The Gifted

By Emmyy1201

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In a secluded woodland area lies an academy which hosts a set of people or young adults rather who possess ce... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Author's Note #2
Chapter Nineteen
Good News!
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Two

387 107 55
By Emmyy1201

In all of my 'visits' to the Chancellor's office, that particular one was the most nerve-wracking. All the members of the Academic Board were there in a heated argument about if I should or should not be the one administered to the Electi. I honestly felt like a piece of meat being tossed back and forth between two hungry ass lions. Mrs Britishce had ruled out all of my offenses since the seventh grade and there were truly alot of them.

However, my combat trainers reminded her of my fighting skills which resulted in an even bigger demarcation. If I wasn't being thoroughly watched I would have gotten up and walked right out of that mad house. My opinions didn't even matter as I was being constantly ignored. If there was one thing I hated, it was not getting my points across. Which as I concur with Mrs Britishce, was always by physical means.

So there I was: biting the insides of my cheeks,digging my nails into the plush office-chair and feeling my cheeks heat up as each sinful minute passed by. I was seriously fighting the urge to lash out at everyone as they continued to argue incessantly and speak as if I wasn't present in the room.

My ears became gradually inure to the bee-like chorus. I was counting down the seconds to when I would start an upheaval that would surely deny me of any accession I was to receive. Finally,their choruses became hushed tones and hushed tones became silence. Mrs Britishce had scrutinized me with her charcoal eyes and said rather reluctantly:

"Well,Miss Cyzek it seems like the odds are in your favour today. The council has come to the agreement that you are indeed fit to carry out this duty. Your previous incident with Miss Grant will be forgotten. Just please be sure to know that you must be conscientious whilst being one of two guardians of the Electi. Any form of abdications will result in very,very,VERY illfated consequences..."

She had smirked and her words held far more threat than it should've. Arrogant wretch.

The walk back to my dorm room was torture; especially with the Electi strolling behind me. I felt a bit guilty for fuming the way I was, but I was upset and babysitting wasn't my thing really. The kid was quiet,which I was thankful for. Honestly, lack of communication would be heaven for me. Hopefully,the few weeks or whatever that I had with her would fly by quickly so she would be out of my air. I glanced behind me out of curiousity to see what she was up to. She was looking at everything we passed with a hint of fascination in her green eyes. Kids.

Finally we arrived on my floor. I opened my room door to find Cade and Lani sitting on the carpeted floor playing a game of chess. Their eyes shot up when they saw me. Actually, I think it was when the Electi's 'immense' presence was acknowledged. I rolled my eyes. They scurried to their feet and bowed. Their nervousness was radiant even without me reading their auras.

"Please rise," the tiny person instructed,"I am nothing but a mere gifted one just like you. Yes, I may be deemed the Electi but I have honestly never been fond of being in the spotlight. So please don't do that. I'm guessing you are expected to do it in public but not now."

She gave them a smile.

Well then...

My two friends hesitantly obliged. I cleared my throat.

"Uhm... This is Lani,my room mate and best friend," I told her.

Lani, to my annoyance, fumbled for the right words to say but in the end, a simple handshake was good enough.

"...and this is Cade,my other best friend."

The Electi extended a tiny hand towards Cade. He smiled and took it.

Her smile faded almost immediately. Her whole demeanor had changed. Her green eyes held a distant look, not the sparkle that I had seen minutes earlier. She was looking at Cade,whose stance had became rigid,but somehow it seemed she was looking through him also.

"You are an only child. Mother died at childbirth. Father was killed by-"

Cade dragged his hand away in horror. I stood rooted to the spot. I knew what she was going to say. That was a memory I didn't want to resurface twice in one day.

The Electi gasped, as if she had been pulled out of water. Her eyes widened.

"I am... I am so sorry," she began to apologize," I have no control over-"

"It's fine," Cade gave her a reassuring smile but I could see his aura. It had dimmed tremendously and betrayed his façade.

Emotions tend to do that.

"W..would you like a glass of water or something?" Lani asked awkwardly.

"Yes that would be fine,thank you."

The Electi walked with her into the small kitchen,leaving Cade and I alone.

"Hey,are you ok?" I asked,even though I knew the answer.

" I'm ok," he answered,"A bit creeped out, but I'm fine."

We both chuckled and stood there in silence. I took the opportunity to take off my shoes and to sit on my bed. A large,striped suitcase laid at the foot of the side table.

"Is this hers?" I asked.


"So where is she going to sleep?" I arched an eyebrow.

Cade shrugged and opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," he offered.

There was no way I was giving up my bed. I would have to sleep on the itchy old sofa that Lani's mom bought for her years ago. That was a no no for me.

"Someone is here to see you," Cade informed as he peered in at me with half of his body outside the door.

"Who is it?" I mouthed as I freed my hair from its bondage.

"The mentor guy," he mouthed back.

I groaned. Can't they just leave me be?

Cade walked over to me and planted a swift kiss on my forehead.

"Gotta go, I'm not even supposed to be here." He grinned and zoomed through the door.

It hadn't even crossed my mind to ask why or how he was in my dorm room. Guys weren't allowed on our floor.

I walked over to the half opened door. Blue eyes and dark hair greeted me.

"Miss Cyzek." the mentor greeted. He was wearing a dark suit and had a white bag in his hand. I had to look up into his face. His very handsome face.


He stared at me a few seconds before saying anything.

"Is Cassia settled?"

I shrugged.

"I do not understand what you are trying to say." he frowned.

"Uh yeah she's ok," I snapped and rolled my eyes, "What did you expect? Me tying her up and placing her over a pot of boiling water?"

He didn't even smile. Grumpy old troll much? Except though his features were nothing of a troll. The man infront of me was...smokin'!

He handed me the bag.

"There is food for three in there. Which means you don't have to go to the dining hall for dinner."

His eyes met those of two girls who were staring and giggling like damn idiots as they passed him. He shook his head.

"Training begins tomorrow morning."

"Training?" I raised my eyebrow,"But I have classes."

He sighed wearily.

"Do they tell you anything?"

"I didn't exactly sign up for this you know." I rolled my eyes.

"You roll your eyes a lot," he frowned again. I couldn't help but notice the way his thin,pink lips pressed into a hard line or the way his thick brows furrowed over his azure eyes.

"Oh so you're noticing me then?" I grinned cheekily," Is that a part of your job description?"

"Miss Cyzek," he began," You are a guardian of the Electi, which means you need to train harder and work more efficiently. Most of your training will be with me but you will go to your necessary classes sometimes. When you arrive tomorrow,we will discuss the schedule. Sleep well Miss Cyzek."

He walked away before I could protest. Ugh.

I closed the door behind me.

"Was that Aiden?" The Electi asked. She was sitting on my bed and was peeling out of her dark green cape.

Good, I thought. She looked like a normal little girl without the medieval-looking cape. The blue-black markings were on her back and ran down her hands in abstruse patterns. They seemed to glisten a bit as the pale evening light coming through the window touched them.

"If you're referring to your mentor,then yes it was him." I placed the white bag on my side table and told her to eat whatever she wished to eat.

Lani was watching me with her ever-so-curious hazel eyes but didn't say anything.

"So I'm guessing I'm going to have to give up my bed?" I asked skeptically.

"Oh no that's fine," she replied as she roamed through the bag," I'll just sleep on the couch."

"Well that's fine by..."

Lani glared at me and shook her head.

What? I was in no mood to be one of Santa's little elves. Lani continued to glare.

"Erm... You can sleep on my bed I guess..."

I miss my damn bed, I mumbled as I spun for the hundredth time in the couch hours later. It was still itchy even though I had lined it with millions of blankets.

I spun again and glanced over at Lani who was snoring lightly. She must've been tired especially from losing about ten games of chess to the Electi. The girl was very smart for her age.

I wonder if she's any good at chemistry.

I looked over at the young Electi on my bed. MY bed. I groaned. Her back was turned to me and was moving up and down slowly as she inhaled and exhaled. She looked so innocent, like an angel folding itself in its wings.

Her aura was not yet gold but had specks of blue,purple,white,and a faint light yellow. I couldn't interpret what the yellow represented.

I sighed and welcomed a light breeze that entered the room. I didn't know how long I laid in the uncomfortable couch for before the darkness enveloped me and all my worries for the day vanished.

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