At The Beginning With You

By Havingfunwithfanfic

67.6K 2.8K 346

The gods see the world being destroyed during the Long Night and decide to fix things. Daemon and Rhaenyra ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 31

1.2K 64 6
By Havingfunwithfanfic

Coronation day and Daemon being named heir! I hope you guys like it. 🥰

                                                               Rhaenyra Targaryen (3 years old.)

"Are you sure?" Rhaenyra frowned and poked at Aemma's still-flat belly. "Maybe you lost it somewhere."

"I have not lost it." Nyra and Aemma laughed when the small girl continued frowning. "There is a babe in my belly."

Rhaenyra smashed her nose against her mother's belly, turning her head from side to side, before taking a step back. The little girl walked around Aemma and then moved quickly, looking at her belly again before throwing up her hands in annoyance.

"I do not see it."

"Because it is very little," Nyra said while fixing the silver crown on the girl's head. "It is also inside your mother's belly."

"SHE ATE A BABE?" Rhaenyra's look was horrified.

Nyra and Aemma burst out laughing, both women doubling over as Rhaenyra looked at them in confusion. That was how Daemon found them, both women laughing while the small girl looked confused and annoyed.

Rhaenyra ran to her uncle as soon as she saw him and jumped in his arms. Daemon kissed her cheeks.

"Kepus, mama ate a babe." Rhaenyra's comment just made Nyra and Aemma laugh harder.

"What?" Daemon gave both women a confused look before looking at his niece. "What do you mean?"

"Mama said that there is a babe in her belly." Rhaenyra's small hands grabbed her uncle's face to make sure he could not look away from her as she told him the important news. She shook his head as her voice got louder. "IN HER BELLY!"

Daemon chuckled while taking Rhaenyra's hands away from his face.

"She did not eat a babe, little dragon." Daemon moved closer to Nyra and Aemma who were still laughing. "All it means is that your mother is with child and in a few moons you will have a little brother or sister."

"So she did not eat a babe?" Rhaenyra asked a babe.

"No," Daemon laughed and shook his head. "Your mother's belly will grow larger and then in a few moons she will give birth to a babe."

"But there is a babe in her belly?" Daemon nodded and Rhaenyra's frown deepened as she looked at Aemma before looking back at her uncle. "How did it get inside her belly?"

"Uhm... Well... She..." Daemon turned his wide scared eyes towards his stepmother and Nyra and gave them a pleading look. "Can you both assist me with this?"

"No." Both women answered at the same time.

Daemon's panic increased as he looked back at the small girl, who was still waiting for his answer. He did not know what to say and Nyra could tell Rhaenyra was not giving up. She wanted to know.

The doors opened and Baelon walked in, followed by Rhaenys who gave them all a smile. Baelon had a curious look on his face when he saw Nyra and Aemma laughing and Daemon looking like he wanted to jump off the balcony.

"What is happening?" Baelon asked while tickling Rhaenyra's belly.

"Mama said there is a babe inside her belly." The little girl turned her wide eyes towards her grandsire. "But kepus said she did not eat one, so I asked how the babe got in her belly. Do you know how?"

"Umm..." Baelon's face turned red as he also looked panicked. "A dragon brought it."

"Really? A dragon?" Rhaenys snorted and shook her head. "That is the best you could come up with?"

"On such short notice, yes!" Baelon answered while glaring at Rhaenys. "Since you are my hand, you should answer this."

"But I am not your hand yet," Rhaenys answered with a smile. "So I will allow you to answer this one."

"I am your king," Baelon said while looking desperate.

"Yes, you are." Rhaenys agreed while the look on her face turned mocking. "I am still not answering that question, but I will do something else for you." Rhaenys moved closer to Rhaenyra and gave her a smile. "Laenor has been asking for you, he is wondering if you would like to play before the ceremony starts."

"Yes!" Rhaenyra said enthusiastically, before gesturing for Daemon to place her down and following Rhaenys out of the door.

Once the doors had closed Nyra and Aemma burst out laughing once more while Daemon and Baelon glared at them.

"I swear you both do these things on purpose." Said Daemon.

"I can assure you, we do not," Aemma said, a smile still on her face. "But I will not lie and say I do not enjoy it."

Nyra could not help but smile when Baelon gave Aemma a mocking glare before approaching her and kissing her lips. She loved how happy her mother and grandsire were, how in love they seemed. Every time they were together they forgot about everyone else in the room. After today they would be the official king and queen of the Westeros and Daemon would be the heir and future king.

Nyra felt bad for how the new developments hurt her father, but she knew this was for the best. After everything that had taken place, she was sure that the gods had sent them so far back in time because they did not want Viserys to be king. The war had started because of him and he had not done anything to stop it. After he died, he left all his children unprotected and at the mercy of people who took advantage of them and forced them to kill each other. This time things would not be the same. 

                                                              Rhaenyra Targaryen (17 years old.)

                                                        Daemon Targaryen (19 years old.)


                                                    Daemon Targaryen (33 years old.)

Damon felt like he had been waiting forever for a moment that was not his, not really. It was not the fact of being the next king, it was the feeling of someone trusting that he was capable of leading and taking care of their family. He had spent many years having to bow to Viserys while his brother took pleasure in making him feel less. In his world, Rhaenyra would be queen and he was more than okay with that. His wife was the only one who had chosen him over everyone and everything else, even the Iron Throne. She had made it known that she would not be doing anything without Damon by her side. In this world, his small niece would not have that weight on her shoulders. She would be allowed to be a child and grow up with her mother's love. Daemon would have a purpose from a very young age and once Rhaenyra was grown he would have the other half of his soul by his side.

His father had chosen to have the ceremony in the throne room instead of the sept. He would be crowned by a Valyrian priest and be blessed by the high Septon also. They all knew that many septons and septas were against the Targaryens, but it was never bad to pacify the lords.

Daemon watched as the priest placed the crown on his father's head, before placing a gold crown on Aemma's head. The high Septon stepped in front of the king and queen, giving them his blessing before stepping aside. The priest then placed Blackfyre on his father's hand and turned to look at the people.

"All Hail, King Baelon Targaryen first of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm." The man took a deep breath. "And Queen Aemma of house Arryn and Targaryen, Queen consort of the seven kingdoms."

Everyone hailed the new king and queen and went down to their knees. Once everyone had been made to stand up the king gestured for Daemon to step up to the throne before standing up in front of his son.

"I, Baelon Targaryen first of my name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm, do hereby name Daemon Targaryen Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne." Daemon bowed his head before turning towards the people in the room. Damon could hear people whispering and the surprise on their faces, but no one said anything. Baelon did not pay any mind to the whispers and spoke once more. "I would also like to announce the betrothal between my son Prince Daemon and my granddaughter Princess Rhaenyra." Nyra moved Rhaenyra forward, placing her beside Daemon, who kneeled in front of the little girl and placed a small ring on her tiny fingers, and stood up before Baelon spoke once more. "They will be wed when the princess reaches her six and ten name day."

Daemon saw Rhaenyra frown as she turned towards Baelon. "Will he be old and wrinkly then?"

Baelon's eyes widened before the entire court burst into laughter, the tension disappearing as the little girl looked around, not knowing why everyone was laughing. Baelon and Aemma chuckled before the king shook his head.

"No, he will not be old and wrinkly." Baelon gave the small princess a loving look. "He will just be older than you."

"That is fine then." Rhaenyra turned to Daemon, giving him a regal look. "You may wed me then."

"Thank you, princess." Daemon chuckled before kissing her small hand.

Everyone was still chuckling when Daemon guided Rhaenyra away. Once the entire court was under control once more, Baelon cleared his throat.

"I would also like to announce the new hand of the king." Rhaenys stepped forward, her dark hair glowing as she bowed. "Princess Rhaenys Velaryon."

This time the entire court when silent, before his father looked around the room and everyone clapped. It was the start of a new era.

                                                     Baelon Targaryen (43 years old.)

                                                      Aemma Arryn (18 years old.)


Baelon had been watching Viserys while attempting to enjoy the feast. His eldest son had been drinking more than usual and he had not separated from Hobert Hightower for more than a few minutes. The man would glare at them every once in a while when he believed Baelon was not looking. Lord Hightower was angry that Baelon had stepped on his ambitious plan skipping his eldest son and making Daemon his heir. Daemon had no love for the Hightowers and there was no way he would ever wed Alicent. Not that Viserys would wed her either, but Hobert did not know that. He also did not like the way the man had been looking at his granddaughter, Baelon had made sure that Rhaenyra's kingsguard stayed with her at all times.

"I was surprised that you would break the rules and name your youngest son as your heir." Baelon took his eyes away from Viserys and turned to look at Corlys, the man had been attempting to get in Baelon's good graces since he arrived in Kings Landings the day before. Baelon had never liked the man, he found him too ambitious. While there was nothing wrong with wanting the finest things in life and wishing for power, Corlys' ambition was a bit problematic. He was already part of his family, thanks to Rhaenys, but Baelon did not plan on making that relationship any closer. "I would have liked to talk to you about a betrothal between one of your sons and my daughter."

"Daemon is already betrothed to Rhaenyra and Viserys has a contract in place to wed Alicent Hightower." Viserys had never signed the contract, but Baelon was not going to tell Corlys that.

"Yes, but my daughter is older." Corlys was annoying him. "I feel bad Prince Daemon will have to wait so long for his bride."

"My son will be fine, but I thank you for worrying about him."

Baelon gave Corlys a nod before walking towards Aemma, he had enough of the man for one day. He also did not like the looks Viserys had been giving Aemma, and with how drunk he was, Baelon did not want to have to punch his son again.

His body immediately relaxed when Aemma turned to look at him, her eyes filled with happiness and love. He had never seen a more beautiful queen. 

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