Stolen Hearts | Chaennie

By gallicniroseromicky

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Read to see how they go from stealing each other's hearts to claiming it. Jennie could never think that she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Deception Of Obsessive-Devotion
Part 2

Chapter 32

296 16 1
By gallicniroseromicky

(I'm thinking  this book would need part two..."

Jennie's pov

Irene nabbed my blanket when I presumed I could ultimately sleep after a crying session of the night. I could barely see clearly when I glimpsed up at the time, "Seriously? It's 4 am" I attempted to snatch the blanket back though she made me sit up.

"I hate to involve you but your girlfriend is sleeping on the freezing tiles outside of our apartment." She filled the glass of water only to dip her fingers to jostle water droplets onto me.

"What?" I massaged my temple cause of the headache I had for 3 days prior.

"I was heading to the gym when I unlocked the door and she could nearly hit her head however, I saved her for you so... do you want me to kick her out or...?"

I got up not believing her delusion self since Rosie hadn't even contacted me for 3 days and now she's here? I witnessed her hugging herself endeavouring to snuggle up in her coat. My vexation melted away as I kneeled to get a better look at her face and again I was in love instead of furious or envious cause she came for me.

I brushed her hair from her face smiling at myself, "Here I thought I wasn't important enough..." She was so beautiful that it ached my heart to see her curling up to herself in her sleep.

I pick her up detecting Seulgi also dozing off across her. "You help the other one, she might catch the cold and she's my friend too" 

"Why me? And who the hell she-..." Irene ceased blinking at Seulgi. 

"She's Seulgi, Rosie's best friend... the nice one" I informed her before carrying Rosie to my room pleating her in the bed after taking off her coat, she was certainly a beauty.

What the hell she's doing here? It took her another 2 days to reach me. I went back to the living room catching my sister coming downstairs. "Would tell me what the hell is going on here?" I sat on the couch in the living room not that I didn't like what was going on there. 

"Roseanne came around 2 am requesting to see you, you were furious at her so I told her to go back but I didn't know she was still there" She shrugged.

Rosie came to meet me? Did she wait for me? And she didn't find me. 

"Why you didn't tell me before?" I was confused because if Rosie wanted to meet she could come tomorrow. 

It was all messed up to understand even Seulgi was here so what were they up to? Not that I attempted to apprehend I was simply happy that she was thinking about me as much as I was.

"Jennie, because of her you were crying for days now. How can I let her come in? I did it once and what she did do? She made you cry so I wasn't ready to risk it again"

"But I'm ready to risk it, I missed her..." I uttered more to myself.

Irene sat beside me, "Do you know what you want? Like if you want her then what's next? We-"

"I don't wanna talk about it... I want her with me that's all. I'm trying my best to keep us together and now it's all upon fate, I know what she feels and I don't care what happens..."

Because if I think about my future with her then I would be going to gamble my life on to it so I didn't wait for Irene's reply and came back to my room sighing.

She was peacefully sleeping in my bed after igniting this blazing desire in me. I wanted to touch her, kiss her, she was like a baby hugging the pillow as I slipped inside the covering on her side forgetting how much I was hurt because she was here for me.

With my arm around her waist, I discerned my skin steaming in flames shoving her body against mine. My body eventually felt slightly warm from her presence as if it finally discovered the one who completed it or me, and I was presumably negligibly inebriated from yesterday, but it would be a lie if I said that I didn't feel hot for her and even more turned on that she wanted to see me in the middle of the night. 

The fervency of her body against mine as well as the hardness of her nipples against my palm over her thin shirt and athletic frame. She smells so lovely and there's something about her chocolate eyes that captivates me every time she looks me in the eyes. I felt myself blushing at my dirty thoughts.

I don't remember the details of how we drifted apart in a week over stupid someone about whom I don't even care about, but I clearly remember how aggressively I slipped my hands under her clothes the moment I got in bed with her and we were ultimately alone. She opened her eyes without a word, I pinned her back against the mattress and kissed her so fiercely that I lost my breath, and pulled her closer.

"Je-...Jennie...I missed you" she whispered proffering herself to me.

She kissed me back vigorously harbouring my face in between her courteous hands. Our tongues lunged out to meet each other as we both tasted one another. It was a very wild and wet kiss that left us both panting for breath. I felt so ravenous for her as my desire initiated to take over like obsession.

"Stick out your tongue, baby" I instructed in a low seductive voice.

The fact that I called her by my nickname worked to turn her on even more and she quickly did as I wanted. Her tongue ground against mine as our tongues engaged in a wild and fervent dance. I could taste some of the chocolate on her tongue as we continued to kiss. My hands were wandering on her chest fondling her breasts in haste and her whispers calling my name in between before I commenced stroking my hands down the plain of her well-toned stomach.

My heart hurts from separation even though we were together I still don't feel enough. No matter how much I kissed her I still wanted her even more to be mine. I kept stinking onto her lips crunching her lips, reeking her upper lips, compelling my tongue in her mouth ploughing our bodies as I got on top of her pulling her up to yank away her skirt from her gorgeous body which belongs to me.

She belongs to me...

"Fuck! Oh... Jennie, I missed it so much" she implored.

Seeing her begging beneath me was so fucking hot while her chest moved up and down to catch her breath. "I miss it too, baby. Why did you take so long to come?"

I kissed her precipitously over her face, she took no time slipping her hand into my sweater dragging me down to press our bodies though we both were not satisfied because of the clothes in between.

"Take this off..." she tilts her chin at my sweater.

I sat on her hips taking off my clothes and her eyes gazing at me all over my body. We both were breathlessly staring at each other's bodies and this time when she towed me down to press our bodies the naked colliding of our skins caused our hearts to beat even quicker. 

"All good, baby?" I asked smirking and caressing her cheek intertwining our legs.

"Fuck! God, get off please!" she shouted out of nowhere pushing me to come back to the real world acknowledging my drunken self wasn't dreaming. 

Rosie was beneath me naked hollering I abruptly leaned beside her. "What happened?"

She sat up forcing my eyes to stare at her naked muscular back propelling my innocent heart to get allure by her beauty though sat up cocooning my hand over her stomach to see what truly made her stop. She jerked the blanket and I saw the bandage on her ankle which I hadn't noticed because she was wearing the trousers. She grumbled in distress holding onto my hand on her stomach to obliterate it. 

"Fucking ankle..." she threw herself back on the bed curling her legs up to her chest whining in pain, cursing to the air. 

Even in a serious situation, I can't able to feel my eyes away from her naked temptation here. However, I pushed her legs down from her chest caressing her cheek I wondered what had happened to her. 

"Baby, what happened?" I glance at her ankle feeling furious about why she didn't tell inform me about it.

She spread her arms for me to hug her and like a love-sick cat, I let her wrap her arms around me. "I was going back home when I came here last time and I almost got hit by a car though my ankle twisted pushing me to fall onto it. In short, It got strained with 2 internal injuries in my tissues in the ankle"

My heart shrinks...

"This isn't funny! You should've told me" I did feel offended but there was a relief that she was home.

"Oh? And what? You would magically pick up calls? Knowing about my state" and her being humorous didn't help because I still felt bad for ignoring her messages or calls.

"You shouldn't be strolling around" I kissed her head stroking the corner of her breasts even though I was attempting to be a saint my hands were moving by themselves.

"I know but I missed you, Jennie. I couldn't sleep" Her hands dragged me down to kiss my neck biting it. "I can't sleep without touching you... I can't survive without kissing you, I can't. Jennie"

My heart fluttered giving butterflies in my chest. I grinned pinning her hands above her head, "Oh yeah? What more you can't do without me?" 

"Nothing I'm nothing without you.." she tilted her head to kiss me when I pulled away smooching down her jaw and heckling her while dawdling my lips over her face everywhere missing her lips and she rotated her head wherever my lips kissed her face to connect our lips.

I enjoyed witnessing her beneath me craving for my touch caressing her face against mine, "Jennie... oh yes, please, touch me" she gasped breathing my name in her every breath.

I honed our bodies forcing her to sough my name even more deafening without caring in the world as she attempted to free her wrist from my hold though I pushed her into the mattress more and a moan 

slip from her mouth saying 'Ah, fuck'

It's been two days we were apart which were like months for me. Whenever I see her I consistently want to throw her on my bed so I can make love to her until she says enough and what's the best thing is she never says no? She never said enough she kept imploring for more of me.

It was problematic to keep my legs away from hers though I entangled my legs with her right leg so I could be still on her.

"I'm still furious... no kisses for you, tonight" I kissed the corner of her lips even though she attempted to capture my lips I pulled away.

"Jennie don't do this!" she hauled up to press her body against mine and I enjoyed teasing her so I thought of the only thing I had read about.

In books, it always made me hot so witnessing my baby whining to touch me would be so pleasurable as I got up getting the tie from my wardrobe. It's 4 in the morning and I fucking don't know what the hell I'm doing, now I have no sense to initiate between the real or dream world regardless I entirely want to fuck my beloved girlfriend even though I would be furious at her in the morning I merely want to her for me for a while.

I want to hear her hollering for me tonight and this time I won't kiss away her lamentations. I could feel her gaze on me respiring helplessly in fear that I would stop.

She lowered her head staring at my hand as if she already knew about my intention. She held her shy smile licking her lips and I showed her the tie, "Do you want... "

"Yes," she answered before I could even ask her knowing her shy nature.

I can't help pocking my tongue on the cheek to hold my excitement, "Didn't see that coming" I strode to the bed as she offered her wrists to me to tie.

It was like she wanted to be tied up as much as I wanted to see her tied, "Don't make me wait too much" she conveyed.

I tied up her wrists which made me realize that the next time I ever bought a bed I would choose the one on which I can keep her hand tied up to the bed. She smiled waiting to be touched quickly. I grinned at her viciously acknowledging I do require some toys to play with her. It would be more impressive if there were handcuffs instead of ties although I did enjoy witnessing her shivering on a cold night waiting for me to warm her up.

I begin taking off her trousers carefully not to make her pain worse trailing my hands over her newly revealed skin and kissing her thighs. She was lying naked helplessly, vulnerable, defenceless, begging for my touch and I wanted to swim in her ocean-like body to calm my burning fire. For a while, I merely stare at my meal admiring the beauty in my plater.

I got to know that she was only shy until she was insecure about herself and now she knew I love her which made her completely herself to do what she wanted. Her toe trails a line from my shoulder then in between my chest going down circling it on my navel continuing its way down when I jolt her leg getting onto her.

"Naughty, aren't you, baby?" I tugged her lower lip to make her believe that I was gonna kiss her as she closed her eyes tipping her head.

I bite onto her lower lip toying her forcing her to reverberate in irritation. "I said not to make me wait!" she glared at me reaching for my lips.

I snickered pinning her down, "Baby, you're in no position to make demands"

"Jennie not kissing is too much! I haven't seen you in two days for fuck sake" she clamoured putting her hands over my shoulder and pulling my head closer.

I put her hands back above her head, "Do you want me to tie up your mouth too?" I lifted my brows at her.

She licked her lower lip biting onto it and nodding, "I have to go back soon, be quick" 

After setting my heart on fire she wants to go without calming this conflagration. "You're not going anywhere until I'm done with you" I graze at her rock-hard, upright nipples and she believes I'll be letting her go anywhere out of sight.

"Trust me I want to st-...agh" She wheezed my name without breaking eye contact, and I licked between her chest.

"Feel good, baby?" I sneered sucking onto her neck and celebrating my territory.

She responded moaning protracted maliciously smiling which did bother me because I didn't want her to enjoy I desired to make her scream in pain. Nevertheless, the table turned because she liked to be bitten. The way she was enjoying my bites onto her shoulder or throat requesting for more. 

I kissed the tattoo under her left breast or the tattoo beside her right breast as I hid her breasts in my mouth one by one. She wailed thrashing and attempting to reach out to me but she was completely restrained. I sucked them for a long time propelling them to be more inflexible while she suffered to respire. Her wetness caused my shorts to be damp and I appreciated the way her body moved up to push them in my mouth.

I trace my hand on her down her cunt feeling her flooding moisture. She shuddered underneath my touch so I groped her breasts and she huffed even louder asexualizing the atmosphere in the whole room, I could bet her voice was echoing in my house.  

I pushed my index finger inside her cunt, "Oh my, too wet, baby." 

I bite onto her breast ignoring her nipples driving more wetness to develop. I begin moving my finger and she hauls her hips for me to thrust harder but I planned to tease her so I pinned her down tonguing her nipples and recreating with her.

Nipple stimulation was kind of fun while she began to asphyxiate with her gasps.

"Je—Jennie! I- might cu... cum" She clutches the leather of the headboard.

I halt my movement withdrawing my finger from her, she basically bellowed at me like an infuriated lioness, "What the fuck are you doing!"

I shrugged, "I don't want you to cum"

"What game are playing here? Do you want me to call you mommy or something now?" she rolled her eyes gritting her teeth and getting up though I pushed her back.

"Would you?" 

I mean the idea is not half as bad as I think it is I prefer my name from her lips however I wanna see how more she can beg me to please her.

"Call you mommy? No" she shakes her head.

Her words did hurt my heart when she said she wouldn't call me that, "But I wanna hear it once, baby" I licked her lips and she stared at me like she was enthralled or something.

"Mommy," she grinned shamelessly as if it didn't creep out both of us. "Here I said it now will you do something..." she proclaimed.

I chuckled seeing how far she got for me and she managed to surprise me again proving she had no limit when it came to me. "You're so impetuous, how far can you go?"

"I don't know... as far as you take me" she tilted her head.

I put my finger on her lips kissing her throat instead of hearing a disappointing groan. I preserved sucking onto her skin and munching several times till she began beseeching me to fuck her. She pulled at her tied wrists in irritating to touch me.

I don't know how long my torture endured long, however, it did make her cum exclusively by my mischievous touch on her body. I took off my shorts, her eyes sparkled up in excitement, she backed herself up against the headboard to have a better eye on my naked self. I sat onto her vulva chafing our cunts. She tosses back her head in pleasure relishing and It does drive me crazy feeling her hot moistness against mine as I ride onto her. 

I kept my hands on her chest leaving my nail marks on her breasts taunting her nipples to keep her hollering in ache to feel my body against her, sanding up and down. My breasts swung back and forth crazily compelling her to stare at me unabashedly with eros in her eyes as she licked her tongue feeling me up.

She strained to touch me but she was my Rosie who enjoyed doing what she wasn't supposed to and she put her hands down reaching to touch my breasts so I slapped onto her hands.

"You hurt me. You're not allowed to touch" I precautioned her.

She curled back her lips breathing laboriously and my evil brain cooked up a new strategy. I lowered myself close enough to brush my breasts on her face and as soon as she kissed my chest I pulled away appreciating, catching her grunting in frustration and I chuckled at her helplessness. 

She turns away her face so she won't have to see while I tease her scissors to put her on the edge. I went down and this time, let my breasts shove on her face and it was like this was what she was waiting for. She envelops her lips over my nipple strenuously sucking onto it not letting me move back cramming her teeth on my nipple. 

"Damn you!" I shouted wheezing with pleasure.

"Damn me..." She muttered not towing away.

I ended up placing my hand behind her head pulling her closer and commenced rotating my hips to stimulate her vulva even more. Her hands fetish was happening and the pleasure I got while teasing was uncontrollable.

Soon I felt an orgasm building up and in minutes, she was the one cumming before me her mouth kissing up my neck without even caring that she had cummed so badly and I was nearly close. In second her thighs were drenched in our cum and she slumped down on my chest. 

"Wow..." I breathed pushing away her mouth from my chest to look into her eyes.

"Now we kiss..." she smiled and reached up assuming that I'm the sentimental freak here.

I turn away my face compelling her lips to kiss my jaw yet anyhow she continued sucking onto my skin for a couple of minutes, I got up and untied her hands.

"Just one kiss..." she begged licking from my collarbone up to my jaw placing her hands behind my back and pressing our bodies.

"No kisses..." I pulled away.

"Just once, Jennie." She flung me down on the bed and propped me. 

"No, baby" 

I didn't think twice about pushing her aside and because of her ankle, she shouldn't be moving. She was laying on my stomach causing another blaze to seethe in me.

I thrust my two fingers in her from behind and started vigorously fucking her. She was too clueless to react at first though her breath began to choke again as I pulled her up by slipping my free hand to grab her left breast and squeeze it hard till she cried out. 

"There... my sweet beloved baby, why don't you have a bit taste of the miserable days you've put me through" I stink onto her shoulder kissing down to her ass. 

I was going badly to make her legs shiver however, I couldn't stop the desire of my heart to retaliate against her. I wanted to kiss her till I made her lips swallow or bite onto them, till they bleed panting my name as she was crumpled down on the bed in aches but I did not stop. She clutched the pillows under her head pushing her hips back to appreciate this aggression and asked me to go harder. 

"Jennie... kiss me, now" She looked at me over her shoulder.

I leaned in allured by her pink lips though I was betrayed when she closed her eyes so I kissed her shoulder instead. I obliged, thrusting another finger in and they were banging against her clitoris.

She grunted in pillow in discomfort still surrendering herself to me. Soon enough I gripped her waist hard, scouring deep inside her and I held still feeling her climaxing, cumming which is only obliged to me. Once I pulled out, her sweet pussy was dripping as I turn her leaning on top of her. She kissed my cheek, I witnessed her not-so-choking breath so I ran my fingers down her clitoris to make it even harder for her. 

"You're not getting any kisses tonight" even though I'm craving for it.

She pushed me aside to cage me in her arms as she kissed my shoulder, "I don't want kisses... I want you with me" She smiled, sweat dribbling from her hairline.

I encase my arm over her shoulder kissing her head pulling her close to me I know that's also what I want. I want my day to start with her and end with her, She dozed off mumbling my name in her half-asleep state.

"Jennie..." she breathed holding tightly onto me as if I would disappear.

"Yes, baby" I smiled seeing the satisfaction on her face.

My heart filled with love noticing the love of my life calling for me in her sleep. "Jennie"

"I'm here, baby." I press our bodies kissing her face remembering how much I have missed her beautiful face, tracing my fingers onto her brows, lashes, her cute nose, and gorgeous lips which call for me to claim her.

It wasn't even longer than 20 minutes for me to mumble back to her 'Yes, baby' when someone chose to knock on the door. Before the noise could wake her up I slipped away from her grasp replacing myself with the pillow, wearing my robe in the way.

"You've a death wish or-" I opened the door seeing my sister and my girlfriend's best friend smirking at me.

"You're cranky..." Seulgi communicated sneezing was probably the side effect of sleeping in the front of the apartment.

"Excuse me, did I hear cranky? Didn't you both have the majestic time of all after ruining our night? Why are you still angry, little sissy?" Irene crossed her arms attempting to peek into my room though I kicked her on foot.

"Jennie..." I heard Rosie muttering my name.

Seulgi rolled her eyes wrinkling up her face, "Like this... she calls your name in her sleep. Oh.. wait, Jesus Christ, oh my god!" she enveloped her arms around herself abruptly.

I Irene looked at her confusingly, "What?" we both spoke at the time.

"Was she having sex dreams about you every night? Last time I slept beside her while she was saying your name. Ewww, I'm never sharing a bed with her ever. Disgusting!" She clamoured as if chills ran through her body forcing her to shiver.

Irene burst out laughing and I sighed, "No, she simply happened to develop a habit of calling for me in her sleep because I consistently answer back by kissing her so if you don't mind I'm going back to my girlfriend"

"Jennie... come back I can't sleep" Rosie contorted on the bed traipsing her hand on the bed to find me. We glance at Rosie who is covered in shroud hugging the pillow and mumbling like a baby she is.

Her actions do make my heart quaver I was about to close the door but I stopped sneering at Seulgi, "Or maybe she must be having sex dreams about me... who knows" I shrugged.

She parted her lips before swallowing back the fear of sleeping with her best friend ever again. She stopped me to close the door. "She and I have to go, it's 6 am tell her we are behind the time of our plan"

I frowned, "What plan?"

How are you guys doin'? Anyway, I'm having one of those days where I don't feel happy or sad or anything... sorry for the late update...

DO VOTE!!!!! 

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