ππ„π“π‘π€π˜π€π‹ | 𝐅𝐍𝐀𝐅 οΏ½...

By blxckdxliah_

17.2K 733 2.1K

A story in which, the daughter of Mike and Y/N Schmidt, works at Freddy Fazbears Mega Pizzaplex. When she ge... More

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578 26 68
By blxckdxliah_

As you were gaping up at the stunningly polished statue, a crack on your walkie snapped you out of your trance.

"Y/N? We are waiting outside for you at Monty Golf. We have got the FazerBlaster! Have you retrieved the FazCam yet? Over" Freddy sounded from the other side.

You nibbled on your bottom lip, then held the device up to your mouth. "Yeah, about that.." you trailed off. There was a silence. "Y/N..what happened?"

"Soo..." you started, wondering how to put it without worrying him. Fuck it. "Vanny showed up outta nowhere so Monty managed to get us both out but she followed us and put Monty under some sort of mind control and he turned evil and chased after me under Vanny's command and I managed to just get away from him so now I'm in the FazCade" you said super quickly, and you caught a breath. "Over" you added.

There was a long silence.

"Now that..was unexpected" he said finally. "You aren't hurt, are you?" he asked worried. You cleared your throat. "No no, i'm completely unharmed. It just..scared me"

He paused. "We can talk about this more in person. I am coming to get you now" he sounded serious, and it scared you. You nodded, then realised he couldn't see you. "Uh, yeah okay, no problem"

"While you are waiting, there should be a security office somewhere on the second floor, retrieve the security badge while you are there" he informed. "Oh! And say hello to the DJ, he is such a lovely fellow" he said cheerily.

You furrowed your brows. You didn't know there was a DJ here. From the whopping amount of 4 times you have been to the FazCade, out of all the time you have worked here, you have never seen a DJ. "Uh..yeah okay, sure will. I'll cya shortly, over and out" you concluded, clipping the device back onto your belt.

Sighing, you walked closer to the statue, admiring it some more. To the opening on your left, there were loads of arcade machines, and a staircase leading up to the second floor, a small path in the middle of it with some more arcade machines. The place was very colourful and vibrant, with a mixture of colours of neon purple, pink and blue. What you found odd was the large gaping holes in the wall, it seemed to be some sort of opening? You couldn't tell.

You looked to the opening on your right, and your mouth dropped open. You stepped onto the dance floor, nearly coughing on the smoke dispensing from the smoke machine, and gawked at the humongous animatronic that was behind the DJ booth. It was literally ginormous. It's face and body was white, and it had large black eyes with no pupils, a big pink nose, and light blue eyebrows. It's colour pallet was..definitely unique. It's teeth were shaped like piano keys, which you thought was cool. Over its head were a large set of headphones, and a tiny top hat rested on top of his head. What freaked you out the most, is that it had 6 legs. It was formed like a giant spider.

Currently, it seemed to be sound asleep, it's chest rising and falling. As you gawked at the animatronic, intrigued, you held your walkie up to your mouth. "Freddy..the ginormous spider with piano keys for teeth surely isn't the DJ?" you asked with disbelief.

"It sure is! Isn't he wonderful?" he replied cheerily. You pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed. If this fucker wakes up and sees you, won't he, like..kill you? "Freddy what if this guy kills me?"

"Don't be silly! Like I said, he is such a lovely fellow. You have nothing to be scared about superstar!" he reassured you. You exhaled deeply. "Okay, whatever. I'll see you soon. Over and out" you concluded, clipping the device back onto your belt again.

You pried your eyes away from the freaky spider, and headed away from the dance floor. You wandered around all the arcade machines, avoiding the security bots all over the place. You walked past a game called Princess Quest. Your mom had told you all about this game, how she was a master at it, and she even taught you how to play. You held yourself back from playing it for the next 4 hours and instead strolled away to find this security office.

Coming to the conclusion that it wasn't on the first floor, you plodded up the large spiralling staircase, and ended up on the second floor. Now that you were really walking around, this place was absolutely huge. You felt privileged that you were able to work at a place like Freddy Fazbears Mega Pizzaplex, as this place was probably bigger then two villages combined, and you had access to anything you wanted in this place.

You wavered through the masses of arcade machines, looking all over for this damn office. You found yourself at the very far corner of the arcade, and you noticed a door. You walked through it, to be met with a more danky area compared to the lively area on the other side.

Eventually, you found the office. You walked through the sliding door, and this office was much larger then the rest. It barely looked like an office, as there was a machine with sharp razors and blades and a little drop box saying "Head deposit" which you thought was odd. The office desk was quite large, and lo and behold, a security badge lay on top of it.

You booped the little Freddy's nose, and a loud clap was heard, as if something was shutting down. "The west arcade was not shut down properly" the announcer spoke through the intercom. "Some data may be corrupted. Initialising startup sequence"

You felt your heart drop. What does this mean? Were you in trouble? Was that giant, freaky, spider DJ gonna eat y-

"Before proceeding, reset the audio manager circuit breaker, located next to the dance floor" the voice concluded. You fiddled with your walkie and held it to your mouth. "Uh..Freddy what does this mean?" you asked frantically.

"The security system knows you are here and has locked you out. Reset the breakers and restore the power to the west arcade, then you will be able to get out. Over" he stated. You exhaled, then nodded. "Okay, no problem. Over and out." Pinching the bridge of your nose, you held yourself back from launching the device in your hand straight at the wall in frustration. Why is everything tonight going so wrong?

You exited the office, back into the arcade room. You meandered your way past the bots and machines and hopped down the staircase. You kept your gaze to the floor as you stepped onto the dance floor as you didn't even want to look at the 6-legged spider.

You spotted the lever just at the other side of the room. "This must be it, right?" you murmured to yourself, and you pulled it down hesitantly. The red light just at the side of it turned green, meaning you had done it right. 3 more to go. You can get that done in a flash.

You turned back around, and noticed something was different. Something was missing. Something that was here last time but-

Oh fuck.

The giant 6-legged DJ had disappeared.

He was no longer sleeping soundly behind the booth. He completely vanished. You felt your heart drop to your stomach. You tried brushing it aside. Maybe you were overthinking it and it wasn't a bad thing that he suddenly disappeared.

"Great job. Safety protocols deactivated" the announcer spoke. "Please reset circuit breakers to all zones. Three zones remain"

You took a deep breath, and swiftly made your way off of the dance floor and to the arcade space on the other side.

Upbeat music started playing through the speakers, and it really hit. It was like suspenseful music, but really lively.

You noticed a lever before you headed upstairs. You rushed over to it and pulled it down.

"Good job. 2 zones remain" the voice spoke through the intercom again.

2 more to go. Easy peasy. Right?

You ascended up the stairs, throwing yourself up two by two to get things moving quicker. You nearly screamed when you almost ran into a security bot. It swerved last minute, and you let out the breath you didn't know you were holding.

You noticed a small speck of a red light on the wall in between two arcade machines. Then you made out the outline of a lever.

Rushing over to it, the music became more intense. You pulled the lever not thinking too much about it, the light turning green. You dusted off your hands as if accomplishing something amazing, and you saw a looming figure move from above you from the corner of your eye. You daren't look up, but of course, you did anyway.

You seriously nearly peed your pants at the sight before you. The spider DJ was casually crawling on the ceiling. Thank God he seemed to have not noticed you, as he crawled through one of the large holes in the wall. Is that what their really there for?

Now the pressure was on. The upbeat and intense music surely wasn't a coincidence. This fucker was out to get you. You invaded his safe space, his arcade. If you knew the guy would be so protective over the precious arcade, you would have just let Monty shred you up with his talons when you were running from him.

You needed to find the last lever, whether the DJ was out to get you or not. You needed to get out of here. Pushing your uneasy feelings aside, you set off into finding the breakers.

You went back down the stairs, realising you forgot to check the bathroom. You flung the door open, and had a quick scan around, but there was no sign of a breaker. You quickly made your way to the janitors closet that you had now only just noticed was there. Swinging the door open, you felt joy as you locked eyes with a lever. You pushed it down quickly.

Before you celebrated, the announcer spoke through the tannoy again. "Almost done. There is a software update available. Reset the final circuit breaker located at the south end of the arcade maintenance hallway". You groaned in annoyance.

The colour drained from your face as loud thudding was heard from outside the bathroom. Like giant footsteps we're heading in your direction. Thud—thud—thud.

Hesitantly, you stepped out of the janitors closet, closing the door behind you. Your breathing became erratic and you nearly pooped your pants as you saw a long arm outstretch out the bathroom door, it's gloved hand heading in your direction. You stepped out of the way before the huge hand clasped you.

Panting, you gazed at the hand mindlessly searching the bathroom, waving it around frantically, knocking over a trashcan while it was at it. Your eyes widened as you saw a large face peer down through the bathroom door, and you locked eyes with large black ones with no pupils gaping back at you.

Your feet allowed you access to move once again as you clocked that the DJ's hand swiftly jolted towards you, and you legged it out the other door. You ran through and meandered yourself around the DJ's massive legs.

You didn't have time to look back as you heard more thudding from behind you, becoming louder and closer. He was gaining.

Throwing yourself back up the stairs, the spider crawled along the wall and submerged back into one of the holes in the walls. He was definitely gonna pop out somewhere. As you twisted and turned around the arcade machines, you clocked that there was still another breaker you had to activate near the office. You headed there instantly.

You made it to the security area, and let out a small sigh of relief as you managed to get away from the security bots, and temporarily from the spider DJ, but you knew you shouldn't get your hopes up just yet.

You continued down the hallway and past the security office. You took a left, and there was a long tunnel that seemed to be a dead end. There were either broken or out of order arcade machines scattered everywhere in your path, as well as some spare tech or equipment, or tables and chairs laying around.

Squinting, you managed to just spot the lever on the other end of the tunnel. You swiftly made your way to the end of the tunnel, as you also stared at the large hole in the wall. You know, the colourful, stripy holes that the DJ crawls through so he can get access to anywhere in this damn arcade? Yeah, that one. Only this one wasn't colourful and stripy. It was pitch black. You internally prayed that he wouldn't pop out of that one.

At last, you found the last lever, and hesitantly, you pulled it. The red light flicked to a green, meaning you had succeeded.

For what felt like the umpteenth time tonight, your heart dropped to your stomach. You heard agonisingly loud thudding coming from the gaping hole just to the side of you. The thudding continued, vibrating the whole floor beneath your feet. The voice sounded through the intercom again, but you were too scared to listen, as you knew what would soon be coming for you.

Hesitantly, you turned your head, and the DJ emerged from the depths and darkness of the hole. He stared menacingly down at you. He tilted his head threateningly, and you soon realised he indeed was more than just a threat.

You immediately set off into a run. You meandered around the arcade machines, hearing nothing but the upbeat music becoming more intense by the second, as well as the thundering footsteps gaining behind you, and your shaky erratic breathing echoing in your ears.

Your heart beat abnormally aggressively and fast. You were on such an adrenaline rush as a giant spider DJ was chasing after you, as well as throwing arcade machines and fricken tables at you, as well as metal shelves.

You ran as fast as your feet could carry you, narrowly jumping out of the way from a flying arcade machine heading your way. The DJ's footsteps gained dangerously close, and you swear you could feel his large hand skim past your body, as he nearly clutched you in his grasp but failed.

You made it to the end of the tunnel, making a sharp turn, and you bolted back into the office. There's no way he could get in there. Right?

You pressed your back against the closed door, panting heavily, your heart racing at like 100mph. You seemed to have held your breath as the DJ's loud thudding of footsteps come to a stop just outside the office. You didn't make a single peep.

A bead of sweat trickled down your forehead, you heard the mechanical cogs in his head clicking and whirring, his head must have been quite close to the door you had pressed yourself behind.

To your upmost relief, his footsteps thudded away from you. You heard his footsteps become more fainter and fainter, and you let out a loud sigh of relief. You guessed he went back through one of the gaping holes in the wall.

You huffed. "Holy shit"



long aah chapter but it's worth it 😘

only proofread this once, so if there's any mistakes, lmk!

that's all for now!

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