Red Scarf || Mako x F. OC [On...

By 0FelaChan0

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Author: @CrayNommy Took a deep dive into the Legend of Korra through the sense of Yue Beifong, a metalbending... More

Prologue: Yue
[1.1] Republic City
[1.2] Sway, Dance with the Wind
[1.3] The Revelation
[1.5] Absence of Presence
[1.6] Double Lifes, Choosing Sides
[1.7] Extreme Believes & Extreme Violence
[1.8] Knows When to Step Back
[1.9] Different Kind of Strength
[1.10] Endgame
Book Two : Spirits
[2.1] The Cop and The Blind Consulting Detective
[2.2] Feel the Wind, Darling
[2.3] Civil War and Peacekeeper

[1.4] The Voice at Night

327 13 0
By 0FelaChan0

Word Count: 2741 words.

"So, what have I miss?" Yue asked Korra as she sip her herbal tea. 

Yue was without a doubt pissed that she was forced to rest for the next couple of days. With Lin threatening to suspend her if Yue is caught doing anything remotely heavy for her recovering body. 

"Tarrlok threw a gala for me. All of us are expected to attend." Korra tells with a small smile on her lips. 

"Hm, Tarrlok... Tarrlok..." Yue chanted in low tune. 

"That man smells like ladies, he also has three ponytails. Funny." Ikki giggles. 

"Is that so?" Yue laugh tenderly at Ikki, which surprises Korra since her joy were mostly act even to Mako and Bolin. 

But with Tenzin's kids, Yue look like she truly belongs and happy. It seems like the blind detective greatly cares for the children, as if she's their older sister. 

"The counsel man keeps on giving Korra amazing gifts too, last time he bought her a Satomobile." Jinora added, as she reads her book. 

"Meaning he's desperate and rent less. Be careful, Korra." Yue warned the young avatar. 

"I'm not planning onto join his taskforce, if anything, I feel like that's more of your thing Yue." Korra looks at Yue. 

"Oh, my godmother will throw a fit, it's probably why Tarrlok hasn't reach me. Though maybe Lin loathes him for flirting with me." Yue shrug casually as the rest of the girl gasp with their own level of disgust. 


"No way." 

"Yes way, unfortunately." Yue chuckles at the reactions she gathers. "Speaking of his forces, I'm afraid I'm in no way or form to fight right now. Katara said I needed more time for my chi to recover fully, I hate it that I can't deny her. The nerves in my entire right arm felt ruined." Yue hiss. 

"Bolin told me you didn't bend when you fight the lieutenant, why?" Korra genuinely wanted to know. "You keep lecturing me of being reckless but that fight, I'd say you were reckless yourself." 

"Are you okay sister Yue?" Ikki panicked as Jinora stop reading. 

"I'm fine... it wasn't without a reason I did not bend. I wanted to play my disguise to its fullest potential so that we could still use the disguise in the foreseeable future. If the Equalist find out how easy it is to penetrate their system, they'll do anything to make sure it won't happen again. We can't afford that, can't we?" Yue explains as Korra somewhat understands. 

"But it cost you your arm Yue." Korra exhale. 

"It's worth it." Yue's determination remains strong. 

"Yue, are you feeling well enough for the Gala tomorrow? We had already chosen a dress for you, you know?" Jinora asks softly as Ikki could not wait to show it. 

"Wow, since the two of you had done so, I might as well." Yue smiles but Korra could tell that Yue is nowhere near excited to wear a dress. 

As Jinora and Ikki took off to take Yue's dress in the other room, they left Korra now all alone with Yue. 

"What's with you and dresses anyway?" Korra smiles as she watched how tense Yue have become at the mentioned of dress. 

"They made me feel so restricted, and I once wore them, shredded one all the way to my hip. I walked around with my hips out in the open! I could never forget that." Yue told with passionate hate, making Korra laugh. 

"Yue, I'm sorry." Korra changed the topic, making Yue stopped drinking her tea. 

"What for?" 

"I made you push yourself so hard. I was so selfish with you. I'm sorry." Korra looks down, not noticing how Yue moved herself to sit beside Korra. 

"I insult you, many times... I'm sorry too, Korra." Yue apologized and took Korra by her hand. "You're no Aang and I must simply accept it. For what it's worth, I trust that you could be an amazing avatar in your own way Korra. I trust you." 

"Well, don't. I can't face Amon at all, I... I fear him Yue." Korra admitted, now seeking comfort unconsciously. 

"It would be foolish of you to not fear him, Korra. Amon drives me mad too, that man made me feel such rage and hatred to a degree I've never felt before, I'm afraid too." Yue shares her thoughts, as Korra listen. 


"I fear that he will drive me mad and fueled me with desires of revenge. He's starting to, and I'm not stopping him. What if I do something unthinkable Korra? Amon will be the end of me." 

"Then I will stop you, no matter what." Korra promises to Yue, taking the latter by quite surprise. 

"You would do that for me?" Yue asked in a voice that is barely audible. 

"I don't see why not." Korra put her hand over Yue's. 


"I... I don't feel so good." Yue made a sour face as she felt many eyes were upon her. "Korra, you still here besides me, right? I hate, hate, hate pompous crowds." Yue felt Korra's arm and hang on with dear life. 

"Wow, I would've never thought to see you so... so introverted." Korra chuckles as she too, grow anxious with the attention she received. 

"Wait until you see how out of touch they are. I work my ass off to become a good detective and all they see is a trophy because they think I'm pretty. It's sickening, I understand why Lin is so adamant to stay single." Yue rant, still hand in hand with Korra. 

"Well, I still can't believe this is all for me." Korra looks around as the crowds began to clap for her. 

"I'm not sure what Tarrlok is plotting but keeps your guards up." Tenzin reminded and Yue couldn't agree more. 

"So glad you could make it avatar Korra, and it's a pleasure to finally meet you again, my Yue." Tarrlok greeted his targeted guests.

"I am twenty and your thirty-seven. Should I call for my godmother? Maybe her beating will remind you what happened last time your mouth was too much." Yue in reflex, hides herself behind Tenzin. 

"I get it, well Korra, you should follow me. If you excuse us, I have some people I would like you to meet." Tarrlok guides Korra as Tenzin was shocked to find Meelo pissing on one of the potted plants. 

"There you are, I hope you're doing well on your recovery." Came Lin's voice to greet her goddaughter. 

"Still not great, I'm still sore." Yue reluctantly told the truth. 

"It's quite alright, you should take all the time you need to recover. So, how's the avatar?" Lin asked Yue. 

"She has potential, Korra needs friend to balance her is all. Like how Aang has his friends, even if one were unlikely." Yue remember the tale she used to read before bed. She thought it was cool that Aang and Zuko were able to see eye to eye. 

"Well, I still think that she doesn't deserve this. But if you see her potential, so be it, I'll keep my mouth shut. Will you be okay if I go and continue my duty? If you need me, just shout my name." Lin noted that she is needed by her work colleague. 

"I will be fine, mother." Yue offer Lin a smile, a smile Lin gave back wholeheartedly. 

"Don't cause too much trouble." Lin said before she took off. 

"Yue!" She then hears the shout of her worried friends, Mako and Asami. 

"Asami and Mako? Where is Bolin?" Yue turn to the voices of her friends and asked. 

"He's enjoying the buffet. I heard you were hurt, are you okay? I always told you to mind your health, but you never seem to listen!" Asami started to lecture her friend as Mako could only be amaze at the sight of Yue in dress. 

She has always look so beautiful, but in dress. She looks magnificent, graceful and breathtaking. 

"Funny story, I meet your friend and hit him with my moped. I paid him back with a dinner though. He took your supposed spot at our supposed date." Asami began to tell her story, knowing Yue needed a bit of catch up. 

"Don't forget about the part that your father has decided to sponsor Fire Ferrets. Thanks to Sato, Fire Ferrets has a shot this year." Mako added. 

"I'm glad, it's good that everything seems to be alright as I was away. I was super worried when I found out that I slept for two days straight." Yue was grateful, making Asami and Mako shakes their head. 

"You dummy, the way Mako told me, you really need the rest you know? I even visited you; I've never seen you truly rest until your own body told you to. For the love of spirit Yue, you need to stop making my heart drop." Asami embraces Yue tightly. 

"And now look at you, you're well rested in a Gala with a beautiful dress! Doesn't she look lovely Mako? Mako couldn't keep his eyes away from you, thought you should know." Asami whisper the last part. 

"You look beautiful, Yue." Mako spoke in a very tender voice. 

"Thank you, I'm sure all of my friends looks as beautiful as me if not more. Shame I cannot see." Yue smiles, though the Gala never suited her. 

"Is something wrong?" Mako caught onto Yue's discomfort. 

"I feel like somethings bad is about to happen." Yue told as the voices of camera and nosy journalists can be heard not too far away from where she stood. 

"I'm not afraid of anybody!" Korra bellowed. 

"Tarrlok..." Yue grunted. 

"What, what happened?" Mako questioned. 

"He cornered the avatar." Asami explain shortly, knowing how most journalism work on their good and their evils. 

"If the city needs me then I'll join Tarrlok's force and help fight Amon." Korra declared. 

"There's no turning back for her now." Asami commented, and she's right. 


With the frequent visit from Bolin, Mako and Asami, Yue has made a full recovery in a week or so. Albeit deep down Yue never understood why her friend cares about her so much, at least the blind detective has starting to fully accept their visits and lectures. 

The only person Yue has grown distance to was Korra, seeing as she is constantly knocking down Equalists movement with Tarrlok and his special forces. Truth be told Yue grew worried and has decided to pay the avatar a visit. There Korra stood behind Tarrlok as the journalists barge in with their rather abrasive questions. One even asked. 

"Question for the avatar. Amon remain at large, why have failed to locate him?" 

"You want to know why? Because Amon is hiding in the shadows like a coward. Amon, I challenge you to a duel, no task forces no chi blockers. Just the two of us tonight at midnight, on avatar Aang's memorial island. Let's cut to the chase and settle this thing. If, you're man enough to face me." Was how Korra reacted to said question. 

"Oh, dear that can't be good." Yue winced. 

"Korra, this is madness." Tenzin said the moment his toes reach the ground. 

"Keep trying Tenzin, she wouldn't listen to me." Yue gives Tenzin a smile. 

"Don't try to stop me and don't follow me! I have to face Amon all alone." Korra shouted at Tenzin and avoided Yue's blinded gaze. 

Was it because Yue's confession that drove Korra to force herself like this? Yue had many questions, and she could practically hear how Korra is so scared based on her rapid heartbeats. Yue has no interest to let the avatar be foolish enough and get herself killed, Korra still have uses to Yue and the blind detective has no plan to let her go just yet. 

"Korra..." Yue gathered more guts to speak but Korra refuses to listen. 

"This is all your doing!" Tenzin turned to Tarrlok. 

"I tried to talk her out of this too, but she has made up her mind." Tarrlok response as Korra began to took off. 

"Please say that you at least have some of your underling there prepared?" Yue turned to Tarrlok as he nodded. 

"We will be watching the island closely, if anything goes wrong, I have a fleet of airship ready to swoop down." 

And then midnight struct, sending vibration all the way to the port Yue currently stood on. From where she stood, Yue still has no view of the memorial island and what may be happening there, so frustration began to creep in through every inch of Yue's spine. 

"I don't like how quiet it is. Tenzin?" Yue asked for a second opinion.

"Neither do I, Yue." Tenzin agreed. 

"Tenzin, it's been hours... can you fly me over? I want to see what's going on." Yue stomp the ground three times, but the great bodies of water obstructed her seismic vision as she is nowhere as good as Toph when it comes to seismic sense. 

"You can't expect me to give you piggy back ride Yue, you're not a child anymore." Tenzin flatly spoke, reminding Yue as he prepare to took off. 


Once, upon a dream
I dreamt of utter peace.

The grasses were tall,
yet I never mind them.

Yue played a song in her gramophone as Korra stares distantly at her hot cup of tea, Yue know she's not the gentlest to take care of a fragile young avatar. So, in the best way that she knows, Yue hoped that her favorite song could calm down Korra after what Amon had done to her. 

Music doesn't make the terrors and fears go away, yes, but maybe it could touch your heart and help you forget about the world, though just for a moment. 

Yue already hears everything she needs to know from Tenzin; she now must try her best not to push Korra's button even further. 

Flowers were blooming, 
have I told you?

It was spring when we met. 

Korra now stares at Yue's chosen song, wondering why the blind detective played this song instead of talking her hearts out as Korra expected Yue to insult her decision-making skills. 

You are one,
one of a kind.

I never was bored to see your face

You shine and truth is that,
You've clouded my mind all the time.

"Huh, I never thought that Mirae would sing a romantic song. I thought she always sing about the nature?" Korra knew who Mirae was for Korra used to loves Mirae's songs.

Korra's wonder gently moved Yue from the bottom of her heart. While Yue is glad to see Korra no longer so sullen, she loves how wrong Korra is. 

"Just give it a second." 

Once upon a dream,
I dreamt of you in my arms, fast asleep.

My daughter... you will grow,
With tenderness and grace.

You are my sweet summer child.

"Oh." Korra realizes as the music stops; the avatar turn as Yue laugh softly. 

"My mother only sings of love for my father, this song was... it was for me." Yue stood and chose another songs, this time about the changes of the season. 

"It's a beautiful song, and I think you have your mother's voice." Korra sheepishly admitted. 

"You think so? Is the avatar hoping for a little show from this old me then?" Yue chuckles and Korra looks away as she gives the most subtle nods. "Alright then, I'll accompany you until you're fast asleep." 

It was incredibly hard for Korra to sleep at that night. But she did try her best and focuses on Yue's voice throughout the night. Korra really like Yue's voice, her actual mind and bending maybe calculated, coldblooded and harsh, but at least her voice is comforting and that she makes actual effort to calm Korra down. 

To watch as Korra finally caved in and sleep comforted Yue. For sure Korra is still in shamble, but at least she felt saved enough to sleep in Yue's presence. 

"When I catch you Amon, I'm going to make you pay..." Yue vowed in low voice. "In every way I could, I'll bring you justice." Yue left. 

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