An Odd Encounter | A Ninjago...

By amazingwen

827 23 10

Alice, a fourteen year old girl, who is trying to live a normal life as she can, had a little encounter with... More

*OC information*
• < CHAPTER TWO > • ( editing )
• < CHAPTER THREE > • ( editing )


65 2 0
By amazingwen

It took us nearly two hours of waiting in the safe house for the ninjas to handle lord Garmadon. Our teacher told everyone to stick together so we don't get lost in the crowd and I was super worried for my brothers. Jonathan hasn't even called or texted me and that made me worry even more. Maybe something bad happened to them. Or worse, maybe they've been kidnapped by Garmadon! All this negative thinking startled me as I heard our teacher spoke to us using a megaphone.

She announced that our school bus will arrive in a few minutes to take us back to school. Sighs and groans were heard from other students behind me as they didn't like the news. I didn't react to what the teacher said, I only shook my head as I thought of my brothers once more. I even called or texted both my parents and they haven't responded to my calls or messages. I sighed and felt my fingers shook nervously as I typed a new message for my mom when I felt a warm hand touch my shoulder causing me to lift my head up. I turned my head around only to find a pair of grey eyes looking at me.

I put my phone down and smiled as Marjorie looked at me with a smile. "Girl, you've been on your phone for literally two hours. I hope your family doesn't get tired of you sending them lots of texts and calls." She said making me chuckle. I was about to say something when we heard a friendly honk from a yellow and black school bus.

We both turned our heads to the sound and saw our teacher announce that the bus is finally here. Everyone started to form a line of two people before we all head inside the bus. Marjorie and I walked towards the line of people to get both of us in line.


Sitting inside the bus with Marjorie beside me as we were on our way back to school, I looked out the bus window to see a view of what happened outside the city.

Cars have been toppled over, roads and highways have holes because of the rockets that landed and exploded, buildings and structures were destroyed, multiple citizens injured and wounded and lastly, sirens from ambulances could be heard from different parts of the city as they tried to make their way to homes and buildings to attend to people who have been hurt by the attack.

As for me, I leaned into the window as I kept looking back at my phone waiting for a call from Jonathan or my parents. What is keeping them from answering my messages and calls? I thought to myself a little irritated and annoyed. I sighed as no new calls and messages didn't pop up on my notifications.

Marjorie must've heard me sigh so she put her hand on my shoulder making me shift my eyes at her. "Hey girl, no need to worry. Your brothers and your parents will be fine." She said, giving me a look of certainty as she tried to lighten my mood. I tried to show a little smile but I can't stop worrying. "How are you so certain and calm about this? I mean, aren't you a little worried that your dad hasn't called you? You should at least text him you're okay or ask him if he's alright." I answered, turning away from her as I looked back at the window before looking down on my shoes.

Marjorie sighed and patted my back. "Well I am worried about my dad too but I don't worry too much. Worrying will only give me stress and stress is not good for you. I'm just trying to stay positive to get myself away from the negatives thoughts about what might happen. Course, something bad has happened to him but I think not. The more you thought of bad things, the more of it could happen." She answered while getting her phone out as she received a notification from her father which made her happy. I looked at my friend as she replied to her dad to let him know she's okay.

Maybe Marjorie is right. In the last two and a half hours, I've done nothing but worry about the bad things that could happen to my family. Maybe thinking positive might help or even save my family from danger. Huh? If only I knew how to be positive.....


The Ninjago Highschool students arrived back at Ninjago Highschool. Everyone immediately walked down the bus and sighed as they saw the school building ahead of them. Miss Grace instructed her students to form a line as they will all return back to their classroom.

In less than 30 minutes or so, Alice's class slowly walked back to their classroom and sit down on their desks. Almost half of the day has been wasted and there's only three hours left for the students to do some schoolwork before they can all go home.

Miss Grace took a deep breath as she tried to begin class again. She looked at the class and found that two of her students are missing. She cleared her throat before asking, "Has anyone seen Kai and Nya Smith?" The class gave her puzzled and confused looks. They shook their heads and shrug their shoulders in response which made the women sigh in disbelief. She gave one last look at the students in front of her before turning her head to the white board as she began to write something on it.


After three hours of class, I stretched my arms and legs as Marjorie and I walked out the school halls to our lockers. "Ugh, my arms and legs are cramped plus my back hurts from all the sitting." I groaned, receiving a light chuckle feom Marjorie. "I'll say, but what's even worse is that we have long hours of homework back at home. My back will probably stiffen from all the sitting and leaning." She added while closing her locker door.

We chatted for a good 10 minutes when a phone ringing broke our conversation. It was Marjorie's phone. Marjorie took her phone out of her bag and answered the call. "Yes dad?..... I'm fine..... Yes class is now finished..... My driver will be here soon?..... Oh okay..... Of course, I will prepare myself..... Yes, I'll see you later..... Goodbye." She hung up and put her phone back inside her bag.

"What's going on? What happened?" I asked her while we both walk outside the school. "Apparently, my dad has guests later and we will be having dinner with them." She answered with a sigh. I was confused. "And this bothers you?" I asked, completely puzzled by her answer. "Well of course because I hate grown up business dinners and my dad wants me to act as elegant as I could in front of the guests. He told me to dress elegantly, act graceful and talk differently when I talk to other rich people's kids." She said with a frown.

Woah. I didn't even know rich parents can be that controlling to their children.

"So basically, your dad wants you to act differently when you meet business people?" I asked and she nodded with a hum. "Mmhmmm. Which also means, later on my hairstylist will have to straighten these curls. My dad hates it when my hair is this curly, especially when there are guests." She fussed while rolling her eyes.

"But how do you manage to keep your hair curly like this?" I asked in confusion. "Well, I curl them myself silly." She replied with a little laugh.

"What about your mom? Does she order you to act differently too when she has guests?" I asked her again which she only shook her head. "Nope. My mom is a lot different than my dad. While my dad is strict and very bossy, my mom is gentle and let's me do things that I like." She answered, grinning to herself.

The two of us talked for a few minutes when I thought about what happened at the cafeteria earlier. That made me realize that she hasn't deleted the video of me and Lexy. "Uhm, Marjorie? I know this may sound awkward but would you kindly delete the video of me and Lexy at the cafeteria earlier?" I requested. "I know you only did that to make her stop but I-"

"Oh! You thought I was really filming did you?" She exclaimed with a small giggle and that left me rather confused with her answer. I raised a brow at her, "But your phone. You were literally filming us." I said and she burst out laughing. "Marjorie, what's so funny? I don't get you at all." I said, arms crossed and eyes fixed on her. "Oh Alice! You really think I would do that?!" She exclaimed as she wiped the tears off her eyes. "Ugh- I don't know. Just stop laughing and answer me already." I retorted, arms still crossed.

Marjorie breathed as she tried to stop herself from laughing. "Okay okay, I'll stop now." She said while maintaining a straight face then she cleared her throat. "I wasn't filming at all. I just opened my camera app but I didn't press the record button." She explained and that gave me a sigh of relief. "Thanks Marjorie." I told her with gratitude as I formed a small smile on my lips.

"And besides, I wouldn't film you without your permission." She added and I only nodded at her statement. After a few minutes, a white car stopped at the driveway in front of us. The driver's door opened as a man in a black suit stepped out, walking towards us. "Miss Lee. Your father requires your presence at home at 6pm sharp. He said that you'll be having dinner tonight with-" "Yes I already know that Markus and please just call me by my name." She interrupted the man in mid sentence which the man nodded in response before opening the door to the passenger seat.

"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." She said, turning her head to look at me. "Yep, see you tomorrow Marjorie." I said with a smile. Then with a flash of two seconds, she instantly wrapped her arms around me, covering me in a warm hug. I gasped as I didn't know what to do but closed my eyes as I returned the hug and smiled. "Just remember, to never let anyone bring you down. Whether I'm here or not, never forget to be brave. Got that girl?" She reminded me and I nodded my head in agreement. "Bye Alice!" She waved as she stepped inside the vehicle and her driver closed the door on her. She slid her window open as I waved goodbye at her. "Bye Marjorie! Have a great dinner ahead!" I called as her car drove off into the highway.

I was left alone standing near the school. I sighed and was about to walk away when I heard a voice I never wanted to hear. "Finally! I thought she'd never leave!" I turned my head behind me as I heard Lexy's evil voice. There, standing a few inches away from me, is the blonde herself with a ginger haired girl standing next to her, carrying a few of her things. I breathed heavily as I stepped back a few inches away from her.

"Remember what I promised to your new friend? Well, I'm not walking you home! I'm walking you to the trash because you just ruined my most expensive clothing!" She shouted at me, pointing her finger as I nervously looked at her dark, shady blue eyes. I breathed nervously and sweat began to form on my head as she came charging at me. "Nope, gotta run!" I yelled and ran down the street away from her. I heard her ran after me as she continued to shout. "Get back here you little brat! I'm not done with you yet!" She screamed.

"I got to get away from her!" I yelled to no one.


The Green Ninja was doing his late afternoon patrols throughout the city and he has stopped some man rob an old lady's purse. He leapt from building to building until he came across The Ninjago Highschool. He stopped for a bit as he rested on top of a roof as he saw two girls chatting to each other. The first girl has curly blonde hair and she wore a purple and blue pastel shirt with matching jogging pants and she seems to be laughing hard at the other girl while the other girl has dark brown hair and wears a dark red long sleeve with a black skirt and she crossed her arms at the curly girl.

The Green Ninja smiled under his mask as he saw the two chatting like good friends. But his smile faded when a white vehicle arrived in front of them. He grabbed his sword in case if something bad might happen but he let go of it as a man in a black suit stepped out of the car and talked with the curly girl. He watched as the white haired girl and the brunette hugged each other and that made him smile a bit. Soon after a few seconds, the white haired girl stepped inside the vehicle and the brunette waved at her. He watched as the brunette waved again as the car drove off.

He waited for something to happen and in just a few minutes he saw two girls, a blonde and a ginger haired standing a few inches away from the brunette. He shifted his eyes towards the brunette and can see that she looks nervous at the sight of the blonde. He kneeled down and watched the blonde point her finger at the brunette as the girl began to run away from the other two girls. The blonde and ginger quickly followed the brunette down the streets.

He immediately put his sword back in it's sheath as he jumped down roofs to follow the three girls. He can sense that the brunette might be in trouble so he quickly followed them past alleyways, streets and cars until he stopped and lost track of the brunette for a second. He looked around him trying to find the girl when he heard a loud sound of crates falling. He followed the sound and came across a dark alleyway. There, he found the girl trying to catch her breath from running.

The brunette gasped as she saw the blonde and her friend standing a few feet away from her, blocking her path so she couldn't get out. Alice is doomed.

"Thought you can run away from me that easily didn't you?" Lexy taunted as she slowly stepped forward to her. Alice breathed nervously as the blonde walked further near inside. She backed out and felt the hard, cold wall behind her. She looked behind and saw that she's blocked in and the only way for her to get out is to get past Lexy and Rachel. She gasped as Lexy grabbed her arm tightly. She closed her eyes because she knew what will happen in the next five seconds.

She slighlty opened her right eye and saw a glimpse of Lexy's evil grin when they all heard a thud near them. Lexy turned her head behind her, still holding Alice by the arm and they all saw a dark green shadow in front of them.

"Hey! Who called the police?!" The blonde shouted, not knowing who is in front of her. Her friend called back, "Uh... I don't think that's the police Lexy. It's- it's-" Her friend stammered as the dark shadow turned it's head to look at her. The ginger whimpered and her legs shook at the sight in front of her. "It's the Green Ninja!" She yelped.

The blonde gasped as she heard Rachel said that the Green Ninja is with them. "G-Green Ninja?!" She asked in shock. "W-What are you doing here?" Lexy stuttered as she slowly let go of Alice's arm. The young hero slowly stepped forward, keeping his dark green eyes at the blonde. He stopped walking and stood near the the two girls. Lexy can feel her legs shake and she thought she was about to faint but she swallowed her throat as she tried to maintain herself from feeling nervous.

"It's getting dark. The three of you should better get home." The Green Ninja spoke turning his head around, looking at the ginger and the brunette. Lexy sighed with relief and smiled sweetly. "Of course Green Ninja, we'll be on our way." The blonde said using a fake tone in her voice. "Come on girls, let's all go home together. As friends." She said smirking evilly at Alice. The brunette gulped and shifted her eyes at the Green Ninja, giving him a pleading look.

"Let's go Clarkson, we don't want to keep the Green Ninja busy." Lexy recalled grabbing Alice's arm but before she could grab it, the Green Ninja blocked her hand. Lexy stopped to look at the young hero with a stern look on her face. Alice lifted her head up to look at the Green Ninja as well and wondered why he didn't let Lexy grab her hand.

"Actually.... I think I'll walk her home myself." He spoke and Lexy looked at him in disbelief. Alice's ears pricked up at what the Green Ninja said. "Oh but I'm not sure if she'd want that." The blonde protested, giving Alice a sideways look. The Green Ninja knew he was being tested by this bully of a girl but he tried to remain himself calm, answering her with a chuckle. "Why wouldn't she want that? After all, I am the Green Ninja and it's my job to keep people safe especially from bullies like you." He stated glaring hard at Lexy when he mentioned the word 'bullies.'

Lexy was in shock and felt defeated because she knew she has no control or power over the Green Ninja. She didn't say anything but nodded her head in response and called her friend, Rachel that they will leave them both alone. When they were gone, Alice recalled of what happened earlier. She was speechless and in shock of what the Green Ninja did for her.

"You okay?" She awoke from her thoughts when the young hero asked her. She turned her head towards him and nodded sheepishly. The Green Ninja smiled beneath his mask and nod his head at her. "Come on. I'll walk you home, just in case if those girls tried to run after you again." He offered her but Alice shook her head in response. "Uhm, thanks but no thanks. I can walk home myself and besides, I don't fully know you Green Ninja. It'd be like a stranger asking you to walk home with you. Plus, aren't you on patrol?" The girl asked making the Green Ninja flinched for a moment. "Hmm good point but I want to make sure you're safe. I don't want those girls bullying you again." He said. "Would it be okay with you if I walk you to the bus stop? Since you don't want me to know where you live, I might as well just follow you to the bus." He stated raising both his eyebrows and Alice smirked with amusement. Boy, he's really stubborn.

She thought about it for awhile and finally gave in. "Fine fine." She said while fixing her bag behind her. The Green Ninja grinned behind his mask as he put both his hands behind him and let Alice walk out first. He followed behind, keeping an eye out if there's someone following them or if something worse might happen. He is not leaving this girl out of his watch.

It took them a good 15 minutes to walk to the bus stop. They walked silently, not bothering the other person. The awkward silence became even more awkward when the other one thought the other wanted to start a conversation but when they both thought they couldn't and shouldn't start something to talk about, they felt even more awkward.

Alice on the other hand, was freaking out inside. She can't control her feelings because she couldn't believe that her favorite hero, her inspiration, her idol is walking with her to the bus. But the events of what happened earlier, how the Green Ninja stood up for her against Lexy kept repeating inside her head and she can't stop smiling. How she wished she could thank her hero in some way. Thank him for helping her against Lexy and for walking with her to the bus.

For the Green Ninja, he gave up his 15 minutes just to keep an eye out for her because he doesn't want anything bad to happen to her. Sure he doesn't know her that well, maybe he does but he wanted to make her feel safe. Deep down he doesn't want the same thing to happen to her the same way it happened to him. Even though his day didn't start perfectly, he was glad that it will end in a good way.

They both reached the bus stop to wait for the bus to arrive. Alice took a deep breath and inhaled. "Well we're here." She spoke breaking the silence between them. Cars drove on and lights flashed around them. Alice gazed deeply into his eyes, smiling at him and she could just hint out that she saw his eyes that they were in a darker shade of green. The Green Ninja stared at her as a car sped past them, it's light flashing at them and he saw her light blue eyes staring into his. He blushed under his mask and his heart skipped a beat but he tried to control himself. He cleared his throat, "Indeed we have." He said as Alice lowered her head before lifting it up again. "Uhm, thank you Green Ninja for walking with me and for helping me earlier. If you hadn't showed up, I'd probably won't be able to survive tonight." Alice responded and the Green Ninja smiled. "You're welcome. Just remember that Ninjago's Heroes are always here to protect you from harm." He added with a hint of joy in his tone. Alice chuckled as she sat down on the metal bench, waiting for the bus to arrive.

The Green Ninja was about to say something when a voice in his intercom woke him up.

Fire Ninja over the coms: Green Ninja? Are you there? There's been a robbery going on on the other side of the city. The others have their own problems to handle, do you think you can get there? I'll catch up with you later on, I just-

Green Ninja: No problem Fire Ninja. On my way there, I'll see you later.

The Green Ninja replied over the coms cutting off communication. Alice's head perked up when she heard the Green Ninja talk to his fellow ninjas. "I- uh, have something to take care of. Nothing to worry about but it will take me some time. Sure you can make it on your own?" He asked her and Alice chuckled. "Of course I can. I'll be fine Green Ninja." She replied back, smiling at him.

He smiled too and nodded his head. He put his left arm behind him as he bowed his head at her. "Take care of yourself miss." He said gently before leaping off to land on a roof. Alice watched him in amazement as the Green Ninja leap to get on top the roof. She was distracted when she heard a loud honk behind her. She turned her head around and saw that the bus had finally arrived, dropping off some passengers. She breathed before she stepped in.

She found an empty seat, sat down and leaned on the window. She smiled to herself and closed her eyes. This day may have started out pretty bad but at least I met two good people and one of them is the Green Ninja. She thought to herself happily as she looked out the window, watching the cars and other vehicles drive on the highway.


The Green Ninja was about to leap to another roof when he stopped himself and turned back. He couldn't just leave her like that without making sure if the bus really arrived. He went back to the roof he first landed on and saw a bus stop in the driveway. He knelt down to watch as some passengers got off and he noticed a dark red color stepped inside the vehicle. He smiled as he knew it was the girl he walked earlier. He stood up as another call from his teammates was heard over the intercom.

Kai: Lloyd, are you on your way? I'm almost there.

Lloyd: I'm on my way there Kai just hold on, I had to stop to help a friend.

Kai: Ooh, is it a girl?

The Fire Ninja asked with a cheeky tone in his voice, Lloyd rolled his eyes.

Lloyd: It's none of your business. Just keep your mouth shut and wait for me.

Kai: Oh come o-

Lloyd cut off communication interrupting the Fire Ninjas sentence. He smiled to himself before finally running off to get to the other side of the city to help. In his mind, he wondered. You just made a friend but never even asked her name. What is her name? Who is she?

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