By ba1eryon

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"There are those who go to sleep angry, and those who lie away to plot their revenge." HOTD FIC OC X OC More



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By ba1eryon

You did some bad things, but I'm the worst of them

VEDETTE BARATHEON thought she was the luckiest girl in the world when she was chosen to go to the Red Keep and be Princess Helaena's companion, her new best friend. She would live in luxury, surrounded by the finest fashion and food that Westeros could offer. Even better, the queen herself had allowed Vedette's younger sister to come with her, despite her being a bastard. Vedette had everything she could possibly want. Her future was bright, and she was able to look after Ellana.

That dream only lasted for a measly three years, until she was three and ten, when Ellana came to her with tear stained cheeks and whispered that something bad had happened to her, that the queen's eldest son, Aegon, had done it. Vedette tried to get her sister help, but no maester would attend to a bastard girl who was with a bastard child. No one would come to their aide, not even their father. So, three days before Ellana's twelfth name day, Vedette watched her sister die and was left with nothing but a broken heart and a silver haired baby.

Filled with a rage like nothing she had felt before, Vedette swore that she would destroy Aegon Targaryen if it was the last thing she did. She would avenge her sister, no matter the cost.

AERION TARGARYEN was content to be the second son. Sure, being the only one of his siblings to have their mother's dark hair earned him the odd stare, but it was nothing to be ashamed of. He wished for nothing, listening to his mother's every word and believing her when she said that his eldest sister, Rhaenyra, was not fit to rule and would kill them if she ever got the chance. Aerion wasn't fond of the idea of Aegon being king, but that was better than them all being dead.

That is, until his eighth name day, when he overheard two maids whispering about him and his brother while preparing for the celebrations. They spoke of a plot hatched by his mother and grandsire, hatched when they switched him and Aegon at birth simply because of the colour of their hair. Aerion was meant to be the first son. He was the one that his mother should be plotting for. He was the one she should have been loving the most.

Angry and disillusioned, Aerion turned on his mother in the only way he could; supporting his sister's claim in any way he could and singing her praises. It infuriated his mother and brothers, but Aerion didn't care. He couldn't bring himself to when he saw the way it made his sister's companion smile. Vedette hated Aerion's brother as much as he did, and it made him love her. If Vedette wanted to destroy his family, so be it. Anything to see her keep smiling at him like that.

They say looks can kill, and I might try

anna popplewell as vedette baratheon

tom glynn carney as aerion targaryen

all other characters as portrayed in the show or described

I don't start shit, but I can tell you how it ends


skyfall - adele

favorite crime - olivia rodrigo

me and the devil - soap and skin

savages - marina

and many more that i don't want to write down

Don't get mad, get even


So... this was a long time coming, huh? What are we thinking? 

WARNINGS : story has EXPLICIT smut and frequently because both main characters are horny and Vedette just uses sex as a weapon, there's alcohol, violence, a lot of blood, mentions of SA, general fucked up asoiaf stuff... yeah, so now that we've established that... let's go!

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