Midnight Memories Larry Styli...

By NotReadyToPlayNice

18.7K 628 102

Louis was very vocal about his love for Harry Styles going to every concert and documenting it on his social... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Epilogue 🥲

Chapter 25

474 18 2
By NotReadyToPlayNice


Its been 3 months since harry started to record and harry and louis have been really busy and have spent as much time as they can together as a family but alone as well harrys first single is done and is at the bbc radio station doing promo

"and good morning my beautiful listeners and this morning we are in for a treat we have the one and only the talented and handsome harry styles" roman says with a wide smile as he starts to laugh

"thank you for that" harry says laughing

"well listeners you all are in for a treat harry has agreed to stay the whole show so lets get started" roman says "so you are here because your first single is ready from your new album can you tell us a bit about the song"

"well usually I say its up to interpretation but this time I think I would says its up for interpretation" harry says laughing

"I hate you" roman says laughing

"I know" harry says laughing

"so lets get why you are here out of the way and then we can talk about how you been these what has it been almost 2 years" roman says

"yeah I know I was away a little longer than usual but it was a good reason" harry says laughing

"so mr styles you want to do the honor and tell us about your new single" roman says

"here is my new single its called late night talking" harry says proudly as roman plays the song

Things haven't been quite the same
There's a haze on the horizon, babe
It's only been a couple of days
And I miss you, mm, yeah
When nothin' really goes to plan
You stub your toe or break your camera
I'll do everythin' I can
To help you through

If you're feelin' down
I just wanna make you happier, baby
Wish I was around
I just wanna make you happier, baby

We've been doin' all this late night talkin'
'Bout anythin' you want until the mornin'
Now you're in my life
I can't get you off my mind

I've never been a fan of change
But I'd follow you to any place
If it's Hollywood or Bishopsgate
I'm coming too

If you're feelin' down
I just wanna make you happier, baby
Wish I was around
I just wanna make you happier, baby

We've been doin' all this late night talkin'
'Bout anythin' you want until the mornin'
Now you're in my life
I can't get you off my mind

Can't get you off my mind
Can't get you off my mind (can't get you off my mind)
I won't even try (I won't even try)
To get you off my mind (get you off my mind)

We've been doin' all this late night talkin'
'Bout anythin' you want until the mornin'
Now you're in my life
I can't get you off my mind

Can't get you off my mind (all this late night talkin')
Can't get you off my mind (all this late night talkin')
I won't even try (all this late night talkin')
Can't get you off my
All this late night talkin'

"and that was late night talking by harry styles" roman says "so is this song about your husband"

"kinda" harry says

"explain" roman says

"well this song I wrote it one night after he left me and I have had it in my song book and I went thru it and wanted to record it" harry says "this one was a night that I was up late just thinking about those nights my doll and I would stay up talking and laughing sometimes it would be like 4 in the morning and we would just talk nothing more but talk those are my favorite moments"

"I get it so you got married about give or take 2 years ago" roman asks

"yeah we ran off and got married and let me tell you our families are still mad at us" harry says laughing

"I bet so tell us I know you have said it before how did you and louis is his name how did you meet" roman asks as harry says how harry and louis met "and are you telling us the truth"

"yes I cant lie he will call you" harry says laughing

"so what made you run off and get married" roman questions

"well louis planned a weekend get away for us just me and him and it just happened" harry says laughing

"ohh you don't want to give us details" roman says

"no I want to keep that for us" harry says

"ok fair enough" roman says "before I let my listeners ask you questions I want to know a few months ago there was pictures posted of you at the zoo but what got everyone talking was that louis is over protective off you why"

"well I mean other than the obvious I mean louis is over protective of me he is always nervous when we go somewhere specially when we have our kids with us but luckily we have not had any issues" harry says

"so who is worst" roman asks

"louis" harry says laughing as louis laughs and points to himself

"ohh louis is pointing to himself" roman says laughing "want to come and sit and talk to us"

"umm umm" louis says nervously

"don't be scared its like talking to friends" roman says as louis sits next to harry and puts the ear phones on "so louis tell us why are you so over protective of harry"

"I mean he is still harry styles pop star and I don't want anything to happen to him" louis says "and I saw this video and it said that a king is over protective of his queen because the queen is over protective of her king and harry is right I worry a lot when we are out in public but I mean we have been lucky nothing has happened and I mean there are times when harry takes pictures and interacts with his fans but there are times when he doesn't I think that is a good balance since right now our time with harry is limited and harry wants to spend as much time with the kids as he can"

"so you have 2 kids Freddie and darcy can you tell us about them" roman asks

"freddie he is just like harry" louis says as he tells roman about Freddie

"what about darcy" roman asks

"you that saying that says the second child is the one that will test you well darcy is that second child I mean she is calm but I swear she is going to be the one that test every bit of my short patience" louis says laughing

"leave my princess alone" harry says laughing

"ohh I thought louis was your princess" roman questions

"since Darcy was born I was demoted" louis says laughing

"you are my queen and darcy is my princess" harry says

"awwww" roman says laughing

"so tell us harry I know that you can be a jealous person are you that way with louis" roman asks

"yeah but louis is worst than me" harry says

"what" louis says as he laughs "im not one who is jealous but I am territorial jealous means I think you can take my man territorial means you just need to know that's my man"

"see" harry says laughing.

"man I thought harry was bad" roman says "so now does that mean that you don't harry out of the house"

"no I mean harry goes out with his friends and I go out with my best friend I don't expect him to spend every waking hour with me I really don't I like my alone time and harry and I work together to give each other our alone time just a few hours to be on our own and let me tell you harry is a hands on dad and I can go grocery shopping alone and he stays with the kids and we also have alone time just us two no kids nothing and then we have family time it took us a few tries to figure things out we didn't want to revolve our relationship around our kids but this has worked for us" louis says

"so harry babysits the kids" roman questions

"I don't babysit my kids I watch my kids I parent my kids like louis he doesn't babysit he cares for our babies" harry says

"that is true well so how are you as a parent" roman asks

"he is so hands on I mean like when we go somewhere like lets say the zoo harry wants to carry the kids and do everything for them I have to remind him that I am their parent too" louis says laughing

"and why is that" roman asks

"look these past months I knew my time was going to be limited so I want to spend as much time as I can" harry says

"yeah well now that darcy is walking you get both kids riled up" louis says laughing

"what we wanted to start a band harry and the styles" harry says laughing

"what tell us" roman asks

"a few days ago I went to get coffee with a friend and when I came home all I heard was screaming and yelling mind you it was from the music room and all I hear is drums keyboard and the guitar I walk into the music room and Freddie was on the drums darcy on the keyboard and harry was on the guitar he was singing and they were dancing it was chaos I closed the door and went to our room" louis says laughing

"ohh my so darcy and freddie do they like music are they going to go into the family business" roman asks

"for now we do it for fun sometimes darcy and Freddie ask to play different instruments and most of the time they are out playing I don't force them I let them come to me and that's when I let them express themselves like Freddie came to me one day and wanted to learn to play the drums and we played the drums darcy wanted to learn piano and well that was that" harry says

"wow must be a fun time at the styles house" roman says

"with 2 kids its not that bad but when harry gets in the music room with the kids u want to move out" louis says laughing "but I love the relationship the kids and harry have"

"wow that is amazing so harry how do you feel about being more open about your personal life" roman asks

"well we don't talk about everything just what we are comfortable with I still want our kids to have a normal life I know I am in the public and know that things will be put on the spot light but specially when I start to record and tour I know right now they are small and I can bring them on tour with me but I know eventually they are going to be in school then have activities and eventually will not want to spend time with me and I want to make as many memories as possible" harry says

"that is true so louis how is harry as a husband" roman asks

"amazing I could not have asked for a better husband and father for our kids I mean we are not perfect we have our moments when we just don't want to back down from each other we are both very stubborn but we manage look we love each other but we have learned that we have to just walk away and then we calm down and come back and talk but its been a learning experience for both of us" louis says

"ohh wow I guess its true what they say never judge a book by its cover I have read in a lot of message boards how people are jealous of your relationship because from the outside it looks perfect" roman says

"Ohh trust us its way beyond perfect we mess up but we have learned is that communication is key and even if I do something I know louis will not like I tell him louis has always told me that as long as it's the truth he will support me look I lost louis once and it was the worst mistake I have ever made and I never will put myself in that situation last time it didn't work out for me and I cant even lie louis will embarasse the fuck out of me" harry says with a small laugh

"louis" roman asks

"its true look I am never going to let harry lie to his fan as a fan before I met him I always believed what he said but when we dated I learned when he would lie and I hated that I will not let him lie to his fans we don't deserve that we deserve the honest truth and for harry to have came on the radio and lie ohh that pissed me off more than him cheating on me" louis says with a laugh

"so what made you try again with harry after he cheated and if I remember you caught him" roman says

"I truly do love him and the fact that we have a baby together when I fell in love with harry I mean I fell hard and when he would stalk me" louis says laughing "I wanted to give in to him but I was scared but when I decided to talk to him I told him he cheats on me I will leave I left like the first time and trust me I will leave again"

"so lets say harry cheats on you again will you give him another chance will you get back together with him" roman asks

"Nope and he knows it" louis says as he glares at harry

"I wont I learned my lesson the first time" harry says

"so can we talk about why you cheated" roman asks

"man this is better than therapy" harry says

"well it's the first time you have ever been this open with us so yes I am taking advantage of this" roman says with a laugh "now answer the question"

"when louis and I first started dating I was still on a high horse I was harry styles I can do what ever I wanted as I got to know louis I knew he was different so many times I would tell him come see me on tour" harry says "and he was like I cant I have to work and help with his siblings I was like what ever I always thought that if I cheated on louis he would forgive me because you know I was harry styles I thought he wouldn't care and because we were together he would forgive me I guess I used how much of a fan we was to my advantage but that shit backfired on me"

"louis most people would be like ok I forgive you" roman says

"most will but I have never forgiven anyone who cheated on me and the fact that he did that devastated me I was so in love with him and it broke me I was so hurt but I always told myself I would never fight a man that would cheat on me and let me tell you he was pissed that I was not forgiving him which is why I got a restraining order he kept showing up at my parents house"

"its all true but now I know I learned my lesson it hurt so much and that was when I realized how much in love I was with him just how simple and easy our relationship was how much he just took care of me and how overprotective he is of me I mean after he left me i was like ohh well I did try and see a few people but just who they were I couldn't they were not louis so I stopped see anyone and worked out" harry says

"well harry we are all happy you and louis are together you seem happier than we have ever seen you" roman says

"thank you I appreciate that" harry says "just when louis comes crashing into your life well you learn that life is never the same again"

"stahhhppp" louis says as he laughs

"so how do your families get along I know I have seen pictures that louis post on his fan page with all your families I mean yours and harrys" roman asks

"ohh they all get along I swear my sister will go get louis siblings and take them to her house and spend a few days she picks up darcy and Freddie as well but I swear if our moms are not on the phone they are together" harry says

"its all true I went to my parents house last night to drop off the kids and anne was there having dinner with harrys dad and gemma was there with all the kids" louis says

"ohh my" roman says "well from what we know and have heard is that Freddie talks in the third person does he still talk that way and what about darcy"

"Freddie does but darcy is still trying to talk but not yet" louis says

"so now that we had a good chat lets take caller questions" roman says laughing

"ohh shit ok" louis says

"and good morning what is your name and question" roman says

"my name is martin and first thing roman leave some questions for us" martin says laughing

"sorry just wanted to get most of the questions out of the way" roman says laughing "what is your question comment or concern"

"I wanted to know Harry when you and louis started dating did you know about louis obsession with you and his social media dedicated to you" martin says

"no louis told me a few months after we started dating I think it was and I saw his videos and I do think we are a cute couple" harry says laughing

"uughgh why me" louis groans out embarrassed as he laughs as they continue to talk and laugh and soon their time was almost over

"ok last caller lets make this memorable" roman says laughing "what is your name and questions"

"my name is Sharon and I wanted to know harry what was it about louis that you were like huh this is the love of my life" the caller says as he laughs

"I think he bumped his head one to many times" louis says laughing

"I have said it to many times but its just the way louis is with me he doesn't treat me like harry styles the popstar but harry the normal person and things with him just seem right when we are together" harry says

"so can you tell us what a day at the styles house is like" the caller says

"nothing exciting I swear" louis says laughing "we get up have breakfast then harry and I get the kids ready for the day well depending on what we have going on if someone picks up the kids we get them ready if we have nothing planned we keep the kids in the pajamas and we stay as we are I love having lazy days at home its my favorite part of the day"

"ohh man I would think you all would live the lavish life and be off traveling the world" the caller says

"no louis hates all the rich stuff he likes to have the normalcy since we met louis has never wanted anything from me but my time and I love that about him I swear we are never at fancy places everything is low key and simple" harry says

""well sorry to say that our time is over and I want to thank harry and louis for being here with me this morning and sharing more about their life together" roman says

"thank you for having us" louis says

"any final words you want to say harry" roman says

"just a massive thank you for the support not only with me but louis and I" harry says with a wide smile

"louis" roman says

"thank you everyone for the support I love you all" louis says as roman signs off and they walk out of the studio

"thank you both for being here today I really appreciate it" roman says

"no problem i had fun" louis says

"me too we have to get going and pick up the kids" harry says as louis and harry walk to the elevator and see the door open and paul jeff liam and niall walk out "what is going on"

"the building is surrounded with fans" paul says

"what I cant sorry doll this happens you want to go join them" harry says laughing

"they are here for louis not you" jeff says laughing

"what' harry says in shock

"ohh yeah come on" paul says

"I want to see" louis says as they follow roman to his office and louis looks out the window "you ok Hazziebear"

"fine" harry says dramatically

"lets get going we parked in the private garage and liam is going to take your car" paul says

"ok lets go" liam says as they follow paul and go to the parking garage and soon leave and get to harry and louis house and louis and harry walk in

"are we in the clear" louis asks

"yeah no one followed us but the radio station is flooded with fans we want you all to post a picture so fans can start to leave" liam says

"ok let me look for the picture" louis says as he goes thru his camera roll" louis says as he looks thru the pictures of harry

"lets post one of both of us" harry says

"ok" louis says as he smiles "lets take a picture"

"ok" harry says with a smile as they take a picture and louis post the picture on harrys social media "is your mom bringing the kids"

"yeah in a few hours she just wants to make sure there is no one outside the gates" louis says

"ohh ok" harry says as they continue to talk and laugh as liam niall and jeff soon leave and jay walks in the house with the kids

"daddy" darcy yells out as she makes grabby hands to harry as she tries to walk and harry goes to get her

"how is my princess doing were you a good girl" harry asks

"yeah" darcy says with a wide smile

"mommy boo get snack" Freddie says as louis gets him and darcy a snack

"did they eat" louis asks

"yeah they ate but you know how they are they start playing and burn off the energy" jay says "I have to get going before I am late to my appointment"

"ok thank you mom" louis says as he hugs his mom and so does harry

"what are we doing today" harry questions

"I have nothing just stay home and enjoy our time" louis says

"how about we camp out in the back yard tonight" harry says

"I love that idea" louis says "let me get what we need"

"I will watch the kids" harry says

"where is the giant screen television" Louis asks

"the guest house I will get it since I am going to be out there" harry says

"ok" louis says as he goes to the garage and gets what he needs as he goes to the backyard and leaves everything as he starts to set up the yard and harry walks ot him

"let me help the sun is almost gone" harry says as louis phone starts to ring

"mom" louis says

"hey the kids wants me to ask if we can pick up Freddie and darcy" jay asks

"umm I don't think so we are having family time" louis says as he sees harry talking to him "mom hold on"

"yeah" louis asks

"have everyone come over we can do a sleep over let me call niall liam and jeff and my parents" harry says

"ok" louis says "mom harry said to come over we can camp out in the yard bring everyone" louis says

"ok give me an hour want me to get some snacks" jay says

"yeah I am going to order pizza" louis says

"let me call my mom if she can bring drinks" harry says

"I guess we are having a party" louis says laughing

"mommy mommy" Freddie yells out as louis picks him up

"yes my favorite son" louis says

"mommy we watch movies" Freddie says

"yes of course dad have to finish setting up everyone is coming to spend time with us" louis says

"yay sissy and boo play" Freddie says with a wide smile as he goes to the play area

"I don't see darcy" harry says concerned

"umm she is up there at the castle" louis says as he points and harry goes to get darcy and goes to louis "why is she crying"

"she couldn't get down and got scared" harry says as louis takes darcy

"my princess mommy is here" louis says as louis cuddles darcy "she might be tired"

"no nappy mommy" darcy says crying

"ok no nappy why don't you stay here with dad and me so we can set up everyone is coming tonight" louis says

"who" darcy questions

"nanas auntyes uncle and gampy" louis says

"yay I see gampy obin" darcy says with a wide smile as she claps her hands

"so sit here for a bit then you can go play" louis says

"kay mommy" darcy says as she sits down as harry and louis continue to get things set up

"mommy" Freddie yells out

"yeah baby" louis says

"boo get dwink" Freddie says

"I wil get him a drink and get one for darcy" harry says as he hears the doorbell ring and harry answers it

"come in mom dad' harry says as he hugs them "louis and the kids are in the back yard and darcy is waiting for you dad"

"I am on my way to get my favorite girl" robin says

"I thought I was your favorite girl" anne teases

"you are but daryc is my favorite" robin says laughing

":where is gemma" harry asks

"she is coming she is picking up the drinks" robin says

"gampy" darcy yells out as she walks quickly to robin as robin walks to darcy as he picks her up and hugs her tight

"my princess I missed you so much" robin says with a wide smile

"gampy" darcy says as she wraps her arms around robins neck as robin walks to the yard

"at least she is happy again she was crying a but ago I think she is tired but she doesn't want to nap" louis says

"you want to take a nap with grampy" robin says

"no I play with gampy" darcy says as louis sees his family and gemma walk to the yard

"mom" louis says as they all hug

"nana" Freddie yells out as he runs to jay and jay picks him up and hugs him tight

"I missed my boo" jay says

"boo miss nana" Freddie says

"lets go play" ernest says as jay puts Freddie down as they run to the play area

"lets go play darcy" doris says as they run to the play area

"well the love didn't last too long" robin says laughing

"I love everyone here" louis says as he sees liam niall jeff and zayn walk to the yard

"we got ice cream" niall says laughing

"if the kids are bouncing off the walls you are going to watch them all" jay says laughing

"I wont care" niall says laughing

"I cant with you" jay says laughing

"let me order the pizzas" harry says as he gets his phone and places the order as they all sit down and continue to talk and laugh and soon see lottie with daryc crying

"what happened"

"she is being sassy and stubborn" lottie says as she gives darcy to louis

"what is wrong princess" louis says

"no mommy no" darcy says with sass

"miss sassy pants is cranky" louis says

"no canky" darcy says with sass and attitude

"change your attitude" louis says

"I not change my attitude anymore" darcy says with attitude and sass as louis just in shock not wanting to laugh

"sissy a sassy girl" Freddie says

"I not sassy girl" darcy says with attitude "I bad girl"

"ohh shit I am going to be in trouble" louis says

"ohh my that is an attitude" harry says laughing "jay can you take louis and darcy with you I will care for my Freddie"

"of course not I had to deal with louis you are now responsible for both" jay says laughing

"stop it both of you" louis says laughing as louis hears little snores from darcy "I think she was just tired she hasn't napped"

"ohh that makes sense why she has been cranky all day" harry says

"let me get the screen going so we can watch movies" niall says

"thank you everything is set up lets settle let me lay darcy down on the bed" louis says as he takes and lays darcy down next to himself and harry as everyone finds a spot and start to watch the movie

"I love you" harry says to louis

"I love you too" louis says as they enjoy the moment with each other and their friends and family as they continue to watch the movies for the rest of the night


up next sadly to say the Epilogue

all the love


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