the eras of us ⎹ Lana Parrill...

By tslrstories

5.2K 297 40

Something gave you the nerve to touch my hand; it's nice to have a friend. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 7

166 5 0
By tslrstories

"Again?" Colin sighed. "This cursed bottle must have it out for me. Or one of you is playing a trick; that's the fourth time!"

"Yeah, because we all actually have magic and cursed the bottle," Bex retorted sarcastically, eliciting laughter from the group. Even Colin cracked a smile now and just accepted his fate. He turned to the redhead, who had chosen to ask him a question for this round.

"If you could, would you swap your on-screen relationship with Jen for another female colleague? And if yes, who would that be?"

"Damn," he murmured, grinning at Jen and shaking his head. "Nah, I wouldn't want to swap. We have a lot of beautiful women on the show, but Jen's a really great kisser, so my answer is no."

The blonde blushed slightly, considering thanking Colin for the compliment but deciding against it. Thanking someone for being called a great kisser felt a bit awkward, so she settled for a warm smile in response.

"What a sweet and boring answer," Bex smirked, pointing at the wine bottle again. "Your turn."

"So, you're a great kisser, yes?"

Jen turned her face to look at Lana. They were close, hands still intertwined, and the brunette's voice was soft. If the blonde hadn't felt Lana's thumb stroking the back of her hand afterward, she might have thought the question was just her imagination. "Well... I can't be the judge of that."

"Mh," Lana responded, maintaining her gaze with her co-star. Jen could feel the heat rising in her cheeks once again, and suddenly, the blanket over their legs seemed overly warm.


Both women broke their gaze and looked at Colin, who had just spun the bottle, and now it pointed directly into the brunette's direction.

"Uhh, that's gonna be good," Bex grinned. "I'd know what to make her do—or ask."

"Well, good thing that you're not the one who spun the bottle," Lana teased her best friend back, mirroring her grin.

Jen watched their playful banter in amusement before shifting her eyes back to Colin, waiting for his question or task for Lana. When she saw that he also turned to face her, a little smile appearing on his lips, she started to panic. He wouldn't... right? His gaze went back to the brunette, confirming the blonde's suspicion. She quickly got up, already missing the warmth of her co-star's hand, but shook that feeling away. "I have to pee," she lied. "And- And the alcohol is making me a bit dizzy, so... uhm, yeah, I'll be right back."

"Want me to come with you?" Lana quickly asked, her voice tinged with concern.

"It's fine, keep playing." And with that, Jen hurried her way to Bex's bathroom. When she closed the door behind her, she let out a deep breath. Now, she really felt a bit dizzy after making a hasty escape.

"Okay, Captain, bring it on."

Colin chuckled before studying the brunette's face. He already had a task in mind, but now that Jen was gone, he couldn't say it, which is why he had to think about it for a second. "Would you rather spend a day with your husband or with Jen?"

Ginny's eyes widened before hastily glancing at Lana, not wanting to miss a single change in her facial expression.

"What a strange question. My husband or Jen?"

"Why is that a strange question?" the Hook actor asked. "And why haven't you given me an answer yet? Is it hard to decide? Then that question isn't so strange after all."

Lana couldn't hold back a smirk, slowly shaking her head. "Fine," she eventually answered. "I'd spend the day with my husband."

"Okay, fair," Colin nodded but quickly discovered an amused look in his co-star's dark eyes. "What?" he asked in confusion.

"Nothing," she shrugged, smiling. "You just didn't ask me who I'd rather spend my night with."

Jen, feeling disoriented and dizzy, stood in front of the bathroom sink. A dull ache pulsed in her head, and she closed her eyes briefly, trying to steady herself. "Not now," she murmured. When she opened her eyes again, she struggled to see her reflection in the large mirror before her. A sudden wave of nausea washed over her, and she clutched the sink as if her life depended on it.

She couldn't determine how long she'd been in the bathroom, but she estimated around 15 minutes. It didn't surprise her when she heard a soft knock on the door. She parted her lips to respond, but no words emerged.

"Hey," Lana's gentle voice reached her. "Jen, are you okay?"

"Just..." She blinked a few times, glimpsing through the mirror's reflection that Lana had closed the bathroom door behind her.

"Oh my god, what's wrong?" the brunette asked, genuine concern evident in her eyes as she rested a reassuring hand on Jen's small back.


"You suffer from migraines?" Lana was genuinely surprised. Then again, she and Jen hadn't been close until recently.

"Yeah. Sorry, I... I have to get home before the attack hits. I'll just go over to my trailer and-"

"I'm coming with you."

The blonde turned around to face her co-star directly instead of looking at her through the mirror. "You don't have to."

"I want to."

Jen sighed, feeling an overwhelming sense of guilt that she might have ruined the get-together. As if Lana could read her mind, she felt the brunette's hands on her cheeks, softly caressing her whole face. The blonde actress was quiet and simply closed her eyes, though the flashes of light still persisted.

She hated these symptoms that often occurred before the real headache would hit.

"Come on," Lana whispered, her touch a soothing caress as her hands traveled down Jen's arms. With a gentle grasp, she intertwined their fingers, subtly pulling the blonde along and let the rest of the group know what was happening. Colin was the only one who already seemed to know that migraine was something that Jen had to deal with and hugged her quickly

"Take care, love. Let me know if you need anything," he said in a comforting tone.

Ginny and Josh exchanged concerned glances, realizing the seriousness of the situation. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask," the Snow White actress also offered with genuine concern.

"Absolutely, me too," Bex added. "We'll all stay in our trailers for the night, since we're all full of alcohol and it's really late. So just let us now."

Jen managed a small, appreciative smile despite her vision being disturbed with random flashes of light and various shapes that flew around before her eyes.

Lana, still holding her hand tightly, nodded in gratitude to the group. "Thanks, guys. We'll catch up with you later." And with that, she guided the blonde out of Bex's trailer.


"Yes," Lana repeated Jen's answer. If she was honest, she thought the blonde would just tell an excuse as to why it wouldn't be possible to attempt a friendship again. Something like 'too much has happened' or 'you know we don't work well together' — and that second excuse would've been a straight out lie.

The blonde nodded, took a sip from her orange juice.

„Really? If you don't want contact, then-"

"I do," Jen interrupted. "It's just... my head is so full of thoughts right now, and I... I don't know... what to..." She took a deep breath, ignoring the slight trembling of her fingers. "Can I be honest?"

"Of course. We have to be honest with each other, or else this doesn't work." The brunette's voice was soft, and a small, understanding smile appeared on her lips. Although Jen hadn't answered all the questions she had asked, which had lead to her being thrown out of the blonde's house, Lana sensed this moment required patience. Maybe she shouldn't push Jen, and perhaps, in time, the blonde would open up on her own.

"I was really scared to ask Bex for your number. Like... totally scared. I thought she would instantly call me and scream at me to leave you alone."


The blonde actress couldn't hold back a small chuckle before she nodded. "And I only got the courage because you liked my Instagram picture — even though you removed that Like instantly."

"Oh my god," Lana whispered. "You saw that?"

"Mhm," Jen nodded and finally grabbed one of the croissants.

"Well... at least it was good for something. I may have really embarrassed myself, but you're here now, so... that's nice."

The blonde smiled after hearing these words and watched her ex co-star also finally grab something to eat.

"How are your migraines?"

"I have good and bad days," Jen answered, taking a bite from her strawberry-marmalade-covered croissant. "Marcus had a really, really important business meeting last week, and because his business partner brought his wife, he also brought me. And right after the waiter gave me the menu, I suddenly couldn't read anything anymore."

"Oh, shit," the brunette murmured. "And then? Did you leave?"

"I tried to fight it for like 20 minutes, but I knew I couldn't. So I excused myself and left..."

"In a cab?" Lana asked with her hand in front of her mouth while chewing her scrambled eggs.

"No, Rose was so sweet to pick me up. Marcus was really mad though, because this dinner was really important for him."

"Ugh! Really? Great, I don't even know your husband-to-be and already don't like him."

Jen gave her ex co-star a reproachful look. "He apologized when he came home. He was just really stressed and didn't mean to be mad. And I get it, my migraine can really ruin things — not only for myself but for people around me."

"No, don't think like that, oh my god! I never felt that way, not even when we had to stop filming because of it! You're the one who's suffering, and you're the priority!"

The blonde stayed quiet — she didn't know what to say. This was probably one of the nicest and most caring things anyone had ever said when it came to this topic. But then again, she remembered how Lana had always been there for her when a migraine attack hit — at least during that time when they'd been really close.


"Do you need anything?" Lana asked softly as she helped Jen out of her coat.

"No, just... keep the lights off. Thank god it's already dark outside."

The brunette nodded before taking her co-star's hand and gently guiding her towards the bed. "Sit down, I'll take off your shoes. Do you wanna get out of your jeans, too?"

If it weren't for her migraine, this would be the point where Jen's heart would race as if she was running a marathon. Her vision was so bad right now, though, that she just slightly nodded after sitting down on the mattress. She felt Lana kneeling before her, delicately opening the zipper of her black boots before carefully removing them. "Thank you," the blonde almost whispered. "I think I can get the jeans off myself." She stood up, feeling a wave of nausea washing over her, which is why she instantly closed her eyes.

"Let me?" Lana offered, her voice filled with concern. When her co-star nodded, she swiftly opened the button of Jen's pants. The blonde held herself steady by grabbing onto the brunette's shoulders and was grateful when she finally felt the tight material coming off.

"Thank you."

"No need to thank me, sweetheart."

Jen took a deep breath, meeting the brunette's gaze. Lana's dark eyes were soft and intense, and she felt the tension building up inside her body. Her heart fluttered when Lana placed a hand on her left cheek, gently stroking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear.

"Lie down, okay?"

The actress followed her co-star's instructions, and in a few seconds, she found herself in bed, relishing the feeling of the comfortable mattress beneath her. Her body felt heavy, and the pain in her head intensified with every passing minute.

"Lana?" she whispered quietly. "Could you—Could you maybe get me a really, really cold—I don't know, towel? Or washcloth? Something like that, just... really cold."

"Yes, of course," the brunette replied instantly, rushing into the bathroom to fetch what Jen needed, not wanting to keep her waiting. The blonde lay still, the weight of her migraine pressing against her temples like a relentless force. The darkness in the room offered some relief, but the pain persisted. She could hear her co-star moving around in the background, the soft rustle of fabric, and the distant hum of the bathroom faucet.

After two minutes, the door creaked open, and Lana returned. In her hands, she held an ice-cold washcloth. The blonde actress could sense the coolness approaching as Lana gently placed it on her forehead. The relief was immediate, the cold seeping through her skin and momentarily numbing the throbbing ache.

"Cold enough?" the brunette asked softly, concern etched in her features.

"Yeah," Jen said weakly. "Thank you." Her eyes closed immediately and only opened again when she felt someone lying down next to her.

"I'll stay with you," Lana answered before her co-star had the chance to ask.

With both of them lying on their backs and their faces in front of each other, the blonde whispered, "You don't have to."

"I want to."

A small smile appeared on Jen's lips, and once again, she could feel the brunette's hand caressing her cheek. This time, though, Lana let her hand rest there and just kept stroking the soft skin of the blonde with her thumb.

"Close your eyes," the brunette said softly, and her co-star did as she was told.

Jen took a couple of deep breaths, and a few minutes had passed when she heard and felt Lana moving closer to her. She didn't open her eyes, too afraid to see if the brunette's face was only a few inches away from hers. Jen could feel her co-star's thumb stopping to move, but before she could think about that, she felt Lana's lips pressing a gentle kiss on her forehead. It took everything in her to keep her eyes closed, especially when she felt a second kiss being placed on the exact same spot as before.

"I'll stay awake until you're asleep," the brunette whispered. "Good night, honey."


"So, since we're on the topic of men," Jen began after finishing her croissant. The last few minutes between them had been quiet, both of them eating breakfast in silence. "I know that you and Fred are divorced, but... I never got to tell you that I'm sorry this happened — whatever happened."

"Thanks," the brunette murmured, unsure if she should delve into the details of her failed marriage. This topic was a sensitive one, and even with some of her closest friends, she didn't like talking about it. "He, uhm... well, it just didn't work out, you know?"

Jen nodded before pouring herself some fresh coffee into her now-empty mug. She resisted the urge to ask for details, but deep down, she had never liked Fred. Whether that was because of her own issues, she didn't know — she just knew that she never liked it when he came to visit Lana on set.

"I know you never liked him."

"That's not-" The blonde stopped, a confused look appearing on her face. How did her ex co-star know what she was thinking? "That's not true," she said again. "I just... I mean, you and I weren't really close, so I didn't care much for him."

The brunette immediately raised her eyebrows in amusement. "You also didn't like him when we were closer. You may not have said anything, but I could see it in your face. You're not really good at hiding your disgust, Jen."

"You're lying!"

Lana couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head. "Sorry, but it's true. I still remember the look on your face when he kissed me after you and I finished one of our scenes."

"That— Well—" The actress stuttered. "Why were you looking at me while kissing your husband is the real question here."

The brunette smirked but didn't say anything back. She just nodded in defeat and reached over the table to put one of the croissants on her plate.

This time, the silence that settled between them was comfortable, and neither could recall the last time it felt this way — no tension, no thoughts about how the other woman was so infuriating... and no yearning for this moment to pass quickly.



Jen, engrossed in observing the crew preparing the surroundings for the next scene, turned her head to face Lana standing in front of her. The women had just wrapped up a scene together on the streets of Storybrooke and were now awaiting the next one.

The brunette stepped closer, gently brushing her index finger over the soft skin under the blonde's eyes before offering a warm smile. "Make a wish."

Jen noticed the lash on her co-star's fingertip and laughed softly. "What are we now? Teenagers?"

"Don't be such an Emma and make a wish," Lana grinned while rolling her eyes.

"Okay, okay," the blonde chuckled and took a few seconds to contemplate her wish. "Hmm," she hummed and locked eyes with her co-star. The brunette returned her intense gaze and couldn't hold back a grin. The tension between them was palpable and so strong that Jen had to take a deep breath before slowly leaning forward, closing her eyes, and making a wish while blowing the lash away from Lana's fingertip.

"Good. Now tell me your wish."

"What? No. It's not gonna come true then."

The brunette pouted, her bottom lip jutting out playfully, but her co-star shook her head. "That's unfair," Lana sighed, a teasing glint in her eyes. "I wanna know."

"So you don't want my wish to come true? How selfish of you."

"Your words, not mine. But that doesn't change that I'm curious — and I would tell you."

The blonde raised her eyebrows in amusement. "Would you?"

"Well, if I think about it again... probably not because you'd blush, and I know how you hate it when you blush. You get embarrassed and blush even more."

"Why would I blush because of your wish?" Jen asked in confusion, her eyes narrowing at Lana's playful expression. The blonde's breath quickened all of a sudden, but she managed to cover it up with a carefully timed cough.

"Do you want me to tell you regardless?" Lana's voice was soft, and her gaze shifted to Jen's lips, a small detail that the blonde noticed but wasn't sure if the brunette did that on purpose or if it was just a coincidence.

"Yes," Jen replied, a subtle smile playing on her lips. Lana was about to open her mouth when suddenly a familiar voice interrupted them.

"Hey, Babe," Fred said, wrapping his arm around his wife and placing a kiss on her head. "Hi, Jennifer," he also greeted the blonde actress, who replied with a simple nod.

"I didn't know you were coming. Oh my god, or did I forget?" The brunette looked up at her husband with wide eyes, which made him smile while shaking his head.

"No, I just thought I'd come surprise you, and we can have lunch together. I felt bad for not being home the last few nights because of my work, so I thought this would make it up."

Lana smiled, "That's very sweet of you. But, uhm- I was actually going to have lunch with Jen; we wanted to try this new restaurant we discovered when we went on a walk yesterday."

"It's fine," the blonde interrupted. "We can do that another time."

"Otherwise, I would suggest all three of us go together," Fred said, looking back and forth between his wife and her co-star. "If Jennifer is okay with going out to eat with us."

"Why?" the blonde asked skeptically. "Are you planning to make out in front of my eyes or..?"

Lana slightly pursed her lips in amusement while looking at her co-star but didn't say anything.

"Well," Fred eventually said. "You two see each other enough already, so let's just have our lunches separately."

His wife instantly broke her eye contact with Jen and looked up at him. Something about his statement irked her—it sounded rude. He was the one who had canceled their last three dinner dates because of work, and he was the one who had gotten up at night to leave for a 'work thing' the last few times. And he was the one who had his phone turned off when Lana tried to call him during her shooting breaks to hear his voice.

"Lana, Jen?" one of the directors approached them. "You can both take your lunch break now; we have to change the shooting schedule a bit. Are two hours okay with you?"

"Yeah, sure," the blonde nodded, and so did Lana.

"Perfect timing," Fred smiled, tightening his arm around the brunette's body. "Let's go to your trailer and then leave for a bit?" He turned to Jen real quick, added, "You don't mind, do you?"

"No, sure," the blonde shook her head. "Have fun," before leaving the couple alone. She didn't turn around until she was at least 20 meters away from them. They were arguing—well, Lana was. Jen could see, despite the distance, that she wasn't happy about the things her husband said. The tone of his voice when he said that she and Lana were already spending a lot of time together had been very condescending. And now, a few more meters away, she watched Fred cupping his wife's face before gently kissing her lips. The blonde actress grimaced in disgust before actually walking to her trailer.

It wasn't until an hour later that Jen was gently roused from her nap by a light knock. Baffled about unexpectedly dozing off, she stood up from her couch, stifling a yawn as she made her way to her trailer door. "Lana?"

"Hey," the brunette smiled warmly. "Can I come in, or are you mad at me?"

"What? No, why should I be mad?" Jen asked, stepping aside to allow her co-star entry. She was genuinely puzzled by that question, her drowsiness still lingering.

"Fred," Lana sighed, her expression apologetic. "I am so sorry for the way he was talking to you; that was so rude."

"Where is he?"

"One of his business partners called, and he had to leave early."

Jen couldn't suppress a subtle eye roll as she crossed her arms. She never held a favorable opinion of Fred, and now, she was certain that she never would. A hint of sadness and frustration had colored Lana's voice, prompting the blonde to keep her thoughts about what an unpleasant encounter it was to herself.

"Have you eaten?" Lana inquired a few quiet seconds later.

"I had a sandwich before I fell asleep," her co-star replied. "I slept for almost an hour; that's crazy because I wasn't even tired, I think."

"Well, I can see that you clearly had a good one-hour nap," the brunette remarked, a playful smirk on her face. Her finger traced over a barely visible imprint of the blonde's pillow on her face.

"Oh god."

The brunette chuckled, shaking her head. "No, it's cute."

"That I have an imprint of my pillow's pattern on my face?" Jen asked, amused.

"Yeah," Lana shrugged, while examining her co-star's face. „You're always cute."


"Your hair has gotten so long."

Jen, who had been standing in front of the kitchen sink, rinsing some leftover crumbs from all the plates, turned around to face Lana. The soft glow from the pendant lights above highlighted the warmth in the brunette's eyes.

"I mean, it has always been long, but it's almost down to your elbows now, which is a new record."

The blonde chuckled, a playful glint in her eyes. "Well, I'm having my waves right now, so they don't reach my elbows like this — but they do when they're straight."

Lana moved closer, her fingers lightly grazing the ends of Jen's hair. "I know. You had your hair straight at your bachelorette party. And..." She stopped abruptly, realizing the scene in front of her. "Wait, what are you doing? You're my guest, stop preparing the plates for the dishwasher."

"But you made breakfast."

"Yeah, I invited you. So, stop it now." A hint of a smile graced the brunette's lips as she took the plates out of her ex co-star's hand. Their fingers brushed slightly against each other, causing them to lock eyes.

"When was the last time we were so... polite with one another?" the blonde smirked.

"Well, maybe we're also gonna start saying 'hang up,' 'no, you hang up,' 'no, you' soon when talking over the phone."

Jen couldn't help but throw her head back laughing, before watching Lana carefully putting the dishes inside the kitchen sink. The easy banter between them felt oddly comforting, a throwback to a time when things were simpler, and their connection was more straightforward.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course", Jen nodded, her green eyes fixating on her ex co-star as they walked back into the living room together.

"Are you happy with your fiancé?"

"Yes, why?", the blonde instantly replied with a questioning look on her face. She watched Lana sitting down on the couch and took a seat right next to her.

"Just wanted to make sure", the brunette smiled. Raindrops drummed against the window, orchestrating a soothing melody, and the sky outside gradually darkened. Lana gestured towards the weather unfolding beyond the glass. "How about staying here? I wouldn't want you to drive back home in this weather."

"Oh, that's really kind, but I promised Marcus I'd be back for lunch. He's coming home from work for me, so I can't cancel."

"No, yeah, sure. That's sweet of him."

Jen simply smiled and looked nervously down at her hands resting in her lap. Marcus really was sweet.. most of the time. It wasn't a secret or a surprise to her that he sometimes had his phases, though—phases where he was so full of himself, making Jen feel like he expected a 'thank you' every day for asking her to marry him, as if she were so lucky that he wanted to. These phases, however, only lasted from three days to a week at most. She didn't know what caused this, and if she was honest, she didn't even want to know. Jen loved him, and, most importantly, he loved her.

"Do you think it's safe for us to follow each other on Instagram, or should we brace ourselves for a mass panic?"

The blonde chuckled before giving a nonchalant shrug. "I don't know," she replied. "Maybe we should play it safe, but I'll definitely check your page daily to avoid missing out."

This time, Lana was the one laughing, leaning in a bit closer to the blonde actress. "Did you just confess to wanting to stalk me like an ex-lover?"

"I—" Jen faltered, her words caught in her throat. Her cheeks flushed, and the brunette's penetrating gaze into her green eyes added to her unease. Lana wore an amused smirk, and somehow, she had gotten even closer. The scent of her perfume enveloped the blonde, transporting her back in time to the days when she could smell that sweet fragrance on a regular basis.

"Oh, it feels so good to do that again", the brunette grinned, evoking a deep sigh from her ex co-star.

"Great", Jen murmured, a mix of sarcasm and amusement in her voice. "Well, I'm gonna leave now, so.."

The brunette chuckled, her eyes sparkling with mirth as she gracefully rose from the couch. "I'll walk you to the door. Make sure to text me, though, when you get home, okay? The rain is getting stronger."

"Lana Parrilla being worried about me was definitely not on my Bingo card for this year."

A mischievous grin played on Lana's lips as she leaned in slightly, her eyes locked with Jen's. "Making Jennifer Morrison blush in my house wasn't either."


"I love it when you wear that."

Jen almost jumped when she unexpectedly heard Lana's voice, turning around to face her co-star who was casually lying on the couch in her trailer.

"Sorry," the brunette said with a light chuckle. "I didn't want to scare you."

"You almost gave me a heart attack, oh my god," Jen breathed, settling down on the floor. "I need a moment. Oh, Jesus..."

"Since when are you so easily startled?"

"I don't think I can finish my coffee," the blonde teased, her tone almost overly dramatic. "That would be the last straw for a heart attack."

"Oh my god," Lana laughed, shaking her head while sitting down next to her on the floor. "I'm sorry," she eventually said, reaching out to take the blonde's hand in her own.

"I'll live. Why are you here? Were you waiting for me?" It almost felt natural when Jen intertwined her fingers with Lana's, looking at her with a slightly concerned expression.

It was almost 10 pm on a Tuesday, and as per the schedule, the brunette had finished filming around two hours ago, while Jen still had a few scenes to shoot with Colin.

"Yeah, I was waiting for you, I—" Lana stopped and bit her lower lip. "I didn't feel like driving home. Fred's not there, and we kind of had a little fight."

"You did? When? And what was it about?" Jen inquired with genuine concern.

"I kind of... accused him of having an affair," the brunette confessed, releasing a desperate groan. "I hate myself. Why did I freak out on him like that? Now he left and probably hates me."

"Stop, he doesn't hate you. He— He loves you. You're his wife," Jen reassured, trying to hold onto her composure. She felt proud of herself for saying these words without showing the turmoil within. "Why did you accuse him of having an affair? Did he give you any reasons to think so?"

"Because he told me again that he had to work the whole night, and— and I felt betrayed. I had planned a movie night for us, wanted to cook something for him, and he just cancels on me — again. And this somehow became a pattern, and then I freaked out on him, and— and now he's mad at me." Lana could feel the tears collecting in her eyes but was determined not to let them run down her cheeks.

"Hey," Jen whispered softly, caressing the brunette's dark hair with her free hand. "It's your right to be hurt about that, especially since it's a recurring thing. You don't have to feel bad about that."

The blonde's words, together with her comforting touch, brought a smile to Lana's face. She felt a sense of relief and rested her head on her co-star's shoulder, instantly closing her eyes when the soft material of Jen's black turtleneck sweater touched her cheek.

"Can we stay like this for a while?" the brunette asked, her voice nothing more than a whisper. In fact, if it wouldn't have been so quiet in Jen's trailer, the blonde wouldn't even have heard her words.

"Sure," she smiled, her voice soft as well. The atmosphere was hushed, the ambient light casting a warm glow on their intertwined hands which Jen couldn't stop looking at. Even when she had been lying in bed with that horrible migraine a week ago, Lana hadn't been as close to her as she was now. Something about the brunette's head fitting so perfectly in the crook of her neck made her heart beat twice as fast as before. Jen couldn't hold back a sigh of pleasure before also closing her eyes.

"Thank you," Lana murmured. "You're really the only person who makes me feel—" she stopped, a smile appearing on her lips. "Thank you, Jen."

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𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲. 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧. 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲'𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫...
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a drop in the ocean, a change in the weather I was praying that you and me, might end up together. (COMPLETED) cc: swanqueenhot/weheartit (!) i wro...