Oak Trees

By carlycapps01

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Riley Culver was, to say the least, a sneaky hufflepuff. But she wore the yellow tie nonetheless, and therefo... More

Green Defense.
Greetings Again.
McGonagall's Office.
The Quiddich Arena
Dinner in the Great Hall.
Before the Game
A Chat, and Breakfast
Locker Rooms
Slytherin Vs Hufflepuff
Hospital Wing
Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor ; Pregame
Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor, Part 1
Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor, Part 2
White Bear

Dueling Again?

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By carlycapps01

"James Potter! Sirius Black! Dueling again?!" Minerva McGonagall was marching across the grounds with an angry look on her pointed face.

"No! It was him!" James Potter pointed at Severus Snape, who was still perched up in the tree watching, as he tried to stand up despite the leg-bind. "He set a frog on me in the hallway, too!"

"Professor, my wand is in my school bag on the ground. It couldn't have been me." Severus said flatly. McGonagall huffed.

"Did you see who did it, Mr. Snape?" She raised her eyebrow at him.

Severus had a choice to make. Because, he had seen who did it. Riley Culver did it. However, Riley Culver helped him in the hallway today. She made him feel better about the books he was reading. She even invited him to Hogsmead.

In the split second he thought about it, the blue jay Riley was holding fluttered down and landed on the top of his book.

"No, professor. I was reading." He lied through his teeth.

McGonagal turned back to the two boys. "Dueling, and lying?! You two, my office, now!"

She waved her wand and James Potter could move his feet once again. With death glares, they followed behind McGonagal. Severus heard them muttering as they passed.

"You don't think it was that girl you whistled at, do you?" Black asked.

"No," Potter sneered. "That girl was a Hufflepuff. She would never."

Severus smirked a little once they were out of sight. Clever girl... he thought to himself. I might take her up on that Hogsmead offer after all.

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