Fresh New Antivirus

By Hidden-Ajinn

213K 11.6K 10K

Fresh is Admin of the Multiverse!? This can't end well ... or can it? This is an alternate universe - er, mul... More

Ch. 1 - Admin
Ch. 2 - Out Of The Void
Ch. 3 - Cool Ride
Ch. 4 - Colourful Encounters
Ch. 5 - Fresh Trap: Battle of the Paints
Ch. 6 - Bro.
Ch. 7 - Just a Hint of Angst
1K special
Q & A
Ch 8 - A Dream Meeting
Ch. 9 - Power of an Admin
Ch. 10 - Update AdminFresh.exe?
Ch. 11 - Flex Tape and Phone Numbers
Ch. 12 - Time to Th(Ink)
Ch. 13 - Void Sweet Void
Ch. 14 - Multiverse Networking
Ch. 15 - A Game, A Deal, A Choice
Ch. 16 - Accidents Happen
Ch. 17 - Duh-duh-duh-duh
Ch. 18 - Angsty Loner Boi (Error)
Ch. 19 - Drop On In
10K special
Q & A - 2
Ch. 20 - A Word From Our Sponsor
Ch. 21 - Playable Characters
Ch. 22 - He's What !?!?
Ch. 23 - Spiffy and Snasy Join the Game
Ch. 24 - Fluff and Lore
Ch. 25 - Fluffy Pancakes
Ch. 26 - 20 Questions
Ch. 27 - Party Crashers
Ch. 28 - Gear Up Snowflake
Ch. 29 - Batter Up!
Ch. 30 - The Contractual Anime Training Arch Any OP Protagonist Needs: Part 1
Ch. 31 - The Contractual Anime Training Arch Any OP Protagonist Needs: Part 2
Ch. 32 - We will PERSEVERE
Ch. 33 - A Tiny Band Aid
Ch. 34 - The Truth is Golden
Ch. 35 - The UnaVOIDable
Ch. 36 - Shopping For New Duds
Ch. 37 - A Bad Hacker
Ch. 38 - An Old Face
Ch. 39 - Don't Talk About Fight Club
Ch. 40 - Fight Club
Ch. 41 - Fight ...?
Ch. 42 - Hotel Skellator
Ch. 43 - A Look At The Rest.
Ch. 44 - Hold Onto Your Dreams
Ch. It's April, Ya Fools:
Ch. 45 - The Past That Passed
Ch. 46 - Deals With Demons
Ch. 47 - That Raincheck
Ch. 48 - Check In
Ch. 49 - Punishment
Ch. 50 - Cookies and Contacts
50K special
Q & A - 3
Ch. 51 - Party Time!
Ch. 52 - A Promise Made
Ch. 53 - The Fate of FGoD
Ch. 54 - The Destiny of FGoD
Ch. 55 - The Story of FGoD
Ch. 56 - Noot Noot Mother Fu-
Ch. 57 - What's Next?
Ch. 58- Mommy Issues
Ch. 59 - Dreams Come True
Ch. 60 - A Competent Blue
Ch. 61 - Down With Fate
Ch. 62 - The Rest Of The Rainbow
100K (117k) Special
Q and A - 4
Ch. 63 - This Slaps
Ch. 64 - Family
Ch. 65 - We All Need Therapy
Ch. 66 - Gaster Has Coffee
Ch. 67 - Uno
Ch. 68 - DoS
Ch. 69 - Tries
Ch. 70 - Quartet
Ch. 71 - Furby: Civil War
Ch. 73 - A Slice Of Mundane
175K (178K) Special
Q & A - 5
Ch. 74 - Meetings: The Mod Squad
Ch. 75 - Running Diagnostics
Ch. 76 - Falling Into Place
Ch. 77 - Pre Meeting
Ch. 78 - The Meeting: Part 1

Ch. 72 - 69 Goes Down

554 49 54
By Hidden-Ajinn



In a blind panic 69 nearly released Papercrane with a scream to flee before rationale informed him that leaving Papercrane - his current source of power - would be a death sentence. Not that he felt particularly confident in his odds with the virus skeleton seeing Fresh calculatedly walk closer lacking his magic suppressing shades completely.

69 could have sworn he saw a moment's glimmer of The Grim Reaper over his former master's shoulder smirking down at him. It wasn't a friendly smirk.

"Ru- mmph-!" 69's orders were cut off by a hand - Fresh's hand - as his body was forced deep into dirt that stained his white fur as the Admin knelt menacingly over him covering the sky. Fresh had moved faster than the demonic furby could perceive, wisps off blue magic fading - or perhaps he had shortcut but there was no Fresh Poof to indicate that.

Fresh's hands were hot with magic energy; burning with it.

At that moment it was no longer just the power from the dying AU's fueling 69. In fact, 69 could no longer safely pull power from the AU's as a much more concentrated power flooded his system.

His circuits were filled with static as he wasn't prepared for such an influx just yet.

Fresh spoke with an undertone of threat, cutting through the white noise filling 69's head.

"Did ya up and know broski that some tech can do a funky lil' thing in a radical enough power surge?" 69's lensed screens begin to crack. Fresh glared menacingly down at the pinned furby. "Too much of a good thing ain't a good thing, bro."

Fresh's fingers flexed as he upped his power output in his attempt to oversaturate 69 to the point he couldn't process. Something he wouldn't have even dared attempt if he didn't have a beyond-monstrous amount of MP.

69 screamed.

A bead of sweat built up on Fresh's skull trailing from below his hat as he saw his MP depleting at an alarming rate.

However ... 69's screams began to quiet. They then turned into a chuckle that crescendoed intomanic cackles as Fresh started to run low.

69 had survived the worst of the surge adapting to the level of magic intake.

Fresh's hope turned to ice as his gamble didn't pay out. And if Fresh didn't stop 69 here ... he knew the destruction would not end until there was nothing left to destroy.

Fresh tried to let go of the furby to preserve what little magic - still more than several Sans's - he had in order to fight. The moment his grip lessened 69 used one of its clawed feet to latch onto Fresh, continuing to drain his magic.

Fresh tried to pull or crush 69's hold but the furby had grown too strong for physical means to defeat it. The ever present haze around his eye sockets began to dim.

"You fool!" 69 screens glared up at Fresh. "I have now ascended my limits!" He taunted in madness as he started absorbing AU's again at an exponential rate. "I will consume it all! Eve̷r̶Y̵t̴͐ͅH̶̘͌ỉ̵͓n̶̬̾G̶̠͙̮͚͗͊̈́͝!̴̡̡̝̒́"

Just as Fresh began to wonder if this was the end of everything a presence arrived. Or perhaps it merely made itself known at that moment.

Fresh's grip tightened once more as he smiled, recognizing the presence.

How could he not recognize his fathers magic?

<Everything you say?> The voice spoke without sound or direction yet shook the world all the same as if a tremendous baritone rolled across the land.

"Who...?" 69's gaze darted around to find the source of the directionless, soundless voice.

<Even ... nothing?>

Fresh felt a chill as his magic was replenished. Not by regular magic no; but by cold void magic. That, too, began to flow into the demonic toy as Fresh understood what Void was planning. The very air surrounding him cut dark, darker and darker as the magic ate the gluttonous demon from the inside and turned the world monochrome around them, leaving Fresh the most vibrant thing in the area. Fresh himself felt a slight sting to his own code, but he pushed on - it was nothing.

69 screamed. A scream that continued to build in pitch and volume, pitch and volume. Until there was an abrupt sound between that of a pop and a crunch, the scream falling to silence.

Fresh stumbled as he stood, what's left of 69 still in hold and removed from a shaking Papercranes shoulder.


A black steam emanated from the crushed furby husk of 69, residue of the void magic. Fresh's dim eyelights no longer emanate their purple fog. Fresh smiled through the exhaustion as he vaguely looked upward as he directed his words at Void.

"Comin' in clutch there, daddio."

<What's a father for if not to prevent their child from being devoured by a possessed furby?>

"I can up and think of other responsibilities, but that can wait til later, yo."

The world around him remained etched in monochrome, that monochrome beginning to bleach.

<Yes. The mortal plan cannot handle my prolonged stay, even at a fraction of my power. I will see you later, Fresh.>

Voids precedence left and color bled back into reality, although slowly.

Fresh frowned down at the broken toy in his hold. He expelled the last of the void magic in his system toward the bundle of tech and faux fur watching as it crumbled from existence.

As the furby husk decayed trapped souls began to float up from their broken prison - the souls that 69 had collected were being set free. They looked all the more vibrant in a world cast mostly in monochrome.

The sight wasn't just magic - it was magical.

They twirled and spun in the air around Fresh as if to dance their gratitude of their new found freedom before they moved onto where souls go after so long stuck in one tormented furby body to the next. They remembered who they were. They were free.

A voice quiet enough to have been the wind spoke as the souls disappeared under a reaper's discreet guidance into the underworld. "nothing like unexpected overtime to kill my coffee break.'' The words were spoken with a hint of exasperated fondness as the god took a sip of their unfinished drink from a to-go cup, taking in the sight of liberation.

Reaper's gaze drifted over the remaining trapped souls in their furby prisons before looking away. He would escort them when the time came, but for now, he could let them experience Life a little while longer ... even if their souls were a little cramped and stunted in the electric components.

Soon the last of the souls moved on and the void magic had run its course, disappearing not into obscurity, but into a whole new adventure we all take sooner or later.

The previously mind controlled furbies looked around in confusion, the spell having broken but their memories still being confused. Other, less confused furbies shouted out their tiny cries of victory, others joining in. Some were already looking to prepare a full blown celebration handing out snacks, firecrackers and party poppers.

The skeleton house residents - including Tiffa - were already taking the moment for a breather and healing the injured, still keeping a wary eye light in the furbies as they discussed in low tones.

And lying on the ground face down was Papercrane, static clearing from his sockets and shakily shifting himself to be on his back. His hand reached out above him as if to touch the blue sky.

His memory was hazy but Papercrane knew the mysterious colorful skeleton saved him by getting rid of the small-furry-not-friend 69.

Papercrane turned his skull to the one that saved him. "... Thank you."

"No P." Fresh said, placing his shades back on and smiling gently. "You, my skel-bro, look like you've also had a mad eventful day." Fresh sat down next to Papercrane with a deep satisfied sigh, looking to the sky like Papercrane had been doing previously.

Fresh was looking over the conditions of the affected AU's and taking stock of what could be salvaged. It didn't escape his notice that the latest AU Papercrane connected to was still draining into him - though at a much slower rate to the point the place wouldn't be experiencing difficulties had it not already been massively drained.

Taking a closer look at his code, Fresh looked away, seeing the skeleton beside him in a new light. Seems he had something to ask Void about.

Papercrane returned to looking to the sky with the stranger, replying. "Yeah. very eventful. My name is Papercrane."

"I'm Fresh"

A gentle wind blew past as the two lapsed into silence.

There was a thump and the two looked over to see Swapfell Papyrus fall out of a tree he had managed to get stuck in at some point in the fight.

The Papyrus just sighed and accepted his fate on the ground next to Papercrane and Fresh.

Looking over the area he saw the furbies were really starting to get into the celebration mood to an almost dangerous degree. He would need to move them to a place they could safely let off steam because at the rate this was going, it looked like arson was going to be on the table and the AU was already looking worse for wear.

At some point during all that, Fresh received a message in the game chat. It was from the Server Owner

<consider this my late bi-century miracle. Let the kiddos have their fun>

They included a link to an AU with limited access. Its structure was very similar to UnderHacked, only empty and called UnderFurby with a similar AU lock as an Alpha Timeline. There also seemed to be a few changes to the attractions.

Fresh understood what he needed to do and opened a portal there gaining multiple people's attention.

"Rightio, furby-bruh's!" Fresh began. "This AU be yours to party as hardy as your radical little bodies can handle!"

"Ev aron?" ("Even arson?") A furby asked, holding a bucket of lava.

Fresh pointed to said furby and responded. "Even arson, yo!"

The furbies cheered even louder then when 69 was destroyed and began to rush the portal. As quickly and chaotically as they came, the furbies disappeared leaving a mess in their wake.

Though dwindled behind towering above the others in his mech suit to look back toward Fresh. It was Chris.

"I ye er nee uus o know air e ar." ("If you ever need us you know where we are.") Chris turned back to face the portal walking through as the sun began to set. "Em i cha nah!!" ("I'm in charge now!!")

There were several reactions to the statement but Fresh closed the portal before he could see how it played out. He's sure the furbies would figure it out.

"Tiffa, broski?" Fresh said getting the Mods attention. "You mind rolling back some o' the bits and bobs 'round here? I don't think I have the juice for world edit righ' now, bro."

She blinked. "Yeah I can do that. What about you-?"

Fresh let himself fall backward onto the ground to cloud gaze.

The skies were finally looking blue.

"A nap." Fresh answered, setting an alarm on his phone so he didn't sleep through the meetings he needed to attend. 

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