Sonic Impact

Door Oramudadora

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Sonic the hedgehog was sent hurtling through space and time as he sent the warp topaz away from the world. N... Meer

Stage 0
Stage 1: Nagazora: Act 1

Stage 2: Nagazora: Act 2

619 11 3
Door Oramudadora


—[Stage 2: Nagazora Act 2]—


"M-major! Honkai energy levels are increasing rapidly!" Up in the air, a few miles before reaching the city, a futeristic airship hovered above the sky and headed towards Nagazora.

"Yeah, so it's the Herrscher. Where's it's location." Himeko Murata stood in the command room and was overseeing the situation.

"That's the thing's not the Herrscher that we're detecting. It's an Emperor...and somehow this thing is multiplying five times over while simultaneously its honkai energy rapidly increases every second!?"

Himeko looked surprised at that. Confusion and concern came at her as the situation was now turning into an abnormality.

"What's the status on the city?" Himeko asked.

"Emperors have completely swarmed thirty five percent of the city, by these estimates, it'll take five or ten minutes for the city to be completely flooded by Emperors!"

"Tch! A swarm of Emperors and an abnormal Honkai Beast, and to top it all off, a Herrscher as well that's still hidden somewhere the city. Just my day..." Himeko groaned, she was having a nice date as well?!

"It's not just the swarm that's increasing Major! High levels of Honkai radiation has spread outside of the city. Fast! It has already spread out for miles! And assuming it doesn't stop, it'll cover twenty percent of the world in a hour or so!?"


Himeko's eyes widened in shock. There has never been such reports before. Sure, previous Herrschers have indeed caused widespread radiation before over large distances, but all of them had a range limit. This...abnormal Honkai Beast was outright going to surpass all records on how far honkai radiation could spread out in an hour!

"Forget the Herrscher! Give me the location of the source! We're blowing this thing up to kingdom come before it can spread out even further!" Himeko took on serious and commanding look as she gave everyone orders.

"Yes, Ma'am!"

Himeko sighed, she somehow had a feeling things would get even worst.

"Major! We've located the main source...but-"

Himeko couldn't tell if the migraine she was having was alcohol that still had an effect on her, or the stress of this complete abnormal situation that came on one thing after another.

"What is it?"

"We've detected an unknown energy source coming from the abnormal Emperor....we failed to detect it before as it was tiny and covered by the Honkai energy, but now that we've focused on the source, we've found that this things energy signal is...infinite?"

"Infinite? How is that possible? There is no such thing as infinite energy." Himeko was no scientist, but she at least knew that nothing was infinite, everything was finite. Infinite energy was just science fiction.

"That's not all Major!"

"There's more...?" Himeko's eye twitched. She really didn't need more unwelcomed unknown surprises to her already ruined date. Why couldn't this whole thing just be a Herrscher.

"We've detected that this unknown energy has fused with Honkai energy, actually, fused isn't the right term. It looks more like it's enhancing honkai energy beyond the normal!"

Himeko sighed at hearing that.

—[ Meanwhile with Sonic ]—

Sonic speeded through the streets as he cleared out any Honkai Beasts that were in his way and large hordes of zombies whenever he encountered them.

Using a homing attack straight through a Honkai Beast, killing it, Sonic decided to stop running and cross his arm with a frown.

"...This place really isn't in any great shape. I haven't seen a single survivor anywhere around here." Sonic frowned, this whole thing was just messed up. A whole city and its inhabitants...just gone, all turned into zombies.

The whole situation was bleak. He was really starting to think there weren't any survivors here....

"....?" Sonic's ears perked up, hearing something faint. Glancing to his side, Sonic's eyes widened as he saw a blue laser beam heading towards his way.

"Woah?!" Dodging the beam, Sonic then looked towards his attacker, or rather, attackers.

Cause Sonic saw an army of Emperors, but these things had a slight different look on well as a familiar feeling that he couldn't remember where or when he felt it.

"Hey, what's with the pallette swap? Blue's my colour!" Sonic quipped as he dashed straight towards the Honkai Beasts which all now have a ocean blue tint on them instead of a purple-ish pink.

—[ Elsewhere ]—

Elsewhere in Nagazora, three girls were trying to make their way to a safer location in the city...unfortunately, that's easier said than done as all three of them were being swarmed by an unnatural amount of Honkai Beast, all Emperors.

"Take this!" Kiana Kaslana, swung down her metal bat with unnatural strength towards an Emperor, staggering it, but not enough to kill it.

""Kiana-chan! Look out!" Mei Raiden shouted as she saw an Emperor about to fire a beam at her friend.

Kiana, seeing the danger too soon, knew she couldn't jump away in time to avoid the hit.

"Project Bunny!" Bronya Zaychik ordered her robot, Project Bunny to fire its cannon at the Emperor that was about to fire at Kiana.


The attack managed to push back the Honkai Beast, severely damaging it and knocking it down, allowing Kiana to pull back away from the horde.

All three girls were huddled up together with their backs against a car. They completely surrounded by all sides with no visible path of escape.

"Perverts! Cornering girls like this! Disgusting!" Kiana shouted, trying to put on a confident face.

"Da Bronya does not think it is the time for ridiculous accusations, Idiotka." Bronya spoke, emotionless, but both Kiana and Mei could tell she was quite worried for their situation.

"K-Kiana-chan...Bronya-chan..." Mei was scared, she never been more right now. The situation they were in was utterly hopeless.

There was no way out. And neither of them were strong enough to fight an army of monsters like this.

"You want to kill them all." Mei heard a voice in her head. Similar to her own, but with a slightly more twisted tone.

"You know I'm the only one strong enough to defeat these pests. Let me out. You know there isn't any other way."

"No! Your the reason everyone in this city is dead! If let I let you out, you'll kill both Kiana-chan and Bronya-chan!" Mei internally shouted at the voice in her head.

"Coward! Release me! Or else all of us die!"

"No!...I won't!...I....won't..." Mei cried as she held her chest. Her heart was beating fast. She didn't know how fast her heart could beat.

She took a glance at her two friends, her two only friends. Kiana who stood by her side despite all the scorn she would get by everyone at school. Bronya, despite only knowing her for a few days and their first meeting was attacking her, she quickly considered Bronya a good friend despite it all.

Uncertainty was in Mei's heart. She looked at the monsters that surrounded them. Her fists clenched, she wanted to destroy them, destroy them all, she wanted to just lash out. She could hear the voice in her head encourage her to do so.

Purple lightning sparked on her finger tips as-

"Mei-senpai! Don't worry! I will definitely defeat these perverts! Don't you worry! A Kaslana never loses" Kiana grinned and declared as she grabbed Mei's hand.

"Kiana-chan." Mei's heart calmed down thanks to her friend. The lighting on her finger tips fizzled out of existence.

"Incoming. All hostiles are changing their attacks." Bronya got Mei's attention as all three of them saw the Honkai horde of Emperors charge up their laser beams at them.

"Project Bunny. Full defense mode." Bronya had Project Bunny use two shields to defend herself, Mei and Kiana against the onslaught that is about to happen.

All three of them braced themselves for the firing squad.



But the onslaught of laser projectiles never came as it was interrupted by a loud sonic boom that was followed by a giant gust of wind blowing through the entire street.

"W-what..?" Both Mei and Kiana thought as they didn't expect such a loud boom and not get attack by...anything.

"Bronya-chan? What was that?" Mei asked the drill-haired girl.

Bronya, emotionless as ever, seemed to have a, confused look in a way. "Something just went right passed us at speeds that da Bronya was barely able to register."

"Huh? Something just moved right passed us? I didn't see a thing?" Kiana said while still keeping an eye at the horde which momentarily paused at the sudden event but resumed to still attack them.


A moment. In a mere split second of a moment, Kiana saw a blue blur crash into an Emperor, knocking it down, before vanishing from her sight.

"Wait what?! What was that?!"


This time, Mei saw the blue blur as it did the same to another Emperor and then quickly vanishing from her sight.

"Huh?! blur?"


This time, Bronya saw the blue blur as it did its thing on an Emperor then vanishing.

"Incomprehensible, nothing has been made to move at such speeds before."

The three girls soon witnessed the Emperors around them getting knocked to the ground by a quickly appearing and dissappearing blue blur. It didn't take long for all the Honkai Beast to stop focusing on the three and completely focus on what the heck was hitting them.


The blue blur circled around the three girls as wind kicked up around them. The three of them stared confused as to what was happening now.

The blur then stopped circling around them as the sound of something standing on top of the car behind them was heard.

"You three could use some help." They heard a voice behind them as they turned to see a blue spiny creature with green eyes, white gloves, red shoes along with cocky yet friendly grin.

"What the heck is that?!" Kiana yelled out in confusion while pointing her bat at the strange blue creature.

"I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog!" Sonic gave her a toothy grin as he looked back at the Emperors who were about to fire at him.

All three girls watch as Sonic jumped off the car as he easily avoided the laser beams mid air by homing attacking the Honkai Beasts.

Kiana, Mei and Bronya watched in awe and shock as Sonic tore straight through enemies as a spiky blue ball projectile. They watched as Sonic crash through bodies like they were wet paper as he ran an supersonic speeds. They watched as Sonic easily and speedily weaved through the horde and its attacks like it was second nature to him.

Suddenly, they realized the dreadful and bleak situation that the they were in was now turning into a hopeful one that they could live through and survive.

"So cool!" Kiana watched in stars in her eyes as Sonic casually took down another while doing a pose mid air before continuing to take down another soon after.

"He' fast!" Mei was bewildered and in awe as she watched Sonic do his thing. She could feel the weight of the situation disappearing on her as Sonic gave her a reassuring and confident smile as he took down the Honkai Beasts.

"Impossible! No living creature can move at such speeds with such control! Subject Sonic is impossible, improbable. Da Bronya detects zero persent of Honkai energy on Subject Sonic." Bronya didn't know how to react to Sonic, he was moving at impossible speeds without help from honkai energy, he was a living unknown and an impossible probability.

"Hope you girls enjoying the show! Best you don't blink else you'll miss it!" Sonic with his ever so cocky smile, started spindashing on the ground as a blue aura surrounded him.

"What is he doing?! He's leaving himself wide open!" Mei realized as she saw all the Honkai Beasts started charging at the spinning yet still curled up hedgehog.

"Watch out! Your about to get hit!" Kiana with a worried look warned the hedgehog who was still charging up for something.

"If Subject Sonic does not move, he will get hit by all angles!" Still emotionless, but Bronya's was slightly higher for what she said.

The three girls watched as Sonic was surrounded by laser blades all round him with no way to escape as the last second window disappeared for him to do so.

"Heh!" Sonic uncurled out of ball state as the world around him slowed down to a stop.

"Let's go!"

Sonic casually kicked away all the laser blades with his feet as he then dashed straight through a Honkai Beast as he then ricochet into another one and then another.

Sonic blasted through the horde at impossible speeds for the human eye as he tore through hundreds without a second even passing by.

Sonic lived up to his title as the blue blur as for an entire second, the entire street filled with white was overwhelmed by blue.

Sonic then skidded to a stop infront of the three as he wiped the dust of his gloved hands.

Kiana, Mei and Bronya blinked as in a second, Sonic was surrounded with no way out and was about to get killed, then, next moment, Sonic is now standing infront of them with a grin along with the entire army of Honkai Beast surrounding them was eliminated in a second.

"So, got any chillydog around here? I'm starving after all that." Sonic asked as with a casual smile, like what he just did wasn't outright insane to them.

"Impossible. Subject just moved at the speed of light...." Bronya was stunned silent by the hedgehog.

"I-increadible..." Mei stared at Sonic then at the now dead honkai army like all of this was just one gigantic fever dream.

"Your. So. Cool!!!" Kiana gushed with stars at Sonic, not even bothered, or rather, it didn't register to her that Sonic wasn't even a human.

"Hehe, thanks!" Sonic grinned at Kiana, he felt like they would get along quite well.


"Hehe...Mei-senpai! I'm hungry!" Kiana's stomach grumbled as she then wined at Mei to make her something.

"Let's do what she says here. You three look like you could use a break." Said Sonic.

—[ Elsewhere, In the Sky ]—

"Major! Hundreds of Emperors just disappeared in a second on where we were about to carpet bomb at?!"

"W-what?! What do mean disappeared?!" Himeko was about to send out the order to carpet bomb the city, as any human still alive here seemed impossible with the radiation rising without end.

"Should we investigate?"

"No, we continue to the source. Eliminate it as fast as possible. We can investigate after the situation is dealt with." Himeko ordered.

"Yes Ma'am!"

Himeko looked down on the city, she couldn't help but feel like things would get complicated from here.

—[ Stage Clear! ]—


So that marks the end of this chapter!

Yup! Mei was about to turn Herrscher there. And originally, I planned for a Sonic vs Herrscher of Thunder here, but decided against it, as HoT at this point would get absolutely schooled by Sonic despite his memory lost.

No near death or self sacrificing scenes for Kiana here. Nope, not with Sonic nearby.

Yeah, Bronya is confused as fuck. I mean, its a blue talking hedgehog that can move at the speed of light. How can you not be confused?

And yeah, Chaos Emerald is doing a lot aint it. The Emperor is sure having the time of its life with it. And points on you guys if recognized this chaos ability that got recently added.

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