime and dirt that coated their faces. With each swing of the pickaxe, hope and despair waged an unrelenting battle within their hearts. The sound of crumbling debris filled the air, but progress remained agonizingly slow. Time slipped away, slipping through their fingers like sand, as they fought against the relentless passage of minutes turning into hours.

Their voices, hoarse from shouting encouragement and exchanging desperate strategies, echoed through the dimly lit labyrinth. Urgency fuelled their actions, their movements becoming more frantic, yet precision remained paramount. With every inch gained, a flicker of hope ignited, only to be dampened by the overwhelming weight of uncertainty.

The survivors, confined within the depths of the bunker, listened intently to the distant sounds of their rescuers. Each scrape of metal against stone, every muffled shout, served as a lifeline, a reminder that they were not forgotten. The air grew thinner with each passing moment, their chests tightening in a suffocating embrace. Every shallow breath that filled their lungs was a precious commodity, a reminder of their fragility.

Sebastes, Tiberius, and the rest of the survivors clung to the sliver of hope that remained. Their eyes scanned the broken monitors and control panels, searching for any sign of progress. The flickering lights cast eerie shadows across their strained faces, mirroring the turmoil within their souls.

As the engineers pressed on, their muscles aching and their spirits tested, the weight of responsibility bore down upon them. They knew that time was running out, and failure was not an option. The fate of their comrades rested in their hands, and they would not rest until every ounce of their strength had been spent in the pursuit of rescue.

In the dark and damp bunker, the desperation seeped into the very foundations, intertwining with the flickering cables and shattered screens. The entombed survivors could only wait and pray, their hearts pounding in sync with the rhythm of their uncertain future.

As Tiberius and his men gathered in the bunker, a hushed silence fell over the dimly lit room. Suddenly, at the center of the space, a small blue orb materialized, its vibrant hue cutting through the darkness. The room seemed to come alive as the orb emitted a soft, pulsating glow, casting eerie shadows on the damp walls. Tiberius's eyes widened with astonishment as he watched the orb's radiant light spread, illuminating the bunker. Its heart, a mesmerizing cobalt color, pulsed with a mysterious energy that seemed to crackle in the air. The orb's presence was both awe-inspiring and unnerving, captivating all who witnessed its arrival.

"What, by the gods, is that?" Tiberius exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and trepidation. He stood up, unable to tear his gaze away from the mesmerizing spectacle unfolding before him. The air itself seemed to hum with an otherworldly power, as if the very fabric of reality was being rewritten.

As the orb continued to grow, a faint outline of a human shape began to emerge within its iridescent glow. Tiberius and his men exchanged bewildered glances, their minds racing with questions and anticipation. What could possibly lie beyond this enigmatic phenomenon?

Just as the anticipation reached its peak, a portal burst open with a surge of energy. Lady Hawthorne, a figure of elegance and grace, stepped out from within the radiant portal, her presence commanding attention. The bunker was now bathed in the ethereal blue light that emanated from the orb and the portal.

"Hurry!" Lady Isabella called out urgently, her voice carrying a sense of urgency and purpose. "The portal will not stay open for long. Bring your men, Tiberius. It is time to go."

Tiberius, still awestruck, quickly gathered his men, the promise of freedom overcoming any lingering doubts. With a mix of curiosity and determination, they approached the portal, their steps guided by the pulsating light and Lady Isabella's beckoning gesture.

As Tiberius and his men stepped through the portal, a whirlwind of sensations engulfed them. They found themselves spiraling through a vast wormhole, surrounded by a mesmerizing array of multi-colored orbs and lights that streaked past them in a symphony of hues.

The wormhole seemed to distort their perception of time and space, as if they were traversing through a cosmic tapestry woven with threads of vibrant energy. Trails of shimmering light intertwined, creating a kaleidoscope of colors that danced before their eyes.
The air hummed with a melodic resonance, an ethereal harmony that seemed to echo from the celestial bodies they passed. It was as if they were sailing through a realm where the laws of physics bent to the whims of this extraordinary journey.

The orbs that sped by varied In size and brilliance, each emanating its own unique glow and magnetic pull. Brilliant sapphire orbs pulsed with a tranquil aura, while fiery crimson ones crackled with an intense energy. Golden orbs shimmered with a gentle radiance, and emerald spheres glowed with an enchanting luminescence.

The passing lights painted the faces of Tiberius and his men with a kaleidoscope of colors, casting an otherworldly glow upon them. Their eyes widened in wonder as they absorbed the breathtaking spectacle unfolding around them. The journey through the wormhole felt both exhilarating and surreal, as if they were being transported to a realm untouched by mortal hands. It was a testament to the vastness of the universe and the wondrous mysteries it held.

Amidst the cosmic ballet of lights, Lady Isabella's voice rang out, cutting through the symphony of colors. "Fear not, my companions," she reassured them, her voice steady and filled with conviction. "We are on the cusp of a grand adventure, guided by the very essence of this extraordinary realm." Tiberius and his men held onto her words, finding solace in the knowledge that they were part of something greater than themselves. With renewed determination, they embraced the journey, their hearts alight with anticipation for the destination that awaited them beyond the celestial spectacle. As Tiberius, Sebastes, and the survivors emerged from the wormhole, they found themselves engulfed in a blinding, bright blue light. Their surroundings transformed into a vast stone circle composed of towering granite monoliths, radiating an ancient and mystical energy.

Bolts of vibrant energy cascaded out from the center of the circle, twisting and spiraling around the monoliths like the graceful vines of grapes. The crackling bolts illuminated the cavernous space, casting intricate patterns of light and shadow on the weathered stones.

Disoriented and overwhelmed, the survivors stumbled and fell, their bodies weakened and sickened by the sudden transition. Their senses struggled to adjust to the unfamiliar surroundings, the strange energies that permeated the air causing a disorienting haze.

Gradually, the intense energy dissipated, leaving behind a sense of calm within the circle. Tiberius and his men found themselves at the epicenter of the stone circle, standing in a great cavern that seemed to stretch into the depths of the earth. The air was infused with an aura of reverence and anticipation.

Gazing around, they saw Druids and clerics, robed figures of wisdom and mysticism, observing their arrival with solemn expressions. These ancient guardians of knowledge watched with a mixture of curiosity and respect, recognizing the significance of the travelers' arrival.

Amidst the solemn onlookers, other figures worked diligently on intricate and enigmatic machines, their purpose known only to those skilled in the arcane arts. The hum of machinery and the faint scent of alchemical potions filled the air, blending with the energy that crackled around them.

Mark Augustus, his voice filled with a mixture of awe and disbelief, broke the silence. "How is it possible that we find ourselves in the hallowed heart of the Imperial Science Academy?" He looked around, taking in the sights before him, his wounded men being tended to by diligent apothecaries.

Sebastes, exhausted yet grateful, directed his gaze towards Lady Hawthorne, a faint smile gracing his lips. "I see," he said, his voice filled with gratitude, "that you have harnessed the power of the gods. Thank you."

The weight of the moment hung In the air, a convergence of destinies and ancient forces. Tiberius and his men stood at the precipice of a profound journey, surrounded by the wisdom of the Druids, the knowledge of the clerics, and the enigmatic machinery that promised untold possibilities.

"Your joy may be short lived Tiberius, Sebastes your actions have angered the Emperor he demands yours and Tiberius's presence. Rest up eat we leave to Spain within the hour." Lady Isabella turned and headed towards the exit "Come, your man will be well treated, they are in good hands." Sebastes and Tiberius exchanged concerned glances, their moment of relief swiftly overshadowed by the impending threat. The Emperor's wrath was not to be taken lightly, and the urgency in Lady Isabella's voice only heightened their apprehension.

As they followed Lady Isabella through the corridors of the ancient temple, Sebastes couldn't help but feel a mixture of gratitude and anxiety. The power she had harnessed, though it had saved them in their time of need, now seemed to have brought a new set of challenges upon them. With every step they took, the weight of their destiny grew heavier. The fate of their homeland rested upon their shoulders, and the journey to Spain would be their next battleground. Sebastes knew that their actions had stirred something far greater than themselves, awakening forces that had long been dormant.

As they emerged from the temple into the fading daylight, Tiberius turned to Sebastes with determination in his eyes. "We must face the Emperor and plead our case," he said firmly. "Our actions were driven by a desire to protect our people and bring hope to our land. We cannot falter now."
Sebastes nodded, his resolve strengthening with every word. He had always longed for a purpose, a chance to make a difference, and now that opportunity had presented itself in the most unexpected way. He would face the Emperor with conviction, ready to defend his choices and the path they had taken.

Sebastes and Tiberius exchanged a nod, their minds focused on the upcoming meeting. Stepping into Sebastes's cabin aboard Lady Hawthorne's Airship, they were greeted by the warm embrace of finely crafted wood paneling. The walls, adorned with rich mahogany, exuded a sense of timeless elegance. The intricate grain patterns danced across the surface, adding depth and character to the space. As their gaze wandered, they couldn't help but notice the gleam of polished brass pipes that snaked along the cabin's ceiling and walls. These pipes, a testament to the airship's mechanical prowess, carried the lifeblood of steam power, fueling the massive engines that propelled them forward. The brass, meticulously maintained, reflected the soft glow of the cabin's warm lighting. In the midst of the wooden paneling and brass pipes, a large open porthole captured their attention. Framed by sturdy brass fittings, the porthole offered a breathtaking view of the world outside. Sebastes found solace in gazing through it, witnessing the transformation of fields into white chalk cliffs and the vast expanse of the grey sea with its rolling white crests. As the airship ascended higher, the rushing air streamed over his face, invigorating his senses.

Lost in the moment, Sebastes turned his gaze back to Tiberius, who stood by the doorway. Touched by his friend's loyalty, Sebastes felt a surge of gratitude. "Tiberius, my friend, your support means the world to me. Facing the Emperor's wrath is no small matter, but together, we shall endure whatever punishment lies ahead."

Tiberius placed a reassuring hand on Sebastes's shoulder. "Indeed, Sebastes. We stand united, shoulder to shoulder, ready to face the consequences of our actions. Your bravery and the unwavering dedication of the Praetorian guard have brought us this far. Let us forge ahead, guided by our convictions and the strength of our bond."

As the airship descended from the clouds, hovering over a patch of open water, a tense silence settled among Sebastes, Tiberius, and Lady Isabella. Their eyes widened as a sight emerged from the depths below-an imposing Gothic U-boat gracefully broke through the surface, water cascading off its sleek black hull. The U-boat's hatches swung open, revealing a shadowy interior that hinted at the mysteries within.

Sebastes peered down, a sense of urgency gripping him. "We must ascend quickly and seek refuge in the cloud cover before the Goths man their deck guns," he exclaimed, his voice laced with concern.

Lady Hawthorne's expression turned resolute. "It's time," she announced, a determined smile playing on her lips. "We must prepare to winch down."

Confusion flickered across Tiberius's face as he looked down at the U-boat, its presence both intriguing and bewildering. "Winch down?" he questioned, seeking clarification. Sebastes and Lady Hawthorne exchanged a knowing glance before turning towards the airship's cargo hold. Understanding dawned upon Tiberius as Lady Isabella, pausing for a moment, looked back at him. "Yes," she confirmed, her voice carrying a hint of secrecy. "The U-boat will serve as our vessel, taking us to Spain, disguised within the Gothic Navy. Through this daring plan, we shall slip through the Gothic blockade undetected."

Tiberius's eyes widened with a mixture of surprise and admiration. He realized that their journey was about to take an unexpected turn, fraught with risks and hidden agendas. Yet, his trust in Sebastes, Lady Isabella, and their shared cause remained unshaken.
With a resolute nod, Tiberius prepared himself for the challenges ahead. The path to victory would require careful navigation through treacherous waters, both literal and metaphorical. As they made their way towards the cargo hold, he couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation, mingling with the weight of responsibility and the thrill of adventure.

As the winching mechanism came to life, Sebastes, Tiberius, and Lady Hawthorne were gently lowered down towards the waiting U-boat. As they reached the vessel, the U-boat captain, a stoic figure with a weathered face, welcomed them aboard with a nod of acknowledgment. Stepping inside, they found themselves in a compact but meticulously organized interior.
The U-boat's narrow corridors were lined with steel bulkheads, giving off an aura of strength and resilience. Dimly lit by strategically placed lamps, the metallic surfaces reflected a sense of restrained power. The faint hum of machinery reverberated through the vessel, a constant reminder of the forces at play beneath the surface.

Making their way through the labyrinthine passages, they reached the heart of the U-boat-the bridge. The captain's authority was palpable as he barked orders to his crew, who diligently carried out their duties. The bridge itself was a symphony of brass and polished wood, with gleaming instruments and gauges adorning the walls. It was a testament to the captain's expertise and the U-boat's capabilities.

With a commanding voice, the captain issued the order to dive. The crew sprang into action, adjusting valves and levers, as the U-boat prepared to slip beneath the waves. The engines hummed with increased intensity, propelling the vessel forward. Slowly, the U-boat descended, the surface world fading away as the water closed over it.

The transition from air to water was an otherworldly experience. Sunlight filtered through the depths, casting an shimmering glow, while the U-boat navigated with practiced precision. The crew's mastery of their craft was evident as they deftly maneuvered through the treacherous sea, avoiding detection by the Gothic surface ships that patrolled above. However, the journey was far from smooth sailing. As the U-boat continued its stealthy passage, a sudden blip on the sonar caught their attention. Another submerged contact had been detected-a fellow U-boat, lurking in the dark depths. Tension filled the air as the crew assessed the situation, their instincts honed by countless hours of training.

The U-boat captain, his voice steady but firm, issued a series of rapid commands. The vessel adjusted its course, evading the potential threat, slipping silently past the other U-boat without raising suspicion. It was a testament to the U-boat's advanced technology and the crew's expertise that they managed to navigate this perilous encounter undetected. With each passing moment, the journey grew more precarious, the stakes higher than ever.

The U-boat pressed on, threading its way through the Gothic blockade with unwavering determination. The crew, Sebastes, Tiberius, and Lady Hawthorne, united in their purpose, braced themselves for the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that every decision could mean the difference between success and failure.

As the U-boat disappeared into the depths, leaving no trace on the surface, they ventured further into the unknown. The path ahead was treacherous, but the spirit of adventure burned brightly within their hearts, driving them forward into the heart of darkness, towards a future that hinged on their courage and cunning.

As the mortal game of cat and mouse persisted, the U-boat carrying Tiberius, Sebastes, and Lady Hawthorne skillfully evaded the enemy's relentless pursuit. Their U-boat slipped through narrow channels, hugged the ocean floor, and utilized every advantage the treacherous waters offered. The crew's expertise and unwavering determination allowed them to stay one step ahead, their hearts pounding with each close call.

Finally, the moment came when the Goth U-boat, after an exhaustive search, deemed the area clear and retreated to rejoin the blockade. Tiberius's U-boat, now free from immediate danger, sank to the ocean floor and powered down, its engines silenced. In the depths of the sea, they lay hidden, waiting for the opportune moment to resurface.

Hours turned into an eternity as they maintained their vigilant stillness, their anticipation building. Finally, the time came when the coast was clear, and Tiberius's U-boat slowly ascended towards the surface, like a phoenix rising from the depths. As it broke the surface, a sense of relief washed over the weary crew. To their astonishment, a Roman Navy ship awaited their emergence. The crew on the ship, alerted to their arrival, greeted them with open arms. Lady Hawthorne, Sebastes, and Tiberius, filled with gratitude, exchanged glances, realising the magnitude of their achievement.

With the Roman Navy as their escort, they boarded a waiting Roman Launch, a vessel ready to transport them to the shoreline. The Roman sailors, skilled and efficient, guided them with practiced ease. The journey to the shoreline was a triumphant one, with the wind in their hair and the taste of victory on their lips.

As they disembarked onto the shore, they were met by a contingent of Roman soldiers, their armor gleaming in the sunlight. The soldiers saluted Lady Hawthorne, Sebastes, and Tiberius with a deep sense of respect and admiration, recognising the courage and sacrifice that had brought them to this moment. Escorted by the soldiers, they made their way towards the command bunker nestled within the ancient walls of a Spanish fort. The rugged beauty of the fortress stood as a testament to the history and resilience of the land it protected. As they stepped through the fortified gates, a sense of anticipation and reverence filled the air.

Lady Hawthorne, Sebastes, and Tiberius followed the soldiers with unwavering resolve, their steps echoing through the underground passages. The scent of damp earth mingled with the faint aroma of gunpowder, a reminder of the impending conflict that loomed on the horizon.

Finally, they reached the heart of the command bunker, where the Roman General awaited their arrival. The General, a figure of authority and experience, sat at a command console, surrounded by a flurry of activity.

In the command bunker, a symphony of maps, charts, and tactical displays adorned the walls, creating a mesmerizing tableau of strategic possibilities. The room buzzed with the energy of strategists analyzing data, formulating plans, and making crucial decisions. The sound of communication devices crackled with updates and reports, further emphasizing the urgency of the situation.

Amidst this organized chaos, Lady Hawthorne, Sebastes, and Tiberius listened intently, their minds focused on the task at hand. General Augustin of the Imperial guard, a seasoned leader with a commanding presence, welcomed them to Spain "The Emperor is waiting for you, the passing of time and the need for your skills have soothed his temper." The General informed Tiberius that his leadership was needed now more than ever, he went on to explain how the Spanish campaign would turn the tide of the war, he explained the challenges they faced, the intricacies of their mission, and the potential impact their success could have on the empire.

Inside the bunker, the atmosphere was charged with a mix of determination and urgency. The dimly lit corridors echoed with the sound of military activity, as officers and strategists exchanged hushed conversations. The flickering lights cast long shadows on the weathered stone walls, adding to the aura of secrecy and importance.

Immersed in the underground chamber, surrounded by the echoes of history within the fort's walls, Lady Hawthorne, Sebastes, and Tiberius recognized the weight of their journey. They were standing at a pivotal moment where the fate of their mission, the empire, and the lives of countless individuals now rested on their ability to execute their plans with precision and cunning.

With a renewed sense of purpose, they stood ready to face the trials that awaited them. The command bunker, a nexus of strategy and determination, hummed with an air of anticipation. The weight of responsibility settled upon their shoulders, but so did the strength and support of the Roman army, united in their cause. They awaited the arrival of the Emperor's Elite bodyguard, who would serve as their escort.

As the doors of the command bunker swung open, Lady Hawthorne, Sebastes, and Tiberius moved forward, guided by the unwavering support of the Roman soldiers standing beside them, stood up tall and together, they made their way through the corridors of the fort, their steps echoing with purpose.

Finally, they reached the inner chambers, where the Emperor awaited their arrival. Lady Hawthorne, Sebastes, and Tiberius stood tall, their hearts filled with a mix of anticipation and reverence. The doors opened, revealing the Emperor seated on his majestic throne, an aura of authority surrounding him.

Approaching the Emperor, they bowed before him, paying homage to his position and the weight of his rule. The Emperor's eyes, filled with wisdom and scrutiny, met theirs. In that moment, Lady Hawthorne, Sebastes, and Tiberius understood that their journey was far from over. The fate of their mission and the future of the empire now rested in the hands of the Emperor, and they awaited his judgment with bated breath.

"So you followed my command this time, Sebastes?" the Emperor's words stung with a hint of disappointment. "Come, take my hand and renew your oath."

Sebastes stepped forward, his resolve unyielding, and knelt before the Emperor, his hand clasping the Emperor's in a gesture of unwavering loyalty. With this act, he confirmed his oath, pledging his life in service to the empire.

"Stand, Sebastes," the Emperor commanded, his voice carrying both authority and a glimmer of respect. "Take your place in service, for your dedication has not gone unnoticed." Sebastes rose, a sense of pride emanating from him as he stood before the Emperor. He had proven himself worthy, and his place in the annals of history was assured.

The Emperor's attention then turned to Tiberius, who stepped forward, his heart filled with anticipation and the weight of the destiny that awaited him.

The Emperor's gaze upon Tiberius held a mixture of expectation and admiration. "Tiberius, come forward," the Emperor beckoned, his voice resonating with a sense of reverence. "Your courage and determination have brought you to this moment. Your place in legend is guaranteed, for you have already proven yourself as a true hero."
Tiberius, his emotions a whirlwind, approached the Emperor, his eyes meeting the Emperor's unwavering gaze. In that instant, he understood the gravity of his role, the weight of the empire and its people resting upon his shoulders.

With unwavering determination, he prepared himself to face the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that his actions would shape the course of history. In the presence of the Emperor, Lady Hawthorne, Sebastes, and Tiberius felt a renewed sense of purpose. Their journey had led them to this moment, where their commitment to the empire and their unwavering resolve would be put to the ultimate test.

As they stood before the Emperor, their hearts overflowing with a mix of anticipation and reverence, they were ready to fulfill the mission that awaited them.

The Emperor, his voice commanding yet tinged with urgency, addressed Tiberius and Sebastes directly. "Tiberius, Sebastes, I entrust you with a mission of utmost importance. Our intelligence has confirmed that Gaius Daulis, a key strategist behind the invasion of Sicily, has been captured by the Ottomans. They aim to extract the full plans through torture, endangering our entire operation."

Tiberius, his eyes gleaming with determination, nodded in understanding. Sebastes, his loyalty unwavering, stood beside him, ready to face any obstacle that stood in their way.

"The mission is simple, yet perilous," the Emperor continued. "Your objective is to infiltrate the Ottoman prison where Gaius Daulis is held captive. Time is of the essence. You must rescue or eliminate him before he has the chance to reveal the details of the invasion."

Lady Hawthorne, her presence a steadfast source of support, stepped forward. "Your success in this mission is crucial, not only for the safety of the knowledge Gaius holds but also for the success of our empire. The fate of Sicily hangs in the balance, and we cannot afford to let the Ottomans gain the upper hand."

Tiberius and Sebastes exchanged a resolute glance, silently acknowledging the weight of their responsibility. They understood that failure was not an option. Lives depended on their swift and decisive actions.

The Emperor's voice carried a final note of encouragement. "With your skills, courage, and unwavering loyalty, I have no doubt that you will accomplish this mission. May the gods guide your path, and may your actions bring glory to the empire. Go now Lady Hawthorne will discuss my plan."

As they left the presence of the Emperor, Tiberius and Sebastes prepared themselves mentally and physically for the daunting task ahead. They knew that the road would not be easy, but their resolve burned bright, fueled by the knowledge that the empire's future depended on their success.

With their minds focused and their hearts set on their mission, Lady Hawthorne, Tiberius, and Sebastes entered Lady Hawthorne's private chambers.

"Please, gentlemen, have a seat," Lady Hawthorne said, pouring each of them a glass of the finest Roman Red wine. She proceeded to outline the plan, saying, "Your Emperor, in his wisdom, has decided to give you a chance at redemption. You will leave this place as disgraced warriors who have fallen out of favor with the Emperor." Isabella settled into her embroidered chair. "From here, you will be taken and stripped of your rank and badges of office. Then, you will be transported to Botafuegos prison, in Roman held Spain, a place that is hell on earth home to the scum we have conquered during our campaign to retake Rome. The prison holds the Spaniards who laid down their arms and begged for mercy" Lady Hawthorne looked up, adding, " First there will be a trail, one in which you will plead for the Emperor's mercy, your disgrace and imprisonment will be broadcast across the Imperium. Your lands will be seized, and your families will be placed under the custody of the Emperor, the rouse must be realistic, the enemy must believe whole heartedly." She turned to Tiberius, saying, "For the deception to hold, you must play your part." Lady Hawthorne then directed her attention to Sebastes, stating, "We have established contact with your network of spies, who have already planted the seeds of revolt in the prison. It shouldn't be difficult for you to ignite the flame of resistance during your brief stay." Lady Hawthorne took a long sip from her glass.

As she stood up, Lady Hawthorne continued, "After your escape from Botafuegos you will connect with some of your new Spanish allies, especially Captain Emmanuel Rodriguez, the nephew of the Sultan's aide. Together, you will make your way to the coast, where Irish mercenaries will transport you by boat to Morocco. While there, you will frequent ale houses and publicly display your disdain for the Emperor. With the addition of the fact you were responsible for the prison break and by rescuing the Sultan's aide's son, you will catch the Sultan's attention. Gain his trust and offer your services to him, all the while discovering the exact whereabouts of Gaius. The rest will be up to you."

Tiberius and Sebastes exchanged knowing glances, fully aware that the fate of Gaius Daulis, the invasion of Sicily, and the empire itself now rested in their hands.

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