My Queen!

By SesshyUchiha

18 1 0

Story follows HxH I'm not too sure where it'll go or if it'll have much of a plot aside from making Hisoka fa... More



7 0 0
By SesshyUchiha

Jade, a vibrant young lady who just turned twenty, has made a bold decision that will change her life forever. She has decided to join her closest friend, Hisoka, on a thrilling adventure to participate in the prestigious Hunter Exams.

While many hunters were drawn to the glamorous promises of fame and fortune, Jade's motivation was rooted in a much deeper connection. Her sole purpose was to be in Hisoka's presence, and she was willing to brave any obstacles that came their way. The allure of the hunter's title paled compared to the fulfillment she found in simply being close to him, making her journey a testament to the power of love and devotion.

Weeks of sailing through uncharted waters had led Jade and Hisoka to the enchanting Zaban City. As Jade and Hisoka drew closer to the bustling city, her eyes were immediately drawn to the exam venue's exterior. It was impossible for her not to notice the building's outward appearance, which seemed to exude an air of modesty and constraint. Despite the city's grandeur, the exam location appeared diminutive and confined, almost as if it were trying to hide its significance amidst the towering structures surrounding it.

Jade was anxious about the limited space and how it would affect her comfort. But as they were ushered in, she soon discovered that things are not always as they seem. Little did she know that the room they were led to was not what it appeared to be. In reality, it was a cleverly disguised elevator that would transport them to the actual examination room.

The true essence of the space was cleverly concealed, showcasing a stroke of brilliance. Jade and Hisoka stepped into the elevator, only to discover that they were the early birds among the participants.

Jade's preferences and habits were no mystery to Hisoka. He proposed that they find a more secluded spot with no one else around. "Let's go sit over there," Hisoka proposed. With a mischievous chuckle, he added, "You can lay your head on my lap and sleep until someone wakes you." Hisoka's suggestion was met with a brief nod and a smile from Jade.

As they found their ideal spot, Jade and Hisoka made themselves at home. Jade rested her head on Hisoka's lap and soon fell into a peaceful slumber. Hisoka, in a caring gesture, lovingly stroked her hair as she slept.

After a couple of hours, Hisoka's keen eyes caught sight of the room gradually filling up. The atmosphere was charged with excitement as a crowd started to assemble. With a gentle yet firm grip, Hisoka lifted Jade's limp body and began to make his way to their new location. It was a spot that he had chosen with great care, one that he returned to every year without fail.

Known for his mysterious demeanor and remarkable judgment, Hisoka was a figure who always kept others on their toes with his unpredictable actions. despite his mischievous nature, Hisoka wouldn't dare disrupt Jade's peaceful slumber unless there was a strong motive compelling him to do so. He cared deeply about her well-being and had no desire to abandon her to the discomfort of the icy, unforgiving floor.

The room was shrouded in an unsettling silence, devoid of any signs of life or activity. It felt as if time had come to a halt, freezing the very moment in an eerie stillness. Amidst the calmness that enveloped the surroundings, Hisoka's perceptive eyes swiftly spotted a gathering of youthful newcomers engrossed in a spirited conversation with the notorious troublemaker, Tonpa. Despite the tempting allure of potential entertainment, Hisoka opted to disregard their presence, at least for the time being.

In the blink of an eye, a regrettable mishap unfolded as an unsuspecting person carelessly bumped into Hisoka, nearly causing him to lose his hold on Jade, who was peacefully dozing in his embrace. 

Hisoka's emotions were running high, but he refused to let them show. He put on a mask of composure, even though he was seething inside. His smile was a tool he used to hide his true feelings, and he wore it well. As the nameless individual stood face to face with Hisoka, the mysterious magician flawlessly turned to acknowledge his presence. His smirk, a carefully constructed mask, cloaked any hint of displeasure that lay behind it.

Hisoka's actions were swift and methodical as he effortlessly grabbed hold of the man's arm with his unoccupied limb. In a matter of seconds, the nameless individual was left writhing in excruciating torment as his limbs slowly dissolved, bearing an uncanny resemblance to the corrosive effects of acid.

A cacophony of anguished screams shattered the silence of the room, instantly rousing Jade from her deep sleep. A flicker of suspicion danced in her eyes as she peered up at Hisoka, momentarily attributing the jarring noise to him.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through Jade's veins as she swiftly grasped that the source of the disturbance wasn't Hisoka. In a desperate plea, she implored him to let her go. As her feet touched the floor, she cast a quick glance around the room, only to find that everyone's attention was captivated by a tall, enigmatic man donning an elegant purple attire. A cloud of uncertainty enveloped the room, leaving everyone perplexed and searching for answers. 

"What did you do?" Jade asked, her voice barely audible. 

With a twinkle in his eyes, Hisoka couldn't contain his delight at the peculiar spectacle that unfolded before him. There was no remorse in his laughter, only a mischievous joy that danced on his lips. 

Hisoka's words carried a sense of amusement and intrigue as he responded to Jade's question. "My, how unusual it seems," he said, his voice filled with a hint of mischief. "This poor man's arms turned into flower petals... Now you see them... now you don't..."

Jade's face contorted into a deeper frown, her eyebrows knitting together in a display of intense concentration as she absorbed every word that Hisoka uttered. The dissatisfaction was palpable, etched across her features like a storm cloud. It was clear that the answer she had been given fell far short of her expectations. 

Hisoka took notice of Jade's reaction and understood that she was not accepting the explanation given. He proceeded to say, "You should be more careful... and do apologize when you bump into someone..." His words were directed to the dead man, rather than Jade herself. 

Hisoka's words lingered in the air, echoing the importance of personal responsibility and accountability. It was a simple reminder to be mindful of your actions and the impact they could have on others. It served as a sobering reminder of the consequences of carelessness. 

Jade's initial bewilderment slowly transformed into a glimmer of understanding. As her mind worked tirelessly to unravel the puzzle before her, the jigsaw pieces of the situation began to fall into place. With each new revelation, her frown slowly transformed into a look of comprehension. It became evident to her that Hisoka, in his own way, might have inadvertently contributed to the unfortunate fate of the man who now lay lifeless. However, the specifics of the situation remain a mystery.

Jade's heart raced as she made her way towards Hisoka. She needed to ask him for an explanation regarding the dead man. She abruptly halted in her tracks upon catching murmurs from someone nearby. Their quiet discussion was about none other than Hisoka's comeback.

Jade's blood boiled as she heard the whispers. She couldn't believe that people were so quick to label him as "dangerous" and "psychopath." She knew him better than anyone else, and she knew that he was nothing like what they were saying.

It was clear to Jade that Hisoka didn't fit the typical mold of a psychopath, despite his ruthless nature. It was crystal clear to her that he possessed a natural inclination to eradicate anyone who dared to obstruct his path. He had always embraced the daunting task of taking lives head-on. However, Jade refrained from hastily branding him as a psychopath. It was an innate quality that defined Hisoka, intricately woven into the fabric of his being, enabling him to navigate the intricacies of life.

Unfazed by the opinions of those around her, Jade had formed an unbreakable bond with Hisoka. She had been exposed to a side of him that was rich in intricacies and layers over the years, which had captivated her heart and mind.

The temptation to shout surged within Jade, the fire of determination burning brightly within her. She yearned to shield Hisoka from the relentless storm of negativity that seemed to follow him wherever he went. 

Watching Hisoka walk away, Jade couldn't shake off the sinking feeling that settled in her heart. It was a disheartening realization that her efforts might be in vain, casting a shadow of doubt over her. Reluctantly, Jade trailed behind him, her heart heavy with disappointment, yearning for a solution to diffuse the palpable tension.

Jade quickened her pace, determined to catch up with Hisoka, but her attention was momentarily diverted by Tonpa's malicious comments about him. Tonpa, always eager to sow discord, had gathered a group of unsuspecting first-years and was busy regaling them with tales of Hisoka's unpopularity. With a twisted satisfaction, Tonpa emphasized how universally disliked Hisoka was, advising the newcomers to exercise caution and avoid any association with him.

 Jade's fury was already bubbling beneath the surface, but these words only added more fuel to the raging inferno within her. She leaned in towards Hisoka, her voice barely above a whisper. With a hint of determination, she shared her hidden aspirations, expressing her burning desire to be the sole reason why Tonpa would never have the chance to partake in the exams again.

Although Hisoka was initially caught off guard by Jade's request, he quickly realized that she was not to be underestimated. Her unwavering determination and fierce loyalty were qualities that he admired, and he knew that he could count on her to have his back no matter what. With a nod, Hisoka conveyed his agreement to Jade's request, silently affirming his understanding of her words.

In the midst of a bustling room filled with curious onlookers, Jade and Hisoka stood together, their bond evident in the warmth of Jade's smile and the brightness in her eyes. It was as if they were in their own world, unaffected by the chaos around them. However, as Jade's gaze shifted towards Tonpa, a mischievous glint appeared in her eyes.

Jade and Hisoka stood in the crowded room, surrounded by curious onlookers. The atmosphere was tense, with everyone waiting for any sign of weakness or vulnerability. Sensing this, she took a step closer to Hisoka. Her face was filled with unwavering determination as she pulled him into a tight embrace. It was a way of showing the world that he had friends and that he was not alone in his struggles. She wanted to prove to those who despised him that he was not as isolated as they believed.

It was crystal clear to Hisoka why Jade had chosen to do what she did. Nevertheless, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of irritation knowing that she had now become a target for those who harbored animosity towards him... and it appeared that the majority fell into that category, except for Jade. In a protective gesture, Hisoka wrapped his arms around Jade, creating a shield of safety around her.


Suddenly, a resounding bell echoed through the room, capturing the attention of everyone present. All eyes turned towards a grandiose door as if anticipating something extraordinary.

As Jade and Hisoka looked on, they observed a tall man clad in peculiar Butler attire. With an air of formality, he began to address the gathered crowd, apologizing for the delay. "Thank you all for waiting," he said, his voice carrying an authority that commanded attention. "It is with great pleasure that I announce that the entry period for hunter applicants has officially closed."

As the man's words hung in the air, a hush fell over the room. Every pair of eyes in the crowd were locked onto him, brimming with anticipation. 

A smirk of satisfaction tugged at the corners of Jade's mouth as a solitary thought floated through her mind. She mused on the implications – nobody else would have the opportunity to participate in the exam apart from those within their group. 

"So, with no further ado, the Hunter Exam will now begin!"

"What? But I thought the exam had already begun with answering all those stupid hypothetical questions that the old lady asked us weeks ago!" Jade whispered to Hisoka, voicing her disbelief.

Hisoka, on the other hand, simply chuckled and shook his head. "No, she was just testing you to see if you were capable as a candidate," he told her. His words echoed in her mind as she tried to process the situation.

"One final word of caution," the examiner said. "If you're short on luck, or ability, keep it in mind. There's a very real chance you could end up seriously injured-"

'Yeah, I gathered that when no one reprimanded Hisoka for killing a man simply because he didn't apologize to him,' Jade thought with an amused chuckle and a quick glance up at Hisoka's equally amused face. 

"Death... is another distinct possibility. If you're willing to accept the risks involved, follow me... But for the rest of you, kindly exit through the elevator behind you!" 

Jade's determination was unwavering as she strode forward, leaving the elevator behind without a second thought. Her mind was made up, and nothing could make her quit or give up, except for one condition: if Hisoka, her best friend, either died or decided to give up. With this resolute mindset, Jade prepared herself for the challenges that lay ahead.  

As if on cue, the examiner's voice rang out, commanding the attention of the participants. In an authoritative tone, he declared, "Right then... very well, all four hundred and five of you will now participate in phase one!"

Without a moment's delay, the examiner abruptly changed direction and briskly headed back into the enigmatic tunnel from which he had emerged.

As if on cue, Hisoka loosened his grip around Jade's waist, opting to clasp her hand instead. 

Walking in unison, the group followed the examiner's lead, moving at a leisurely pace. The air was thick with anticipation as they ventured further into the unknown.

Hisoka's voice broke the silence, his words carrying a hint of concern. "If he starts to run, I want you to climb onto my back," he instructed Jade. 

Her expression shifted to one of confusion as she gazed at him, trying to comprehend his words. Confusion washed over her features as she stared at Hisoka, her mind racing to comprehend the weight of his words.

"I won't wait for you," Hisoka declared with a firmness that left no room for argument. 

Jade's heart sank as she processed Hisoka's message. A combination of surprise and disappointment washed over her, leaving her feeling a mix of emotions. She quickly grasped the underlying meaning behind Hisoka's remark, realizing that he was pointing out her limited endurance. Despite her remarkable agility and swiftness, Hisoka always drew parallels between her and a cheetah, particularly in terms of stamina. This analogy served as a constant reminder of her own limitations.

As they continued walking, Jade couldn't help but observe the crowd of people surrounding them. She was somewhat taken aback by the fact that no one had left, despite the examiner giving them permission to do so.

A few minutes passed before everyone began running through the tunnel. Turning towards Jade, Hisoka extended his hand, offering a gesture of assistance wrapped in sincerity.

With sincerity in his voice, he asked, "Are you planning to run alone, or do you want my help?" With a graceful gesture, Hisoka lowered himself to the ground, allowing Jade the freedom to contemplate her next move.

Jade hesitated for a moment, glancing down at the seemingly endless tunnel. Uncertain about how far she would have to run before finding respite, she finally made up her mind. She wordlessly reached out and firmly took hold of Hisoka's shoulders. Placing all her trust in Hisoka, Jade surrendered to the experience of sitting comfortably on his broad shoulders.

With a glint of amusement in her eyes, Jade looked down at him, her lips curling into a mischievous grin. "It's been a while since I was above you, you know," she laughed softly, her thoughts drifting back to the days when she would accompany him during his endurance training and playfully perch on his broad shoulders as he sprinted ahead – just like she was doing now.

Hisoka chuckled in amusement. It was the only indication that let her know he was listening. As he sprinted threw the tunnel, Jade's mind was filled with memories of their playful training sessions. 

She fondly reminisced about the days when they would challenge each other to races and endurance tests. More often than not, Hisoka would emerge victorious, but these moments only served to strengthen the bond they shared. Their shared love for physical activity and friendly competition was the driving force behind their growing friendship.

A sense of contentment washed over Jade, causing her to emit a soft sigh of pure bliss. With her head gently resting on top of Hisoka's, they effortlessly glided past countless other participants, their speed leaving a trail of awe in their wake. 

As they continued running, they suddenly heard the examiner apologize and introduce himself. "How rude of me," he said, "I neglected to introduce myself. My name is Satotz, and I will be your examiner for the first phase of the exam." He then proceeded to explain that it was his duty to lead them all to the second phase. Satotz did not slow down or look at anyone as he spoke.

As they hurriedly made their way through the tumultuous scene, the symphony of footsteps and labored breathing created an atmosphere of urgency. However, amidst the chaos, Satotz's voice emerged like a beacon, cutting through the commotion with its authoritative tone. 

Jade's ears perked up as she heard Hanzo's voice, which seemed much closer to the examiner than both her and Hisoka. 

Hanzo questioned, his tone laced with curiosity, "Second phase? Whatever happened to the first?"

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