dress • a jack hughes fanfic

By ilovejackhughes514

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"only bought this dress so you can take it off" avery stanger and her family move from northern virginia to a... More

about me !


971 9 2
By ilovejackhughes514

i woke up sweaty, and with a headache. i was confused why because i didn't drink alcohol. i looked at my overhead fan and it wasn't on. i always have to have my overhead fan on when i'm sleeping. if i don't i overheat like crazy.

i wasn't in my regular clothes. i was wearing grey spandex and a big sweatshirt. the hoodie smelled different then how i usually smell. it smelled like.. him. the cinnamon and vanilla scent made me float into another world.

i got up and went to my vanity. my face was really red and sweaty. i pulled my hair up into a messy bun and washed my face. while i was in my bathroom i could see in the mirror what the hoodie looked like. it was a black essentials hoodie.

i put on my tasman uggs and went downstairs where i was greeted with my family and the hughes family. the first eyes i met were those blue eyes.

"hey avery, nice hoodie." jack said with a wink. i just shoved him so i could go see my favorite person.. hickory! he was on the couch with quinn and luke.

"hey quinn and lukie." i said sitting down on the couch. quinn and luke both said hi back. when i sat down hickory climbed into my lap from quinn's.

i pet him while he purred loudly. jack sat down next to me. "hey, why are you guys here?" i asked the brothers. "your parents invited us over for breakfast." quinn pet hickory.

"oh they did?"

"yeah, i'll never pass down an opportunity for a free breakfast!" luke said.

"yeah, i bet you won't, you are the fattie of the family." quinn messed up luke's curls with his hand. 

"by the way we all already ate so we're gonna go in a little bit." jack told me. "whatever, i don't want this stanky breakfast." i said sarcastically.

my phone buzzed.

*new messages from anaheim dickwad*

anaheim dickwad
avery i have a big surprise
answer you fucking cat shit!!
stop acting like an npc pls answer


okay i have news
so quiet up and listen down!
scratch that reverse it 🪄🪄

i'm losing my patience bitch
just say what the surprise is pls


no way.


okay what ever you say bitch!!
i'm so excited for you to come here 🙏🙏
when are you coming?

in a week!! be prepared to see your favorite!!
okay i have to go to practice love you lil sis

read 11:45 am

i looked up from my phone and started squealing. "what the fuck is she doing.." luke asked. "GUYS, GUYS, YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS!"

"what avery?"


i heard gasps and screams from all around since everyone knew one or the other.

"no way that's amazing!" jack said.

"when are they coming?" quinn added on.

"next week" i said.


everyone eventually left in the hughes family so i went to scarlet's room. "scarlet, do you wanna go to popeyes with me" i asked.

she was laying on her bed smiling at her phone with airpods in. i can't tell if she heard me, so i crept behind her and see what she was looking at.

it was quinn. she was texting quinn.

quinn 💗
have i ever told you that you
are so beautiful.

yes you have, plenty of times handsome.

do you want me to come over?
maybe later 😉

what would we do

well, we could go into your room
and the rest is for us to discover 

you wanna go for a round two
after last night huggy?

anything for you princess

come over at 9
that's when the fun will start 😉

can't wait to hear my name all night long

what the fuck was this. why was she sexting quinn hughes. 

 i took a picture of it and crept back to the entrance of her door. i repeated my sentence. "scarlet! do you wanna go to popeyes with me!" i yelled. she looked up at me. she looked as red as a fucking tomato.

"hey avery! i'll go with you, just give me a sec to get changed." i wonder why, she must be fucking soaked after that sexting they just did.

i left and sat on the couch. i saw my mom on her ipad doing a crossword.

"hey avery, can you help me with this?" i scooted over to her and looked at her ipad. i read the question: "what nhl team has won the most stanley cups?" i typed with her apple pen "canadiens". "thank you avery! your such an angel." she kissed my forehead.

scarlet walked downstairs and made her way to the couch. "i'll drive." she stated. she kissed my moms cheek as i was getting up.

we walked out to her white range rover. i hopped into the passenger seat as she was picking out music on her phone. "Drunk in Love" started playing. i love beyoncé so much bro.


we got to popeyes and we ordered. i got a 3 piece tender combo, mild, with a dr pepper.

we sat down and started eating our meals. "hey baby" i heard someone say in the distance. i looked and saw my ex boyfriend, landon. scarlet heard him say that too, so she turned around and saw him.

me and scarlet both don't like him at all since he cheated on me. when i found out i went to her and started crying for hours and hours. she kinda became my therapist for that situation.


may, 28th 2023

i cant wait for landon to pick me up for our date tonight. it's our 3rd anniversary, and we are going to a steakhouse. he was supposed to pick me up 10 minutes ago. i was wondering where he was, so i decided to drive to his apartment. 

after 10 minutes for driving, i was there. his car was still in the driveway. so, i made my way inside with my spare key he gave me. i walked into his house and didn't see him. i heard noises coming from his bedroom so i headed towards it. 

i had a bad feeling about what was about to happen. my heels clicking on his hardwood floor, my fists clenching on the way down the long hallway, until i was met with a door that said "landon's property". 

i flung open the door and saw landon and a random blonde girl on his bed. naked. he had his dick in her, i was disgusted, disappointed, and shocked. landon saw the door open, and saw me all dressed up. with a black, skin tight, sparkly dress. "baby, i'm sorry, it's not what you think.." 

i wanted to punch the shit out of him so bad. but i didn't. "fuck you landon. i knew you were disloyal you dick. fuck you and your stupid side chick." i took my heels off and threw them at him. 

i stormed out and slid on her ugg slippers in the foyer and left his apartment. i drove away and blocked him on everything. i deleted his number, threw away his spare key, and never spoke to him ever again.


that was until now, when i was met with the cheater that ruined my life, mentally and physically. "what the fuck.." i heard scarlet say quietly.

"missed me?" he said.

"fuck no. now go away, she doesn't want to see you." she replied.

i started to think about our relationship, i noticed i was tearing up. thinking about the way he hit me. leaving bruises on my arms and my cheekbones.

i never noticed how toxic our relationship was until i met maddie. i talked to her about my boyfriend and she just flat out told me that it was toxic.

after that i started to notice he was seeing me less and less, but hitting me more and more. it was until i was going to his house, and saw him in bed with another girl. i was heartbroken.

i escaped my thoughts by hearing landon and scarlet screaming at eachother. "she's a slut." he would say. "your a slut for cheating on her." scarlet would say back.

"okay, stop you two." i said. scar and landon's eyes both switched to me.

"can you both not scream at each other please, i have a headache."

"oh, i'm sorry ave i didn't realize." scar said.

"baby, want me to hug you so it will feel better?" landon said.

i hated pet names so much. most people find them "cute" or "adorable" but i just think it's weird. like how are you going to call your girlfriend "bub". get the fuck away please.

"why the hell are you even bothering us landon?" i said with furrowed eyebrows.

"i saw my baby, and wanted to come see her." he replied.

"grab your stuff and run out of here to the car when i tap your hand." scar whispered in my ear.

3 seconds later, i felt a tap. i bolted out of the booth and out of the popeyes. i ran to the car that was thankfully unlocked. me and scarlet got in as she locked the doors.

she quickly turned the car on and stepped on the gas peddle and drove away.

i felt so overwhelmed i started tearing up. just thinking about seeing my ex-boyfriend in a popeyes with my sister, after seeing the sex texts between her and quinn, oh my god. i'm having a panic attack.

i started to fidget with my hair, with tears desperately being held back in my eyes. biting on my lips and breathing heavily. i felt a warm hand on my arm and looked up at scarlet.

she always knew how to help my anxiety. no matter what. she was always a pro at it, and i never knew how or why.


i eventually calmed down as we drove into the driveway. it was around 4 o'clock so i went to my basement and got logged into my nintendo switch.

i played a lot mario kart and animal crossing until i was hungry again. i looked at the time and it was 7:29 pm. i turned it off and went to the kitchen where i grabbed a croissant.

croissants are arguably the best food in my opinion. if you don't you are mentally ill.

i jumped onto my couch and scrolled on tiktok. i was scrolling until i came across an edit of someone. that someone being jack. i watched it and honestly, they made him so fine. the way he smiles just warms my heart and.. *knock*

someone knocking the door stopped my thoughts. i walked up to the door and opened it. i saw jack with something behind his back. he had a big smile and looked happy.

"hey avery, i need to ask you something." jack asked.

"of course, what is it?" i smiled.

"would you like to go on a date with me?"

i was shocked. i never thought he was going to ask me out. i'm not mad about it at all, just shocked.

"i would love to."

he pulled a bouquet of flowers out from behind his back and gave them to me. i set them down on a side table and ran up and hugged him.

my arms were around his neck and since he was taller than me i was on my tippy-toes. i felt arms come around my waist. he smelt like he always does. cinnamon and vanilla. thank god he doesn't use axe body spray.

we pulled away and he pulled me in and kissed my cheek. i knew i was red but i didn't care.

out of the corner of my eye, i saw quinn walking towards the side door of my house. then i remembered the texts from earlier between him and scar.

i pulled jacks arm so he's inside my house. "i have to show you this." i said pulling out my phone. jack looked confused, raising an eyebrow.

i got to the photos of the texts and put them in jacks view. he squinted but opened his eyes wider and wider as he read more and more. "oh my god." jack said putting an arm around my shoulder.

"we have to get them together." he stated.

i grinned at the fact we both think they are perfect for each other. i ruffled his hair and led him to the couch to sit down.

"so where are we going for our date?" i asked.

"well, i was thinking we could go to a game. not a hockey game though." he said. i looked confused,  not knowing what other games jack would want to go to.

"we would go to a umich volleyball game." he said with a grin knowing i love volleyball.

i couldn't help but smile knowing he remembered i played volleyball. "its a date" i replied.

"i'll pick you up tomorrow at 4" he said as we got up. we walked back to the door he came in through. "goodnight jack." i said with a smile as i kissed his cheek.

"goodnight avery." he replied as he walked out of the door and made his way off my porch and to his house.

i closed the door and made my way upstairs to get blankets, pjs, and a charger to bring to the basement. i was sleeping down there since my room was right next to scarlets and you know..

i got to the basement with my stuff and put it on the guest room bed. i plugged my phone in and changed into my pjs. i was getting tired so i dimmed the lights.

i was sitting on the bed watching the edit from earlier over and over again.

that's the moment i discovered i liked jack hughes.

HEY GANG! i hope you liked this chapter. honestly i've been really discouraged to write this but i wanna keep writing it. so have a good night/day! love ya 🙇‍♀️

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