Lunisolace [ ZeeNuNew ]

By mdbykanista

462 33 2

The tragedy from the past scares nunew until now. From how much he loves snow, ice and christmas now turn int... More

- snowman

462 33 2
By mdbykanista

— Happy Christmast Everybody !

° A special ZeeNunew Oneshoot.


Paris, 25 December 20XX
15.32 pm

As the snow began to fall one by one on December 25 in their yard, the city bells rang loudly, signaling that it was Christmas.

A sweet-faced man smiled as he saw children playing on the side of the road enjoying the first snowfall of the year.

Nunew wanted to enjoy the happy moments and togetherness on Christmas Day this year, but stopped when his memories came back and prevented him from feeling happy.

His hands began to clench tightly, his breath began to catch, the memory spun in her brain

"Nunew, love"

Her tense and fearful face turned to the source of the voice, finding her husband standing with two cups of hot chocolate in both hands.


"What's wrong?"

The sound of silence from their room, waiting for an answer to come from Nunew's lips, accompanied Zee's footsteps as he approached Nunew after placing the cups on the nightstand.


"Remembered it again?"

Nunew nodded his head not daring to lie to his husband, Zee then brought his partner's small body into a warm embrace.

"It's okay, I'm here with you."

"I know you are always here, I love you"

"I love you too, come on now let's watch home alone together"

"Hahahaha, come on!"



It's been 5 years since something bad happened to Nunew. More precisely, the worst memory.

Little Nunew, who had just turned 7 years old, was enrolled in specialized ice skating training by his mother.

Although Nunew undeniably loved ice skating, his mother had a hand in Nunew's ambition to become an ice skating athlete like his dream when in his youth, even though that dream was shattered by the unexpected accident.

With the strict demands of his mother, Nunew practiced continuously at his academy until he reached the age of 20, the peak of his career with a bunch of achievements.

At the academy, Nunew also met the love of his life

ZeePruk Panich

A professional athlete who transferred from a famous academy abroad and who was already famous before him.

The story of how they met was very simple.

They met as training partners while training at the academy and later became close friends.

Shortly after the national competition that Nunew won, Zee confessed his love to him, which Nunew happily accepted with a big smile.

Their love story went smoothly, filled with laughter and smiles, and their little dates at the cafe near the academy until Nunew entered the international competition.

Zee said that Nunew was pushing himself too hard and not resting properly, while Nunew was annoyed and argued.

Nunew was being pressured by his family, more specifically his mother, to keep practicing and win the international competition.

"Nhu, you're pushing yourself too hard. Go easy on yourself"

"No, Zee. You know this competition is so important! It must be perfect!"

"Nhu, take a rest. You're already practicing enough"

Nunew didn't listen and kept practicing more, after some practicing Nunew tidied up his stuff and Zee drove Nunew home.

One week later the day of the competition arrived. Zee calmed down a nervous Nunew with words of encouragement.

Nunew's whole family was present to watch the competition, making Nunew even more stressed.

Nunew watched another competitor who was still performing in the arena, The competitor spun beautifully in the air and landed on the icy ground quite hard then took a beautiful pose that drew applause from the audience.

After this, it was his turn to perform

'Please Welcome, Our next Contestant. Nunew Chawarin!'

As Nunew entered the arena, SIA's Snowman played in the arena. Nunew beautifully surfed there making everyone mesmerized including the judges who smiled happily seeing Nunew's beautiful performance.

Nunew is now spinning in the air for the last time. He takes the moment and spins a few times.


Without everyone knowing, because the previous contestant landed hard after jumping in the air, creating a crack in there.

And, yes. Nunew landed right there when he finished spinning, making him lose his balance and fall very hard.

Zee, who had been smiling, turned hysterical at the sight of Nunew who fell hard there.


The situation there was immediately in chaos, the guards who were checking the surroundings found a large crack there and immediately reported it.

The paramedics immediately ran over and treated Nunew.

Zee also immediately approached nunew who was on a stretcher to be taken to the hospital.

After receiving treatment at the hospital, Nunew suffered an injury to his leg and bruises on his arm.

Nunew was feeling very sad, he failed in the competition and now he was injured which made him unable to participate in competitions and training until he recovered.

Zee was there, witnessing how devastated his boyfriend was and Zee could only try to calm him down by holding Nunew's finger tightly and whispering comforting sentences.

But his efforts were crushed when Nunew's mother arrived with a very frustrated face.

"Nunew, you're an embarrassment, you failed and the judges said because your injury you're excluded from the competitions !"

"Mom, is that the first thing you said to me? After all the things that happened?"

Nunew couldn't believe that his mother didn't show that she was worried about him at all.

"You can only bring shame! Never-"

Zee who saw that and felt very furious and stood up from the chair.

"With all due respect, your son has been training hard and hasn't stopped. And just now your son had an accident that could even have taken his life and all you're worried about is your son not winning?"

"Shut up, you have no right to speak here." Mrs. Nunew's face hardened at Zee's statement.

"You should know better! Nunew is your only child. You should be giving positive support to what Nunew is interested in, not making your child an object to fulfill your unfulfilled dreams!"

Zee's words left Nunew's mother speechless and feeling insulted.

"I have the right to decide what the future holds for Nunew, not you!"

"Yes, you do, but I also have the right because I'm Nunew's boyfriend. I have the right to love, guide, and protect my boyfriend. And if you're making nunew feel hurt like this, I'm ready to protect him—"

Nunew, who saw that, cried even more and tried to make zee stop by pulling the hem of zee's shirt and fingers, but zee remained firm.

"—He's been trying to make you proud, he's won so many competitions and you're not proud of that?" Zee said firmly.

Mrs. Nunew now only had an angry face and walked out of the room and left the hospital.

Zee then immediately hugged his boyfriend who was crying very hard. Clinging tightly to his little boyfriend who held a lot of burden on his shoulders

"You're already done great nu, it's okay. I'm proud of you baby, im here with you"

Nunew was tired, very tired with all the pressures on his shoulders and could only cry in zee's arms, the only support he had.



Zee now looked at Nunew who was asleep on his lap, Nunew was very beautiful in his eyes.

Zee slowly placed the soundly sleeping nunew on the soft mattress of their room, and covered him.

Nunew is the most beautiful creation that God sent to him.

After Nunew decided to stop his skate career and work a normal job, followed by him quitting too on an ice skating career and working in the office, they got married by inviting only the important people.

And of course Nunew's parents were there, a year after Nunew's recovery Nunew's parents came to beg his forgiveness and they had already reconciled

And he knew how much nunew longed for his world, as he watched videos of him practicing and competing, opened his ice skating shoe box in the storage room and how he saw a little kid carrying his ice skates to the ice skating rink near the hotel at city hall.

And he was determined to get nunew back to try his world again.

He slowly opened the storeroom door and searched for the box containing nunew's and his ice skating shoes.

After finding them, he carried the two shoe boxes to the back seat of the car and went back into the house.

He approached Nunew who was still asleep.

"Nhu, wake up"

Zee woke Nunew up gently with a small peck on the younger's face. Nunew who felt disturbed began to stretch and woke up from his sleep.

"hm? what's wrong zee?"

"I have a surprise for you, do you want it?"

"Surprise?" asked Nunew again, making sure to get a definite nod from Zee.

"What's the surprise? I want it!"

Zee took the blindfold from the nightstand, "But you have to close your eyes first, because the surprise is outside." "Outside? I'll change my clothes first, because it's cold."

Nunew walked to change his clothes with thicker ones and then approached Zee.

"Okay, I'm ready."

Zee chuckled and put the blindfold on Nunew, then led Nunew to the car.

"Where are we going? Don't want to give me any spoilers?"

"Then it's not a secret then?"


The trip took about 10 minutes to the destination. After arriving, Zee immediately led Nunew back out of the car.

Nunew could hear many voices of children and adults.

"Where are we, Zee?" Nunew's question went unanswered by zee, who sat on the seat.

Nunew swore he heard the familiar sound of ice scraping. His chest began to feel heavy, until he felt his shoes being removed and replaced with other shoes that Nunew knew by heart.


Nunew quickly removed his blindfold.

"I didn't tell you to open them yet"

Nunew looked at Zee, who had already put on his ice skates and looked at his surroundings.

The ice skating arena in front of his eyes, filled with many people, Nunew was speechless looking at zee with a slightly panicked face

"What are you doing zee?! You know I have a bad memory about that!"

Nunew now looked at zee with a sad face, and tried to open the shoe but was held back by zee's hand.

"Nhu you know, you always mention bad things about this. And you forget the good memories... where we met, you smiling when you won first place, the fans cheering you on..."

Nunew is head now faced the other way, holding back his tears.


"Your family has also  apologized to you, didn't you say you had already reconciled that time?"

"I don't know Zee, I-"

Zee just smiled and stroked nunew's little finger.

"it's okey, im sorry to push you. Then will you wait for me? May I play for a while?"

Nunew nodded and watched as Zee put on his ice skates and walked into the arena.

His cat eyes never left Zee who was surfing alone there, Zee looked handsome there.

Until a little girl approached Zee on the ice.

"Mr. handsome, you want to play with me?"

"Of course you can, I'm all by myself."

Zee grabbed the little girl's hand and surfed together, Nunew who saw that started to forget what he had just cried about and started to feel jealous seeing Zee with the little girl.

'I should have been there! Holding zee's hand!'

"Mr. Handsome, why are you alone?"

"I'm waiting for someone."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"


"Oh! Are you married?"

"That's right" "If so, I'll just play with someone else, or your husband will get jealous, I don't want that"

Then the kid walked away, leaving Zee behind with smile.

" He's already jealous," said Zee

Zee then looked at Nunew who sat staring at her with his sharp eyes and pressed his lips together.

Nunew held out his hand to him signaling Zee to come closer, Zee skated over to Nunew and grabbed his hand.



"I-i want to try, but I haven't played in a while, so I must really suck."

"Me too, I haven't been ice skating since we got married, Let's skate together"


Nunew walked into the rink guided by Zee, he almost fell but Nunew regained his balance and tried to surf. with zee guide

Nunew's body became familiar again and recalled all the memories of his ice skating skills. Nunew began to regain his skills and managed to surf on his own without Zee's help, making Zee smile widely.

"zee! I can do it!!! thank youu"

"your welcome love"

Nunew, who saw that he could surf freely again, smiled widely.

' i'm back, i love this feeling '

Nunew now filled with joy and excitment, he enjoyed playing with his husband.

Then a song appears, making it more special in christmast day.

To the strains of a romantic song, Zee and Nunew surfed together and danced on the ice.



"I'm Mr. Snow and i want you to know that I'm never leaving, you are my home for all seasons. So no more crying baby "

Nunew smiled widely and kissed his husband's lips

" I love you so much "

"I love you too, my love"

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