Erik and Christine: Loves Sec...

By LyndsayTibbetts

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A story about discovering what they really want in their life. For Christine Daae is engaged to the ViCompt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56 - The Finale

Chapter 27

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By LyndsayTibbetts

The next day, Christine is in her bedroom, reflecting on what she and Erik talked about last night in the garden. Thinking about how much they wanted to be with each other, desired each other, everything.

A servant walks into the room and says, "Miss Daae." However, he notices that he didn't get her attention. So he walks closer to her and says "Miss Daae?"

"Yes?" Christine quickly responds as she turns her head to answer.

"Your maid has brought your wedding gown for your fitting," he replied.

"Send her in please."

The servant nods then leave the room. As he goes, Christine stands up and fixes her dress. Once she does, the maid enters slowly. Christine gazes at the maid with curiosity, for she looks slightly familiar. Except for she has blonde hair and blue eyes. (Her name is Eliza.) "Morning Miss Daae," said Eliza.

"Please you can call me Christine," she replied as she waves her hands; gesturing to her about titles.

Eliza smiles and says, "I've brought your wedding dress from the tailors." Christine walks towards her, grabs the dress and walks to the back to put on the dress.

A few minutes later, she comes back out and walks to the mirror to look at how it looks on her. "Oh, Miss Daae you look beautiful! Monsieur De Change is going to love it!" Eliza expresses with excitement. However, as Christine looks at herself in the mirror, she not only is amazed at how beautiful it looks on her. She gazes at the dress and has if she doesn't call off the wedding soon and keep stalling, she will end up marrying him and never be with Erik. She will be a rich, unhappy, wife who will be used and lied to over and over again. As Christine looks in the mirror, Eliza notices that something is wrong and that maybe Christine is having second thoughts. "Is everything alright, Miss?"

Christine turns around quickly and replies, "Yes. You may go after you help me take this off."

"Yes Miss," replied Eliza. Christine turns back around so she can get out of the dress.

Later on, that afternoon after the maid leaves with the dress, Christine goes to her desk and writes a letter.

"Dear Uncle and Charlotte,

I have thought about what you've both said, and you're both right. Last night, I feel like I had completely forgotten about him. I took your advice Charlotte, and you were right. I loved Raoul once, but now the love he and I had together is gone. I now know where my heart belongs. Uncle, have your answer to your question. Yes, I am in love with Erik, I have always been in love with him ever since I can remember and he's been there for me when no one else would, especially Raoul. When Erik and I went to the wedding, and he confessed that he still loves me, I knew that in my feelings for him never left. Now since I don't love Raoul anymore, what should I do? How should I tell Raoul that I can't be with him? I don't know what to do.

Hope you are all well and thank you both for your support and comfort.

Love your niece,


A few minutes later, Christine walks outside the mansion with several letters in her hand and notices a boy with dirt on his clothes and shoes, red hair, named Daniel is walking by. "Dear Child, what is your name?" She asks.

"Daniel," he replied.

"I need you to take this letter to Monsieur Erik Destler. Tell him it's from Miss Daae."

"Yes, Mame," said Daniel. He then runs off with the letter. Christine turns to a servant and asks him to deliver the letter to her uncle, then heads inside.

A few minutes later in the city, Daniel goes door to door, store, and pub to ask if they knew where they could find Erik Destler. In one store, he decided to go inside. At the same time, Erik went inside to buy some food. Once inside, Daniel walks up to the owner and asks, "Excuse me, sir? Can you tell me where Monsieur Erik Destler lives? I have a message for him."

As the boy asks a store clerk a question, Erik overhears the boy and approaches from behind. "Sorry kid, never heard of him" replied the store clerk. Daniel mopes as he was hoping to find the mystery man, but no such luck.

"Excuse me, young man," said Erik. The boy turns around and looks at Erik. As Daniel looks at him, Erik kneels to him. "Did you say you were looking for Erik Destler?"

"Yes, sir. Are you him?" He replied.


"Ah well then. This is for you. It's from Miss Daae." Daniel gives the letter to Erik. "Oh, thank you, replied Erik.

"You're welcome," said Daniel. He then bows then leaves the store. Erik looks down at the letter and is curious by what she wrote. He decides to leave the store and return to his lair. At the same time, Christine enters the stables and asks the horseman, "Monsieur, bring me my horse please."

"Yes, Miss Daae," he replied. Christine finds a coat and puts on a hood. A few minutes later, the coachman has her horse ready and helps Christine get on her horse. Once she is on her horse, Christine instructs him that she will put the horse away and take the horses saddle off when she returned. (If she needs help then she would ask for help.)

A few minutes later, he sits down at his desk, opens the letter, and begins to read.

"Dear Erik,

I want to say thank you so much for going with me to my cousin's wedding. I'm writing to you because I want to see you tonight, but not at the mansion. I am having dinner with Raoul's father and his wife, Emily. After dinner, I'll meet you at your domain to talk. See you tonight.



Erik puts the letter down, covers his mouth and takes a deep breath. "Oh boy!"

At the same time, Christine is riding in the dark woods. She tightens the reigns and tells the horse to go faster. A few minutes later, Christine arrives in town and ties the horse in front of a company horse stable. She pays them to watch her horse until she returns. After she leaves her horse, she walks to Erik's hiding place and enters.

As she enters, she hears him talking to himself out loud saying, "I'm not ready for this. Even though she says, it's nothing bad I feel like it could be. Why?"

Erik turns around and slightly panics as he is nervous to see Christine standing there. She takes off her coat and asks, "Erik, are you ok?"

Erik turns around and slightly panics as he is nervous to see Christine standing there. She takes off her coat and asks, "Erik, are you ok?"

Erik slowly stands up and stutters, "Yes. I'm just...just..."


"I'm just wondering if what you have to say is bad or not. I trust you, but when it comes to letters, they make me feel –"

"Erik, I promise it isn't bad," she interrupted.

"Well, what do you want to talk about?" He asks.

Christine took a deep breath and replied, "Well first, I want to still say thank you. For going with me to my cousin's wedding."

"You're welcome, and you know I would do anything to make you happy."

"But the reason why I am here is that I...I...honestly I'm not here to talk about anything."



Erik blinks several times, crosses his arms and questions, "Well then, not to sound rude, but if you didn't want to talk about anything, then what brings you here."

"You, Erik," Christine quickly replied. Erik leans back as he is slightly surprised but not that surprised that it would be her answer. Christine takes a deep breath, takes a few steps towards him and continues. "I don't want to be alone anymore. I feel so alone when I'm not with you but when I am...I feel safe, loved, and not alone. When I'm alone, I feel like I have no one that I can talk to or do anything with. That's exactly what Raoul has been and is doing. Not only has left me alone, but he has also broken promises that he doesn't keep. That's not what I want."

"And you don't deserve a man like him," he quickly adds. He then walks towards her. "Seeing you alone, isn't what I want for you. I would never do that to you because I love you."

"Oh Erik, I feel like my love for Raoul maybe was just a fantasy. Now that I think about it. Erik, I've always loved you, and there's no one else I would want to be with right now except you," she said quickly. They look away briefly. Christine then gently places her left hand on his arm and asks, "Do you know what I'd wish for?"

"No," he replies.

"To see your face, please," begs Christine. Erik shuts his eyes, as she gently takes off his mask. Once she takes it off, they gaze into each other's eyes. However, Erik starts to feel uncomfortable without his mask. He touches her hands and says, "Alright, you've seen my face. Now –"

"No, Erik," she interrupts Erik as she quickly stops him from putting the mask back on. Erik looks at her; confused. "I love who you are. You may have a deformed face, but that doesn't matter to me. I love everything about you, and I love you for you. You love me because I'm being myself and not just my beauty and voice right?"

Erik quickly responds, "Of course I do, Christine. Ever since I met you and learned more about you, I started falling in love with you. And it isn't just your voice and beauty that captures my heart. But everything about you captures me. Your kindness, bravery. I love you for who you are."

"Oh Erik, I love you."

"I love you."

They lean in and passionately kiss. As Erik and Christine kiss, Erik pushes her against the wall and continues to kiss her. A few minutes later, Erik picks her up and takes her to his bedroom. Once there, they take each other's clothes off; all they have on is their undergarments. After that, Christine then pulls him to the bed. Erik leans in and kisses her. A few seconds later, they then start to have sex until it gets a little uncomfortable for Erik.

Erik whispers, "No, wait."

Christine whispers back, "Erik...don't stop."

He sits up and asks, "But this what you want?"

Christine sits up, looks into his eyes and replies, "Yes."

Christine lies back down and waits. As for Erik, in his mind, he makes up his mind. He leans down on top of her, and they continue to have sex. Later that night, they are fast asleep in each other's arms and stay asleep throughout the night.

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