Danganronpa: Hope's Peak Hare...

Por ghost-writer-0000

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Famous child now your adult actress Y/n didnt know what to expect when being invited to attend a new school f... Más

Harem Part 2
Chapter 1: Induction Ceremony
Chapter 2: Settling In
Chapter 3: First Day of Classes
Chapter 4: Sparring Tournament
Chapter 6: Nurse's Assistant Y/n Part 1
Chapter 7: Nurse's Assistant Y/n Part 2
Chapter 8: Nurse Y/n Finale
Chapter 9: Class and an Assembly
Chapter 10: Laser Tag Part 1
Chapter 11: Laser Tag Part 2
Chapter 12: Laser Tag Finale
Chapter 13: Talk with Mukuro
Chapter 14: Gaming with Chiaki
Chapter 15: Nurse Y/n 2: Seiko's Medicinal Needs
Chapter 16: Miu Mystery
Chapter 17: What?
Chapter 18 Junko's Quarterly Report
Chapter 19: Some Time with the Harem
Chapter 20: Mukuro's Dream
Chapter 21: Hiding Together
Chapter 22: Dodgeball Teams
Chapter 23: Practice
Chapter 24: Cheer Uniforms
Chapter 25: Learning the Routine
Chapter 26: Rivals and Speeches
Chapter 27: First Match
Chapter 28: Second Match! Start?
Chapter 29: Final Match!
Chapter 30: Victory Party!
Chapter 31: Royal Disengagement
Chapter 32: Is This Hole a Goal?
Chapter 33: Miss Toko's School of Hard Knoxs
Chapter 34: Servicing Celestia Day 2: Doing Your Maidly Duties
Chapter 35: The First Killing Game!

Chapter 5: Junko's Confession

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Por ghost-writer-0000

Wednesday's classes progressed rather as if the school wasn't an apocalyptic bunker, leading to an of mundanity similar to a boarding school to fall upon the girls. The only incident of the day was an announcement over lunch announcing that afternoon classes were postponed until Friday. You and several of the girls used the free period to hang out in the library.

Toko had claimed one of the corners of the room as hers, while Monaca and Kotoko were chattering at a table off to the side. You had began playing a game of paper football with Chiaki. It was part way through the game that Tsumiki entered the library and approached you.

Tsumiki: Y/n can I talk to you for a minute?

Y/n: Oh sure. Hey Chiaki take five.

Chiaki: No problem.

Y/n: What's up Tsumiki? Everything okay?

Tsumiki: Well earlier today after Monokuma post pines the gym classes I got a message that evreryone needs to have a physical performed and provide a DNA sample to make sure the inoculations that we were given worked as intended and haven't managed impacted our, hmpf, bodily fluids. I was hoping you could help me run the nurse's office tomorrow. I already have Kanon an Mukuro helping get everyone to schedule.

Y/n: Um sure I can help, but I really don't have any experience in this kind of things.

Tsumiki (Blushing heavily): It's nothing to complicated. I just need an assistant to hand me things, take notes, and assist in the gathering of the DNA samples. If your not comfortable helping it's no problem, I didn't know if you were uncomfortable doing that kind of thing with everyone.

Y/n (Thoughts): Just handing stuff and noting isn't too bad. The DNA Samples shouldn't be any big deal either, just stick the needle in and get the blood.

Y/n: It's no trouble I'll be there bright and early to help you set up. Honestly I'm flattered that you all would trust me enough to drain your DNA out.?I'll do my best for you, and come Thursday I'll be your dutiful assistant. There's not a uniform or anything I gotta wear right?

Tsumiki remains silent for several moments, her face ablaze in red and smiling widely. Y/n briefly notices Tsumiki's skirt ruffling from an invisible breeze.

Tsumiki: If you want I'm sure I can find something appropriate for the occasion.

Y/n: Whatever way you'll have me Tsumiki, I'm all yours this Thursday.

Tsumiki hugs you tightly in appreciation. The pleasant feeling of the hug is supplemented by a poking sensation hitting your thigh. After she detached herself from you, Tsumiki dashes out of the library. You resume your game with Chiaki, deciding to go see how the others are doing on the free afternoon.

Scene Break

You eventually make your way to the music room where several girls had congregated. You see Kaede practicing the piano and Juno and Mukuro off to the side. Kaede's playing enraptures you're attention. You sit beside Junko and Mukuro. It appears that Junko is enjoying the music while Mukuro is looking stoic as usual. As Kaede finishes playing the three of you begin to clap for her.

Y/n: That was really good Kaede.

Junko: Like totally the best.

Mukuro nods her head in agreement.

Kaede: Thanks, but it wasn't anything special, just some warm up practices is all.

Y/n: Pish posh, your really talented at it. I could never play something like that.

Kaede: If you want I could show you some basics.

Y/n (nervously): No no, I couldn't. I'm not really good at music in general. Like the time I sang in a movie and never lived the resulting meme down.

Junko: Well now you have to do it.

She pushes you towards the piano Kaede is sitting at. Noticing that the bench she is sitting on is a one seater she motions to have you sit on her lap. You nervously take a sit on her lap, feeling the suspicious bulge that you found most of the girls here had. By this point you were getting rather curious over whether it's really lipstick like Junko said.

Kaede cuts your thoughts short by wrapping her arms around yo hand guiding your fingers through the basic piano exercises. This continues for several minutes, and Kaede eventually removes her hands from yours. What began as a semi-competent attempt from yourself to play quickly derailed into a cavalcade of musical errors. When you finish and retreat from Kaede's lap your embarrassment has caused your face to flush.

Y/n: See I told you I'm not very musically inclined.

Kaede: I'm sure that there's an instrument out there for you, it's just guaranteed not the piano.

Junko (giggling): Yeah, the triangle.

Y/n: See, Junko gets it.

Kaede: Sigh. Well maybe sometime me and Ibuki could try to teach you something.

Y/n: Okay, but I'm warning you. You can't complain about my ineptitude now.

Kaede: Well I need to get going. I'm meeting Sonia for tea in a bit. Bye.

Mukuro: I must go as well.

They leave the room, leaving you and Junko alone together.

Junko: So Y/n how have you been doing recently? How are you liking all the girls here?

Y/n: I'm doing pretty good, and all the girls here are pretty nice. I'm glad to have friends like all of you.

Junko: I was thinking more along the lines of like liking them, if you catch my drift.

Y/n (flustered): I think everyone knows what that means, and Im not seeing anyone really.

Junko: That's not what I asked though. I asked is there anyone your attracted to here. Maybe Chiaki, Tsumiki, perhaps me? (She begins to get closer to you).

Y/n (stuttering): Well um sure, your all very pretty. I just don't want to overstep any boundaries is all. We're all friends and I don't want to make our friendships awkward by anything one-sided.

Junko: Huh, it's clear you aren't understanding. Follow me, this is a private conversation. They're something I've been wanting to talk to you about.

She drags you with her towards her room.

Scene Break

It doesn't take long for Junko to escort you to her room. Upon arriving the two of you sit on her bed. Junko is nervously twirling the end of one of her pigtails while you wait for her to start.

Junko: Y/n, we're friends and I appreciate you not trying to overstep any boundaries, when we were talking about people you like. However, I need to be honest with you. I was asking because I like you, as in more than friends, and I was hoping you liked me too.

Y/n (stuttering): Um thanks Junko, I like you too.

The two of you sit there awkwardly in silence for several moments.

Junko (thoughts): Step one, break through her density done. Now reel to her in.

Y/n: I'll be honest. I've never been in a relationship or anything similar before. (Chuckle) Technically I've never been on a date either. I really don't know what to do.

Junko (hugging Y/n): Don't overthink this. We like each other and that's what matters.

After hugging for several moments Y/n notices that Junko has something on her mind.

Y/n: Um Junko, you look like you have something else on your mind. What is it?

Junko: Well I'm not the only one here that likes you. I didn't know how to start this part of the conversation.

Y/n: Well you don't need to worry. I like you and I'm not going to betray you Junko.

Junko: That's not it. We've already talked about it and we really don't (her voice drops and devolves into a stuttering murmur that you can't understand)

Y/n: What was that? You kinda dropped off there.

Junko: It's that when we talked we all came to realize that, we don't particularly mind the idea of sharing.

You don't fully understand what she is saying at first. When the implications fully hit you, you are rendered into a blushing, stuttering mess.

Y/n: That's, I'm not sure what to say.

Junko: The decision is yours, but I'm happy with it and I think you should just see how it goes. We're together now, and I'm not worried about you and me. (Suddenly smirking, Junko gets up and stands in front of you. She strikes a sexy pose with her hand on her hip cocked to the side, while the other hand is on the back of her head.) I mean come on, why should I be concerned with a bod like this, right Y/n.

Y/n (stuttering): Yes Junko.

Junko (sitting back down): So, that it we're together now.

Y/n: Girlfriends?

Junko: Yep.

You catch each other's eyes. Leaning forward, Junko catches your lips with hers in a chaste passionate embrace. You bring up your arms around her. The two of you fall back onto the bed, lost in the increasingly aroused heat of the moment. Junko positions her self on top of you straddling your waist, and as this happens you can feel a large bulging pressure being pressed against your pelvis.

Y/m (moaning): Junko!

Junko (nervously): I love you Y/n.

Y/n: I love you to Junko.

You lean up and catch Junko in another kiss, this time your tongues begin to wrestle with each other. When you break apart for breath, Junko fumbles with the buttons on her shirt.

Junko: Y/n can we go farther? I want you to be my first.

Y/n: However far you want Junko. You can have my first too.

Junko unbuttons and discards her shirt, revealing her black lace bra that is struggling to contain her massive breasts. Feeling saliva begin to pool in your mouth as you look up at Junko's voluptuous form, you allow your hands to explore her body. Experiencing the firm, plush skin of her thighs and chest.

Junko (thoughts): Mmmh, yes Y/n. Right there. I love you so much, and I can't wait to make you my bitch.

As she dives upon you and locks her lips onto your collarbone, her hands begin to knead and meld your breasts and ass. Through the leisure and moans you feel the immense throbbing of the pulsating pressure that is pressed against you special place.

Junko: Do you feel that Y/n? I'll be honest I lied to you back when I told you about the lipstick strapped to my thigh. I think it's time you see everything.

She dismounts from her position on top of you and stands in front of the bed. Your breath taken by the sight of her standing in nothing but her footwear, skirt, and bra. Her breasts bouncing with every movement. She turns around and bends over, slipping out of her skirt and leaving her in her side tie black lace panties. Standing their with her back to you she looks over her soldier and winks.

Junko: See something you like Y/n

Y/n (meekly): Yes

Junko: I hope you like the view of the front as much as the back.

She pivots towards you and strikes a suggestive pose. Your eyes roam over her figure. Going from her angelic face to her immense cleavage, falling to the thinning of her waist that expands to the swell of her hips. When your eyes land on her panty clad nether regions your focus is trapped on the sight of an immense bulge in her underwear.

Y/n: Junko what's that?

Junko (nervously): Well Y/n, I'm a Futa. That's my cock.

She undies the tie that is holding her panties up. As they falle to the ground you see an enormous pillar of semi erect flesh stand at attention before you. Subconsciously, you lean forward from the bed, getting on to your knees in front of Junko.

Y/n (thoughts): How does she have that? How is it so big? How does it feel / taste? Wait that's not what I meant. But, it's just like Junko, she's so--

Junko: I'm sorry for hiding this from you. I was scared to think of what you would think. I understand if you are having second thoughts or any--

Y/n (looking up at Junko and interrupting both your own thoughts as well as Junko): Your beautiful Junko. I love you, all of you.

Junko: Y/n can we continue, do you want to go all the way?

Y/n: Yes, but I don't know where we should start. I mean it's so big. I'm not sure it'll fit.

Junko: Eighteen inched to be exact.

Junko (thoughts): Don't worry you bitch, I'll make it fit. I've waited for this long to tear into a pussy, and I bet as soon as you start sucking your gonna prove to be a natural slut for futa dick. But, if you have some confusion still, teacher Junko will put you through some lessons.

Junko: Touch it.

You comply with her command, wrapping you hand around her immense girth and begin to stroke her. The circumference alone proves to be too large for your hand to completely encompass, and when you bring your other hand up to help, you are still incapable of covering more than half her length. Junko's moans resonate like music to your ears as you see a dollop of pre-cum be released from her tip.

Y/n (thoughts): I know that I'm supposed to suck it, but it's so big. If I do that it'll break me. Maybe if I ease into it I'll be able to work my way down this monster cock.

With new resolve you let your lips meet the tip of Junko's Colossal cock. You find the taste of her pre-cum delicious, a sweet sensation with a hint of saltiness. You continue for several minutes stroking Junko, whole peppering her cockhead in licks and kisses. When your eyes linger up and meet Junko's gaze you can see a look that speaks of utter domination. The fire and steel in her gaze ignited feelings you never knew you had. Every part of your being was telling you to submit before Junko and her futa cock.

Junko: If your having that much trouble with my bitchbreaker than wrap those tits around it.

You rush to comply, practically tearing your shirt and vest from your body. You grip your breasts and press them around Junko's dick. The sensation stimulates your breasts, making your nether regions flood themselves. As you bounce your boobs up and down Junko you attempt to fit the top into you mouth. Eventually you manage and start bobbing your head up and down, slowly taking more of Junko into your throat with each bob.

Junko: That's better. You sure know how to be a real slut for futa huh? Well what you gotta say for yourself bitch, you like being a slut for futa cock?

Y/n (thoughts): I'm loving this, even her calling me bitch makes me flood my panties. Is she right? Am I really getting off on being so slutty.

Your inner quandaries are answered when Junko, annoyed from your lack of response, grips the back of your head and shoved herself balls deep into your throat. She doesn't stop and begins to brutally face fuck you. You experience a rush of emotion you've never known before as you explode in the pleasure of your orgasm.

Junko: Bitch, when I ask you what you think of my cock you answer like the submissive slut you are.

Y/n: Yes Junko, I love it. Your gigantic cock makes me happy.

Junko: Good, now when I let go of your head you better work for your dinner, because all your eating tonight is my cum buffet.

As she lets go of your head, you immediately dive back down and proceed to fuck your own face using her dick. Your self face fucking continues for thirty minutes before Junko grips you and holds you to the base of her dick.

Junko: Here comes dinner bitch.

She erupts in your mouth, depositing what feels like entire pints of her cum into your throat.

Y/n (thoughts): Fuck, it tastes better than her pre-cum. I'm going to get addicted aren't I?

As Junko withdraws you see that despite her explosive finish her penis hasn't lost any of its ferocity, standing more powerful than ever. As you are dazed by I her virility, Junko quickly grabs you and throws you onto the bed. She tears the crotch of your leggings and completely rips off the front of your panties.

Junko: Don't worry Y/n. I'm on a pill so you won't be getting pregnant tonight. Now lets start the main course.

Without a moments warning she thrusts the entirety of her cock into you. Her thrusts are merciless, trapping you in a prison of unadulterated lust and passion. With each thrust you can feel your mental faculties shut down one by one, only to be replaced by the your subconscious mind screaming for Junko's dick. Eventually your mouth vocalizes your desires.

Y/n: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. I love you Junko, please keep going.

Junko: I didn't plan on stopping. Especially when I have a piece of meat like you under me. So tell me how much you love futa cock Y/n. I want you to admit how much you love this.

Y/n: Yes Junko, I love you and your cock--

She interrupts you with a firm spank against your ass.

Junko: Futa cock, you love all futa cocks, not just mine. You may be a big action star, but when your in the bedroom you can't help but submit to me or any of the other futas here. After all Y/n, we agreed to share you, and you have better give each and everyone of their futa cocks the same love and attention you give mine.

Y/n: Yes Junko, I will. Just please don't stop.

Junko complied and for the rest of the night she pounded your innards into the shape of her cock. Throughout this Junko had deposited many loads into Y/n's mouth and pussy, even making sure to leave a thick coat along Y/n's face and tits. Eventually the two fell motionless upon the bed and drifted into slumber, exhausted from their passions.

Junko (thoughts): Operation Make Y/n My Bitch completed.

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