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By Amaiyah4p

152K 6.1K 8.3K

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5K 215 527
By Amaiyah4p


"I picked up everything for the surprise. I'll cash app you the rest of the money that I didn't use" Clara smiled as she awnsered the call.

"Thanks. Keep the change. You using yo time to help me" Kay dismissed not wanting the change back.

He had seen all over instagram men doing girlfriend proposals and he wanted to partake. Although him and Malayah already behaved like a couple he had yet to make it official. Not even knowing where to begin he called his best friend Clara for support and a woman's perspective.

With his own initiative he had planned a date for them. It would start with them going to dinner at a high end restaurant that overlooked the city and they would end the night at the hotel he planned to decorate. Kay had spent the past 2 weeks trying to get all the reservations in order.

He knew Malayah would've been content with that but he wanted to really make it a memorable experience for her. So with the help of Clara he booked a hotel and the woman would help him decorate the room. Seeing as it was more intimate he decided to pick out the promise ring for Malayah himself.

"She's going to love it. I love how you so thoughtful" Clara was genuinely happy for Kay, she had witnessed firsthand how many talking stages and sneaky links he's had in the past.

"My nerves playing games wit me. I ain't tryna fuck up the surprise" Kay found it hard to keep something from Malayah. A few days ago he almost completely told on himself.

"I can't believe Kaykay really bout to be taken out the game foreal" Clara opened her mouth in disbelief looking into the camera.

"Cee. I ain't gon front I think I love this one" Kay spoke into the camera making Clara gasp loudly and dramatically. Kay found her theatrics funny once in a while. On this occasion he felt like she being extra.

"Love? That's crazy. I want to meet her?" Clara intriguingly asked. She was mad Kay let it get to this point without getting her approval first.

"You gon vibe with her. She really down to earth" Kay advocated for Malayah. The woman had a welcoming aura, even though she isn't  fake and friendly when first meeting people she still has a welcoming energy that people gravitate towards.

"What she look like?" Clara asked having an idea and image made up in her head.

"Sexy. She's brownskin with nice lips. Imma show you a picture" Kay unconsciously bit his lip just from the thought of Malayah.

"Brownskin? I never thought you like those type girls" Clara made a yikes face.

"Clara you been knowing I don't have a type. If you bad you bad regardless of race or skin tone" Kay explained. It was weird for Clara to make such a statement as he has ever stated that he has a type.

"Yeah you right. Skin tone don't make you cute but I just didn't think you would like a black girl" Clara furrowed her brows looking at him.

"You cappin. Most of my track record is black"

"Kevin. You only fucked them. Your ex is Latina" Clara jerked her head back as if she was making a logical argument.

"Ian date her cause she was Latina tho. She just so happened to be the one who rocked with me the most and held me down. Shit her looks played zero parts she was just real" He bluntly told making Clara roll her eyes at him.

"Yeah. We got that ride or die mentality. The other type of women just like to trick on niggas" Clara threw subtle shade.

"You being ignorant" Kay was now fed up.

"I ain't say any race in particular I just made a general statement" Clara shrugged.

"Ceecee you got it" Kay quickly ended the topic he wasn't interested in going back and forth about something so stupid. Clara being ignorant wasn't new. The woman had been having outrageous views on most things in life.

But despite her backwards mindset and views. She was a great friend to Kay. The two met in Daycare as toddlers and their mothers stayed in touch which allowed them to be friends and grow up together. Although the two were souly platonic. When they were 14 the two decided to loose their virginity's to one another.

Clara said she wanted to loose her virginity to someone she wasn't in a relationship with because she didn't want to get attached. Kay was extremely horny at the time and just took the offer. The experience was so weird for them both, after multiple attempts to find Clara's hole when he finally got it in the both of them had no idea what they were doing.

The sex between them was extremely weird and awkward that none of them ever spoke about it again and they just acted like it never happened. Apart from that their friendship is platonic and they far from sexually attracted to each other. Well at least from Kay's end.

"Anyways send me a picture" Clara politely asked. Kay nodded whilst scrolling through his camera roll to find a picture of Malayah.

"She's pretty. Especially for a black girl" Clara cooed being astonished by Malayah's beauty, she thought the woman had a perfect face structure.

"You ain't have to add that part Clara. You actin like we don't see pretty black girls everyday" Kay scrunched up his face.

"Maybe you do. I don't tho. Rare to see one" Clara bluntly stated feeling like what she said was normal. Kay simply sucked his teeth.

"Aight Clara you gon be at the hotel at 6?" Kay asked the question in a irritated tone his whole mood shifting  he regretted not initially asking this when he first called Clara.

"Yea. I'll see you at 6. Love you bestie" Clara grinned in the camera making Kay shake his head at her. She was so annoying but he had love for her annoying ass.

"I love you too sis. But you gotta be careful watchu you be saying. That shit wack" Kay shook his head. Regardless of Malayah he felt that it was backwards for Clara to make the comments she did. Especially with no regard.

"What do you mean?" She innocently asked.

"I can't even call you a colourist cause you ain't even black. That shit straight racist" Kay shook his head at the woman.

"Kevin don't start. I got family members that much darker than yo girlfriend" Clara shot back becoming defensive.

"I ain't being racist. It's true she is pretty for a black girl" Clara stood on her word. The woman was of Dominican descent and in her household specifically she had been raised with a mindset that the darker an individual is the less desirable they are.

"Nigga get out your feelings aight. You know I mean no harm. Black is beautiful" Clara spoke in a passive aggressive tone. Kay simply sucked his teeth for some individuals there's no hope.

"Clara. Imma talk to later aight" Kay wasted no time ending the phone call. It was a waste of time to even try get through to her.

Kay spent a few more minutes on his phone scrolling through all social media then going to check if he had any recent updates about his music. Hearing a knock at his bedroom door the man put his phone done on the bed.

"Who dat?" He semi yelled standing from his seat going towards his door.

"Feds. Open up" a hollow voice replied. Kay sucked his teeth laughing exactly who it was.

"Dumb ass nigga" Kay was met his brother Jo on the other side of the door. The man was currently stuffing his face with Flan du queso.

"Momma made that?" Kay asked looking down at Jo's plate, he nodded in response moving his plate away as he watched Kay raise his hand to try and take some off his plate.

"You been MIA. What that shit bout?" Jo furrowed his brows walking into Kay's room.

"I been chilling. If it ain't studio ion got much reason to be outside" He truthfully spoke, regardless of Malayah the man didn't see the point in just chilling on the block no more especially since he wasn't selling shit anymore. Kay this time last year would never miss up on a opportunity to be on the block doing nothing.

"I ain't even talking bout the block. When you got time you gotta come chill wit us. Why I gotta come all the way to yo crib to see you?" Jo raised a brow taking a large spoon full.

"Nigga don't act like you hea to see me. You saw Imani close friends and wanted to come get some Flan" Kay brushed him off.

"Beside music. How you been? Life treating you good?" Jo asked before taking another bite from his food.

"I ain't gon lie. Life been good. Numbers doing good on the music. Management told me I got 4 club bookings and 3 performances next month. One of the club bookings in Atl. You gon pop out for all of em" Kay wondered.

"Y'know I am nigga. Gotta support baby bro" Jo mushed Kay's head and like second instinct Kay balled his fist punching his brothers arm.

"I ain't yo lil bro" Kay corrected. Jo couldn't do anything but laugh as he was indeed older but Kay didn't like to accept the truth.

"You gon get on the game? I can't be on too long tho I gotta go at 5" Kay sat on the edge of his bed grabbing the ps5 controller that rested on the dresser. Jo followed behind sitting beside Kay but leaving a gap between them. He leaned forward also grabbing a controller.

"Where yu going?" Jo asked looking at Kay.

"On a date. Gon ask Lay to be my girl."

"I'm proud you. Keep her round seems like a good girl" Jo had heard him speak about Malayah and from what was said she seemed like a sweet girl. But their older sister Imani had voiced to Jo that she found the girl suspicious. He took her words with a grain of salt as Imani always has hostility to everyone.

"Focus I'm bout whoop yo ass in this shit" Kay adverted his attention to the tv seeing their game had begun.


Kay's hand circled around the steering wheel as he occasionally looked down at his phone that rested on his lap, he used his freehand to swipe and answer his phone call. He spent a few minutes on the phone with Clara as the woman wanted to ensure he was actually on his way.

Within 5 minutes he pulled up at the hotel that was located in Soho, the man found a spot in the parking lot. He got out removing his key from ignition and gently shutting the door behind himself. He opened his trunk grabbing a few extra things he had picked up for Malayah.

Checking in quickly, he made it to the hotel room that was on the 45th floor pretty fast. He was met with Clara sat on the floor blowing up a balloon. Seeing Kay she quickly sealed the balloon then smiled big jumping into his arms.

"Kevy. You look nice" Clara complimented she was slightly confused on why her feet were still on the ground usually he would pick her up.

The man got his hair cut and done early in the morning. His current hairstyle was two strand twist. He had on a black dior hoodie, his black Amiri jeans with black Tims on his feet. The man paired his outfit with his Cuban link chains and his Cuban link bracelet. Before he left home he made sure to spray a considerable amount of his Dior sauvage cologne.

"Thanks. You good?" Kay asked concerned on why her arms were still tight around his neck.

"Nigga. Pick me up" She demanded screwing her brows. Usually when the two saw each other he would pick her up and she would wrap her legs around his torso.

"We gon have a conversation bout boundaries soon. Out of respect for my girl that extra shit we used to do can't happen no more" Kay told pulling his phone from his pocket.

"I'm like your sister. Stop" Clara waved him off ushering for him to help blow the balloons.

"My momma gave me this machine. Fuck I look like blowing all these balloons" Kay pulled the machine that blew two balloons at a time.

Slowly taking it out his backpack the man plugged the machine into the wall. Clara connected her phone to his speaker playing music to help them move faster and then they spent 30 minutes blowing balloons. Within 45 minutes the hotel room was completely decorated and ready.

"Aight. Thanks cee I'm bout to dip" Kay informed looking around at the nicely decorated hotel room.

"We ate that shit all the way up" Clara smiled big looking around at the work they had just done. The woman put on her jacket and grabbed her belongings stepping back as she watched Kay take a few photos of the room.

"Aight. Gimme the key card" Kay asked putting on his black dior jacket and putting his hand out. Clara rummaged through her pocket handing Kay the hotel key card. The man made sure to switch off the light in the hotel room before they left.

Getting to the hotel underground parking lot the two said there goodbyes giving each other a quick side hug then Kay got into his vehicle. He took his jacket off putting it in the backseat.

A 21 minute drive later and the man was now parked on Malayah's street he reached to the backseat grabbing his jacket. Then taking his key out ignition he got out slamming the door. He opened the backseat door grabbing the bouquet of red roses that were in the back.

He locked his car walking up the steps that lead to the family's townhome. Being met with the ring camera the man couldn't help but smirk. He rung the doorbell patiently waiting for someone to open the door.

"Hello Spider-Man" Demi one of Malayah's younger twin sisters spoke as she opened the front door. Amelia quickly ran down the hall hearing Demi say Spider-Man.

"It's Spider-Man, Laylay Spider-Man is here" Amelia yelled from the bottom of the steps.

"Wassup babies" Kay crouched down opening his arms and giving both the twin children a hug. The two girls were quite fond of him.

"You really came back. You don't look like Spider-Man today" Demi frowned. The twin girls began calling him Spider-Man not for any particular reason just cause they found it funny.

"Yeah. I told you I was gon see y'all again" Kay made a promise they he would see them again soon which was true he even told the twins he would take the twins out with his younger sister Aubrey since they were close in age.

"Laylay is coming. She looks so beautiful" Demi pulled Kay's arm into the home shutting the front door behind him.

"Sissy you forgot to lock the door" Amelia shook her head double locking the home door.

"Y'know when Laylay gon be ready?" Kay asked looking at the digital clock on the wall, they had 50 minutes till they had to get to their reservation.

"Should be down any minute. Don't worry spider I'll go check" Amelia sped off not even allowing Kay a chance to reply to her.

"So do you love her?" Demi asked. Despite only being 6 the child had an old soul she was extremely intelligent curious and slightly nosy.

"I'll let you in on a secret. I love her but I've not told her yet" Kay whispered to the child.

"My baby Lay deserves this. They grow up so fast" Demi put her hand on her chest feeling emotional. Kay brought his hands together laughing at the child.

"You talkin bout they grow up so fast but she older than you" Kay continued laughing.

"Stop laughing" Demi playfully rolled her eyes also joining in on his laughter. Malayah mentioned to Kay that she felt like her younger sister Demi was an old soul.

"Tell spider close his eyes me and Lay are coming down" Amelia's soft voice sounded from the top of the steps.

"He ain't gotta close his eyes" Malayah giggled.

"She's coming stand straight" Demi gently poked Kay's leg and the man fixed his posture looking up at the steps. Him and Demi watched in awe seeing Malayah and Amelia come down the steps hand in hand. No matter how many times he saw her he never really got over how beautiful and sexy she always looked.

"Hey Kevin" Malayah shyly spoke strolling towards him still holding Amelia's hand. The girl was nervous it felt like their first date all over again. She let go of Amelia's hand when she was in front of him, she looked up putting her arms around his neck and he met her gaze looking down.

"You look so beautiful. That shit is crazy" He eyed her in admiration and lust.

"Thanks baby, you look good too" She stroked his jaw making his arms wrap right around her small waist. He lowered his head leaning in kissing her plump lips their sensual kiss only lasted a few moments as they stopped in their tracks feeling little legs kick both of them.

"Chill out. Y'all gotta go" Demi shook her head.

"You gotta go. And biggie" Amelia recited a TikTok meme making them all laugh loudly.

"My fault mamas. We leaving" Kay gripped Malayah's hand tightly, the twins playfully rolled their eyes opening the door for them.

"Go wake up Micah so he can take your food off the stove when it's done" Malayah told walking out the door both the twins nodded shooing her out the door.

"Make sure your in bed by 9pm cause you-

Malayah barely finished her due to the twins shutting the door once her and Kay were out.

"Bad asses" She shook her head keeping a tight grip of Kay's hand as she carefully walked down the steps. Although she was great at walking in heels going up and down stairs in them was a different ball game.

"Thank you for this" Malayah looked over at Kay who's eyes were already on her. The man spent a lot of time just looking at Malayah to him every feature about her was perfect.

"Watchu thanking me for? You ain't even seen nun yet" Kay scoffed opening the passengers door.

"I'm nervous now" She met his gaze whilst getting into the vehicle he smirked gently shutting the vehicle's door.

"Don't be nervous mama" Kay pulled his key from his Jean pocket putting into ignition.

"Babe, let me get the aux please" Malayah smiled big making sure to bat her eyeslashes, she knew exactly how to get her way and unfortunately for Kay he couldn't sat no.

"Yu a spoilt kid" Kay sighed in defeat letting her connect to his vehicle's Bluetooth. He knew she was about to tire his ears with Jhene Aiko.

Hearing the intro the worst by Jhene made Kay sigh dramatically but deep down after hearing the song a few times it was starting to grow on him. But he wouldn't let Malayah know.

They spent majority of their journey just talking off each other's ears, one thing about them is they never ran out of things to talk about. In the beginning Malayah would talk and Kay would listen but the woman was bringing him out his shell and he felt more comfortable diving deeper with Malayah.

The two arrived at the restaurant just in time for their reservation. Kay quickly made it to the passenger's seat taking her hand in his and letting her out.

"You hungry?" He locked his door putting his key in his pocket then letting go of her hand so he could wrap his arm around her shoulder.

"Umm yea, I'm starving" Malayah pulled her phone from her purse taking a video of the two of them as they walked. Kay took the opportunity to kiss her cheek whilst she recorded.

"Send me dat" He held the restaurant door open and she nodded.

"If you post that yo crazy fans gon be mad" Malayah giggled. With Kay's newfound success and his growing popularity and supporters came a group of girl crazy fans. They had deep dived into Kay's past finding old photos of him and his ex and ex flings. They took it upon themselves to troll these woman and just send hate. It took for Kay making a public post to just leave anyone from his past alone for them to stop but their still was the occasional few.

"They be funny as fuck tho" Kay laughed remembering how one fan sent him a screenshot of her going back and forth with one of his old flings. Despite only being a supporter she was able to bitch Kay's ex fling which resulted in her asking if the supporter was interested in fighting.

"They ruthless. They might drag me too filth" Malayah made a yikes face.

"Then I'm on they ass. They can't play wit you like dat" Kay stated watching her rewatch the video of them together.

"I probably won't even reply" She kept a grin on her face still rewatching the video of them.

"Yea. That's the best thing to do they want a response if you don't give it to em, they'll leave you alone" Kay chuckled as he explained.

Seeing a waitress approach Malayah put her phone away. The waitress was tall and slender she had a perfectly structured face.

"Reservation for Kevin Perez?" She asked.

"Yea that's me" He pulled his Id showing her.

"Okay follow me" She glimpsed at the Id before ushering them to their table. Kay and Malayah walked hand in hand till they got to the table.

"I just want to say you should really look into modelling you are stunning. Perfect height and body too" Malayah complimented sitting down.

"Thank you. I've never thought about that. Your gorgeous too" The waitress eyes beamed as she replied. She had never deemed herself beautiful enough for modelling. Such a small gesture made her feel so good.

"I love yo vibe" Kay told, he loved how Malayah went out of her way to make sweet comments to anyone who stood out to her.

"Thanks. What do you want to order?" She scanned the qr code that opened the menu, he shrugged opening the menu from his phone.

"Why killa cat ain't on the menu" He sucked his teeth being genuinely disappointed, Malayah leaned foward mushing his head.

"We at the table behave" She scolded with a smirk on her face, he raised his brows lowering his hands under the table scooting his seat forward so he could be closer once he was close enough he stroked her thighs under the table.

"Kevin. Stop we in public" The girl popped his hand that moved up her thigh under the table.

"Y'know I'm good in front of a crowd" He shrugged referencing his last performance.

"Boy please. And don't be saying that killa cat stuff out loud" She shook her head attempting to keep the serious look she had. Ever since their last sexual encounter he had been calling her killa cat or killa pussy.

"You want me to air that shit out" He sat up looking around at everyone in the restaurant.

"Yo goofy ass wouldn't" She teased. This only tempted him more but once he met her gaze and she shook her head dramatically he stopped.

2 hours some food and a few drinks later the two walked hand in hand out of the restaurant. Malayah stepped back allowing Kay to open the passengers seat door. Once they were both in Kay used one hand to control the wheel his other hand was intertwined with Malayah's.

"Where are we?" She wondered holding his hand tight as he guided her out the vehicle.

"Relax mama" He locked his vehicle and the two approached the hotel entrance. They greeted the staff then stepped into the elevator and within a few minutes they were outside the hotel room door.

"Aight can you close your eyes for me?" Kay asked looking down at Malayah. He watched her scrunch her brows before closing her eyes shut tight. He opened the door holding her hand and leading her in.

"Yo eyes still shut?" He asked.

"Yes they are. Can I open them now?"

"Wait a minute" Kay let go of her hand shutting the door behind them. He turned on the lights looking around one last time before pulling his phone out standing in front of her filming her.

"Open yo eyes ma" he spoke keeping his phone propped up. Malayah slowly opened her eyes looking around at the room in shock. She quickly brought her hands to her face covering her mouth that was wide open.

"Baby, I love it" She walked right into his arms squeezing his body tight. She then stood on her tiptoes kissing his jaw a few times then moving down to kiss his neck.

"Sooooo?" Kay chuckled as she had yet to respond to the question on the wall.

"Yes of course. I love you" Malayah blurted out.

"My fault. I'm being a lil fast" She took a step back looking at him feeling embarrassed.

"Don't apologise. I love you too" He admitted, he did in-fact love her but was waiting for the right time to say it. He knew he was in love from the moment Malayah went out of her way to spend the night with him to ensure he fell asleep because she was aware of how he used to struggle with sleep.

"You being foreal?" Malayah wondered. She hoped he wasn't only saying it back just to make her feel less embarrassed.

"Yeah. I told your sister whilst you was upstairs" He truthfully spoke raising his hands and cupping the woman's face in them. He lowered his head leaning in kissing her lips. Malayah took the lead sliding her tongue into his mouth intensifying the kiss, eventually they both slowly pulled away.

"So I'm your girlfriend now?" She walked further into the room and he followed behind.

She sat on the bed occupying herself by opening all the gifts that were on the bed. Kay watched from afar filming the woman. Every gift she opened she would turn to thank him.

"Yeah. I got sum else for you" Kay spoke pulling the promise ring box from his pocket.

"Got a nigga feeling like a simp" Kay laughed making Malayah drop the bouquet of flowers back on the bed and turn to face him.

"What's that?" She eyed the box. He didn't reply ushering for her to come closer to him. She quickly stood to her feet walking up to him and he pulled her body in leaving no space between them.

"This a promise to yu. I promise to do right by yu no matter the circumstance. You got my word I'll never let yu down" He opened the box and they both admired the Tiffany and co ring. He slipped it onto her middle finger on her left hand.

"Now that we together I gotta deal with every pat of you. Should I be nervous?" She asked wrapping her arms around his neck.

"The real question is should I be nervous?" He shot back picking her body off the ground.

"Hmmmm. No. Not yet anyways" She wrapped her legs around his torso crushing her lips into his as she didn't want to talk anymore.



This was nice and sweet! Time to spice things up. The slow burn has finally burnt out😉

Who y'all think most likely to fold Kay or Malayah?

Thoughts on Clara?

Who you want to see more of?

Any suggestions?

I'm adding and introducing more people to the plot!

I'm going to be more frequent with my updates since I've got a lot of pre-written chapters.

Continue Reading

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