The Dance Of Destiny

By shewhowriteslove

38K 3.3K 550

"If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never wer... More

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940 113 11
By shewhowriteslove

Sharvi's POV

Leaning against the gates of my residential society, I watched Parth's car vanish into the distance. Hastening up to my home, I unlocked the doors and sank into the embrace of the plush couch. Quietness enveloped me, allowing the events of the past hour to flood my thoughts. My gaze fixated on the gift box Parth had brought, and before I could resist,  I  reopened the box.

Tracing my fingers over the chocolates and flowers, a warmth radiated within me.

Birthdays used to hold immense significance in my life, a tradition cherished since childhood. The anticipation, the rituals, the joyous celebrations!

However, something happened five years ago that completely altered my life and like, a lot of things, my approach to celebrating my birthday changed.

Like every year since that incident, I had chosen to spend my birthday this year alone. I began the day by visiting the temple early in the morning, then went to the office. I treated my close colleagues at work to a small lunch without mentioning the occasion to them.

Upon returning home from work, my plan was to order pizza and pastry and indulge in a drama series that had captured my interest when suddenly my phone had started to ring.

An unfamiliar number flashed on my screen, and with a tinge of curiosity, I answered the call. It was Parth! As his voice resonated through the receiver, a sudden jolt surged through me, a surreal disbelief that reverberated in the air around me.

I found myself teetering on the edge of incredulity, almost convinced I was ensnared in an elaborate hallucination.

His words cascaded like a gentle cascade, carrying the weight of an unexpected wish, and I stood frozen in time, caught in the echo of his greeting.

"Happy birthday," he uttered, and with that simple phrase, a wave of disbelief and astonishment crashed over me, rendering me speechless.

It was as though time stood still, encapsulating the sheer incredulity of the moment.

The palpable shock that coursed through my veins was electrifying, a profound disbelief that he remembered my birthday. The air crackled with an inexplicable energy, tinged with the surreal realization that against all odds, he remembered, remembered my birthday, as if etching the significance of this day into the very fabric of his being.

The shock lingered as he not only wished me but orchestrated a celebration that made my birthday happy in true sense.

His thoughtfulness reignited my forgotten birthday rituals, rekindling a sense of joy that I had long abandoned. As balloons floated, and photos were snapped, I realized, there was perhaps a connection between us, that was unchanged by time.

Setting my thoughts aside, I unwrapped a chocolate, relishing each moment suspended in time.

As I unwrapped the chocolate from the box, the faint aroma of rich cocoa drifted up. The dark chocolate gleamed under the soft living room lights, and as I took a bite, the bittersweet taste flooded my senses.

Each bite carried a complexity of emotions – the bitterness of past years without joyous celebrations, contrasted sharply with the sweetness of Parth's unexpected gesture. It was as if every nibble of chocolate was a step back in time, reminding me of our shared moments, the laughter, and the innocence of our friendship long ago.

My mind wandered through the years, recalling our school days when Parth and I were inseparable.

At the school reunion, I'd hastily judged him based on his success, dismissing the person I once knew. But today, as he meticulously planned my birthday surprises, the realization hit me like a thunderbolt – he hadn't changed.

I pondered the misconception that clouded my vision all these years. Parth was the same kind-hearted and thoughtful person who remembered the little rituals that once brought us joy. I had foolishly overlooked the genuineness in his actions, blinded by superficial judgments.

With each chocolate piece melting in my mouth, I savored not just the taste but the realization that my perception of Parth had undergone a profound transformation.

The juxtaposition of flavors mirrored the conflict within me – the bitterness of my misjudgment and the sweetness of this newfound revelation. And as the last morsel of chocolate dissolved on my tongue, I knew that this birthday would be etched in my memory, not just for the surprises Parth had orchestrated, but for the happiness he had brought into my life.

I sat there, savoring the chocolate, cherishing every second as if capturing a piece of newfound joy.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed with a notification. I hastily grabbed it and found Parth had sent pictures from the night. I swiftly downloaded the images, fixating my gaze, particularly on the selfie that he and I had captured together.

As I fixated on those pictures, a familiar thought crept back in, clouding my mind with a storm of jealousy and envy.

It was the recurrent realization that had plagued me in the past : if Parth could make me, just a friend, feel so cherished and special, then how deeply would he love the woman he truly cared for?

This question had echoed within the chambers of my heart countless times, leaving an ache that seeped into the depths of my soul. The mere contemplation of Parth's unwavering devotion toward someone else had often cast me into the abyss of despair in the past.

Back in the past, the mere contemplation of how Parth would treat the girl he truly loved sent shivers down my spine, igniting an unfathomable jealousy that danced on the edges of my thoughts. I was plagued by haunting images of someone else receiving the tenderness, care, and affection that I had silently craved.

The thought of another girl basking in the warmth of his genuine love, experiencing the depths of his unspoken care, was a pang of jealousy that pierced through the facade of indifference I struggled to maintain.

Even the revelation of other girls harboring feelings for him, like Sheetal, was akin to a storm brewing within me—a whirlwind of emotions raging against the quiet acceptance I feigned.

It wasn't their confession that stung; it was the fear of someone else encroaching upon the territory of his heart that I secretly hoped was exclusively mine.

The thought of someone else claiming his affection stirred an unfamiliar jealousy within, an envy of emotions I dared not acknowledge, laced with the fear of losing the little closeness I had cherished between us.

And today, after the passage of numerous years, I stood at a familiar crossroads, revisiting the very question that had echoed through the corridors of my mind countless times before.

What would it feel like to be loved and cherished by Parth?

Seated in the serenity of my dimly lit living room, enveloped by the soothing stillness, I remained immersed in contemplation for an extended period. The seconds melted into minutes, marked by the relentless ticking of the clock, as I dwelled on the same recurring thoughts, seemingly suspended in the passage of time.

A sudden interruption shattered the tranquil atmosphere—a stray notification lighting up my phone screen. Swiftly diverting my attention, I reached for my phone, unlocking it and opening WhatsApp. I did something I wanted to do and retired to my bed.

Third Person's POV

The following morning, Parth, having taken an early flight back to Mumbai, settled into his office, meticulously reviewing the files spread across his desk. In the midst of his focused work, a sudden recollection surged through his mind—a reminder to send a WhatsApp message to his sister. Without delay, he opened the application, swiftly composing and dispatching the intended message.

As he was closing the app, a new WhatsApp status update caught his attention. Curiosity piqued, he casually navigated to the status tab, scanning through the posted updates.

Amidst the array of statuses displayed, Sharvi's name prominently stood at the top, instantly drawing his gaze. Eager and intrigued, he promptly pressed on her name, curious to see the contents of her status update.

As he gazed at Sharvi's status update, a warm rush of emotions flooded his heart, eliciting a delighted smile that curved across his face.

The contents of her update filled him with joy, a sense of satisfaction unfurling within him.

The caption and picture in her update acted as a testament to the joy she experienced, and seeing her appreciation warmed his heart even more. It was a heartening moment, knowing that his efforts had played a significant role in making her birthday an occasion she cherished. The sense of fulfillment and delight he felt at having contributed to making her day the best was immeasurable, leaving him with a sense of genuine happiness and fulfillment.

Instinctively, he sent her a reply.

Parth found himself captivated by the screen, his eyes lighting up with a radiant glow and a gentle curve adorning his lips.

Lost momentarily, he was pulled back to the present as Keerti breezed into his office.

"Ohhhoo, Mr. CEO grinning so early in the morning? What's the matter?" Keerti teased playfully, noting the unexpected display of joy on Parth's face.

Breaking away from his phone, Parth set it aside, rising from his seat with a grin still lingering on his face.

He welcomed Keerti warmly, embracing her in a friendly hug, and greeted her with a cheerful "hi" and invited her to take a seat.

"Okay, Parth, I'm here on behalf of Arjun and myself to invite you to our wedding. My parents have already invited your parents, but, I am still specifically inviting you." she expressed warmly, drawing out a box containing their meticulously crafted invitation card.

"Alright, thank you," Parth acknowledged, accepting the forwarded invitation card from Keerti's hands. With a curious anticipation, he carefully opened the card, scanning the details within.

Parth remarked, a note of genuine appreciation evident in his tone, "You guys chose Shimla over Goa? Pretty nice!"

Keerti responded with a cheerful tone, "Yep!"

"20th to 25th October? A five-day affair? Who plans such an extended wedding?" Parth queried, mildly surprised by the duration.

Keerti chuckled in response, "Everybody does it nowadays!"

Parth, with a hint of jest, remarked, "Sure!"

Keerti quickly interjected, her tone warm but firm, "No excuses, Parth. You've got to be there for all those five days."

Parth, considering the commitment, replied, "Well, I can't promise all five days. It's a bit challenging, you know, but I'll definitely make sure to be there on the main day for you."

"Come on, Parth, Arjun and I aren't tying the knot every day. Can't you manage to spare a few days for us?" Keerti pleaded with a touch of playful insistence.

"Keerti, try to understand. It's genuinely challenging. There's so much work piled up," Parth explained, trying to convey his constraints.

Before he could continue, Keerti's phone rang, interrupting their conversation. Excitedly, she picked up the call from Sharvi, causing a change in Parth's expression.

"Did you receive the invite?" Keerti's voice resonated through the phone, as she moved out of Parth's cabin.

After a few minutes, Keerti reentered the room, speaking, "See, Parth Sharawat, learn something from your high school classmate. She's coming for all five days."

"All five days?", Parth questioned.

Keerti replied, "Of course, she has even booked her tickets."

Parth's reaction, upon hearing that, was a picture of a mix of surprise, a dash of curiosity, and a whole scoop of "Oh, wait a minute, did she say all five days!"

His eyebrows nearly disappeared into his hairline as his eyes widened in a comically stunned expression. There was this surprised reaction hanging in the air, almost as if he couldn't believe it himself.

Internally, he was probably going, "Come on, Sharvi! What's the need to attend the wedding for all five days? How will I now manage to go for five days?"

Deep down, there was a tinge of "How can I miss this" brewing under the surface, despite trying to keep his cool.

Keerti then quipped, "Alright, Parth, I need to take off. Hoping to see you at the wedding," before heading out.

As she exited, Parth settled into his thoughts. "Five days!" he murmured to himself, the idea sinking in slowly.

Just at that moment, Gautam, one of Parth's colleagues, entered the cabin, seeking his signature on a file. "Sir, should I postpone your regular meetings? Are you planning to attend the wedding?" Gautam inquired.

Parth nodded in affirmation, "Yeah, go ahead. I'll need the schedule cleared for five days."

"Five days?" Gautam echoed, visibly shocked by the duration.

Parth absentmindedly murmured, "Yeah, she's going for five days."

"Sir?" Gautam inquired, noticing Parth's quiet utterance.

Quickly trying to justify his words, Parth hurriedly explained, "I mean, the wedding, you know. It's not every day my friends tie the knot."

"Understood, sir!" Gautam responded, slightly surprised by Parth's wish.

The intricate details etched on the invitation card shimmered in the sunlight, casting a kaleidoscope of promises across the table. Beyond the elegant design and scripted words lay a deeper significance—the wedding held the potential to transcend the union of their friends, offering a canvas to rewrite the narrative woven between Parth and Sharvi's intertwined lives.

"𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞."

Hello everyone,

I apologize for my prolonged absence; I was just stuck.

Also, I wanted to apologize as this chapter didn't quite turn out the way I expected. I'm sorry about that.

But hey, the next chapters are going to be better!

And yes, I have planned to put up pictures in the chapters now, as you can see above. What do you think about this change?

Furthermore, I extend a warm invitation to all of you to join Keerti's and Arjun's wedding festivities.

Thank you, and good night.
See you in the next chapter.

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