|| LAUGHING JACK || Documenta...

By _xresurrexitx_

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Asa ,după cum sugerează și titlul. Este despre Laughing Jack (L.J.). Un scurt documentar despre el. Sper sa v... More



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By _xresurrexitx_

This is the story, from my perspective, with my information, inspired by real facts, I hope you like it:

Laughing Jack real origins

A long time ago there lived a priest named John Schorne in Buckinghamshire. About rl it is said that he did miraculous cures, and one day he says strongly that he will catch the demon that haunts the village.And so he did, he caught the demon in his slipper, and when the dance died, the slipper was buried with him.After many years, in which the grave of father John Schorne was destroyed and rebuilt again and again, the slipper was destroyed by the workers.At 487 years old, after release, the demon begins to feel the taste of freedom and decides to resume his long-lost routine.At the same time, Mr. Craciun had just finished his masterpiece, it was the first box with a toy inside, he created it for a local prince, but in time he died and the toy was given to several children, including abroad.Our real story begins in 1850, when our demon decides to take, as a joke, a box on which Jack in the box was written, it was perfect for scaring children and feeding on them.After 8 years, it ends up in the hands of a little guy named Issac. His mother, buying the box from a pawn shop, didn't know what misfortune she brought into the hands of her little one, so she lied to him, saying that an angel gave her a gift for him, because he was a good boy.Issac was so happy, he quickly runs to his room and starts turning the crank. A pleasant but absurd music can be heard from the box, he rotates it and keeps rotating it, but nothing happens, angry that the angels gave him a spoiled gift, let him leave the room.But suddenly the box starts shaking, the handle turns by itself, the lid opens by itself, surrounded by a smoke that smells like cotton candy, and poof...bam...boom...confetti and a colorful clown from head to toe legs appears and says "Hello, hello, I'm Laughing Jack, I'm here to be your friend, brother, whatever you want...., do you want to be friends?", Jack asks little Issac, to which he is surprised and amazed from the seen, he nods his head as a sign of yes.The two were inseparable, Issac's childhood was never more beautiful than until now. That is until the next day, when Jack decides to change the sheet, a naughty cat jumps on the fence, Jack, seeing her, conceives a plan, he tells Issac, "Quick, see those sharp sticks, take them." Issac does so, Jack goes in front of the cat, he takes it, after which he stabs it with a stick that breaks it from the tree, and throws it at Issac's feet.Issac froze, Jack pushes Issac to do the same. Issac sits down, looks into Jack's eyes and for a moment stabs him, that red liquid, flows everywhere, but how warm and pleasant it is. It's beautiful, what a beautiful color, Issac said to himself. His mother appears, frozen in the doorway, she sees what her son has done.Issac sees his mother, after a few seconds he crawls away, he tries to convince his mother that Jack did it, Jack set it up and that it's funny.He forcibly grabs Issac's hand, takes him in front of his father, where he slaps him and punishes him not to eat anything that night, and not to dare to leave the room.Issac goes to his room, he curls up next to the bed, and from under the bed, Laughing Jack's nail lands, he turns the crank, and Jack comes out of the box.He scolded Jack, because he abandoned him, but Jack tells him not to be upset, because he has no reason to, he saw and felt the blood, how beautiful it is, Issac agreed with him, but for the moment, he wants to stay away from each other, otherwise his parents will see him.Time passed, Issac kept having connections with Jack, but he refused to take him out, and in time he managed to do so, so that he would not come out of the box by himself.Issac became obsessed with blood, creation, and became a ferocious criminal named Jack the Ripper.jack managing to control his mind even though he was in the box, Issac didn't do well, but neither did jack, he was degrading, because the toy also went haywire, and the clown inside broke. Issac heard voices, it was Laughing Jack's voice. He was making him kill, and Issac was killing for Laughing jack.that is until 1888, when he returns to his birthplace, he has many memories, there he decides to commit the most crimes, he kills women and steals children, with such skill, while keeping his own throne silent.He walks through his parents' house, reaches his old room, guided by a familiar voice. He looks under the bed and sees his old friend, he is looking at the box, multiple voices gather in his head, familiar voices: "Pen me,open me...ISSAC.."
Issac turns the handle, and the lid opens, a smell of rot mixed with death, suffocates Issac, and a skeletal hand grabs him by the neck, Issac jumps, grabs that hand, jack comes out of the box, hungry for revenge, being lied to from the beginning.A fight follows, but Laughing Jack wins, and Issac dies in terrible agony, what Issac did to women and children was trivial.

Laughing Jack sits on the throne made of bones and skin, of the fictional ones and says:"You were good, but more disappointed, you wanted to get rid of me, but I was your master.."

Will you accept the box?


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