Paper Planes | Jungkook ff

By sudaisyy

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"What if I don't stop?", I say bravely, not understanding where the courage comes from. But at this point, I... More

New Beginning
Deja vu
Unexpectedly Events
Rainy Days
His real name
Cat and Mouse
The Date
In the Middle of the Night
Blind Date
Training sessions
The Truth
No Update

Wild dreams

210 27 2
By sudaisyy

Jk Pov

You and I,
what are we?"


My eyes open widly as she says these words.
At first, I thought my ears would trick me but a single look at her eyes is enough to tell me she is dead serious. She's gazing at me anxious but at the same time curiously,
her green eyes as dark as the deepest forest.

I get up from her lap, bring my face closer to hers and now my own curiosity stars growing and I'm dying to know what she thinks before giving her my answer.

I smirk and bite my lips as I ask:
"You tell me,
What do you want us to be, darling?"

Her flustered and blushing face makes me grin even wider and she opens her mouth to say something, decides to close it again, thinks for a few seconds and finally starts speaking:

"Don't get me wrong, I-I mean, uhm.. you give off different signals, confusing ones, and I don't know how to interpret them, you just don't act like a normal "friend" and you just showed up in front of my house in the middle of the night.."

To be honest I'm overwhelmed with the question myself but it seems that this whole thing goes in a direction I don't want it to go.
What startet just as a mere interest and distraction is turning into something unintended.

Something dangerous.

I don't want her to enter my shit curse called 'life' and I know that it was my own fault getting her involved that far.
She doesn't have to take care of me.
But I somehow liked her company..

We should just stay classmates and thats it.
That's the healthy decision
For the both of us.

I watch her chest rising and falling while her bright eyes gaze me.
Even though it's midnight dark, I'm still able to see her red flushed cheeks and watch her tucking one string of hair behind her ear.
Watching her biting her plumb red bottom lip.
Watching her long hair getting blown by the light wind.

"Don't worry, your not my type."

Pathetic Jungkook
You're so pathetic

As soon as I say these heartless words I see her changing her expression; the big round innocent eyes turn into fierce and squinted ones and I know that she feels offended.

"Hah, guess we have something more in common because you're not my type either", she spits in a pissed tone.

"Ah, what was your type again?
Ugly blond haired guys, right?,
Tasteless" , I say ironically shaking my head.

Suddenly, she gets up furiously
"What the heck- I just talked to him like a normal human being would communicate with other people in his surrounding. Why are you so bothered by it.
I really don't understand you, at all."

"Calm down, I'm joking"

She exhales a shaky breath
"I'm really tired now, I'm gonna go"

"Kay, thanks for your help."

She nods before turning around and leaving with quick steps.
I watch her until she's not in my sight anymore.

I plump myself on the bench again, put my elbows on my thighs and my hands in my hair, which got messy thanks to Olivia.

Then I heave a loud and deep sigh
"That's better for her", I try to convince myself.
I get up, light up a cigarette and then make my way home.

As soon as I enter the house I see Jin standing at the door, arms crost over the chest and shifting his weight from one leg to ther other.

"Where have you been? I was worried to death!"

"I was busy" , I say dryly avoiding his eyes.

"Wait,wait,wait, look at me", he commands and forces me to look at him, "what happened to you? You look even worse than last time."

"Nothing to worry about" I brush him off and head to my room, I'm extremely tired and just want to sleep.
Suddenly, Jin grabs my wrist causing me to stop

"Who took care of your wounds? The way they're bandaged looks too good to be done by you but also too clumsy to be done by a doctor or nurse", he observes my hands in detail, "omg, don't tell me your girl did that", he squeaks.

"Leave me alone", I free my hands and walk to my room followed by him.

"Come on Kook, I'm super curious. When will you introduce her to me? I'm dying to meet the girl who takes care of my little Jungkookie."

"When will you stop calling me like that, huh?"

"Never", he grins.

I roll my eyes and flop onto the bed, burying my head in my pillow.

"Hey, I hope your treating her good. Not every girl would do it that easily. Appreciate it.", he says in a now serious tone.

Treating her good my ass.
After pissing her so off, I don't think she would help me ever again.
I'm really an asshole, I guess.

Jin continues to hold a preach about life and morals but I'm not paying attention to it as I'm dozing off slowly until everythings completely black.

"Can I touch your tattoo?" , she asks in a flirty way while pointing at my neck tattoo.
She slowly approaches me and locks her eyes with mine before slightly grazing my sensitive neck sending shiver down my spine.
I gulp as I shut my eyes, trying to control myself.
Instead of her fingers, I feel her soft lips brushing against my skin now and I have to groan deeply at the sensation she's causing me.
Suddenly, I feel her hands on my body, touching and exploring every corner and when she slips her hands in my shirt I freeze and open my eyes in an instant "Olivia stop-"

I gasp and open my eyes facing the ceiling of my room

"Fuck, why did I had that dream?" ,I mumble to myself

I slap my forehead as I close my eyes trying to get me back to my senses.
I really must be insane.
Just yesterday I told her she's not my type and now I'm shamelessly having wild dreams of her.

I softly touch my neck where the tattoo is placed and imagine how she covered it with kisses, so vivid as if it was real.
Suddenly I feel my face heating up and feel disgusted by myself.
I get up to take a cold shower and then check up my phone for messages.
Today's Saturday and I have absolutely nothing to do, bored to my bones,
but I know that I have somehow distract myself.
I decide to play the game I recently bought but get bored after 3 levels.
After that, I try to watch some Animes, specifically the one I started watching with Olivia.
As I'm watching it attentively, suddenly her voice echoes in my head

"Can I touch your tattoo"

What the hell is wrong with me.
I switch off the Tv and decide that I have to see her. I know it's a bad decision but who cares?
When do I even make right decisions?
Screw it.

But I need a reason to meet her.
And suddenly I remember giving her my jacket which she took with her yesterday and it just perfectly comes in handy.

I text her that I need my jacket and if she's at home so I can pick it up.
Luckily she's at home, so I get ready and make my way to her.

I'm patiently waiting in front of the now too familiar door and as soon as she opens it my jaw drops and I can't believe what I'm seeing.

It definitely was a bad decision

"Where are you going that dressed up, huh?" , I raise my eyebrows and scan her from head to toe.

She looks really good, which makes me feel even uneasier than before and I've never seen her look so good.
Too good

She's wearing a short tight black dress defining her body and curves and boots which make her a few inches higher than normal, so I don't have to look down on her as usual.

"Stop gawking at me, you perv" , she says sassy.

"You still didn't give me an answer" , I respond while poking the inside of my cheeck

"I don't owe you one"

The atmosphere is really awkward and tense and I guess thats the result of my own creation.

"But you can't go around looking like that" I point at her body.

"Why do you care? People will think your jealous or something.
Besides, I'm not your type anyways", she's rolling her eyes.

Wow, I just got beaten by my own weapons.

She's not my type my foot.
Who are you trying to fool, Jungkook?

She's right though, I mean that's what I said.
What I had to say.

"You're new here and it's not as safe as you think it is. Plus, if something happens to you, then who is going to treat my wounds?"

"Hey, don't get used to it. I'm not going to do it again. Just look at the bags under my eyes. It's because of my lack of sleep being caused by a troublemaker called Jungkook", she points her finger at me.

"Now just take your jacket and go, I really have to leave now", she says giving my jacket.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me where and with whom you're going"

She sighs, shakes her head
"Arguing with you has really no sense, has it?
Fine, I'm invited to Lisa's cousin's house party.

"Hmm, I could bring you to somewhere fancier,
if you like."

"No thank you,
Bye now"
she waves and slowly closes the door.

I try to remember who Lisa was,
I guess the girl with blonde hair.

I just told myself yesterday that I shouldn't involve her in my life any further but I just can't.
I don't know why, but I just can't live with the thought that she's meeting other people (males) and have fun with them, while I'm racking my brain over her.

"Maybe boxing will do", I mumble to myself as I head to the gym.
"Yo Jeon, long time no see", my friend who works here greets me and follows me to the boxing quarter already preparing my sandbag.
"I need to relieve some stress" , I tell him while putting my pair of gloves on.

With every single punch I try to free my mind more and more. Try to forget everyone and everything as always when I'm boxing.
It's my own way of therapy, and it works.
But I somehow can't focus as always and my mind drifts to Olivia.

And I just can't put my mind at ease,
so I make another bad decisions, the second of today.
I'm just going to attend that stupid party.

Finding the location was easy, I just had to watch some instagram stories to find it.

As I enter the crowded house my eyes search for her and while walking around I feel everyone's staring at me while mumbling to themselves but I don't pay attention to them.
I don't give a single fuck to them.

Finally, I see the familiar figure sitting in the bar corner, but she's not alone.
Some guy sits across her and talks with her.
Everytime I let her alone, she ends up being with another guy and it's pisses me the hell off.

As I approach, I overhear their conversation

"Wow, you're indeed beautiful, do you mind my company?"

She definitely looks uncomfortable as she fidgets uneasily and avoids eye contact with him
"Uhm, a-actually-"

"Actually, she's with me.
Did you have to wait long, baby?" I interrupt her smiling and winking at her. Her deer like eyes are looking at me shocked and unbelievingly.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you had a boyfriend." , the guy says embarrassed and leaves.

"What the hell are you doing here and how did you find the house and how did you enter it and-"

"Shhh", I press my finger on her soft lips to cut her off.

"I'm here to pick you up." I smirk.

"I can't leave. It would be rude and I promised Lisa I would stay."

"Speaking of the devil" I mumble and roll my eyes.

"Hi there, oh wait, Jeon? What are you doing here? I don't remember you being invited to that party." she crosses her arms over the chest.

"Hmm, me either." I say mockingly.

With squinted eyes she's about to say something when Olivia pulls on her wrist and tells her "it's ok, I had to give him something and he's about to leave anyways" she looks at me gesturing to play along with her lie.
"If you say so." , she says side eyeing me.

"Liv you know, if you feel like you want to leave you can do that anytime, no pressure ok?" they smile at each other and Olivia nods silently.
Lisa finally leaves and I take the opportunity
"Your boss just gave her permission. C'mon lets go. You seem bored anyway.", I hold onto her arm.
She hesitates but I know that she wants to leave and just seconds later she stands up and we leave the party and leave  all the eyes starring behind us.

1:0 for Jk

I drive us to the rooftop across the school building since the weather is nice today and it's probably the place with the most beautiful view in town, perfect to just relax your body and mind.

When we arrive, she looks up at the beautiful clear sky with countless stars and I wish I could stop time and watch this sight longer.
Her long straight hair dancing in the wind and
Damn her body

I clear my throat and ask why she went to that party in the first place.
"Lisa begged me to, I'm normally introverted and don't like meeting new people. It was actually nice, until that guy came. I don't like to admit it but you just came in the right time. I was getting really bored."

It's silent for a while as we admire the shining city.



"Have you ever kissed someone?"

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