A Drunken Boyfriend (YoonJin)

Oleh sleeper_cell

51 5 2

402 words 🌹 πŸŒ•πŸ± -------------- Suga chuckled, shaking his head. "You're drunk, aren't you?" Jin pouted, try... Lebih Banyak

Missed you 😘

51 5 2
Oleh sleeper_cell

Suga walked into the house, exhausted from a long day in the studio. He could hear the soft snores of his bandmates coming from their rooms, but there was one person still awake - Seokjin.

"Hey, Jin hyung. What are you still doing up?" Yoongi asked, noticing the slightly glassy look in Jin's eyes.

Jin grinned, swaying slightly on his feet. "I was waiting for you, Yoongi-chi. I missed you."

Suga chuckled, shaking his head. "You're drunk, aren't you?"

Jin pouted, trying to look innocent. "No, I'm not drunk. I'm just... happy to see you."

Suga raised an eyebrow, amused by Jin's antics. "Come on, Jin hyung. Just admit it. You had a little too much to drink, didn't you?"

Jin giggled, leaning against the wall for support. "Okay, maybe.. May be just a little. But it's only because I missed you so much."

Suga couldn't help but smile at Jin's adorable drunken behavior. He walked over and wrapped an arm around Jin's shoulders, guiding him towards his room.

"Let's get you to bed, hyung. You can tell me how much you missed me in the morning when you're sober," Suga said, trying to stifle a laugh.

Jin leaned into Suga's touch, his eyes sparkling with affection. "I love you, Min Yoongi. You're my favorite person in the whole world."

Suga felt his heart swell with warmth at Jin's words. He knew that Jin's drunken confession was genuine, even if it was a bit slurred.

"I love you too, hyungie. Now let's get you to bed before you say anything else embarrassing," Suga said, guiding Jin into his room and tucking him in.

As Suga turned to leave, Jin reached out and grabbed his hand, holding it tightly.

"Stay with me, Yoongi. Just for tonight," Jin whispered, his eyes pleading.

Suga hesitated for a moment before nodding, climbing into bed next to Jin. He wrapped his arms around Jin, feeling the warmth of his body against his own.

"Goodnight, hyung," Suga whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to Jin's forehead.

"Goodnight, Yoongi-chi," Jin murmured, snuggling closer to Suga.

As they drifted off to sleep, Suga couldn't help but feel grateful for Jin's drunken confession. It had brought them closer together, reminding them of the deep love they shared. And as they lay entwined in each other's arms, Suga knew that no matter what the future held, they would always have each other.

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