By SachinAnthony_08

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An old folktale that was just a bedtime story to many children who love the taste of murder-mystery or fear... More



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By SachinAnthony_08

                 As being the most adamant and stubborn younger sister to me, she goes to meet her boyfriend George though the lockdown has been imposed yet she meets him near the park which was their first meeting place. But, that's not the only problem cause since the arrival of Sabrina to town, evil forces has been channeled to whole town and Bella is known for it, can sense that something is wrong and hence blames me in her thoughts but as George came to greet her, she kissed him hard and he was in shock but as they were kissing, she was bedazzled but that's not it as they started removing their dress, it's just like another scene from a movie I guess, when that adrenaline of love rushes in your blood, you don't know what to do but get laid out in the best way.

               Meanwhile, I, Sam was worried that she could be in danger though I'm weak in sensing the evil forces present near us, I'm good in using the source of power to destroy the evil forces. Unless, Emily called me saying that Sarah is missing again and I'm sure that she is possessed. I told them to meet me in the park and this could be a coincidence that I may end up catching my sister in red-handed for her silly mistake.

                As I reached the park, faraway lies the trees, which was indeed rustling and I was afraid and since other friends were late, I thought to check myself and fuck the shit, it was indeed my sister Bella and George getting laid out, and I cannot imagine that it could happen thus I can't see my sister having fun with someone whom I don't like so I pulled her, told her to wear dress, "Stupid you! What the fuck, Bella? I mean...You're so going to hell" "Hell!!! I mean this is my lifestyle and I know what I have to do and don't act like a mom" replied Bella angrily. And thus arrived the other friends to the park in despair and tears and fear I guess, seeking answers from me.

              Bella said, "It's time to reveal the truth bro!" "What kind of truth?" asked George who was in fact afraid that something might happen. "Babe! I know this will make you break up with me but I should say something and believe me I should've talked about this before but because of my pathetic brother, I wasn't able to" replied Bella. "Come straight to the point, Bella" said George. She continued, "I'm a supernatural, George. Blessed with powers of witches and wizards, I can perform dark magic and also I'm princess of Luminara, a small town of Romania which doesn't exists now but I think you heard the myth."

               George was surprised, and he laughed himself seems like he's completely lost his mind, and shouts, "Mom! They agreed...Come away and take your trophy" I was puzzled as well as Bella, but she said, "Brother, I think someone is coming...I don't know, my spirit says it's something dangerous, someone who has been lost long ago but risen from mighty power of Hell, I think we should run!" "No! Let's kill the bitch who wants to kill us and I don't know if George is traitor or possessed or a pawn, but use your enchanted spell and make him sleep in peace" replied Sam. "Sam, what about Sarah?" asked Emily. I said, "Emily, I need your friends to hide near the bushes and I guess the bitch who's arriving here could hold the answers." They hid near the bushes along with sleeping body of George. I and Bella, transformed to almighty power of dark magic with a beautiful transformation of red and blue robe, engraved with dark magic symbols on our robe.

                We could hear the beats of majestic drum, the silence in the park was really not the best idea, it's just the fear that anything might happen but as the sound of fear approaches near, the trees starts rustling, winds are strong and it pushes us to fall down and worship it but using our powers as well as protecting our friends, we were strong to hold the defense but nonetheless, the barrier was weak as we could see Sheriff Lawson, coated with fur of a tiger and polar bear, his eyes was on fire, and I could say he is not the real Sheriff but I guess, he's just another Sorcerer of the world and our nemesis. But, he wasn't alone as we saw what couldn't be believed in our own eyes, it's none other than my girlfriend revived from death, it's Sabrina but not just an ordinary Sabrina but daughter of Lucifer, walking majestically towards us, accompanied by Sheriff along with a man, who looks young, dressed like fallen angel but looks innocent with sunglasses and suit engraved on his body to make him look like a royal member of hell but my guess is he's son of Sabrina who was asleep with the spell of Bella was pulled back to her, who walks now along side her like mother-son duo.

              I was in complete shock, unaware of the situation, didn't notice that my friends are in state of danger that they could die at any moment. Sabrina shouts, "I'm back, baby! Your long lost love of your life who was put in hell, fucked up by millions of sinners and here I am, daughter of Lucifer, crowned myself as Queen of Hell, defeated Lucifer and here I am, your nemesis." "Go back to where you belong demon! You're not Sabrina" replied Bella. I said, "Bella, she's Sabrina. I can feel it's her but I guess she's lost" "No way, we're going to die today, Sam. Our priority is to kill demons and save humans" replied Bella.

                 Sheriff Lawson whispers, "I can smell humans, my Queen!" She smiles wickedly, sets the bushes on fire, and my friends cry for help. But, Bella manages to save them by extinguishing the fire, and I say them to run for their safety; to run to their rooms and not to come outside unless we kill Sabrina. I said, "Sabrina! Stop...It's me...I know you're lost!" She was not same as Sabrina, who's blessed with human patience unless she flies and wrangles my neck, lifts me up, as I'm struggling for life. Bella tries to help me but she has to fight Sheriff Lawson and George, the pawns of hell. I said, "L-isten, I'm dy-ing, Will you please...s-t-o-p?" She puts me down, and tries to stomp me with her mighty feet but I escape. I'm unable to transform to supernatural, but my superstrength is still alive.

                  Meanwhile, Emily who has to be with her friends in their rooms, stays back behind a tree. Sabrina can smell humans, as she sees her and entangles her by the trunk of tree, choking her to death. I shouted, "No...let her go, Sabrina! Just stop!!!" "A new girlfriend, I mean she's committed babe but how can you cheat?" smiled Sabrina. I said, "I'm not in love with her and can you please let her go?" Bella is still fighting against the pawns of hell, though she's transformed, uses her mighty spells against them but every time she fights, she falls down like a lost bird of sky. She shouts, "Sam, I need your help!" Me, being in state of confusion, have to chose a choice. Could that be love or bond? Nonetheless, I knelt down, hanging my head to shame, indicating that I surrender, which untangles Emily as well as makes the pawn to stop fighting against Bella.

                 Sabrina casts a strong barrier spell around us, making it impossible for Bella to break nor Emily to cross it. "So, you know that if a supernatural surrenders, it's ultimate goal is to die" smiles Sabrina. I said, "That's bravery!" While, Sheriff Lawson hands over the Arthur sword, corrupted by black demons, points it towards to me, "Let's do this in old-fashion" I said, "Stab me, behead me, kill me...I can't die" "Yes, we know you can't die but myth says, if a person is killed or betrayed by their loved one, they're dead" replied Sabrina. "So, you either love me or betray me" "It's upto sword! Any last wish?" asked Sabrina. "Yes, free Sarah and other captives and leave this town to peace" replied Sam. She smiled, "I can release Sarah and others but you get only two wish" "Then, do it and kill me" asked Sam. She keeps her word, releases Sarah and other captives. Sarah embraces Emily, but tears gushes down the cheeks of Bella. She's going to lose her only person she loves the most, her caring and loving brother. It was her wish that let the story turn upside down but nonetheless,

           Sabrina, daughter of Lucifer, stood before her boyfriend, Samuel, his eyes blazing with supernatural fire...Bella, Samuel's sister, watched in horror, unable to stop the impending tragedy. Sabrina, her ebony wings unfurled, brandished a gleaming obsidian sword(Arthur). With her sword, forged in the fires of the underworld, Sabrina struck Samuel's chest In a cruel twist of fate, she pierced Samuel's chest, her eyes aflame with both rage and pleasure. The sword slid through his flesh, pulling his heart from its moorings. Samuel's agonized gasp pierced the peaceful ambiance, echoing off the tranquil pond and rustling leaves.

           Samuel's agonized cry echoed through the park as his life force spilled onto the cold, stone floor. Bella, her voice choked with disbelief, pleaded with Sabrina to spare him, but it was too late. The deed was done. With a mournful gaze, Sabrina cradled Samuel's heart, the source of his supernatural power, and disappeared. There I lie, my cold body, leaving no trace of Sabrina or Sheriff or George as they disappeared with my heart.

               Bella, Samuel's sister, stood paralyzed, tears streaming down her face, unable to intervene as her beloved brother's life unraveled before her eyes. Bella knelt beside her lifeless brother, her trembling hands cradling his pale face. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she stared at his vacant eyes, once so full of warmth and mischief. The park's serene beauty had transformed into a backdrop for her heart-wrenching grief. With quivering lips, she whispered his name, her voice choked with sorrow. "Samuel, how could it end like this?" Her fingers brushed his cold cheek, aching for a sign of life that would never return.

          Memories of their shared laughter, their whispered secrets, flooded her mind. She pressed her forehead against his as if trying to breathe life back into him. Bella's heart shattered, knowing that the sacrifice of her beloved brother had led to this tragic end. The park's gentle breeze carried away her anguished sobs, but it couldn't carry away the deep ache in her heart. In that somber moment, Bella was left with an emptiness that would haunt her forever. Beside her, Emily, a close friend of Sam, knelt with Bella. Their hands intertwined as they grieved together. Emily's tear-filled eyes reflected the same sorrow that gripped Bella's heart. "Sam was like a boyfriend of another dimension to me," Emily whispered, her voice quivering. "I can't believe he's gone."Bella, her gaze never leaving her brother's lifeless form, nodded in silent agreement.

             The pain they shared was immeasurable. Each memory of Samuel, every shared laugh, was etched in their hearts, and his absence left an unfillable void. The gentle breeze ruffled their hair, a melancholic reminder that life went on, even when it felt like the world had come to a standstill. Together, Bella and Emily clung to each other, finding solace in their shared grief, their love for Samuel, and the unwavering support of their friendship, as the park whispered tales of sorrow and loss.

               As the night yielded to the dawn, the first faint light of the rising sun began to paint the horizon with soft shades of pink and orange. The park, once cloaked in darkness, gradually surrendered to the warm embrace of morning. Bella and Emily, still by Samuel's side, felt the gentle touch of sunlight on their faces. It was as if a new day was dawning, a bittersweet reminder that life continued, even in the face of tragedy.

            The sun's golden rays crept through the leaves of the trees, casting a soft, hopeful glow over the park. It was a stark contrast to the darkness of the previous night, a reminder that even in the depths of despair, there was a promise of renewal. Bella and Emily, their tears drying, exchanged a solemn look. They knew that, despite the pain of the present, they would carry Samuel's memory into the future, as a tribute to the love they had shared. In that sunrise, they found a glimmer of strength to face the uncertain path ahead.

             As the sun continued its ascent in the sky, its rays began to gently caress Samuel's lifeless body. The golden light kissed his pale cheeks, and for a moment, it seemed as though a subtle, ethereal halo surrounded him. The park, once a scene of tragedy, now held a touch of serene beauty.Bella and Emily, both captivated by the sight, watched in awe as the sun's gentle warmth seemed to bring a faint, otherworldly radiance to Samuel's face. It was as if the universe itself was paying tribute to a life that had been lost too soon.

          In that moment, despite their grief, Bella and Emily found a glimmer of solace. The sun's glow on Samuel's body felt like a reminder that his spirit would forever be a part of the world, a comforting presence in the midst of their heartache. As the day continued to unfold, they knew that the memory of their beloved friend would forever be bathed in the gentle light of the rising sun.

             As the sun's rays delicately kissed Samuel's lifeless body, an incredible transformation began. The wounds inflicted by Sabrina's sword, once so fatal, seemed to mend themselves under the gentle touch of sunlight. The torn flesh started to knit back together, and the gaping chest wound gradually closed. Bella, Emily, and their friend Sarah stood in awe, their grief momentarily overshadowed by the miraculous sight. Tears of disbelief welled in their eyes as they watched the restorative power of the sun's embrace.

              The park, the stage of tragedy just moments ago, was now a place of wonder and hope. Samuel's body seemed to resonate with a renewed vitality as if the sun's touch was not just healing his physical wounds but breathing life back into his very soul. In this extraordinary moment, they realized that the bonds between friends, the love they shared, could transcend even the boundaries between life and death. The healing light of the sun had brought them a miracle they never dared to hope for, reaffirming the enduring power of love in the face of darkness.

                As the sun's rays continued to work their miraculous healing, a gentle, warm breeze rustled the leaves of the park. It was then that Bella, Emily, and Sarah realized that this was not just the sun's doing, but a blessing from their parents of them. In their moment of awe, they understood that the benevolent presence of their supernatural parents had intervened to restore Samuel to life. It was a powerful reminder of the enduring love between parents and their children, even in the realm beyond.

              Tears of gratitude welled in their eyes as they whispered words of thanks to the sun and to the ethereal parents above. Samuel's chest, once marred by a grievous wound, was now whole, and he lay peacefully in the morning light, his breathing steady once more. In this extraordinary act of love and grace, the park was transformed not only into a place of wonder but also a testament to the bonds of family, friendship, and the enduring power of supernatural love.

              Despite the miraculous healing and the return of life to Samuel's body, he lay there in complete shock. His eyes, now open, were clouded with confusion and disbelief. He couldn't fathom how he had been brought back from the brink of death. Bella, Emily, and Sarah exchanged worried glances, realizing that Samuel was grappling with a profound and disorienting experience. They approached him with gentle reassurance, their voices soft and soothing, trying to bring him back from the depths of his shock.

           "Sam, it's us, your friends," Bella whispered, her voice trembling with concern. "You're safe now. Everything's going to be okay." Emily and Sarah added their words of comfort, hoping to ground Samuel in the reality of the moment. The park, once a place of sorrow, was now a sanctuary of hope, and their support was a lifeline to help him navigate the inexplicable return from death.

              Samuel's recovery would be not only physical but also an emotional journey, and the bewildered look in his eyes spoke of the profound challenges that lay ahead. As Samuel slowly began to emerge from his state of shock, a profound change began to manifest within him. His supernatural powers, once dormant, surged with an intensity that far surpassed his previous abilities. The very air around him crackled with energy.

           Bella, Emily, and Sarah watched in awe and amazement as Samuel's eyes, which had been clouded with confusion, now sparkled with an otherworldly radiance. It was as if the miraculous return from death had not only healed his wounds but also amplified the core of his supernatural essence.

             A soft, golden aura enveloped Samuel, bathing the immediate surroundings in a warm and comforting light. His once-feeble heartbeat grew strong and steady, resonating with an uncanny power that pulsed through the park. In this surreal moment, Samuel's transformation was nothing short of awe-inspiring. The park, initially the stage of tragedy, now bore witness to the emergence of an extraordinary force, and his friends knew that their lives had been irrevocably changed by the unexpected turn of events. The balance between light and darkness had shifted, and Samuel's newfound power would play a pivotal role in the unfolding supernatural tale that lay ahead.

          Overwhelmed by a mix of emotions, Bella stepped forward and, with trembling arms, embraced her newly revitalized brother. The warmth of his supernatural aura surrounded her like a protective cocoon, and for a moment, they were lost in an embrace that transcended the boundaries of the natural world. Tears of joy streamed down Bella's face as she held her brother close, feeling the steady rhythm of his heart against her chest. It was a reunion that defied all logic and a testament to the extraordinary bond they shared.

              Samuel, his own eyes shimmering with unshed tears, returned the embrace with a fierce and loving hold, as if he never wanted to let go. The park, a place of tragedy just moments ago, had now become a sanctuary of profound connection and miraculous rebirth. In that embrace, Bella and Samuel found solace, healing, and a renewed determination to face the challenges of their supernatural destiny together. The sun, now high in the sky, bathed them in its warm, life-affirming light, sealing their shared moment of hope and reunion.

             With a newfound sense of purpose and a lingering air of mystery surrounding his amplified powers, Samuel gently withdrew from the embrace with Bella. He turned to Emily and Sarah, who had been witness to this incredible journey of life and death. "Emily, Sarah," Samuel began, his voice tinged with both gratitude and caution, "I need you to return to your rooms. There's much to discuss, and it's best done in a safer, more private setting."

                 Emily and Sarah exchanged concerned glances but nodded in understanding. They knew that the events in the park held secrets that needed to be unraveled and discussed further. With lingering glances filled with awe and relief, they turned and made their way out of the park, leaving Samuel and Bella to confront the extraordinary turn of events on their own. As they departed, the park fell into a calm stillness, its secrets and mysteries awaiting discovery, and the siblings prepared to embark on a journey that would undoubtedly shape their destinies in profound ways.

                In the depths of Hell, amidst a celebration with her son George and her husband, Sheriff Lawson, Sabrina received an unexpected and unsettling piece of news. A chilling breeze swept through the infernal realm as a shadowy messenger arrived with a solemn message. The messenger's voice, echoing with an eerie resonance, broke through the festive atmosphere. "Sabrina, there has been a disturbance on the mortal plane. Samuel, your former love, has returned with newfound power. His resurrection carries profound implications for the balance of the realms."

               Sabrina's triumphant revelry faltered, her crimson eyes narrowing in response to the messenger's words. She exchanged a troubled glance with her husband, Sheriff Lawson, whose stern countenance mirrored her concern. As the news settled over them like a dark cloud, Sabrina, George, and Lawson knew that their plans and machinations would need to adapt to this unexpected turn of events. The celebration in Hell had transformed into a somber, reflective gathering, with the promise of impending changes that could alter the course of their infernal destinies.

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