why are they so horny?!?!? (s...

By RenMikoto2

1.5K 26 19

so this is a first for me, but here we go. you wonder at times if your life will ever change into something m... More


well then lets go

722 14 17
By RenMikoto2

you wonder at times if your life will ever change into something more worthwhile and that if you had a chance to go somewhere new from the life you have, would you take it? Well then, what if I told you it was.

a young man named Ren was your normal freshman in college, and he a normal life and wonderful family......I'm gonna stop you right there, and tell you that his life was complete hell, he had no parents, no friends, when he did have friends they turned on him, at the time he was dating this girl name sarah and they was happy together for a few months but she left him for the guy that made his life hell, and his name is Robert, he is your classic bully that praying on the weak makes you big and bad so he targeted me for his "entertainment" but after the event that happened to long ago will put anyone the edge

Flashback pov

I'm leaving the school on my way home when I hear someone coming towards me, and to my not so surprise, I see the two people I didn't want to see or talk to..........Sarah and Robert.

Robert: Where do you think you're going

Ren: Robert, you better leave me the hell alone

Robert: Oh, the dweeb has grown some balls

Ren: And I'm about to blow yours clean the fuck off

Robert: you ain't built like that pushy

Ren: and you know what you built like? A fucking box, because if I'm Such a pussy, then why you still standing over there?

Ren: I bet you are thinking, oh, something sounds different. It sounds like he is ready to scatter my soul across the world, bro, you have the potential to go the NFL this year, but dammit before I let you put your hands on me, fuck the NFL, you will be headlining a FUnaRul, this is so neat, you can set a bench right next to your grave so your people sit right here and miss you, you want that? I had it up to HERE with your shit, keep on playing with me

Robert: oh you think you tough, guess I'll have to get the gang now

Ren: go get them motherfuckers, the graveyard doing walk in applications all year, besides why you worried about me don't you got a bitch to go fuck or something *look at sarah*

Sarah that was looking shocked at this whole interaction finally started to speak when she was called a bitch

Sarah: who are you calling a bitch, are you that mad that I left your dick ass for a better and bigger male, I always knew you was pathetic

Ren: are you done, because one you say I'm small but we never had sex yet so you can say anything about me and I have no problem in showing off in front of everyone that I'm no where near small, that's how confident I am, and two......bitch I'm talking you bitch, since you got with him,you walk like a bitch talk like a bitch and even bark like baby back BITCH, I use to look up to you because you had goals,you wanted to be something great but now you just a wash up bimbo that can't stop getting fuck and gangbang by Robert and his friends

Sarah just stood there stunned, not know what to say that stunned, turn to crying because she know what I said was true, Robert didn't like what I said but took some on my words I said to her and decided to call me on it

Robert: you said you confident in your size then let's play pull out because I don't believe you at all and now uts time to put up or shut up

Ren: bet, don't back out when you look stupid, but then again you a natural at doing that to begin with

Robert was mad,and wanted to hurt you so badly for making that comment but decide to go against it

Robert:  let's to it then, on the count of three we drop our pants for everyone to see

Ren: find by me, I don't mind, because it's gonna be fun watching everyone laugh at you, so 1....2.....3....drop

Robert and Ren both drop there pants so that everyone can see, when they seen Robert it was impressive to some females that they had a blush on they're face, Robert was proud of himself thinking that he won, buy then he hear gasp from everyone else, when he look up both him and Sarah was in complete and utter shock, there stood Ren with his member and that the length of 11inch and but the looks of it thats not even his full size.

Every girl and woman that is standing around that see this, including sarah, was standing there with atomic red face the some juice coming down their leg.

Sarah mind: Whoa, what in the world is that? That can't be real, you tell me that I could've had that the whole time

Let's say just Robert had a look of defeat for the first time in his life, but he said something that you think a child would say

Robert: at least I'm not a Virgin

Ren: who told you that lie?

Robert: what?

Ren: who told you I was a virgin? I use to be a Virgin until last week, see while you was fucking My ex, I went up to your mom and told her everything

His eyes was widen in realization

Robert: you didn't

Ren: oh but I did, why you think she was walking funny for awhile, and Sarah you ain't safe either

Sarah: w-what are you talking about

Ren: so we acting stupid, that is fine I don't mind. With me, but just know you in for a rude awakening...what did you forget thar your mother likes me and thought we would be together for a long time? Well, after she found out what you did, she was disappointed in you, wanna know what did? What am I saying? Of course you do, I not only did I fuck his mom, but u fucked yours too....of course it was your mom idea, buy whats funny about the whole thing is that she suggested a threesome, so guess who is your new step daddy

The looking realization both in their face was priceless this is what I wanted, you know what they say karma is a bitch

Not want to embarrassed them anymore, I picked up my pants much to the sadness of the female population that gather, I left them there defeated and broken but I didn't care they deserved it anyways

Flashback end

After everything that happened it quiet down, and I was walking down the street playing my favorite game called summertime saga on my phone, now you must wonder why I'm playing it while walking the street knowing it's a like a harem/porn gam? Well, that's simple really.....I just don't get a fuck, yeah wrong but it's not like I'm not wearing headphones and plus no one is watching me.

(A/n: press X for doubt)

As I was walking, I was reaching the end of the main story after saving Debbie and Jenny from dying, just as I was standing  there I was thinking to myself about the game

Ren mind: man, he gets all the women, and barely even does anything with them beside having sex and saying some nice words and doing little tasks for if it was me, I would do more for those that deserve it and make the others work for it

As I'm thinking this, I felt someone push me into traffic and when I looked up I see it's Robert with a crazed look on his face at the moment, everything slowed down and as it does I looked back a him with a middle finger  to him and said


And just as that word came out my mouth I was suddenly hit by truck-kun I swear to God I was sent fly all I heard was that one sound

If not that one it was this one especially after I landed

But afterwards, everything started to go black, I couldn't hear anything just my on thoughts especially the last one when I was thinking about being in summertime saga as the main character but with a more  badass look and strong not a lot but just enough to get pushed around with martial art training at a master level with a level of mastery over all weapons, with sex appeal that arouse any woman that look my way, that would be dope as fuck, but know how shitty my life been, I'm hoping in my next life would be better then this. Unknown to me, I ended up getting my wish

As I close my eyes, I finally let death take me, but for some reason, I still feel alive and breathing and was able to move, weird....so I decided to open my eyes to see an unfamiliar ceiling, while I was getting up I was looking around and found myself in a room that's not mind and as I look I was confused on what I saw and then it click as I look I realized I'm in the game but not just any room,it belongs to the main character

I just got Isekai into summertime saga

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