Draconia Offline vol. 2

By Aefener

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Have you ever loved a videogame so much that you wished you were somehow magically transported into it? Tough... More

76.1. At Peace - Part 1
76.2. At Peace - Part 2
76.3. At Peace - Part 3
77.1. Sense of Direction - Part 1
77.2. Sense of Direction - Part 2
77.3. Sense of Direction - Part 3
78.1. Japan Here We Come - Part 1
78.2. Japan Here We Come - Part 2
78.3. Japan Here We Come - Part 3
79.1. Love Undivided - Part 1
79.2. Love Undivided - Part 2
80.1. Heritage - Part 1
80.2. Heritage - Part 2
81.1. My Other Heritage - Part 1
81.2. My Other Heritage - Part 2
81.3. My Other Heritage - Part 3
82.1. Illusive - Part 1
82.2. Illusive - Part 2
82.3. Illusive - Part 3
83.1. My Alien Half - Part 1
83.2. My Alien Half - Part 2
83.3. My Alien Half - Part 3
84.1. Ryuuto No More - Part 1
84.2. Ryuuto No More - Part 2
84.3. Ryuuto No More - Part 3
85.1. The Enemy at the Gates - Part 1
85.2. The Enemy at the Gates - Part 2
85.3. The Enemy at the Gates - Part 3
86.1. Owing an Explanation - Part 1
86.2. Owing an Explanation - Part 2
86.3. Owing an Explanation - Part 3
87.1. Enough - Part 1
87.2. Enough - Part 2
87.3. Enough - Part 3
88.1. The Other Way Around - Part 1
88.2. The Other Way Around - Part 2
88.3. The Other Way Around - Part 3
89.1. Double Royalty - Part 1
89.2. Double Royalty - Part 2
89.3. Double Royalty - Part 3
90.2. Finally Face to Face - Part 2
90.3. Finally Face to Face - Part 3
91.1. Decision - Part 1
91.2. Decision - Part 2
91.3. Decision - Part 3
92.1. Arrival - Part 1
92.2. Arrival - Part 2
92.3. Arrival - Part 3
93.1. The Truth - Part 1
93.2. The Truth - Part 2
93.3. The Truth - Part 3
94.1. The Enemy Unveiled - Part 1
94.2. The Enemy Unveiled - Part 2
94.3. The Enemy Unveiled - Part 3
95.1. A Family Dinner - Part 1
95.2. A Family Dinner - Part 2
95.3. A Family Dinner - Part 3
96.1. Without Erik - Part 1
96.2. Without Erik - Part 2
96.3. Without Erik - Part 3
97.1. Triple Heritage - Part 1
97.2. Triple Heritage - Part 2
97.3. Triple Heritage - Part 3
98.1. Erik's Wish - Part 1
98.2. Erik's Wish - Part 2
98.3. Erik's Wish - Part 3
99.1. Family Bonds - Part 1

90.1. Finally Face to Face - Part 1

36 3 0
By Aefener

The Divementis spaceship is hovering above the mansion in absolute silence. Its silver colour and thin shape make it look really elegant, but the absence of any sound is eerie. I realise that I can't see any visible seams in the ship's construction, how the hell did they put something like that together? Just how advanced is the Divementis technology?

Still, its cloaking device isn't technological, I can guess that much—it's actually a mental shield of gigantic proportions. I suspect that not even my father is capable of sustaining something like that on his own which means that it's probably the work of several Divementis focusing in unison. They are trying to persuade onlookers in the vicinity that there's nothing to see here.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong?" Liana flies to me in panic.

"The Divementis are here!" I say tensely, but I'm not sure how to make her see. I see it just fine because I managed to look through the trick, but my subjects are blind to it.

"The Divementis? Where? How?" Liana gets only more confused and she's not the only one. It's like a chain reaction and, in just a few seconds, the whole flock gets restless.

There's a cloaked Divementis spaceship hovering above the mansion, I switch to telepathy to address everybody at the same time without the need to shout. Stay where you are and I'll try...

I don't have a chance to finish that sentence, though. My father's mind pervades my consciousness and I can feel that he's simultaneously projecting his thoughts to everybody in the mansion and the flock.

I'm the Divementis Emperor Althorion Lorthane Serthorius Dralthor Morvandus, he starts strong but his tone is polite. Noble Celestials, I know that you're alarmed, but there's no need to panic. We come in peace, I simply wish to speak with my son face to face. We're currently hovering above your embassy in a cloaked ship and kindly ask you to deactivate the shield so that we can come down in a shuttle. I guarantee your safety, you have my word.

I notice several guards breaking the formation, totally freaked out. I'm not surprised, but I can't have them panicking so I gently touch their minds to calm them down and bring them back. It helps to a certain extent, but everyone is still scared shitless. I bite my lip, not knowing what to do because I'm scared myself.

I naively thought that my father would visit me again in my dreams and we would arrange some kind of real-world meeting on neutral ground. I had never expected he would dare to come to fetch me so aggressively.

Desperate, I send my mind to the Divementis ship, trying to penetrate their mental shield, but it's futile. The shield is too strong and I'm still too inexperienced when compared to the Divementis with possibly centuries of training. I can't even perceive whether their intentions are friendly or hostile, I get nothing.

"Love, what are we supposed to do?" Gotrid flies a circle around me to catch my attention because he knows that when I'm half-immersed in telepathy, I don't watch my surroundings that much.

Aefener, my father addresses only me now. I really didn't want to appear without prior notice and startle your people, but the Divementis Council decided that we can't put this off any longer. We're barely suppressing the rifts as it is and you being able to feel them before they break into this dimension is a game-changer.

You're suppressing the rifts?! I can't believe what I'm hearing. I've always suspected that it's them who causes them to appear in the first place.

What, did you seriously think it's us endangering humans? We're trying to stop the Enemy from invading the Earth, he answers, a bit offended by my indirect accusation. We're running out of fuel, though, our reactor is on the verge of collapse. Let's talk properly face to face. Please.

I bite my lip, but something in his voice and choice of words makes me pause. I don't want to let the Divementis enter the mansion when I can't even check their intentions, but the urgency in my father's mind is apparent. It's just my intuition, but... I don't think that he's lying.

"Your Majesty!!!" Liana gets desperate at this point. She knows that I must be negotiating with my father telepathically, but the flock got extremely restless in the meanwhile.

I take a deep breath. I need to make a decision. Trust my father and let him in... or not?

"Be careful when descending, the ship is invisible to your eyes, but it's physically there so don't bump into it!" I shout an order. "Follow my lead closely!"

I fly around at a reasonable distance so that nobody is in danger of accidentally colliding with the ship. I feel a tiny bit safer when we get inside, but the barrier can repulse only physical objects that don't emit mana. I don't think it's effective against telepathic attacks.

My first concern is to find Erik so that I can shield him with my mind. Fortunately, I don't have to look for him. He was waiting for me in our apartment the whole time and ran to the patio when he heard my father's telepathic message. We get reunited immediately and I hug him with my wings, making sure our minds are fully mingled.

"Where is it?" Erik is breathing frantically, panicking. "Is there really an invisible spaceship?"

"Just above," I point upwards.

"Can you make us see?" Gotrid lands just a few seconds after me. He quickly folds his wings and I welcome him into my embrace, mingling our minds thoroughly. My partners should be safe from the Divementis telepathic influence now.

"I can show you the image, but I'm afraid that I can't dispel the illusion for you," I have to disappoint them.

"Show us then," Liana lands as well and touches my feathers.

I send them a mental image of the ship, a bit like sending a telepathic photograph. The image is crystal clear and makes them gasp.

"Damn!" Gotrid lets out, astonished. "A real fucking spaceship!"

"Are we safe?" Erik is worried.

"If they could descend on their own, they would do it already," I say firmly, but I'm well aware that it's just my wishful thinking.

"Your Majesty, how should we handle it?" Liana cries, not knowing what to do which is rare for her and she hates it.

"Give me a few minutes to negotiate the terms," I decide and quickly head to our apartment. Wasting time could offend the Divementis which we can't afford to do.

"Love, do you need anything?" Erik asks when I grab my favourite meditation pillow and land on it.

"You can caress my wings, that's always welcomed," I shrug because there's nothing any of them can do right now. Still, I need to distract them with something so that they stop panicking.

Gotrid puts a folded blanket under my knees so that I'm comfortable and they both start caressing my wings to make their hands busy.

I close my eyes to focus better and take a deep breath. The ship is shielded, but I'm sure that if I focus really hard, my father will take notice. I send my mind to the Divementis ship.

Do you hear me? I try.

Yes, he answers immediately.

I need you to promise me that you won't hurt my people in any way, I demand. I'm not sure what your word is worth so I count on the Divementis honour, hoping you have one.

We do, he answers in all seriousness. You have my word, son.

I'll create an opening in the shield just for your shuttle and I'll seal it off immediately so don't you dare sending more than one, I set a condition.

I'm sure you understand that my people won't let me come alone, he says. I'm just as anxiously guarded as you are.

Just you and your envoy, I do understand that. For the record, I'll be protecting my Consorts and several other subjects from your influence so the moment you or any of your people try anything funny, they won't hesitate to use the most destructive spells in their arsenal.

Noted, he agrees, his tone slightly amused, but not in a bad way. It seems he's content that I'm cautious.

Give us a few minutes to prepare, I conclude and end the telepathic connection.

"Your Majesty, how did it go?!" Liana asks eagerly the moment I open my eyes again.

"Luvi," I call my adjutant who's nervously stepping at the door. "Go prepare the meeting room immediately."

"So we're doing it?" Liana makes sure, all tense.

"We're doing it," I nod. I can't run away from my alien heritage any longer.

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