how did this happen. . ?

By kylovesyouuu

7.5K 417 90

Y/n knew that she should've stayed home for school. Maybe this wouldn't have happened. Maybe she would've h... More

01 - new environment
02 - late encounters
03 - no friends, yes friends
04 - chills with hot soup
05 - old computer
06 - talking shit
07 - head wounds
08 - orange binoculars
09 - broken tables
11 - a fistful of snow

10 - the magicians

550 26 13
By kylovesyouuu

The next morning you awoke alone.

Which normally isn't weird as you've never had someone sleep in the same bed with you. Other than your mom when you were still young and afraid of the dark.

Your eyes scan your small dorm room for any remains of Tim. Part of you was happy he wasn't here as last night's memories came to light. Oh my fucking God. You covered your suddenly very warm face with your hands. Embarrassed.

For a second, all you could hear was your muffled screams of embarrassment before the sound of static flooded it out.

Your hands dropped from your face and into your lap as you sat up more to find the source of the sound. At first, you assumed it was from another room, but when your eyes landed on your television as it flashed lights over and over again, you knew you were wrong.

"Please don't tell me you're broken." Sighing, you dragged yourself off your bed and walked towards your small living area. Which was just feet away. You are softly whacked at the top of tv hoping it will do the trick. When it didn't, you crouched down in front of it. Deciding to press some buttons. "Maybe if I turn it off and then back on?" It was the universal fix for any electronic. surely, it'll fix this.

You, however, didn't get a chance to turn the TV off before a body jumped out of the screen, tumbling on top of you.

"What the fuck-" The entity cursed as you screamed, pushing the body off of you before scooting as far back and away as you could. It was then that you took in the small green bitch in front of you.


Hearing his name, BEN turned his head to look at you. "Yo Y/N!"

You stared blankly at the elf. "What the fuck was that?"

"What do you mean?" He smiles innocently at you.

You jump up and motion from him to the TV and then back at him. "What the fuck- no. HOW the fuck?" Sure, you've seen him jump into a computer which still raised a lot of questions. But he can travel through your TV too?

"Dude, chill out." The small boy stood up before choosing to float. "I'm a ghost." That still didn't explain anything, which BEN, thankfully, caught on to. "I can travel in and out of electronics. I can travel from your tv to my tv, to your neighbor's tv, etc. Make sense?"


BEN shrugged before floating down to sit on the couch.

"So why are you here?" You grabbed your switch and powered it on. Tossing a controller to the ghost.

"Thanks." He leaned back as you turned on Mario Kart. "One, to check on you after Jeff's killing last night. Two, I need some peace from the house."

"Ah, well I appreciate you checking up on me. And what house?" You finished setting the game up and the two of you picked your characters.

"If I tell you, I have to kill you," BEN stated. You gave him a crazed look before he laughed. "Just kidding." He leaned forward as the game started. "I live with Jeff and other hitmen, so it can get crazy."

"That sounds. . . scary." You comment, sparing a glance at the almost see-through ghost.

BEN shrugs, "Sure if you're a normal person. But you've already met a few of us, so feel honored."

I met a few? There was silence between the two as you tried to remember who you could've met.

"I met two guys one night at work. They killed a guy and then left with the body. Do they work for you?"

"' Work for me?'" That made BEN cackle. "Fuck no! I am not the boss. Our actual boss is scary as shit. Like scarier than Jeff." You hummed, slightly praying to whatever God was listening to never let you meet BEN's boss. "And what did the two look like?"

You frowned and furrowed your eyebrows thinking back. "They both had masks on. One was a black mask with a stitched-like frowny face and the other was a feminine white mask. Ring a bell?"

BEN smiled, "Yup. That's Masky and Hoodie."

You snorted at the names, "That's their names?"

"Well, not their actual names. They have real names but mostly go by their alias as they look like normal people under the mask. Unlike Jeff. Even if that fucker wore a mask, it'd do him no good."

You chuckled as the round ended. BEN getting a high score as you were far behind. "Am I allowed to ask their real names?"

"You can ask. I won't tell you." BEN smirked. Thinking how much shit he'd be in with Tim if the masked murderer knew he was telling you this. "And don't worry about them coming after you and killing you. They are under oath to not kill you."

You scoffed and rolled your eyes. "Well, BEN, if that is your real name. I am honored." BEN laughed loudly. "You are more than welcome to hang out here whenever unless I say otherwise."

Your new ghost roommate shouts in victory as you smile.

~ ~ ~

Despite telling BEN he could hang out at the dorm, he never stayed long. Which you were slightly grateful for. Enjoying the privacy, it gives you.

After BEN left, saying he had 'errands' to run, you didn't want to think what he meant by that, you sat down at your desk and caught up with some reading assignments. It wasn't long before a knock at your door tore you from reading "The Magicians" for your fantasy literature class.

"Hey Tim!" You didn't expect him to be back so soon, especially after last night. You moved aside and invited him in.

He nodded at you, "I was just checking on how you were doing." First BEN and now Tim.

You beam at the man. "I'm doing alright. Thank you again for helping me." Warmth filled your cheeks as you tried to fight it from happening.

Tim gave you a soft smile, "So, what are you up to?"

"Well, I am currently trying to get caught up on some work for class. You are welcome to stay and hang out, but I do need to get this done by tonight."

Tim nodded slightly before sitting down on the couch, putting on some show about paranormal activity. The noise from the TV eventually became white noise as you read at your desk. The only sound that you were worried about was hearing the paper turn after you finished each page.

You were so deep in your book that you didn't hear the creaking of the couch from Tim standing up. If you didn't notice that noise, then you didn't notice Tim's quiet footsteps make their way over to you.

"What are you reading?"

The hairs on your neck stood up as Tim spoke. His warm breath tickles you.

You turn your head only to abruptly sharply to see his face so close, reading the lines of the page you were on.

"Oh- uh, it's this book for my fantasy literature class." You scooted over slightly to let him get a better book at the page. Also, to calm your heart for a bit because he is close. "If you want, when we are done with this unit, I can lend you the book. If you are interested in reading it."

Tim hummed and you really couldn't tell if he was interested in the book or not.

As awkward as it was, you went back to reading with Tim looking over your shoulder. Though you assumed he was reading the book, you felt sharp eyes on you. Almost studying your movements.

Tired of his stare, you turned and locked eyes with him. See how he likes it.

Your staring contest didn't get far before there was another knock at the door.

"Who's that?" Tim looked at the door like it threatened to kill his family or something.

"Not sure." You placed a sticky note on your page before closing the book. Pushing the chair back, you stood and made your way to the door. First making sure to check through the peephole, you saw one ugly bitch. "Oh." You opened the door. "It's just Jeff."

Jeff's permanent smile grew as you frowned. "Hey there sweet cheeks. Man-whore." Jeff walked in, immediately flipping Tim off.

"Bleached freak." The latter leaned on your desk.

"Anyway." You cut the two off, closing the door after making sure no one saw Jeff walk in here. Guests were technically allowed in the dorms, but Jeff wasn't wearing his face coverings. "Jeff? What are you doing here?" After the events of last night, you weren't expecting to see him so soon. There was still lingering fear of watching the killer in action.

He stayed quiet for a moment before Tim sent him a look, unbeknownst to you. Jeff scoffed before speaking, "I was sent to apologize for scaring you last night."

This was . . . weird. It feels like when you were younger, and a boy pulled your hair. He got in trouble with his mother and was forced to apologize despite not being sorry.

Why was he apologizing?

"I appreciate the apology but there's no need for it." Your eyebrows knitted together. "You were doing your job, and I was in the way." You shrugged before continuing, "I should've known it wasn't going to be. . . pretty. I should've given you a time when I was going on break or a time when he worked alone."

Tim stared in your direction. Sure, he agreed with you, but there was no reason Jeff had to go as crazy as he did.

"But, again, I do appreciate the apology and was happy to help you on your mission." You gave a smile as Jeff stared with an eyebrow raised.

"You're fucking weird." He turns around and plops down on the couch, man spreads, and grabs the remote. "I am also not sorry because I have a reputation to keep up and wasn't going to go easy on the man just because there was a witness there. Who I might add, was aware of what was going to happen."

"Jeff." Tim crossed his arms.

"What?" The killer on the couch yelled, "It's true! I'm sorry but if it came to it, I'd do it again."

With that kind of apology, you didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

oh gosh I am sorry this took so long ;;

I lost motivation slightly but I am back :>

drink some water and eat a snack (this is a threat)

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