
By lsrkn_

58.7K 1.4K 311

Cherish the moments you have with someone you love, because one day may be their last. More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.

Chapter 22.

1.1K 37 15
By lsrkn_

I want to get in other people's POV, just to see what they're thinking. Remember this is a PRODIGY story, so don't expect many chapters from other characters.

And why does everybody dislike Kelsey? Tell me why in the comments! Lol but anyway..




This is bullshit. Pure bullshit. Stacy had the audacity to come into the courtroom tryna spread lies about me. Got people thinking I have an anger problem but I don't. Do I get mad? Yeah, I'm human. That's what humans do. Shit, I get happy and cry too.

I sat quietly in my cell, staring blankly at the wall. I've been to jail before but this was PRISON. Something way different. In jail .you serve only up to a year or less than that. In prison you know you'll be here for a while or you'll rot.

We hadn't even got sentenced yet and I was already preparing myself for at least 15 years. Watching all them crime investigation shows, I had an idea of how the law worked. They'd find evidence eventually or find a witness and we'd never get out. That's how I saw it.

I realized that I was no longer, Chresanto August. I was inmate #6352520. They no longer used names unless you had respect and you didn't just get respect, you had to earn it.

Prison is not a joke, man. During the day it's pretty calm but at night is a whole different story. You can hear dudes crying and sobbing to their mamas, asking God why them. The worst is the sound of dudes getting raped. Do the guards care? No. If you get raped, then you get raped. They won't help you when you scream, they just let it happen. They figure, hey if you die from whatever disease you have then that's one less inmate to deal with.

Fucked up, right? I know.

I heard my cell being opened, finding the only guard who actually talked to inmates. He was real chill. His name was Alonzo. He was an older Hispanic man.

"It's time for Breakfast, August."

And the only guard that gave me respect.

I got off my bed, walking over to him. He cupped my hands and locked my cell door behind us. We walked down the long hall, walking down stairs that led into the cafeteria, that was full of inmates.

When I first got here, I'll admit I was scared but then I realized everyone in here has something in common. We all did something bad. Whether it was murder, rape, manslaughter, aggravated assault.. It was something bad.

I got into the breakfast line and grabbed a tray. Another thing I hate is the food. Worst thing I've ever tasted in my life but hey, if you don't eat and you starve yourself. They only fed us twice a day so if you don't eat, you'd regret it.

I let the cook splat, what looked like oatmeal on my plate. She placed a stale piece of bread on my plate and handed me a small apple juice. I walked away from the line, spotting Ray and Craig sitting at a table. I walked over to them and sat down across from them.

"I see they didn't make you cut your hair yet.." I said to Ray.

"They tried when I first got here but I fought out of it." He said, moving his spoon around in his food.

"You cool?" I asked Craig, who seemed to be staring off in space.

He nodded, "Yeah."

"He got Kelsey pregnant." Ray said.

"Damn. You for real?" I asked.

"Yeah. She told me yesterday, during the break at court." Craig said.

I shook my head, "She gone get rid of it?" I asked.

"Nah.. Well, I don't know. We haven't really discussed what we wanted to do." He replied lowly.

"Do you want her to get rid of it?" Ray asked.

"Not really.. But I don't want her to raise a kid by herself while I'm in here." Craig replied.

"Y'all need to think about. Craig, Ashley died almost a month and a half ago and now you got a girl pregnant. Don't you think y'all moving to fast?" Ray asked.

"I never thought of it that way."

"I don't know about this girl, man." I said, shaking my head.

"You haven't even met her though." Craig said.

"So? What that mean?"

"How you judging her if you haven't even met her?" He asked.

Ray ate his food quietly, avoiding the conversation.

"I'm just saying.. Y'all moving way too fast and you barely even know this girl. It kinda feels like you don't give a shit about Ashley anymore." I spat.

He looked at me like I was stupid, "You know I love her and I miss her!" He yelled.

"Yeah whatever."

"Aye, stop this arguing shit. You got guards looking at us crazy." Ray mumbled.

Suddenly, guards came over to us, holding on to their tazers. "Is there a problem here?" A guard asked.

"Nah. Just a small conversation, sir." I snickered.

Craig didn't say anything. Alonzo looked at me with concern, but walked away. I pushed my tray away from me and laid my elbows on the table.

"Don't we have visitors today?" Ray asked.

"Yeah. Around twelve." Craig said.

"I can't wait to see my family and my baby." Ray said, referring to his girlfriend of eight years, Zonnique.

I groaned and stood up from my spot, "Have fun seeing y'all "women""

The guards blew their whistles, indicating that breakfast was over. They took us back to our cells. I sat on my bed, sighing.

It's so boring here! Ain't shit to do. I'm surrounded by niggas all day and me being me, I don't like this. I don't have anything against gay people, but being here and being an easy target.. A nigga can get rude.

I was glad that I was in a cell by myself. I got to take naps without having to put my guard up. That's what I'll do.. Shit, I'm going to sleep.


I heard my cell open.

"Get up, August. Visiting hours." Alonzo said.

I got up from my bed, rubbing my eyes. He cuffed me led me down the hallway once again. We went through another large hallway, stopping at a door.

"You have 10 minutes." Alonzo said.

"You know who's here for me?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Go talk to your family, kid." He said.

I walked into the room. There was one glass wall with tables in front of one side. There were little walls to separate us from each other. I walked to a chair and sat down, waiting for my mama to come up. When she did she had a big smile on her face.

I picked up the phone, pressing it against my ear. "Hey mama." I said.

"Hey Melo." She said, calling me by my middle name.

"Where's Prehia?" I asked.

"She couldn't make it.. How are you?" She asked.

"Good, I guess."

She sighed, "Everyone misses you Melo. What did the judge say?"

"I miss them too and he said I'm being charged with aggravated assault on a police officer but we haven't been charged with the murder yet." I said.

She sighed deeply, "I just don't know how you could get yourself into this."

"Just.. Just don't worry, aight mama? Everything is gonna work out."

"I hope so. I don't want my son in a place like this.." She trailed.

"I'm a big boy now, mama. I can take care of myself." I replied.

My mama has been overprotective since the day I was born, simply because I was her "Miracle child." The doctor told her she couldn't have anymore kids but she found out she was pregnant. I almost didn't make it either so I guess that's why I have a special place in her heart. I'm her miracle baby and her baby boy.

"I know, Chres. I just don't want to see you get hurt." She sighed.

"I won't."

Our conversation flew by and so did the time. We talked about everything from my dad, my sisters, all the things I've missed out on. ALOT.

When it was finally time to go, I placed my hand against the glass window.

"I love you mama." I said.

She placed her hand there as well and smiled. "I love you too."

She walked away from the window as the other inmates came into the room. It was nice seeing my mama again and talking about everything.

As I walked back to my cell with the guards, I felt stupid for what I did. If we were convicted for this murder, we'd rot in here. I'd never be able to hug my mama or my sisters again. Instead of seeing them every other day, I'd see them once a month.

Not only did I feel stupid.. I felt alone.


10+ votes for next chapter!

Awwww, poor Chres :/ do you think Craig and Kelsey moved too fast? How do you feel about the whole pregnancy thing? What about Christian?

Thanks for reading. Vote, follow and comment. Comments keep me motivated! Tell me what you think!

- McKenzie.

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