Maya Dursley [ABANDONED, ENDI...

Galing kay Spexis

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OC story about Harry Potter's magical cousin Maya Dursley, who ends up in Slytherin and quickly becomes frien... Higit pa

-Philosopher's Stone-
1: Freakouts and Forked Tongues
2: Right Up Their Diagon Alley
3: On Track
4: Sorted Out
5: Learning One's Lesson
6: A Clean Sweep
7: Don't Feed the Trolls
8: A Magical Christmas
9: A Friend's Eye is a Good Mirror
10: Draconic Detention
11: Not Maya's House Cup of Tea
-Chamber of Secrets-
12: Summer Blues
13: All Roads Lead to Hogwarts
14: Cornish Chaos
15: Owl You Need is Love
16: Cat-astrophe
17: New Brooms Don't Always Sweep Clean
18: Not a Ghost of a Chance
19: Stewing in One's Own (Poly)Juice
20: Out of Their Depth Part 1
21: Out of Their Depth Part 2
22: A New Hogwarts Horizon
-Prisoner of Azkaban-
23: A Grim Summer
24: Shopping and Social Struggles
25: A Cold Welcome
26: Catch a Hippogriff by the Tail
27: Boggart Business
28: Unseen Undertakings
29: Hogsmeade and a Hogwarts Hunt
30: The Lion's Downfall
31: Hogwarts' Got Talent
32: Snow Laughing Matter
33: Cutting Some Slack
34: Slinging Mud and Throwing Hands
35: Exams and Escapees
-Goblet of Fire-
36: To Weasley Your Way Out
37: The Train and Triwizard Tournament Talk
38: In a Foul Moody
39: An Imperious Interview
40: Let the Games Begin
41: Spitting Fire
42: Yule Be Sorry
43: Unexpected Patronum
44: Into the Snake Pit
45: The Maze Runner
46: Curtain Call
-Order of the Phoenix-
47: A Prefect Summer
48: Prefect Training and a Toad
49: Umbridge Takes Umbrage
50: Working for the Weekend
51: Inspection Tension
52: A Quidditch Quarrel and Tamed Thestrals
53: The Animagus Stages Part 1
54: The Animagus Stages Part 2
55: Straight from the Centaur's Mouth
56: Nobody Expects the Hogwarts Inquisition!
57: OWLs and an Outrageous Operation
-Half-Blood Prince-
58: Train of Thought
59: Subjective Subtraction
60: A Rough Diamond
61: A Wine Christmas and a Party Potter
62: A Killing Farewell
63: Turned Up Toxicity
64: Making Room
65: Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears
66: Til Death Eaters Do Us Part
67: Conferring with Kin
-Deathly Hallows-
68: A Tall Order
69: Brooms and Blasting
70: Going to Ground


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Galing kay Spexis

Hello everyone! As you may have gathered from the, ahum, very subtle chapter title this is unfortunately the end of the line of the Maya Dursley saga, and with that my writing endeavours as a whole.

Below I will offer you what I had planned out for the rest of the journey to hopefully provide you with some form of closure. As someone who always felt disappointed and a little sad when people on the internet at large just disappeared without a trace, I really don't want to put anyone through that. I couldn't really live with myself if I knew there were some readers out there waiting/hoping indefinitely for an update that would never come. So I hope that by at least giving you the full outline below, I will be able to make you (somewhat) happy for the very last time.

I know and understand that some of you will be upset, especially if you've stuck with the story -and by extension me- for so long. I therefore want to genuinely apologise for this unexpected and undoubtedly disappointing outcome, but I'm just tired. So incredibly tired. Tired of always working so hard and putting in countless hours, only to find myself way too perfectionistic to actually take any sort of pride in my work. For example, when I decided to revamp the entire series and found some typos (among other, much harder to fix things...) I had literally never spotted before, I just felt terrible. And a hobby should never make one feel the way it ultimately made me feel. Feeling as if I was never good enough.

I hope you will not only accept my sincere apologies but also my deep gratitude. I'm grateful beyond words to literally anyone who has ever decided to click on my story. A big thanks to anyone who read about Maya boarding the Hogwarts Express for the first time and maybe even all the way to her becoming a member of the Order of the Phoenix. A big thanks to anyone who joined me for even a little bit on this crazy ride, even though I know you won't read this. I will never forget all the lovely comments I was blessed enough to receive, and I've screenshotted each and every one of them for whenever I'll find myself in dire need of a smile. Thank you all so very, very much!

To me this is truly a bittersweet moment. I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end I didn't manage to finish it. However, I actually gave it a real shot, went much further than even I could've expected and after three arduous years I will finally no longer have this weight on my shoulders. I'll certainly find it hard to get used to a life without my sassy Slytherin, it really feels like losing a family member, but I am free, finally at mental peace and ready to find out wherever this crazy life leads me next.

Enjoy the outline below if you decide to read it and farewell!


Chapter 4: Painting the Town Red

Bill and Fleur's wedding.

"What are you wearing, Dursley?" Mrs Weasley said while she was determining whether they looked smart enough for the wedding.

"Clothes," Maya said with a deadpan expression, feeling rather fed up with the consistent negative treatment. She was wearing jeans and a regular T-shirt.

"I appreciate the cheek, but I need you to wear a dress like all the girls."

"I don't have one."

"Duh, she never gets invited to any parties."

"Ginny, you and Dursley should have the same size, take her up to your room and borrow her one of your dresses."

Well this is awkward, Maya thought.

The wedding.

"You eat for free, Dursley."

"And you eat for three, Weasley."

"Just because you're on our side now doesn't mean I have to like you, Dursley."

"Ah, nothing puts me in a good mood like good food."

"My friends say I'm getting fatter, but I've had a lot on my plate recently."

"Yeah I've been studying ancient symbols," Xenophilius Lovegood said.

"Yeah, I didn't think you were studying hairdressing," Maya said.

"You have a bright future ahead of you," Xenophilius Lovegood said.

"Well, I figured I didn't have a bright future behind me."

"It would be nice if there was a pool, though," Maya said.

"The only pool you know is a cesspool, Dursley," Fred said. "Come on, Dursley. I've bet George here ten Galleons that you'd have made a friend by now."

"Well, money isn't everything, right?" Maya said tentatively.

Drinks fall over Maya's dress. "Ha, Dursley, even though you didn't pay for these drinks, I see they are still on you."

The Ministry falls.

Maya, Harry, Ron and Hermione flee and begin their Horcrux quest.

This is it, we're off, Maya thought.

"Where are we?" Harry asked after Disapparating from the wedding.

"Tottenham Court Road. I used to come to the theatre here with mum and dad... I don't know why that popped into my head," Hermione said, glancing around nervously.

"Well, that's obvious," Maya panted. "It's because you felt safe with your parents there! And you wanted to feel safe real quick so that association was unconsciously yet easily made."

Fight in a tea shop.

Maya immediately offers to kill the Death Eaters, inadvertently thinking the others were unable to cope with warfare's extreme demands. The others decide against it.

"Can't you guys have a little confidence in me?"

"Don't worry, Dursley, we have as little confidence in you as possible."

Hermione's hand trembles as she performs the Memory curse. Maya realises it reminded her of her parents.

"You're so different from us, Dursley."

"Which is just as well, because if we'd all been the same we'd all have the exact same weaknesses."

Last words of the chapter: Grimmauld Place.

Chapter 5: No Grimmauld Place Like Home

They go to Grimmauld Place (description).

Harry tells Maya its location so she can enter. Harry proceeds to tell Maya it was Sirius's and how their relationship was.

On the one hand Maya finds the place does not seem particularly inviting, but on the other hand in their current situation it was very much like a palace.

About Hermione's people revealing curse: "Here goes nothing." "Nothing was right."

"There's no place like home."

Search of the house. They find R.A.B.

Kreacher's tale.

Lupin arrives. Argument between him and Harry.

Mundungus Fletcher and Kreacher return.

Maya is furious with Mundungus because of what happened to Moody and that she got blamed for it while he downright Disapparated.

"I was low-key blamed for that, you know, but if anyone should be blamed it's your stinking, pathetic ass!"

Harry and Ron actually have to physically constraint Maya.

"All right, enough with the good cop, bad cop thing, okay?" Mundungus said.

They find out Umbridge has the Locket.

Chapter 6: A Mildly Messy Ministry of Magic Mission

In the month of August, the quartet starts monitoring the entrance to the Ministry of Magic.

Maya and Hermione are on the list of Muggleborns who didn't show up for interrogation.

Infiltration in the Ministry.

When they enter: "Naturally the portal to find Umbridge is through a toilet." "Ugh, why do I always have to do the dirty work?"

Maya doesn't like the infiltration plan. In her opinion, randomly selecting individuals to impersonate without knowing their identities or rank, or considering that they may be called upon to perform their Ministry duties was also a rather careless and risky move. Sure enough, once inside Maya is forced to tend to dangerous magical creatures, showing just how dangerously elaborate and overly complicated this scheme was. It also seemed to her that this information could have been gathered by one person alone using the Invisibility Cloak rather than all four of them entering the Ministry in their Polyjuice Potion disguises.

"We were extremely lucky that Umbridge had the Locket with her on that particular day."

They lose Grimmauld Place.

"I've a feeling we're not in London anymore," Maya said, looking around at the trees.

Chapter 7: Not Happy Campers

"Why didn't we just overpower Yaxley?" Maya asked.

"Because I panicked," Hermione said wearily.

"All right," Maya said, realising it's no use causing dismay over this now that it had already happened.

Harry casts protective charms around the tent.

"Wait a second. Harry, you just performed magic in the open and there are no Death Eaters. You know what this means, don't you? It wasn't the Trace or anything that made them find us last time," Maya said.


Talk about the Horcruxes.

Harry encounters Dementors in a small market town.

Ron gets angry when he's splinched and hungry. Tension. "Don't tell me that we won't have a real dinner again." "All right, what do you want me to tell you then?"

Until now, Dumbledore's quest had mainly tested the Quartet's intellectual and magical prowess rather than their physical abilities. But now, forced to leave their cosy hiding place, they must endure the harsh environment while on the run, coping with the oncoming cold winter weather, limited food supplies, and being cut off from their allies, who at least knew their location, and could communicate if needed. The hardship causes morale to plunge.

However, Maya realises that they may actually have needed just such an incentive to force them into leaving Grimmauld Place and searching more aggressively for the other Horcruxes, rather than sequestering themselves in an endless attempt to hypothesise what and where they might be.

Ron is emotionally burdened by knowing that his family is in grave danger if it is ever discovered that he is helping Harry, which further increases tension.

They go to London but find a tower block of offices on the site of the orphanage.

Argument. "I know you don't want to hear this, Ron, but at this point we've only got each other!" Maya said quickly, actually placing herself between the two parties in a valiant effort to calm them down.

"You're right, I don't want to hear that!"

"Oh, shut up, Dursley, we all know you're just here because Malfoy rightfully dumped your pathetic
ass and Harry felt sorry for you!" Ron snapped.

Maya doesn't really respond, just staring at him.

"What? No smartass comment from you this time? Anticlimactic."

"No, Weasley. Not tonight. Not now."

Chapter 8: Ron's Rabid Resentment

They hear Tonks's father and company at the riverbank and with that they find out Ginny tried to steal the Sword of Gryffindor.

Argument with Ron and he leaves. Injury, harsh living conditions, frustration with Harry's seeming indecisiveness, knowing his sister suffered punishment at Hogwarts, and constant worry about his family, coupled with the Locket's Darkness so strongly exerted upon him, have left Ron unable to control his anger and impatience. Eavesdropping on the other party, and hearing them preparing salmon when the best Hermione could manage was a bony pike, have finally pushed him past his limit.

Maya comforts Hermione after Ron leaves. "He'll come around..." she said softly, even allowing Hermione to bury her head in her shoulder.

"Are you going to leave too, Maya?" Harry asked.

"No, never. I'll be with you till the very end, no matter when or where that might be. Besides, Harry, if it hadn't been for you taking me along, I'd probably be lying dead underneath some overpass by now. And it seems only fitting that I started my magical journeys alongside you and will end my magical journeys alongside you."

Harry is touched by Maya's loyalty, and they have their first ever real, intense hug.

Hermione refers to the remark Maya made in their third year, about needing each other one day. "I guess that day was today."

"We'll be all right, Hermione, just not tonight."

Maya tries to console Hermione by praising her diligent research methods and cool, logical mind. Living by her wits and surviving day-to-day in a life-threatening situation have also greatly improved her practical skills and abilities, forcing her to also rely on intuition, speculation, and immediate action rather than always poring over books for definitive answers before taking action. Her quick, sharp reflexes have repeatedly saved the Quartet from disaster, as when she Disapparated them away from Bill and Fleur's wedding and Grimmauld Place

At one point during the Horcrux trip, when Ron's gone, outside the tent and staring into the night, Maya has a flashback of all of her Hogwarts years. What would she see in the Mirror of Erised now?
Also things she regretted now or would do differently. She missed the days where all she worried about was becoming famous/powerful and winning the House Cup. Now literally every day could be her last; these days, tomorrow was promised to no one.

She looks at the picture Colin Creevey took long ago, of Draco and her together in her second year.

Maya wonders how her life would have gone if she had been friends with Harry, Ron and Hermione from the outset and if she had been a more open person in general.

Maya realises now full well just how difficult the hunt was and how much it took a mental and emotional toll on the Quartet, with Ron leaving as the very lowest point, and for the first time she doesn't manage to oppress her feelings of uncertainty and seriously wonders if they can actually complete this mission.

Maya feels that she as a relative newcomer in the group has the most objective viewpoints.

Maya softly starts crying.

Harry joins her outside the tent and says he's sorry he's not a good leader.

Maya tells him that she's the one who should be sorry for always being such a power hungry bitch and for never understanding just how important their bond was. "I know you never actually wanted to be famous. That was probably the very stupidest thing I ever blamed you for. And if I were you, I'd never have taken me along. You're such a better person than me, in all aspects. You've always been the more prominent of us. Sorry for the twisted crap I always enjoyed pulling on people. I guess very deep down I was never happy with who I was, especially compared to others, and took it out on decent, innocent people."

But now she had chosen to set all her pride, her ideals, her ambitions and herself aside to help Harry fulfil his goals. The circle was complete.

Maya wants to sneak on the Hogwarts Express as it leaves from Hogsmeade for the Christmas break to give the DA members some encouragement and warning to stay safe instead of taking excessive risks, like stealing the Sword of Gryffindor. And to get some form of closure by talking once more to Draco. She wanted to tell Draco she finally understood and that she wasn't angry with him and that maybe one day they could be friends again.

Harry doesn't want Maya to go to the Hogwarts Express. "We already lost Ron, we can't afford to lose you too, Maya," he said.

"Don't worry, Harry. You and I are family, and considering it's in your DNA to always weasel your way out of trouble, I just might do that too."

Dramatic coin toss before determining whether Maya should go or not.

Chapter 9-11: On the Wrong Track Part 1/2/3

Maya successfully sneaks onto the Hogwarts Express, using Harry's Invisibility Cloak. "Hi, Longbottom, remember me?"

"Yes, you said that since even my own parents don't remember me, nothing of value will be lost with me."

"Oh, right, well, uhm, nice to see you again."

Suddenly the train slows down and Luna is captured by Death Eaters. Ginny and Neville make sure that Maya can escape to the front of the train (the Invisibility Cloak is useless with the corridors crowded), which suddenly separates from the rest of the train. For some reason Maya finds herself unable to Apparate away.

"Just make sure not to give them any reason to harm you! I promise it'll be okay!" Maya yelled at Ginny and Neville. I hope I didn't just make a promise I can't keep, she inadvertently thought.

Maya climbs on top of the train to try and get into the driver's cabin and make the train stop, but finds Pansy Parkinson waiting for her on top of the train.

"Pansy Parkinson! Are you behind this? You'd better start explaining yourself!"

"Oh, hey there, Maya Mudblood. Long time no see," Pansy said calmly.

"Not long enough! How did you set this up? Why can't I Apparate?"

"Ha, good magicians never reveal their tricks! But I'll tell you this much, the core of the matter is that neither of us can leave until one of us is defeated."

"What? Don't you realise that if you go through with this duel you'll be putting yourself in danger also?"

"Thanks for the advice, Mudblood, but who asked? I've been given more power than you can ever
dream of!" Pansy said, rolling up her sleeve. "Does this look familiar?"

Maya gasped in shock. There, on Pansy's left arm, in the darkest of blacks, sat the Dark Mark.

"Pansy, you really went off the rails, didn't you? You picked the wrong side to join. Do you have any idea what you got yourself into? Don't you realise that they're just using you?"

"Not so tough now, are you, Mudblood? And we'll just see about that. What seems to be the problem anyway? If I'm not mistaken, you wanted nothing more than to experience this kind of power first-hand last year. Alas, you are a Mudblood. Sucks to be you. Just letting off steam here, mind."

"Very well, then let's duel," Maya said begrudgingly.

"Wise choice, Mudblood! Oh, I'm going to enjoy this. I've improved since our side now runs the school, but you'll see that for yourself soon enough! When I win, then I'm sure some Death Eaters would just love to torture you to reveal Potter's whereabouts."

"And what if I win?" Maya asked.

"Ha, good one," Pansy sneered.

Maya duels Pansy on top of the runaway Hogwarts Express. As they sling spells at each other, the train only seems to accelerate and various landscapes flash by.

Pansy in all her aggression seizes an early initiative. "You're only half the witch I remember, is that because with Draco you've lost your other half?" she sneered.

Pansy is a much stronger duelist than I remember, now that she's been infused with the power of the Dark Mark, Maya thought, I shouldn't go all out on the offensive.

"I thought you especially, as someone who basically spent her entire pathetic life buried in books, would recognise a good strategy. I see now that you still have a lot to learn about the Dark Arts, and I'm just the witch to teach you!" Pansy said. "This world isn't big enough for the both of us!"

"Don't worry, you won't take up much space once I'm done with you!"

"This train has been rerouted! Ironic, ain't it, this is where we started our journey nearly seven years ago and this will be the end of the line for you! At least this steam engine is red, so your blood won't show as much," Pansy said.

They rapidly approach a low hanging branch, but Pansy has her back turned to it.

"Pansy, look out!" Maya screamed instinctively.

Pansy ducks. "Thanks for the warning, now back to the game!"

Without even bothering to stand up, Pansy shoots a blue beam at Maya. It soars over Maya's right shoulder and even over the sounds of the train she could hear the distinct sound of a tree trunk breaking.

"A game? Is this really a game to you? Clear something up for me, please," Maya asked.

"What! Don't derail this duel!"

"Is this duel really so important to you that you're literally willing to risk your own life? When did you become so power hungry? And why does this ruddy train only seem to accelerate? Give me a brake, er, break!"

"Funny you should mention powerhungry. Didn't you turn your back on your own cousin last year and the year before that just so you could possibly have a taste of it? Blood is everything in this world, more so than ever now, and most unfortunately yours is muddy!" Pansy spat.

Pansy then blames Maya for always 'stealing' Draco away from her and reveals her family is under a lot of pressure, and if she hands Maya over to the Dark Lord her family will be free.

"This again illuminates You-Know-Who's character: he rules his associates through fear, intimidation, and pain, rather than commanding their respect or fidelity," Maya said.

"For literally years I've had to watch Draco like you better than me..."

"Yeah, cus you're a psycho, Pansy!"

"... with you out of the way Draco will be all mine. It was always only because of you that he didn't pay any attention to me. You know, Mudblood, Draco still misses you."

"He does?" Maya said, naively allowing herself to be distracted.

"Oh, yes, and I hate you so much for it. He constantly talks about you and hopes you're okay. It's disgusting, honestly. Besides, I didn't even become a Prefect because of you."

"Not quite, Pansy. You didn't become a Prefect because you are and always have been a dumb, worthless sow. And how can you still hold silly grudges like that in times like these? People are dying, Pansy! Is this really the kind of world you want to live in?"

"Everyone has a dream that fills the heart, a journey they must take, a destiny to fulfil! Soon your journey will be over, my destiny will be fulfilled and Draco will fill my heart! You have no idea what it's like to always be second-best..."

"Uhm, you do know that Harry Potter out of all people is my cousin?"

Maya wins the duel by casting a spell that slowly drains Pansy's power. Pansy failed to notice and decurse it in all her aggression.

"You've lost, Pansy, you just don't know it yet. Not only have I always been the superior witch, but while you were safe and cosy at Hogwarts I've had to endure the kind of hardship you can't even imagine. Did you ever feel you were hungry? Please, you were mildly peckish at best. Did you ever feel cold? You never felt like someone put all your bones in a freezer and then back in your body. You really bit off more than you can chew chew and your plans will go down the train.

"You'll have to kill me now I guess."

"No, I won't, Pansy. There's enough hatred in this world and enough families that have been torn apart."

Maya blasts Pansy off when they cross a bridge, to make her landing as soft as possible. It was now or never...

When it's all over, just before Disapparating back to Harry and Hermione, Maya looks down at her Slytherin ring, wondering how many more duels she would have to fight and win.

Chapter 12: One Foot in the Grave

Godric's Hollow.

"It just feels odd, returning to the place where I was born with nothing to show but the scar on my forehead," Harry said.

When visiting the grave of Harry's parents, Maya shows her soft side. "I'm sorry you never knew your parents, Harry. No child should ever have to grow up without their parents. They would've been proud of you, Harry."

"No, they wouldn't have been," Harry said softly.

Maya could tell he was thinking about how badly this mission was going, but did not really know how to make him feel better. She just softly strokes his back.

Before they enter the graveyard, Harry turns to look at them. "How do I look?" he asked hesitantly.

Maya smiles and fixes his hair somewhat. "You're looking great, Harry. Real sharp."

Harry inadvertently smiles in return and nods. "All right, I'm ready, let's go."

Maya finds the graves of Harry's parents first. "Hello, aunt Lily and uncle James. We've never had the opportunity to meet, but I'm Maya Dursley, daughter of Lily's sister. I don't know if you can hear me, but I've long come to see that there is in fact magic in this world, so who knows. I'm sorry my mother and you, aunt Lily, had all those issues, but I'm mostly sorry about what happened to you. You deserved better. I also didn't always treat Harry right, but I've got him with me, we're on this journey together to save the wizarding world once and for all. It's been rough... anyway, I'll go and get Harry for you, okay? Hang on," Maya said, softly touching the tombstones.

"Harry?" Maya said tentatively, her voice filled with consideration. "They're here..."

Visiting his parents' graves, and seeing the destroyed cottage in which he once lived, deeply disturbs Harry, driving home the reality that the tragic events sixteen years before were real. Until now, these were merely sad stories told to Harry, but seeing the graves and the house in person is emotionally wrenching.

They spot Bathilda. Harry wants to go with her.

Maya and Hermione look at each other and nod. They really don't like the idea of taking such a leap of faith by following Bathilda to the unknown and while they express discomfort with the situation more than once, they ultimately decide to go along anyway. They do not want to argue with Harry and upset him so soon after his emotional encounter with his parents' graves.

Maya and Hermione were suddenly startled. Harry heard 'Bathilda' saying, "Come", while all Maya and Hermione heard was a strange hissing noise.

Ambush by Nagini.

"Hermione, no, let me!" Maya screamed when Hermione cast a Blasting Curse.

Harry loses his wand.

Maya, as anaconda, successfully fights off Nagini with her thick, impenetrable body, making Harry and Hermione learn she is an Animagus.

"Why didn't you ever tell us you were a bloody Animagus?" Harry asked in utter bewilderment.

"I believe what you're trying to say is 'thank you'," Maya said crossly.

Harry believes it is his wand, rather than his own magical abilities, that provides his magical power. Maya tells him otherwise.

Chapter 13: Ron's Remorseful Return

Harry finds the Sword of Gryffindor.

Ron returns.

Maya just says "Welcome back, Ron," and offers him her hand, because she feels this is much more about Ron, Harry and Hermione and so she doesn't want to complicate matters in any way and just wants it to be okay.

Ron apologises for the remark about Draco, but Maya forgives him immediately.

"I've said some pretty messed up stuff in my life too, so I won't be a hypocrite here. I'm glad you're back, Ron."

"You know, Dursley, you're quite okay for a Slytherin."

"We need you, Ron. We really do. And you proved you're a true Gryffindor by overcoming your fears and doubts about the mission, and returning to a dangerous situation to search for and help your friends."

Ron, unknowingly, has served an important function within the group: Maya, Harry and Hermione are talented and resourceful wizards, but, being Muggle-raised, they still lack significant knowledge about the general Wizarding world. Ron has often guided them by filling in these gaps. It is unlikely Harry and Hermione could succeed without Ron supplying these missing pieces.

Maya looks at Hermione, who is, mildly put, hesitant to forgive Ron. "Remember who always had your back when it mattered, Hermione. Who attempted to curse Draco when he called you Mudblood? This bloke."

Chapter 14: For the Love of Good

Lovegood house. They find out about the Deathly Hallows.

"A few months ago my best friend and love of my life betrayed me and I was partially responsible for Dumbledore's death. I think I have a pretty good idea how wanting to die feels like, Mr Lovegood," Maya said in response to Mr Lovegood's despair.


When they hear Fred on Potterwatch, Maya asks Harry carefully why he gave them the Triwizard money. "I understand you didn't give it to me but them?"

Harry explains how close he always was with the Weasley twins.

Harry has been left confused and rudderless, first by Dumbledore's leaving him without guidance, and second by his distraction over the Hallows; Ron steps into this leadership void, undergoing a significant change as he does. No longer a passive and insecure follower, his guilt over his brief desertion, as well as Hermione's severe chastisement, have propelled him into a becoming a more mature, confident, and proactive young man who assumes responsibility in guiding the others, relieving Maya, Harry and Hermione from many day-to-day burdens.

Potterwatch does Harry well. He is comforted and feels reconnected to old friends, uniting them in the fight against Voldemort. It also bolsters Harry's morale, allowing him to finally fully realise that this is not his battle alone.

Harry accidentally speaks Voldemort's name and the group gets captured by Snatchers.

Chapter 15: Cutting it Close

Malfoy Manor.

Bellatrix makes a remark about Maya's Slytherin ring, given to her by Draco in her first year. "Ah, the filth that has been sorted in the noble house of Slytherin... soon that'll all be over!"

Maya spits Bellatrix in the face.

It was irony of the cruellest sort that Malfoy Manor out of all places would be the place of Maya's demise. Maya and Draco literally can't look at each other. Maya finds that Draco rather comes across like a vessel lacking a compass. It suddenly hit Maya how he had always been a victim of it all and that he had always genuinely cared about her. But there was nothing she could do. Or was there? Maya couldn't believe how she could've been so stupid. There was a way... She transforms into an anaconda, surprising her captors and seizing the initiative.

Bellatrix stabs Maya in the back (while she's an anaconda, and immediately transforms back). She narrowly survives despite a lot of pain and screaming, thanks to a makeshift operation in Shell Cottage. Her aorta wasn't punctured but she was literally an inch from death.

Dobby dies. Maya learns that later, as she was on the verge of fainting during the 'transport', but the knife that kills him was the same that had injured Maya and later she remarks that they are bonded by blood.

Chapter 16: To the Point

When they rush Maya inside Harry says: "Maya, whatever you do, do not go to sleep! Stay with us, it's going to be okay! I'm not going anywhere, I promise!"

"Ah... nothing is as healing as the human touch. You can't get rid of me that easily..." Maya mutters faintly after Bill and Fleur save her life.

Harry tenderly puts the Slytherin ring back on her finger as it falls off during the operation.

"Ah I always wanted a scar of my own..." Maya said wryly after Bill and Fleur finished.

Talk to Griphook and Ollivander.

Voldemort acquires the Elder Wand.

Weeks in Shell Cottage preparing the Gringotts break-in.

Maya is ready to fight again and wonders if Griphook doesn't actually want them caught so he could reclaim the Sword easily.

Chapter 17: Blowing the Bank

"How do I look?" Hermione asked, disguised as Bellatrix.

"Well, at least you didn't turn into a cat again," Maya said.

Gringotts break-in.

Chapter 18: Sowing Dragon's Teeth

"Fasten your seatbelts, this is going to be a bumpy ride!" Maya yelled as they climbed onto the Gringotts dragon.

Hogsmeade arrival.

Hogwarts arrival.

"You're gonna need a bigger army."

"Thankfully we've got one."

"How can we know she can be trusted?" a DA member asks, nodding at Maya. "How can we be certain she won't stab us in the back?"

"Ah, I've been there, it's not pretty," Maya said calmly, promptly showing them the lifelong scar on her back.

"This is our battle as much as it is yours, Harry," the DA said collectively.

Just before the Battle of Hogwarts begins, Harry and Maya have a teary goodbye.

"Well, this is it. It'll all come down to tonight."

"You've been a tremendous help, Maya, but I need you to help them right now."

Harry is touched by her loyalty to him, as she was very reluctant to leave his side and she wanted to protect him. They don't know if they'll see each other alive again.

Was Maya scared of the impending battle? Honestly speaking, yes; it would be stupid if she was not. But she knew that should she die, she would die in the place that had always been her real home, that made her feel alive, that made her feel she belonged and a place that was frankly worth dying for.

Chapter 19: Chapter Title Undecided

While Harry and co go into the Room of Requirement, Maya leads the DA in the fight.

When McGonagall bewitches the Hogwarts statues: "They are boulder than they look and one shouldn't take them for granite!"

"We're already having a blast!"

"Only the dead have seen the end of this war!"

Maya walks over the corpses of fallen students, but there was no time to give them any consideration.
About Acromantulas: "Just how tall are those things?" "Eight feet."

Harry gives in to Voldemort's ultimatum.

Chapter 20: Chapter Title Undecided

Maya too screams when Harry's 'dead'.

Fight continues in the castle.

Maya saves Ginny by knocking her out of the way of a Killing Curse.

McGonagall, Kingsley Shacklebolt and Slughorn duel Voldemort.

"Oh, look who's back. Get it, back?" Bellatrix sneered at Maya.

Anger like Maya never felt before coursed through her veins. She pointed her wand at Bellatrix and screamed: "Crucio!"

Bellatrix writhes and twists on the ground as she screams in pain, and Maya experiences a mad sense of happiness. It was justice, for a wrong so bitterly committed. She refuses to stop, until
Hermione grabs her arm.

"Maya, stop, this isn't you!"

"Let me go!" Maya screamed.

Mrs Weasley kills Bellatrix.

Chapter 21: Chapter Title Undecided

Harry kills Voldemort.

"Ah, I love the smell of victory in the morning."

Maya goes with Harry, Ron and Hermione to Dumbledore's office.

"Maybe an odd question, but... what now? This was basically what our entire lives have led to, so exactly where do we go from here? As much as Voldemort sucked, he did give us a purpose in life," Maya said.

"What do you mean? Now we can finally write our own story!" Harry replied.

And writing their own story they did.

In the end, Maya and Harry become Head Aurors and lead the Auror Department together. Maya writes a successful autobiography explaining her process of going bad and redeeming herself, fights for equal rights for Muggleborns and also helps troubled teens to stay on the right path. She is a very demanding boss, but fair and extremely well-respected in the wizarding community. She had always wanted to be powerful and famous, and so she had become.

Maya and Draco become friends again. Things were a bit awkward sometimes, but they were friends nonetheless. Some bonds in life never break completely, even if the two found themselves pushed to different sides.

Maya comforts Albus Potter nineteen years later when he's afraid of being sorted into Slytherin, saying she was a Slytherin and turned out quite okay. Harry jokingly says "well...", but Maya gives him an annoyed look.

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