Goofy Ah Stuff from school :P

Por Mangle2023

172 2 3

Some really goofy ahh shit I found in my Google docs and slides :P PREPARE TO CRINGE MOTHER FUCKERS Más

Faith's Miraculous Ladybug and Naruto Collab
The Lone Wolf by Herbie
Never Look Back. (FNAF FANFIC)
Fizzy's Roll a story :D
another roll a story from me :D
¨Its Tiiiiiime¨ -Mariah Carey By Faith
My Anne Frank report for 5th grade.
Pumpkin Writing, by me :3
My comic for the school newspaper.
Digits of pi
This random story I found in my google docs
The Return of Timmy. Pt. 1
Return of Timmy, Pt. 2, Police Report.
Return of Timmy, Pt. 3, Interrogation.
Return of Timmy, Pt. 4 (Police Report, Pt. 2)
Who was who? (Return of Timmy, part 5)
Dork Diaries Slander

One Day.

18 0 1
Por Mangle2023

HOLY SHIT I JUST FOUND THIS FROM FOURTH GRADE!! This is from my Lolirock and BSC phase so PLEASE be ready to cringe your asses off. Also this may be 2 or 3 parts because it's so long. God damn. This was fucking cringe.

One day in late July, there was a girl named Mary Anne. Mary Anne was a bright, intelligent girl and her life was going perfectly among her family, until one day

When Mary Anne's dad called her for dinner, she went downstairs to get her older brother Marcus. When she went to her brother's room, he wasn't there! She raced downstairs to see if her brother had already gone to the dining room, but Marcus wasn't there.

"Dad, where's Marcus?" Mary Anne asked frantically

"Look, Mary Anne. What I told you is a lie. Your mom didn't die thirteen years ago. She is a queen of a place called Domani and you and her brother are the prince and princess and I'm the king. The Dark Lord Mephaiden attacked the palace and took your mother prisoner when you were just 5 months old."

Man really just confessed his crimes when she asked where her brother was 💀

Mary Anne asked her dad, "Is Marcus on Domani now?"

Her dad replied "Yup, he is fighting against the dark lord Mephaiden,"

Mary Anne asked "Can you take me to Domani?"

"No, I don't have any magic. You and your brother have magic. Your mom had the magic, but there might be someone who can..." her dad told her,

"Who!?" Mary Anne asked

"Your aunt Aurianna," her father replied,

"Bu-But, she lives four hours away!" Mary Anne whined,

"Mary Anne, the trip's gonna be worth it" her father said

"Fine. Let's get packing to go on a trip." Mary Anne replied

They ate dinner and then Mary Anne and her father packed their stuff and Mary Anne packed some of her brother's things in case they found him in Domani. After Mary Anne and her father finished packing, they got in her father's car and went off to her aunt Aurianna's house. By the time Mary Anne and her father got to her aunt's house, it was 10:00pm so they decided to sleep in the car in a nearby parking lot and talked to her in the morning. When they woke up, it was 9:00am and that was around the time aunt Aurianna woke up.

Mary Anne's dad knocked on the door and aunt Aurianna answered

"Oh! Nathaniel! Mary Anne!" perplexed aunt Aurianna said

"Hi, Aurianna," Nathaniel mumbled

"You did not!" aunt Aurianna yelled

Yeah... I had to tell her" Nathaniel told her

"We swore to the queen to not tell her!" aunt Aurianna stated

"Anyway, can we come in while I tell you the story of why we need you to take us to Domani?" Nathaniel asked

"Fine!" Aunt Aurianna said as she allowed them to come in and have some breakfast

"Oh my! Thank you for letting us in!" Mary Anne replied

"My pleasure! Now, about the story about why you need me to open a portal to Domani? It's a very hard spell, you know!" aunt Aurianna asked

"Well, Marcus went to Domani to fight the Dark Lord Mephaiden, and well..." Nathaniel explained

"Well look at it, Nathaniel, your son is very powerful, but not powerful enough! The magic he's fighting against is too powerful for one person alone! Don't you remember? Mephaiden is royal, he was just too powerful for the throne, that magic made him go insane!" aunt Aurianna explained, "I'm going to let Mary Anne go to Domani with me,"

"Why not me!?" Nathaniel asked

"Because you're not magical, but we'll come back for you once Astalia takes back the throne." aunt Aurianna stated

"Oh, good!" Nathaniel replied

Aunt Aurianna used a spell and opened a portal to Domani,

"Be careful!" Aunt Aurianna said, "Watch your step!"

"Ok!" Mary Anne happily said,

"We need to find the princesses!" aunt Aurianna announced,

"But, where are we going to find princesses!?" Mary Anne muttered,

"I know where, follow me." aunt Aurianna whispered,

"Got it!" Mary anne said,

Mary Anne and aunt Aurianna went to a castle that had a bunch of miners on it.
"Why are there a bunch of miners on that castle?" Mary Anne asked,

"Because those miners are from the Resistance." aunt Aurianna replied,

"What is the Resistance?" Mary Anne asked

"The Resistance is fighting against Mephaiden and those people are trying to get the dark sand off the palace of Xerain." aunt Aurianna said

"Ok! Is that where we're gonna find the princesses?" Mary Anne asked

"Yep, and while we're here, call me Izira." Aunt Aurianna said

"Got it, Ixira!" Mary Anne replied

Mary Anne and Ixira walked inside the palace, they walked all the way to the throne room, when they got there Ixira said

"Greetings, Ilerya." greeted Ixira

"Hello Ixira," said Ilerya

"I need Carlissa, Liv, Natailya, and Joanne." said Ixira,

"Are you sure? Ilerya asked,

"If anything happens to them, it's gonna fall to you and all their parents will punish you, their combined punishment might be imprisonment for eternity!" Ilerya stated,

"I'm sure." Ixira replied,

"Ok, I'll go get them," Ilerya said,

Ilerya left for a few minutes and came back with 4 girls.

"Hi!" a girl said, "I'm Leena! I heard your Mary Anne!"

"Uh, yeah. That's me!" Mary Anne replied,

"Hey! I'm Clarissa, are you Mary Anne?" Clarissa said,

"Hello! I'm Natailya and that's Joanne. You must be Mary Anne!" Natailya said,

"Yes! I'm Mary Anne! It's amazing to meet all of you girls! Mary Anne replied,

"Sup! I'm Joanne!" Joanne said while levitating, "Put me down!" Joanne shouted to Leena,
"Put her down, Leena." Ilerya said

"Ugh, fine," Leena said as she put her down,

"Ow! You could have put me down carefully!" Joanne yelled,

"Oops! My bad!" Leena giggled,

"Ok girls, let's get going!" Ixira said

On the way to the castle, the girls talked about how Mephaiden took over Domani and the other kingdoms.

"Ok, this looks like a good place to stop for the night! Ixira said

"Ok, I'll set up camp here for the night!" Leena said

Leena used her telekinesis to pitch the tents and get out bags.

"This is fun! Yum! Marshmallows!!" Joanne said,

"I have an idea! Let's tell scary stories!" Clarissa shouted,

"I love that idea!" Ixira said,

"Haha! Mary Anne is already asleep!" Clarissa laughed,

"She's had a big day" Ixira laughed,

Mary Anne was still sleeping when it was time to go to sleep for the night. When they woke up due to very loud noises, the girls came out of the tent and saw Ixira fighting a monster,

"What's happening!?" All the girls asked,

"It's a Shadow Monster team! Use your powers! Help!" Ixira shouted,

"B-but, I don;t know how to use powers!" Mary Anne yelled

"Better not now! We don't even know how powerful you even are!" Natailya yelled,

"Shouldn't we have the same level of power?" Mary Anne asked,

"No! Different lands have different levels!" Joanne shouted,

"What!?" Mary Anne yelled,

"You are from Domani! The most powerful land! That's why Mephaiden rules at the Domani castle!" Natailya said,

"OK!" Mary Anne said as she tried to use her powers

"Don't summon! You could blow us all up!" Joanne shouted

"Ahhhh!!!" Mary Anne screamed as a huge bright light came from her hands

"Retreat! Retreat!" The lead shadow monster yelled to the others,

Mary Anne was unconscious, the girls and Izira ran up to Mary Anne.

"She's all out of power!" Izira said,

"She needs to be recharged!" Izira said

"Like that's better!" Joanne yelled "We need her awake! if we're gonna defeat him!"

Mary Anne was lying in her sleeping bag when Clarissa asked,

"Is she gonna be okay?"

"Of course she will!" Leena replied,

"Ugh," Mary Anne drowsily woke up,

"She's up!" Leena exclaimed,

"What happened?" Mary Anne asked as she got up,

"You used such a big blow that scared the shadow monsters, but you had to recharge, After the big blow that gives you the ability to summon your powers anytime without recharging," Natalia answered,

Leena came into the tent with a tray of tea and sugar cubes for each of them.

"Here," Leena said to Mary Anne after putting in a couple glowing leaves into her tea,

"What leaves are those? I've never seen them in the Garden of Miraculous Leaves," Clarissa asked,

"Oh! There are Crispash leaves, they can heal anyone or anything! They only grow on Cristalyss because of the weather." Leena replied

"That tracks," Clarissa replied,

"Here! Everyone, take a cup of tea!" Leena said,

While they drank their tea, something came on to their campsite. When they heard the footsteps Ixira said,

"Girls! Get ready!"

"Ok!" the girls said,

"Ahhhhh!" everyone screamed as they shot their power sand everywhere but Mary Anne got in front of the intruder to keep them safe, Leena asked

"What are you doing?"

"He's my brother!" Mary Anne replied

"Oh!" Leena said

But when Leena, Clarissa, Joanne, Izira, and Natalia saw the thing on their campsite, they found out that the thing was Marcus! But he looked beat up and tired,

"Marcus!" Mary Anne happily said as she hugged him,

"Hi, Mary Anne," Marcus awkwardly said,

"Hi, aunt Aurianna," Marcus sheepishly said,

"Call me Ixira!" Ixira said,

"Ok," Marcus replied,

"Oh my! What happened to you?" Joanne asked,

"I got beat up by Ceroshika." Marcus said

"You are insane!? That's a suicide mission!" Natalia yelled

"I know, but I did anyway." Marcus sarcastically replied,

"How did you even get into a fight with him in the first place!?" Izira shouted,

"I was planning to confront Mephaiden and try to weaken him, but then I found out that Ceroshika was Mephaiden's new personal guard."

"You have got to be kidding me!" Izira said,

"You need to do reconnaissance so all that doesn't happen!" Clarissa shouted,

"I did, but I think some guards saw me, and then they ratted me out to Mephaiden even after I gave them $20, that's over 10000 encons! So Mephaiden made Ceroshika his new personal guard." Marcus said,

"Ok, but how are you so dirty? A fight with Ceroshika just leaves you kinda bloody." Leena asked

"I ran out to the forest and hid myself in dirt and leaves" Marcus answered,

"Well, you're in luck! I brought you a clean pair of clothes!" Mary Anne happily said,

"Wow! Thanks, but I got these:" Marcus said as he pulled out some very fancy clothes, "Put these on, all of you!"

"Oh my gosh! What a good idea!" Natailia said

"How is putting on super fancy clothes before battle a good idea?" Mary Anne asked,

"It's been set in stone, you can't hurt anyone in royal threads!" Joanna answered

"Like a suit of armor!" Natalia added,

Everyone put on their old royal clothes, the girls really felt like they were at home. They went to confront Mephaiden, but Mary Anne asked her brother,

"Why did you leave?"

"Because I had to," Marcus replied

"Why didn't you tell me?" Mary Anne asked

"Because, they were looking for you." Marcus muttered

"So why did you go? I'm still waiting for that answer."

"I thought that if I took him down, they would turn into colorful dust like sand you put into those sand art bottles."

"He actually thought this was serious enough to send them to earth!?" The girls asked,


"Who is 'they'?!" Mary Anne shouted

"Knocx and Tac" a girl said from out of the shadows,

"Everyone! Ready!" Ixira shouted,

"Drop your weapons!" the girl shouted as she came out of the shadows with a bunch of guards,

"Eve!" Marcus said as Eve walked out of the shadows

"I finally found you!" Marcus yelled

"Oh my gosh!!" Eve yelled

"What is happening?" Mary Anne asked

"Oh my gosh! You must be Mary Anne! Look how you've grown!" Eve happily said

"Who are you?" Mary Anne asked

"I'm Eve! Your cousin!" Eve answered

"Oh! I remember you! You from Ephendria!" Natalia said,

"Do you want to come with us?" Ixira asked

"Yeah, sorry but, I can't come along to defeat Mephaiden no matter how much I want to!" Eve said

"Why?" Marcus

"Because," Eve said,

"You!" Ceroshika said

"Oh no!" Eve said as she ran off into the woods, Cerberai and a bunch of guards ran after her,

"What was that about?" Leena asked

"I don't know, but we should leave in case they come back again." Marcus replied

"Lets pack our bags," Mary Anne said

Leena used her Telekinesis to pack the bags while everyone else cleaned up so they left without a trace.



"Dad said that they weren't looking for me."

"Well, It's complicated"

"Dad lied."


"You guys

It's not finished so I might finish it later in the year, I just have no fucking clue what's happening in the story atm.

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