Humbled ((Undertaker X Reader...

By ApocalypticAnuyushi

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A young noblewoman is sent to work a job to straighten up her bad attitude and finds more than she anticipate... More

Act One: Intern
Act Two: Pain
Act Three: Beauty
Act Four: Deathly
Act Six: Heart
Act Seven: Hatred
Act Eight: Friendship
Act Nine: Honesty
Act Ten: Play
Act Eleven: Truth
Act Twelve: Belief
Act Thirteen: Reveal
Act Fourteen: Enough
Act Fifteen: Fog
Act Sixteen: Death
Act Seventeen: Love
Act Eighteen: History
Act Nineteen: Future
Act Twenty: Promise
Act Twenty-One: Fear
Act Twenty Two: Destruction

Act Five: Danger

84 7 0
By ApocalypticAnuyushi

"Never... Again-"
Finally, the weight of the casket was hoisted down from the carriage and I took a minute to catch my breath.
The Undertaker must've been an athlete in another life though because he wasn't winded in the slightest.
The man helped me set the casket down on the sidewalk so I could take some slow breaths and gather myself again. I never needed to exercise this much back at the manor, I wasn't prepared for that at all.
"Dreadfully sorry," He teased a bit, "I would've used another way, but you aren't ready. I did request you stay behind though~"
"Don't patronize me," I inhaled before I pulled myself back up tall. I would've asked what he meant, but truly, in that moment, I didn't even care, I could hardly think, "Is she seriously the newest victim of that serial killer case though?"
"No doubt about it," The mortician traced a finger over the casket's lid as he spoke, "A single stab wound to the heart. Our last girl was twenty, a middle-class woman. This one is twenty-nine, high class. Seems our killer doesn't discriminate between social classes, hm?"

I thought back to what the prior visitors spoke about. It fit the age range too, between eighteen and thirty, right? There had to be more of a connection, didn't there? Crap, I was too tired to consider anything else.
After a minutes to catch my breath, we picked up the casket once more and brought her inside the shop to place her with the rest of the bodies,
"Luckily, this lady had a will," The Undertaker chimed in after we positioned her, "She wishes to be cremated. Because this is a murder case though, we can't do such a thing immediately until the Yard examines the corpse. So, we'll prepare for temporary preservation~"
Cremation... Like burning?
I looked across her body carefully, slightly nervous, but I had to ask,
"She's... A bit larger than most of your bodies. How will you..."
"No need to worry, of course I have the accommodations for all body types!" With a giggle, he covered his mouth with a sleeve, "Larger bodies must burn longer, so she'll be going in the morning after their examination and burn most of the day!"
Why did he sound so excited about that? I was learning new things about this line of work, but damn it-! I was learning things I didn't want to know!
Once the body was ready and placed in a temporary ice coffin, I moved back upstairs first to get out of the basement fridge.
With a sigh, I heard the door close behind me,
"An exciting day!" A hand fell on my shoulder, "But sadly, it's getting a bit late. Time to go home for you~"
I didn't mean to yell, nor did I intend to sound so brash and quick to respond, but... Just the thought of returning home sent a shiver down my spine.
Not with them, please don't make me go back-!

The Undertaker pulled back his hand with a look of surprise, frowning ever so lightly,
"No? Working on a day off and now you don't want to leave? My, it sounds like you're rather troubled, (Y/N)."
I didn't care to explain my private details about my home life, all he needed to know was that I didn't intend to go back for a while, it wasn't anyone else's business but my own.
The mortician walked past me, his long dark robes dragging around his feet as he walked.
I found myself watching the gentle swaying of his silver hair before he stopped and turned around to face me once more,
"Well, I won't pester the little noble, not any business for someone like myself~ You don't intend to stay here though, do you?"
Damn, he... Made a good point. I wouldn't go home, sure, but where else would I go? I didn't exactly grab a pile of money for a hotel when I was sneaking out of the manor, I didn't think that far ahead when I was seeing red.
And sleeping in a funeral home?
Did I even need to say how uncomfortable that was?
I opened my mouth, ready to question Undertaker about staying at his place, but stopped myself. No way, I only knew him for a few days, a week at most, I didn't know him like that. Even if I asked, why in heavens would he agree to that?

To my silence, the mortician exhaled, hands on hips,
"You're in quite the predicament. I'd say it's unorthodox, but you may stay with me for the night."

Wait, seriously?!
My surprise flickered to excitement, swiftly replaced by a nervous feeling in my gut instead.
A woman like myself staying the night with a man... What would the family-
Actually, who cared what they thought? Did they even realize I was gone yet? They were probably too focused on comforting Nicolas, who hasn't been able to marry me for a year now. Blasted little-
Wait, reign it in, my thoughts were running all over the place, I had time to think about that stuff later, I had to stay in the moment and not blow it by getting pissed off again. He didn't seem the sort of man to do anything to me, it would probably be fine.
"That would be amazing," With a forced smile, I clasped my hands together, "Do you live nearby then? I do hope I won't be imposing?"
"Oh not at all," The Undertaker cocked his head with interest, "I live right here."

I began to look around the area before it hit me. Was he serious, he lived in the funeral parlor?! But where was a bed? A kitchen even?!
Noticing my confusion, the man giggled quietly,
"Don't worry~ Nothing will hurt you here. It's not quite a bed, but I do have-"
"I'm not going to sleep in a coffin like you do," I cut him off with a shiver before he even considered finishing that thought, "Maybe I'll just... Stay awake all night."
The mortician hesitated a moment before finally shrugging,
"Very well, who am I to decide your sleep patterns? It's going to be a quiet night, so I'll be doing some paperwork. Do as you please."

Was that... Permission to lurk around?
The Undertaker moved to sit at his counter and opened a book, leaving me to my own devices.
This was... Odd. Just accepting it like that, giving me free rein to anything?
Actually... He did say to do as I pleased, didn't he?
My attention shifted to the fabric against the walls. The setting sun already starting to make the shop dim.
As I started to move towards the hidden weapon, a flicker of light stopped me in my tracks, and I turned to the mortician.
Huh, his back was still turned to me as he worked, but he lit a candle. Perhaps he was thinking the same thing I was, about it getting dark.
How foolish of me, obviously that was the thought process. I was overthinking to procrastinating. I just wanted to check the paper.
With one final look to the mortician, I quietly pushed the fabric covering aside and reached up to feel around for the note paper. What if it wasn't here? Did that mean he used it? And if so, what for?
All my fears were placed to rest as my fingers grazed the top and I pulled down the small rip of paper I had placed there previously.
The Undertaker really didn't use it? Then I had to be freaking myself out for nothing, how stupid. How could a guy lug this giant thing around without being noticed anyway? I was an idiot!
What a massive waste of time that was.
I tossed the paper aside to put the fabric back before I sighed, loudly enough to try to get his attention,
"Well, I'm bored. Do you have any books I can read?"

The mortician perked his head up, acknowledging I spoke, but didn't quite turn around to face me,
"Check the bookshelf, my dear. It's in the back near the toolshelf. I can't promise anything would be of interest to your... Regal taste, though."
Yeah yeah, I didn't need an explanation, he had no idea the sort of books I liked. I wasn't even a royal, I was merely a noble.
When I found myself examining the shelf though, it seemed it went both ways. What the hell were these books?!

I picked one out to turn over and read the cover,
"A death ledger, huh?"
Not that surprising to find in a funeral parlor, really. I flipped it open for mild interest and... Yup, just a book of death receipts. Quite an old one too, dating back a good few years. It was completely full, so it was likely Undertaker kept track of all his clients even after they left the shop for their... Final peace.
I put it back to continue checking around.
A few schoolbooks too, looking to be for the study of mortuary duties. Well, he was pretty good at it, it would be surprising to find out he didn't study for anything.
Damn it, wasn't there at least one normal book I could read?
What was that?

A torn and dirty cover, I couldn't make out what the title on the spine said.
I pulled it out, and some pages quickly fluttered to the ground, urging me to sweep them up.
Wait... This wasn't even a book! These pages were handwritten and put in a folder, why was this on the bookshelf?
I flipped over one of the pages to find it was a title page,
"The Story Of Will The Reaper,"
Weird... A reaper being mentioned in a place like this, it was fitting. Why did he have this? Undertaker never struck me as the writing type.
As I slipped the papers back in, I returned to the mortician in the front,
"Hey, what's this then? Did you write a book?"
To that, Undertaker turned around, seeing what was in my hands before grinning,
"Me? Oh no, no not at all. That belonged to a poor soul that entered my services,"
He set down the pencil he was using to offer his hands and take the folder. Why the hell was he keeping a personal possession of a dead man? Rather than asking though, I lowered it down and allowed him to take it and flip it open,
"Ah yes, it's been a while since I read this~ So inspirational. The boy who wrote this died the day he was going to get it published. I couldn't leave it in the street like that, it's a beautiful story."
"What's it about?"
My curiosity was getting the better of me, I wanted to read it now! A man died with that story in hand, for real?

The Undertaker paused, then flashed another grin as he offered it back,
"Ah, no spoilers, you may read it yourself."
"Hm, maybe I will," I pulled up a seat beside the mortician and flipped open to the first page. At first I only intended to borrow his candlelight to read, but as a comfortable silence filled the room, only interrupted by the occasional writing of his work, it was... Weirdly peaceful to share the space.
This was freaky, not at all how I thought spending the night with a man would go.
My attention on reading flipped back to remembering Nicolas and the day it fell apart.
"-A woman who can't even be sure of the bloodline"
Is that what they would think of me? A simple night of reading would make them believe a child was not conceived by my husband? Whatever, as if he would get something like that from me anyway.
Well, my attention was totally shattered, damn my intrusive thoughts.
The gentle candle flickering danced across The Undertaker's pale hand as he wrote with deep intent. How could he even see with his long bangs covering his eyes so thickly?
Finally, I broke the silence,
"What are you working on?"
I tried to peer over and see but the candlelight wasn't so kind as to allow proper visuals on the writing.
His hand stopped moving in an instant,
"These are the updated autopsy reports for all the victims of this killer," The pencil tapped on the book paper slowly as he spoke, "Unfortunately, this killer has been at it for quite some time. Yet the victims were always far apart and looked like isolated incidents before now. I need to update all the past murder cases too, as to keep them all on the same report."
God, my head was dizzy just thinking about it. A real serial killer case, real dead bodies-!
I swallowed back my nerves, pushing myself to look away from the book,
"So... Something changed in the killer then, making them want to be more risky to get more kills? I don't get it."
"Oh of course not, little canary," The mortician giggled, "I wouldn't expect you to understand the mentalities of a murderer. I'd be quite concerned if you did, in fact. Fret not, this is not your case to solve, we just record the victims."

He was right, but I wished he wasn't. It was a helpless feeling. Part of me wondered why I should care. Commoners were dying, I wasn't a commoner, and I still lived, but another part of me felt guilty for thinking that. I saw the victims myself, I watched them bleed on the street, I helped prepare them for burial, it was impossible not to feel something.

Too much thinking, I didn't want to wonder anymore. A yawn wracked my body, but I couldn't sleep tonight, I had to stay up. There was no way I was sleeping in a coffin, not at all.
I tried to get back to reading, but it didn't take long for the words to blur together.
I was reading the same sentence three times. I was reading the same sentence three times. I was reading the same sentence three times.
Another yawn hit, and I let my body fall against something soft to my side.
Alright, fine, I give in, I was tired.

Perhaps it was a dream, but I swear for a moment, I saw a flash of green. That green- A chartreuse?
And a touch so soft, it was feather-light, dancing over my cheek with a tickle, each strand of hair being brushed from my face.
What a nice dream, a comforting dream even.
I could lay here... Forever.

By the time I awoke, sunlight was filling the lobby room. I let myself sit a moment before, my brain kicking on before I slowly opened my eyes.
I didn't intend to fall asleep so quickly, or at all. I was more tired than I realized... Or perhaps I was simply in a place where I needn't lock my door.
I was still on something soft, so... That wasn't a dream? It felt like a pillow.
No, I was sitting up. How did I sleep all night in such a position?
My senses were slowly coming back, and in a few moments, it clicked that I was in fact laying my body weight against the mortician's shoulder.
God, how embarrassing, was I really there all night? Did I drool?!
I made a move to pull myself up quickly, then stopped. No words? No movement?
Oh, I see. I couldn't tell at first with his eyes covered, but The Undertaker was entirely asleep as well.
My gaze lowered to the table, where his hand still held the pencil, barely touching the paper. Huh, I wasn't the only one lacking sleep, now was I?
Was he really asleep though?
I moved to wave a hand in front of his face and... Nope, nothing. No reaction at all. Totally out!
No wonder I wasn't woken up, he passed out too. I had no idea the guy was tired, he hid it fairly well.

If he was asleep though, he wouldn't even know if I...
I was dying to know; the way his facial scar ran up his face to hide below his hair, did it...
When my fingers grazed across his bangs, I felt the silky touch of Undertaker's silver hair. Wow... It barely felt real. Most nobles I knew didn't have such healthy hair, let alone commoners.
Wait, what am I doing? Stop getting distracted, he could wake up any moment!
I brushed aside part of his bangs to see his sleeping face. Entirely normal, he looked... Completely normal, yet rather beautiful. I never would've expected someone like him to have such a handsome appearance he was hiding...
As I thought, the mysterious scar traveled along his face, up past his eyes. What could've done something like that?
While I was busy metaphorically drooling, the chime of the doorbell rang, and I quickly reeled back and jumped to my feet. I wasn't doing anything suspicious, I'd punch whoever suggested otherwise!
Oh, it was...

"Pardon me," The familiar butler bowed his head politely, "It's relatively early, was I interrupting something?"

Before I could answer, Undertaker shifted, raising his arms for a long, careful stretch as he woke up,
"Oh no... Not at all. I was just getting some shut-eye!"
The pencil fell to the floor carelessly as the man stood up, not even looking at me as he focused on the arrival,
"What are you doing here without your little lord? Don't tell me I'll be needing to fit a casket?"
Sebastian cleared his throat at the jest,
"No, nothing like that. We've been investigating and have reason to suspect multiple killers. I heard you brought in a victim yesterday not long after we left. We found a new one as well and would like to compare the bodies. My young lord is currently looking over the other corpse."

Another, and so quickly?!
Why were they happening so much?!
Damn it, I was passed out and someone was losing their life!

The mortician tapped the table in thought, his long black nails echoing the shop before finally, the man exhaled and shut the book he had been writing in the previous night.
"It seems I got completely distracted, (Y/N), might you show Sebastian here the corpse?"

Huh, me?! Why me?! I didn't know this guy, I didn't even like him!
My shock at Undertaker's orders moved my attention to Sebastian himself, who appeared equally surprised,
"Are you sure?" The butler questioned softly, "Someone like you, I was expecting our usual payment."
"Oh sure sure~" He waved a sleeved hand dismissively, "My little canary needs some learning experience with the clients! Consider this a freebie for being such loyal customers."

Freebie for the butler maybe, but what about me?! I just woke up, I haven't even brushed my teeth, or tidied my hair, or-
The butler was staring at me patiently, giving me a smile that made my skin crawl.
A noble, doing service for a servant, how preposterous. But if it was Undertaker who asked... Fine, I'll do it!
I huffed, standing up straight before I lowered myself down to a curtsy,
"Very well, I'll show you the way,"
The moment I turned my back to Sebastian, I dropped my fake smile and started away, allowing the butler to catch up.
He didn't seem to have any trouble keeping up his pace until we made it to the basement door,
"She's down here," I started as I popped it open.
Sebastian cocked his head, his red eyes glistening,
"My lady, did I do anything to offend?"
What? What was he talking about? I couldn't help raising an eyebrow to the question,
"What do you mean?"
As Sebastian sighed, his jet-black hair swept over his porcelain cheeks,
"Oh nothing, perhaps I was simply imagining it, but you have been quite standoffish since the day we met. Why, you even jumped when I walked in, I expected to be pounced on."

   Oh that-
"That wasn't... Because of you," I had to look away as I cleared my throat, "Forgive me, I had merely been startled. I was... Considering something."
"Considering?" The butler's voice piqued in curiosity, "With a reaction like that, it must have been quite the consideration."
I could only laugh, letting my tension leak through every titter. Perhaps he wasn't so bad after all,
"You haven't a clue. Consider for a moment you're in an arranged engagement with a man you despise, but perhaps as circumstances arise, you become attracted to another man and you can't do anything about it because if you disobey your duties, you'll lose your home, family, money, everything you've ever known and the status you were born into, and the man you like doesn't even have a bed or a home and only takes payment through jokes so now you're left to wondering if it even works out how you'll have to be the supporter and you don't know a thing about working a real job. Also the entire time, there's a serial killer on the loose and you can't even walk outside without being cornered by a guy waving a chainsaw around and your current fiance already threatened to kill you and-"
I didn't realize I had started to ramble with anxiety, tears rolling down my cheeks, until a hand softly placed upon my shoulder.
Sebastian's eyebrows furrowed in a deep concern,
"My lady, there's so much weighing on your conscience, it's no wonder you're on edge. Now, I can't say I've been in your specific situation, but if I were, I'd say have more faith in your heart and the people you cherish. Perhaps this hypothetical man is more capable than you're being led to believe."
Sebastian's smile was warm, and his comforting pat was enough to calm my nerves, allowing me to take some slow breaths and compose myself once more.

I had no intention of going off like that, I didn't realize I had so many things I was bottling up!
His advice wasn't perfect, but just being heard felt like a weight lifted.
Suddenly, the butler withdrew his hand to meet my eyes,
"Now, tell me something. Did you mention someone with a chainsaw a moment ago?"

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