Blue Lock β•Όβ•Όβ•Ό π™‹π™π™Šπ™‚π™π™€π™Žπ™Ž

M3ss1fan tarafΔ±ndan

82.9K 3.4K 8.7K

"π™ƒπ™–π™«π™žπ™£π™œ 𝙩𝙬𝙀 π™₯π™§π™€π™™π™žπ™œπ™žπ™šπ™¨ 𝙖𝙨 π™¨π™©π™šπ™₯-π™—π™§π™€π™©π™π™šπ™§π™¨ π™¨π™šπ™©π™¨ π™©π™π™š 𝙗𝙖𝙧 π™π™žπ™œπ™ 𝙖𝙨 οΏ½... Daha Fazla

The Birth of a Third Prodigy
She wants to be a striker
Pretty Blue Eyes
Bachira's a Clown
A mindless slave to soccer
Just a bit of banter
Falling in Love...
The 'Bathroom Excuse'
A prodigy at work
Realization and longing
Whimpering and Moaning
Brother Issues
Two of a kind
Complete Chaos
Luck and Luna
Hiding secrets
Caught in 4k
Dancing with a Demon
Talking it out with Big-Brother
Stress and Solutions
Teetering Futures (U-20 pt.1)
Teetering Futures (U-20 pt.2)
Teetering Futures: U-20 The Finale
If you like Pina Coladas...
Sex, Emergencies, and Suitcases

Cruel Planning

1.3K 77 17
M3ss1fan tarafΔ±ndan

I cut the original chapter in half because it was so long

Shidou appearance next chapter tho ‼️🔥

Warnings: Language, one sexual reference, Luna being a bitch to everyone except y/n

"Taking advantage of your
own brother like that is
truly an awful thing to do."

"Rin, how big is the field normally with five versus five players?"

"Rin, can you help me tie my laces?"

"Oh shoot, wait Rin before you do that, help me find my shin guards."

"Rin, are you listening to me...hello? Rin, Rin, Rin R-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" he exclaimed, finally snapping at you as he turned around from his locker, "I'm ignoring you for a reason! Cut it the fuck out!"

You jumped back slightly, frowning at him, "Stop ignoring me then."

He scowled, "Our game starts in five minutes. It'd do you good to at least pretend like you're focused."

"I'm really excited!" Bachira chirped, standing up and stretching his arms, "I almost couldn't sleep last night thinking about it!" he added

Isagi nodded in agreeance, smiling with a nervous excitement that seemed to be radiating off of him. His eyes flickered over to you, seeing you turn away from Rin and raise your arms up as you stretched your whole body.

Feeling a pair of eyes on the back of your head, you turned around, meeting Isagi's gaze and immediately sending him a wide smile.

The two of you had performed far more romantic actions with each other than merely exchanging smiles, however, the gesture in itself still made his heart skip a beat the same as it did when the two of you first met.

Feeling his cheeks warm, he returned the look.

Rin looked over briefly, noticing you and Isagi giving each other 'googly eyes'.

He let out a low scoff, rolling his eyes as he took a few steps forward and bumped into you from the side.

You were thrown off balance for a moment, swiveling your head around and frowning, "Whatever happened to 'excuse me?' "

He looked down at you and ignored your statement, before walking up ahead through the open door.

Bachira hummed, "Time to go~"

Tokimitsu rose, biting his lip nervously as he followed closely behind Bachira.

"Whoo!" You exclaimed, skipping up and down a few times to try to hype yourself up as much as possible, "Let's go Yoichi."

He was anxious, but so were you. He could tell by the way your fingers twitched and how you bit the insides of your cheeks. Seeing you in the same state as himself put him at ease.

So without further delay, the two of you walked out of the locker room and down the dark hallway leading to the field.

Important Authors Note: In this chapter, any italicized words during dialog will mean the speaker is using English. Remember, everyone speaks Japanese technically, and for this specific scene, the international players use English to communicate.

"Look, guys!" Tokimitsu exclaimed, pointing ahead, "That's them! The World Five!"

You narrowed your eyes as you attempted to adjust your vision to the fluorescent-lit atmosphere. Toki was right, there they stood all in a group, eagerly watching as you and everyone else stepped onto the field.

It felt quite surreal to see those world-class players just a few mere meters from where you stood. You've seen all of these guys on television before, and seeing them in person now was baffling...with the exception of Luna of course, you already knew him personally.

Dada Silva leaned forward, pointing and letting out a laugh, "Damn! They're way more scrawny than I thought!"

"See? I told you the Japanese weren't muscular at all!" Adam Blake responded to him, "Now pay up the ten grand, you lost the bet dumbass."

You exchanged glances with Rin. Frowns became apparent on both of your faces as you overheard their mocking sneers.

"Why are they laughing..." Tokimitsu spoke nervously, biting his finger

Bachira looked intently, trying somewhat to decipher their words, but failing to do so. I mean, the only English words he knows how to say are Sunday, Friday, and Dolphin. So naturally, he didn't understand a single thing.

Isagi hummed, "I think their speaking English...but I have no clue what they're saying."

Silva grinned, pointing an accusatory finger at Adam, "You're just gonna spend it all on women right?"

"Oh shut the hell up." The Brit responded, rolling his eyes, "Unlike you, I have a legitimate excuse for being here in Japan."

"Oh, yah? And what excuse would that be?"

"I plan on sleeping with those nice Japanese girls in Kimono. Footballs' just a side quest right now."

Silva let out a loud chuckle at this, before quirking a brow as his gaze met yours.

"Bem, me foda" he began, reverting to Portuguese for a moment due to the surprise he felt "Speaking of women, take a look over there."

You frowned slightly upon seeing all world five members turn to you.

"Oye! Look who it is!" Leonardo Luna raised his arms, smiling widely at you, "Y/N! Qué Hermosa. I never thought I'd see you here my friend."

Upon meeting his approaching emerald gaze, you let your apparent frown vanish as it replaced itself with a smile.

"Hey Leo, it's been a while." You lay a friendly hand on his shoulder as he greeted you with two faux kisses on either side of your face.

Rin raised a brow, a bit confused as to how you knew this world-class superstar so well. Believe it or not, you had actually never told Rin about him. Not because you were trying to hide anything, but because you didn't see any reason to bring it up.

Adam turned to Silva, motioning over to you with his eyes, "She's cute, how old do you think she is?"

"BWAHAHA! Not old enough for you that's for sure! You're almost thirty now right you old geezer?"

"Twenty-six actually. Want me to kick your money-grubbing ass now or later?"

"How about after we go to Harajuku." Pablo Cavasos interrupted the bicker, "The motherland of cuteness as they call it."

Adam scoffed, "Damn baby-faced Narssacist..."

"Hey, am I or am I not the cutest twenty-three-year-old ever?" He puffed out his left cheek, "Only Pikachu could ever rival me."

"So is this game like a part-time job for you?" Rin stepped forward without hesitation, questioning the three stars with narrowed eyes, "Well let me tell you this, you're going to get beat so badly that this little Japanese sightseeing trip of yours is going to turn traumatic real quick."

"Wow! So they both can speak English?" Bachira exclaimed, exchanging glances with the surprised Isagi, "That's so cool!"

You and Leo exchanged pleasantries for a bit until he glanced over at the nearby confrontation and hummed.

"Seems like that brother of yours is stirring up quite the commotion!" Leo spoke with a smile that only grew, "Mind if I go see what's going on?"

"Go for it..."

You watched as Leo wasted no time getting between the two of them, holding out his hands to stop them from getting any closer, "Hey now, that's enough of that. The two of you are acting like children." He now turned to face Rin, "That was a rather audacious comment you made just now, though, that's as to be expected of Sae's younger brother."

Rin's eyes widened at the mention of Sae's name.

"I'm expecting big things from him considering the two of you share the same blood. I mean, I know that sister of yours is gifted as well. And you know what they say...the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"How do you even know her?" Rin asked, with a frown still present on his face.

Luna hummed, "She never told you? I was the one pushing for her to come to Spain and join Real Madrid."

Rin turned to look at you for confirmation, to which you sheepishly nodded, scratching the back of your neck with a semi-smile.

"Whatever, I don't care who you are. I'll still crush you." Rin then said, blinking without a shred of anxiety.

Leo chuckled, "You Japanese are some crazy Masochists..." he began, smiling brightly at Rin, "I mean, throwing such a large amount of money at this whole crazy project? You guys are just dedicating your lives to an impossible dream."

"Leonardo," you looked at him, frowning upon hearing his mocking words, "That was out of line."

"Really? I meant it towards the rest of these fools, not you hermosa~" He glanced at Rin through the corner of his eye, "You actually have a promising future in fútbol if you'd give up the stubbornness. I cannot say the same for the rest of these guys...though who knows, maybe your brother has a bit of your talent!"

You were about to respond, before watching as Julian Loki lay a hand on Luna's shoulder with a clear look of disapproval, "She's right. You're acting out of line. Cut it out." he said, before stepping in front of him.

"Eh, I see nothing wrong with what I said?"

"I apologize for him." Loki spoke, reaching out his hand to Isagi, "I promise he means no harm"

You and Rin watched tensely as Isagi hesitated to shake his hand, seemingly surprised by his oddly nice manners.

Loki smiled, "Just ignore these self-centered adults, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Naisu tyu meetyu" Isagi spoke what little of an English greeting he knew, unaware of his obvious butchering of the words.

Things settled down after this, with everyone returning to their own teams and deciding on respective positions for everyone.

You were still a bit hung up on Leo's mean attitude. I mean, he's always been very nice to naturally hearing such awful comments escape his mouth caught you severely off guard.

Sighing to yourself, you looked up to Rin, "Where do you want me to play?"

"Striker," he spoke briefly, turning away with tensed shoulders as he approached the ball in the center.

You quirked a brow, a little confused with his sudden cold demeanor. He seemed to also be setting up to play striker, and Isagi and Bachira acted as wide midfielders and Tokimitsu on defense.

It was an odd formation...I mean having only one defender back seemed like it wouldn't be a good idea. However, it also could end up going very well...with more players on offense, naturally, more goal-scoring opportunities would occur.

Though, normally you'd play midfield while being on the field with Rin, considering you had no issue playing there, and Rin always wants to be a striker anyway. So you found his request (Or rather, his order) to have you up as striker to be a little odd.

You didn't decline though, a bit curious to see what he had in mind for the match.

Glancing up at the large screen, you watched as the time ticked down from fifteen seconds to kickoff.

Skipping up and down a few times, you glanced around. Everyone seemed to be locking in, focused on their own mentality.

Exhaling sharply, you stood at the kickoff circle will the ball at your foot, counting down in your head in unison with the clock.


The loud start alarm interrupted your mental countdown as it's blare echoed off of the walls.

'Oh shit, I was a second off.' you mentally cursed as you passed the ball back to Rin, scoffing at your own lack of attention

Rin instantly noticed your almost shocked expression once the time started, which told him all he needed to know about your current state of mind.

The male recieved the ball, taking it forward before immediately passing to Bachira on the right wing.

You, Rin, and Isagi both took off, moving around the field and making several runs in order to recieve the ball from the egotistical monster that skillifully manuvered the feild.

"Bachira! Here!" Isagi had called out, but was ignored as Bachira responded.

You couldn't hear what he had said, however you didn't wanted to score and get your head back on track.

The World Five seemed a bit taken a back by the strong counter...well actually...taken aback wasn't the right word. They were more so caught off gaurd by the skill your team had. The skill wasn't even at it's peak level it was clear their expectations of blue lock were beyond low.

Bachira smirked, swiftly managing to turn around Pablo Cavasos and taking it down the sideline.

In a flash, the ball was delievered to the edge of the goal box...first, it had missed Isagi. Then, as soon as you went to get a head on it, it missed you as well, curving as it decended at the foot of Rin.

He didn't even blink as he took the shot.

You watched with pursed lips as it soared into the goal.

"Ah! Que weno!" Luna smiled, "Seems like all the Itoshi's are talented after all ~♪"

Adam sighed silently, "I thought this was going to be a simple game...guess we do have to try after all."

You jogged up to Rin, patting him on the back with a smile, "Nice one, i'm sure they weren't expecting that."

He hummed, "That's one for me. Hope you don't plan on having me score all the goals."

"As if!"

Everyone made their way back to their halves, with the game once again starting with a swift pass back to the french super-star, Julian Loki.

Isagi wasted no time putting pressure on him...but in a blink of an eye, Julian was past him...

You didn't even have time to get back and defend. He was fast.

Like, obnoxiously fast.

The films you had watched of him on the TV last night did NOT do him justice.

The score was now 1 to 1 within a matter of seconds.

All he did was sprint's not as if he did any fancy tricks or anything...however, no one could catch him.

You kicked the ball up to Rin for kickoff, frowning in concentration, "Pass it back to me."

"You don't plan on trying to dribble through these guys by yourself do you?"

Looking away, you didn't respond, hearing him scoff as the kickoff timer went off once again.

The ball was played to your feet firmly, to which you trapped it and immediately looked up.

To the left was Loki, who marked Isagi from a him ample room to adjust in case he needed to apply a quick pressure.

Then there was Pablo Cavasos on the right, marking Bachira tightly considering he had gotten beat last time Bachira had room to dribble around him.

In the middle was Leonardo. He had no mark as he watched you intently, waiting for you to begin advancing with the ball.

Lastly, Silva and Adam Blake were on defense.

They had quite the lineup...

This was going to be very difficult. However, when had you ever backed down from a challenge on the field?

Narrowing your eyes, you took a deep breath before taking off.

"Rin, go up top on their line of defense and wait!" You instructed, seeing him slightly frown in confusion, before moving to where you had asked.

You dribbled straight at Leonardo, watching him smile in delight as he readied himself to take the ball.

Approaching him at high speed, you suddenly lowered your tempo, preforming a series of high speed scissors, weaving left and right as you waited for the perfect moment...

"If you're going to try and nut-meg me, don't even won't work~"

You smiled, "That was actually my plan B."

Feinting to the left aggressively, Luna naturally followed out of soccer instinct...however in that brief moment in which his center or gravity was shifted, you cut back to the right side, doing an unbelievably quick roulette turn around him and accelerating quickly after, leaving him with no time to react.

Loki sprinted in, closing in on you quickly as you went forward, seemingly pursuing Adam Blake.

Countering fast players was easier than it looked. In all honesty, the quicker they are, the easier it is.

When sprinting, the faster you sprint, the harder it is to slow down...and if your going forward at such a high speed, you can't suddenly stop and turn back very quickly.

Just as Loki was about to step in from the right and steal the ball, you pulled it back, halting for just a moment as he whiffed and completely missed the tackle.

He had also blocked the sight of your next action from Adam, preventing him from reacting and blocking the effortless pass you now hit to Rin.

Rin hadn't completely read through your play strategy yet, so he was surprised to see the ball heading his way out of the air. Nonetheless, he trapped it, immediately bringing his head up to look for an area to dribble into.

I guess that explains why you wanted him to wait up on their line of defense. However, taking on Silva was going to be tricky.

"Are you gonna dribble or what you little brat?" The tall brazillian teased, smirking egotistically at Rin who stood stagnant with the ball.

The ravenette frowned in response...but just as he was about to advance forward...the ball was swiftly stolen from his feet.

"Fuck, get ba-" he was about to yell at the team to get back to defend, but he stopped.

Teal eyes bore into the back of your head as he watched you take the ball, and swiftly get around Silva, who didn't even have time to react.

A wide open goal.

You smiled, slightly impressed that your audacious plan managed to succeed. It was a sloppy, cruel one indeed...however, the satisfaction you felt as you rocketed the ball into the top right corner, made your heart skip with delight.

"Did she just...steal the ball from her own teammate?" Loki questioned, watching you turn around and whip the sweat from your forehead.

Luna blinked a few times in surprise, "Well, you don't see that often." he watched as your brother sent you a cold stare, "That was a cruel play."

He was right. You had used Rin mercilessly.

You can't pass to yourself in soccer...well...not without a player of the opposite team getting to it most of the time at least.

That goal was essentially a solo goal. You had passed it to yourself in a way that took advantage of your own teammates.

You utilized Rins sublime ball control to trap the ball you sent up to him, and sprinted to chase it. With the speed you were running at, not only would Silva never see it coming, but he would have zero time to react at all. So you got the ball off of Rin in the blink of an eye, and scored.

"Taking advantage of your own brother like that is truly an awful thing to do." Luna spoke, yet despite his critical words, there was a bright smile present on his face, as his emerald eyes narrowed into a grin.

Jogging back to your own half, you were jolted forward by Bachira, who jumped on you from behind.

"Nice goal!" he exclaimed, hopping back down and making his way in front of you, "But don't you think that was a little mean to Rin-Rin?"

Isagi approached you with a grin, "That was a pretty selfish move, but how did you manage to get from one side of the field to the other that quick?"

"I don't know..." you looked down at the ground for a moment, "I just ran really fast...I guess..."

"AH! Rin looks angry!" Tokimitsu yelled out, cowering backwards as the tall striker made his way back to your teams half.

You huffed, walking up to him and reaching out your hand, "Rin I-"

Before you could finish speaking, he swatted your arm away, turning with a frown, "Watch yourself. You're going to get devoured next."

Okumaya devam et

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