love again | nct

By namjoonie

62K 3.7K 3.9K

❝when i said i liked it rough, i didn't mean my entire life.❞ ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ a nosey couple, ... More

pilot; how to scare away your date
the tragic attempts of liu yangyang
make friends with knives (100% works)
the reunion party in hell
boys ain't shit
bread ... i love bread... bread
borrowing a boyfriend
yangyang's secret lover
a very innocent misunderstanding
everyone loves haechan
free my homie she did no wrong!
bust a homie out of jail
fat cats, turn them into hats
a fun game of family feud
chats with cats
watch out for the fetishsizer!
friends who kidnap together, stay together
operation save our friend from a creep
candyfloss, rejection and soju
a period only stops a sentence baby
introducing... lee jeno!
jaemin feels weird sexual vibes in the room
babysitting the long lost enemy
jeno meets the group (they are weird)
get chased by angry shrek mob
the edible in fact was not weak as shit
the war against nature
broke behavior
a date with the devil
dumping or dumpling
so, what do you feel about this guy?
commiting felony for fun
i'm a dumbass, get me out of here!
give me your money bitch! (song ver.)
you're my fake date for real
oh no it's your ex !
i've been so naughty teacher, please don't whip me
the gym rat with a maid fetish (allegedly)
you, you, me, smash
running away from problems, literally.

the common enemy, choi yeonjun

422 36 17
By namjoonie

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

i'm about to commit
a hate crime right now

let me join

depends who it is

you know how that
committee ball i was

the one for all the
society presidents

the one where it was a super
heavy workload, and we asked
you a million times if u needed
help, and you always said no?

i think i remember

listen, i ride solo

i work best alone

plus i didn't say no

i had yangs help me out

i sent like one email
on his behalf and
that's it

yeah, and how did that
turn out for you

it was great, actually

i was working overtime

i finished a good 80%
of all the planning

isn't the event supposed
to take place this weekend?

yeah, but i did all
that 80% by myself

what's the problem then

well .... the title 'event
planner' may have been
taken away and reassigned
to someone else


we warned you

you had this coming

this is on you dude

yeah you just have to
suck it up and move
on now

that bastard yeonjun
i'll get my revenge on

hold up choi yeonjun?

i take it back, you
need to get your

yeah you know that

I know that bitch, he basically
stole all my members
in my feminist society!

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

choi yeonjun sat cross-legged pretensiously while the warm sunlight fell upon his perfectly crafted face. his untouched feminist literature opened at a random page. the attractive student was encircled by the adoring members of maya's group.

"i have concluded that the women in this book want the men to finally see them as human. not objects to obey their every word."

the members were star-struck by his elementary analysis that even a child could deduce, nodding in fervent agreement.

"wow, he's so smart and dreamy." they longingly sighed, dreamy eyes gazing into his pompous self.

maya blinked in disbelief. she scoured the room to check if cameramen would rush in to announce this prank.

"you have got to be serious, i said the same thing a minute ago!"

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

now people want
him to be president
of feminist society

why would a man
be there!?!?

i hate him too

people in my society
are obsessed with that
guy! big headed ass

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

renjun hated yeonjun. he even hated standing beside him at that moment.

yeonjun was by his side, clad in nothing but a satin kimono robe ending mid thighs. his milky white thighs practically blinding his eyes.

"thank you, everyone, for joining the art society." renjun welcomed, side eying the bare man beside him.

as his job of art society president, he was obliged to organise engaging creative activites each week. to change things up, he decided on something more classic, more explicit.

"today we'll be–

"having the honour to sketch me." yeonjun rudely cut him off. "since renjun here lacked the confidence to do this himself, he asked me to fill the role."

he openely insulted the president but the art society members did not mind since they were occupied by the imagination of what was underneath yeonjun's very short robe.

"but no problem there. some people struggle to be the muse."

the model playfully smacked the president on his back, nearly knocking the air out.

"but alas, i shall step up. now that's real leader material, right? now let's start."

without hesitation yeonjun grandly wiped the kimono off, revealing his bare and highly toned body. he stood there in all his confident glory, hands on his hips hiding nothing.

gasps resonated across the room as the students hastily fanned themselves, with nosebleeds trailing down their faces.

renjun rolled his eyes, regretting ever hiring this cocky bastard.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

like just because he's
hot with and without

you're hot without
your clothes too babe

alright let's end the
convo there

try having him as
a group project

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

"are you wearing a suit for our presentation?" jaemin glanced up from his cue cards at the glamorously dressed man. the costly outfit beside him distracted him from the upcoming nerve-wracking presentation.

yeonjun wore a fine-made ebony suit, and his blonde hair parted wonderfully as if done by a professional. he looked as if he was attending an awards ceremony, not a presentation in front of the professor.

"yeah, i assumed we had to look smart," he admitted before giving jaemin's comfy hoodie and baggy jeans a dirty glare. he then replaced his grimace with a contrived smile. "you're really brave to wear that. that's what i like about you, buddy."

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥


who even says buddy??

well unless you're
white or 40 years old

that guy had it out
for me as well

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

jeno hurriedly raced down the old sports hallway. he was only a minute late for the pre-match warm-up, yet as the team captain, it was his duty to lead the warm-up and set an example of punctuality for the entire team.

he hastily pushed the wooden double doors open, bursting into the gymnasium.

he witnessed his team huddle around each other, performing various stretches and warm-ups.

"hey guys, sorry i'm late. the traffic was so bad." he apologized while rushing in.

the other team members mumbled acceptance and acknowledgement of his late appearance since they were not too bothered.

yeonjun, however, threw him an ingenuine smile. "no problem, here's your new team jersey." he handed it to him.

jeno was thrilled to see the new jerseys they had ordered and personally designed. they had been eagerly awaiting their arrival for weeks. he had picked such a meaningful number and name that-

he frowned at the sight of the unfamiliar jersey "hey, this isn't mine.."

"ah, you see," yeonjun elaborated, "what kind of captain preaches punctuality but fails to do so himself?"

"i was only one minute late for the first time."

he shrugged dismissively "practice what you preach. i took the liberty to take your jersey."

yeonjun spun round to show off the large 'captain' and 07 printed on his back on his new jersey.

jeno felt rage. those were his numbers, his chosen name.

"but you're not captain.."

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

the guy is a jerk!!

i hate him

so what! he stole ur
captain name whateva

what he did to me was
even worse!!!

i personally don't have
a problem with him

he was really nice
to me

yeah i wonder why

and he's kinda cute

idk i don't think his
personality is for you

you always fold when
it comes to a tall cute

i hate him even
more now

it was after that basketball
match of yours jeno when
you won the semi-finals

that's when i decided
he was my enemy for

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

"hey, jeno, congrats! that winning shot was so cool." yubin congratulated her best friend. the girl's endearing eyes disappeared once she flashed her sweet smile.

it was the season's final game, and jeno had secured the final shot at the closing moment, securing their ultimate victory.

despite running for several hours, jeno had never felt his heart pounding this intensely. he breathed heavily as his defined chest heaved up and down.

even with the deafening cheering of his team behind him, his attention was solely captivated by the radiant girl before him. hearing her sincere praise was way better than any team celebration. jeno wiped the sweat off his drenched hair, trying hard to conceal his pure bliss.

"thanks yub–

"crazy, right?" an unknown fox-like boy barged into the conversation, casually slinging his arm around the shy boy. "he's been missing his shots all season, but suddenly, the guy becomes an expert when you turn up to watch."

she shrugged modestly, playing along with the unfamiliar tall boy. his soaked ebony hair fell into his eyes, and multiple silver hoop earrings caught yubin's eye.

"what can i say?  i'm his cheerleader." her eyes flickered to her flustered friend. jeno's ears slowly turned into a tinted red shade after his teammate openly exposed him.

"more like you're our lucky charm. you should come to watch us more often." he boldly offered.

"consider it done."

"i'm choi yeonjun." he jutted a hand out for a handshake. "you must be yubin, right?"

the girl took his hand hesitantly "yeah.. how did you know?"

"how can i not? you're top of all your classes, jeno here mentions you, plus i heard you're the president of the crochet club. that's impressive." yeonjun chuckled, admiring her accomplishments.

yubin fumbled with her fingers bashfully, peering down and struggling to maintain eye contact. jeno talks about her?

"yeah, how do you know all this ?"

he shrugged with a cocky attitude. "what can i say? i guess a successful woman like you always catches my eye." yeonjun's intense eye contact refused to waver. his charming fox-like smile glinted in the gymnasium light.

jeno forcefully removed yeonjun's arm from his shoulders, rolling his eyes in annoyance. who does this guy think he is?

"we're going out to celebration drink, you wanna join us? i think i'll have more fun if you're there." he leaned closer, his intoxicating smirk growing wider.

yubin nervously shook her head, battling the urge to let a broad smile break through, charmed by his effortlessly smooth lines.

jeno abruptly interrupted, placing a firm grip on yeonjun's chest to forcefully push him back. he did not appreciate witnessing the space between the two gradually closing.

"no, it's okay. we're going together for dinner." he declared coldly, shooting his fellow basketball teammate a stony glare.

he gave yeonjun a blank glare. he didn't usually display many expressions, yet his eyes seemed enraged.

"so what, you guys are dating?" yeonjun scoffed.

jeno pondered, considering that agreeing might finally make this prick retreat.

"all my friends are talking jeno out for dinner! and by dinner, it's just the chicken shop because we're broke." yubin over-explained.

"really? that's a shame. a pretty girl like you is all i need to make my night."

"that's sweet of you to–

"oh, come on, yubin. it'll be fun." his tone was almost demanding.

"back off, dick head, that's my girl!" a raging voice from the back demanded attention.

yubin sighed, instantly recognising his voice. "yangyang.."

the shorter boy stormed in and wedged between the yubin and yeonjun. his usual lively smile replaced by an infuriated wrath. the height difference between the two boys becoming staggeringly significant.

yeonjun gaped back at the jealous boy in bewilderment before returning to the girl.

"i'm sorry, is this your..."

"no, he's not my boyfriend." she said defeatedly. she had forgotten how many times she had to establish this.

"okay, she's not mine, but she's not yours either." yangyang scowled at him venomously. "she already said no, so stop trying to force her to your shitty party with shitty drinks and.."

he glanced at his model-like teammates behind yeonjun. one glimpse at their unachievable proportions made yangyang gulp. "really hot and tall basketball players."

"yeah, how could i do something so horrible." the sportsman said flatly.

"well, she already gave you an answer. we have plans to go for dinner together, so unless you want to pay for all our food, then be my guest."

yeonjun shrugged, more than satisfied with the conditions. "i'm fine with that. nothing can put a price on spending time yubin here."

the girl swooned. could this man be any smoother?

"hey, i'm the rich friend, not you." he jabbed his chest with his finger. "so stop being so desperate, dude. it's embarrassing. we're leaving."

he then glanced at yubin, and his gaze softened along with his voice. "i mean, if you're ready to leave, then we can."

"it's okay, yangs."

she offered the boy a soft smile. despite his oddities, there was something charmingly protective about him. she couldn't deny the comforting warmth that bubbled up inside her every time she witnessed yangyang in this manner.

"it was nice meeting you, yeonjun." she glanced at her cold stone best friend. "we'll wait for you outside, jeno."

"bye yubin. i hope i see you again." yeonjun shot her a brazen wink.

the girl departed with cheeks aflame, breaking out in a smile, aware that he could no longer see her face. she's never had a guy flirt with her in such an upfront manner. someone so direct, so captivating.

yangyang flashed the 'i'm watching you' gesture before before trailing after his crush.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

i hate this guy even
more now

hmm yeah i wonder why

like what type of
guy is this cocky

i have a crazy answer
for that question

yeah stealing my jersey
is a dick move but the
way he spoke to you
just irked me

yeonjun talking yubin
up is really bothering
you huh ..

you weren't there
to witness it

i've never seen you
have so much emotions

you should see him watch
cat rescue videos

weeps like a god damn

he just pissed me off

thinking he can just boss
yubin around like that

the audacity to hit on
my girl!! that's my job
to beg yubin out to dates

he thinks he's all that bcos
he's handsome, tall, smart,
funny, charming and social

oh shit i kinda see your
point now yubin

whatever i'm better

better? for who?

as the ball planner duh
nothing else more

still i'm never forgiving
that prick

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

disclaimer !

for my up to date readers, i'd like to announce that the jeno and yubin's fake date arc will be unpublished since i want to add if much later to the story !

ngl i freestyle most of my plot, especially the plot line and it mostly turns out okay, but i realised now that i made a mistake and wanted to move that arc for later. it will come back eventually when the story comes round to it ! so sorry for the inconvenience, just want the story to flow better for your reading experience!

thank you so much for reading

thanks for reading – juno <3

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