Anchor Of Life

By TheDarkLover22

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Lord Voldemort, now known to the World as Marvolo S. Slytherin, has taken an enigmatic child Entity with myst... More

1. Letter From Hogwarts
2. Familiar License And Diagon Alley
4. A Cuddle Bug And Magic Trick
5. Hogwarts Express
6. The Sorting And The Slytherin Prince

3. The Secret Package

481 38 10
By TheDarkLover22

31st July, 1991
Slytherin Manor

Marvolo was nursing a glass of firewhiskey with ice cubes as he stared at the fireplace, thinking back to the day they spent in Diagon Alley. The Dark Lord is obviously not someone who can waste his precious time to spend on mulling over the day passed, but today seems to be worth the glass of fine alcohol. It has been a long and tiring day.

Also, a failure.

He had been planning for quite a while when he heard the news of the Philosopher's Stone from his spies. He knew today would be the busiest day for Gringotts as new and old students would be coming to shop, and thus to Gringotts. But when they finally managed to break into vault seven hundred and thirteen, it was empty!

Obviously, either it has always been empty, or someone else has taken it already. 

Dumbledore. Is it he who spread the rumor about the Stone? Was the Stone even there to begin with?

Marvolo sighed, rubbing his temple with his left hand as he swirled the glass, listening to the ice cubes whirling inside with the alcohol. While he would obviously like a backup to secure his immortality, he already is immortal through his Horcruxes, for that he is not worried. But he is worried for his very much mortal and equally trouble-prone son, his most precious little Horcrux, who will be gone for the whole year away from his home's safety. Inside the clutches of Dumbledore. 

Even if it was in his natural instinct as a Naga to avoid any sort of confrontation, and take any chance to escape, Marvolo made sure that Hadrianus was trained well to defend himself in case he was cornered. The tiny caterpillar Marvolo had found had matured and was ready to break his metaphorical protective cocoon and spread his wings to the outer World. 

Still, Marvolo didn't like it, after all, Dumbledore was still far more powerful than him, even though Marvolo knew his identity was safe with the Fidelius Charm. Marvolo has to ensure his son's safety in some other way now. And he has only a month left before Hadrianus leaves for Hogwarts. 

He had already wasted years searching for ways to Immortality, but neither of them was as good for his son. Hadrianus had yet to be able to make Horcrux. No matter how much Marvolo tried, Hadrianus still wouldn't hurt a fly unless they posed a danger to the people he loved, and even then he felt guilty for doing so. Marvolo has an inkling that Hadrianus will never be able to do a remorseless kill, which was one of the most important factors needed to create a Horcrux. 

Damn it. Marvolo really needed the artefact.

Marvolo took a deep breath, then sighed, tilting his head backwards as he stared at the ceiling, mourning for the failure of a perfectly good plan. If it was before, he would have Crucio'd some of his followers to let his frustration and anger out. But now he had realised that it was not healthy. It would hamper his followers' loyalty if he Crucio'd them for every failure. After all, no one is perfect. Not even him. Or else he would already have the priceless artefact in his hand and he would be now busy making Elixir for his precious little mamba, and make him drink it at every New Moon.

Speaking of which...

The pop music Marvolo knew was playing in his son's room suddenly stopped with a bang, followed by a distant scream. Then for a minute, there are no sounds. Marvolo was immediately suspicious. Silence is the sound that worries him more than screams and yelling ever since Hadrianus came into his life.

As Marvolo was about to stand, the muffled sounds of running footsteps of his bothersome child started approaching his study. 

Marvolo could already feel the headache forming. Dear Merlin! Knowing that even the usual two rounds on the string maze are not enough to burn off the extra energy that he acquired during the last play date, Marvolo just gave the child the whole folder full of documents on different families that will be studying with him in his year at Hogwarts, along with possible allies and enemies, with some subtle hints about how to gain alliance. What could be so exhilarating for him to break the 'no-running on stairs' rule now?

Then he heard another pair of footsteps join his son's, which was coming towards his study. 

Et Tu, Barty?

Now Marvolo wanted to bang his head on the desk. Instead, he could only sigh and check on the wards and the protection and tracking spells, there was no alert or danger. What had these two riled up that they both were coming running?

He needs to understand who is the real culprit here. Barty, or Hadrianus? It feels like both Barty and Hadrianus enable each other's madness in such a chaotic way that leaves him with nothing but headaches. He regrets introducing them to each other now.

He opened the door as soon as they both reached his study, narrowing his eyes as he stared at them expectedly and with exasperation, reprimand already forming in his mouth. 

But then he smelled it. Smell of blood. More particularly, his son's blood.

"What the..." Alarmed, Marvolo sat up straight, "Where are you hurt?"

Whatever Hadrianus was about to say got lost, "What?" He frowned at him, "I am not hurt!"

"Don't lie to me! I can smell your blood from here!"

"It's true." Barty agreed, sniffing the air. "That's why I came to check on him."

"I'm not hurt!"

"Get in and strip your outfit, right now." Marvolo was not in the mood. Hadrianus is bleeding and he didn't even notice? What kind of child was he fathering?!

Despite his protest, Marvolo had his son strip down to his underwear, searching for the wound, but to his surprise, there was none, true to Hadrianus' word.

But then why do his clothes smell so strongly of his blood?

Perplexed, he now followed his own nose, searching his clothes, when his hand touched a stone.

A red stone.

Marvolo stared at the stone, perplexed. Why does this stone reek of Hadrianus' healing magic and blood?

"I came here to show you that." Hadrianus' nervous voice came. "It's the Philosopher's Stone, isn't it?"

Marvolo frowned. It does look like so, but what made him curious is why it reeks of his son's blood. It was the first time he had seen the stone, and he had no previous collection of whether it truly smelt like that since day one.

"Did you cut yourself with the stone?"

"Of course not! I am not that fragile, father!" Hadrianus was offended and Marvolo had to agree that he did make a good point.

Marvolo stared at his hand, on his palm lies the ruby red multifaceted alchemical stone. A gem born of fire, glittering and swirling with power.

"I'd like an explanation now, Hadrianus."

"Er, sure. Uh, father?" Hadrianus gulped, eyes darting around the room guiltily which immediately had Marvolo suspicious. "If I.. hypothetically tell you that I.. kinda urm, accidentally stole it from someone, are you going to punish me? Hypothetically speaking, obviously."

Marvolo stared at his son speechless. Did he actually hear what Hadrianus was saying? Hadrianus, his son, his little mamba, his precious innocent child, accidentally stole Philosopher's Stone? The very artefact that even The Dark Lord failed to steal?

"You accidentally stole Philosopher's Stone ?" How do people accidentally steal priceless artefacts?

"Er, yeah. I, er, I really didn't mean to. Steal it, I mean. I kind of thought it would cause a lot of chaos if I stole the top priority secret package that the gamekeeper half-giant Hagrid was not-so-subtly trying to hide, but I didn't know it was such a priceless artefact like Philosopher's Stone, I swear."

Marvolo kept staring at him with stunned disbelief. Barty let out a strangled noise, somewhere between choking and gasping. "Merlin's baggy pants... Hagrid ? Did Dumbledore send that half-giant to take such an important artefact from the Vault? Is that why he was there?"

"Er, it seems so.." Hadrianus gulped, glancing at Barty.

"That's why you stole the Philosopher's Stone." Marvolo's mind was completely blank. How did he raise this chaotic monster from that innocent precious little child, who was once afraid of his own shadow?

"I um thought you see I thought ehm?" Was genius words the great Dark Prince spoke in his defence.

The boys both stared back at Marvolo with wide eyes. Barty, with as stunned disbelief as him, and Hadrianus with confusion and guilt.

Oh yes, Marvolo can already feel the rich magical signature coming from it. It truly was the legendary stone. Out of all the people - Dumbledore sent the half-giant to take the stone out? From whom a mere child can take the priceless artefact easier than candy from an even more defenceless child?

"Come, take your seat, child."

Hadrianus nodded, claiming his place on the bean bag he had installed in his study.

Marvolo wordlessly summoned the stone, gripping his hand tightly to stop it from shaking as he stared at the stone - the stone he thought he failed to take - which was right now in his palm. All because his son accidentally stole it, purely filled with the childish intention of causing chaos around him. He doesn't know if his Mudblood birth giver had drunk tons of Felix Felicis while his son was in her womb, or fed him instead of milk. The amount of luck working with this boy, he feels amazing that Hadrianus is on his side, not Orders'.

"Care to explain what happened?"

The boys looked at each other.




After carefully casting notice-me-not with his Manchineel Wand, Hadrianus smirked at his friends then they laughed, loudly talking about some Quidditch match as they ran toward the half-giant.

With his wish to stay unnoticed, Hagrid didn't even notice the three boys until they purposefully ran into him.

"Ouch!" With a bounce and then dramatic sway, Malfoy fell to the ground. Hadrianus was almost impressed with Malfoy's acting skills, it almost felt real!

"Malfoy?" Hadrianus asked, playing the part of a concerned friend, as did Theo as Hagrid looked down to find a little pale boy who had bounced on his round figure.

"Merlin! Are ye' alright, boy?" He asked in a gruff voice while trying to pick him up.

Shoving off the huge hands trying to pull him up, Malfoy half sobbed and half wailed dramatically. "I am dying! I am dying! Call my father! Get me to St Mungo!"

Okay. That was a bit much. Hadrianus and Theo both had to bite their lips to hide the laughter that was threatening to escape from his mouth at his dramatics. Hadrianus shook his head amused, letting Theo fuss over him, while he used the increasingly panicking half-giants distress to whisper an Accerso to pickpocket the package. After the package was nicely stuffed inside his robe pocket, he glanced around to see no one was paying attention because of the notice-me-not charm.

Okay, it was so easy that Hadrianus almost felt bad for Hagrid. Even a child can fuss up some more fight than him. But he pushed the guilt away, knowing Hagrid would get the package back in Hogwarts. No harm done!

"What's going on here?" A familiar voice asked from behind, making Hadrianus whirled around. Noticing the smirk on his face, the child naga knew his godfather had seen everything despite the notice-me-not. Heck, probably the notice-me-not attracted his attention more to them! 

"Care to share?" Barty raised an eyebrow at his little chaos master godson, noticing him distracted. That's when he noticed a man of Barty's height and incredibly messy hair heading out alone while preening to the attention. 

Hadrianus caught his godfather's eyes and smirked, as a new plan started to form. That man has caused too much grief to his father. Time for some revenge!

Hadrianus gestured Barty to Senior Potter, at Hagrid, and finally at the package in his pocket. Being the partners-in-crime for a long time, it didn't take much for Barty to realise what scheme his clever godson was planning and smirked in approval. 

"I'll get that, you distract him."

Hadrianus gave him a thumbs up and turned back to his friends, "Malfoy? Can you stand up?"

"I guess so.." Draco looked away disgusted at the half-giant's offered hand and instead took Theo's hand to stand, leaning against the wall while brushing the dirt off from his robe as he sneered at the half-giant, "I would have been if some people were not blind."

Hagrid huffed, his wild and fuzzy beard tickling as he stood up from kneeling position on the ground, "'twas not that bad as ye'r make it ter be."

"Is that so?" Draco sneered. Hadrianus shook his head at the creative ways of verbal attacks, as he glanced at Barty who cast Confundus Charm on Hagrid from behind.

Hadrianus knew Barty would throw a good enough intent to make Hagrid believe that after taking the Stone from Gringotts, he had a nice cup of tea with James Potter in Leaky Cauldron with whom he discussed the 'important Hogwarts business' he had to attend, and then he will leave for Hogwarts. After that, he cancelled the notice-me-not charm. Barty winked at him, giving a thumbs up for the excellent prank he just pulled up and left.

Ah, Hadrianus needs to learn the Confundus Charms! They're amazing tools for pranks!

"Draco, Theo. Let's go, father is looking for us." Hadrianus gave him a pointed look, before glancing at Hagrid's Confunded look. Already believing that he just had tea with Senior Potter, Hagrid turned and left hurriedly.


Hadrianus looked back at his smirking friends, "So what?"

"Let's see, what is so important and urgent business half-giant has just embarrassed our future school for." Draco looked intrigued as he grinned sadistically. So did Theo.

Hadrianus laughed and was about to take the package out of his pocket when another very familiar voice spoke up again.

"What's going on here?"

"Aunt Cissa!"




Marvolo laughed wholeheartedly, throwing his head backwards at the unfortunate half-giant's pathetic servitude. He was really amused, Hagrid was just too easy a target to frame. Tom had proved it during his time. And now his son proved it again.

Marvolo chuckled after such a good laugh, "Be aware," Marvolo said, glancing at his son, "The old coot will immediately know his mind has been tampered with if he sees it."

"Not if Senior Potter confesses the misdeed," Barty said with an evil chuckle.

Hadrianus looked at him with confusion, "What? But we didn't change his memory."

"Well," Barty started with a shit-eating grin, "after you guys left with Cissa, I may or may not have bumped into a certain Lord Potter, who left Diagon believing he pulled an excellent prank on Hagrid distracting him and stealing the artefacts and then store it in their store room. I mean, surely he will be so proud of such a good prank to think otherwise, right?"

This time, all three of them burst out laughing. Oh, the poor Order and their misfortune! Marvolo held his side as he continued to laugh, this is so precious!

After Barty left, confirming that his godson was not hurt and The Dark Lord's plan was successful thanks to the Dark Prince, Marvolo gestured to Hadrianus to sit down.

"You're going to return it to Hagrid, right father?" He eyed the legendary stone which his father was yet to let go.

"Eventually," Marvolo replied carefully, before quickly changing the topic, "Come here, I have something for you."

Hadrianus looked confused as he looked at his father when Marvolo handed him a leather pouch.

"What is it?" He peered inside the pouch and widened his eyes to see the amount of galleons in it. "Woah! What am I supposed to do with it? You already gave me an allowance!"

"That was for Hogwarts shopping, not allowance! Did you really think I would give you only 100 galleons as an allowance?"

Hadrianus spluttered, "But I thought..I already told them to put it on your tab!"

Marvolo snorted, then waved it off like flu, "Alright. Now take it, I'll send more during Yule."

"But you already set up a trust vault. Why do I have to carry money with me in person? And why have you given me muggle sums of money as well?"

"Only a fool will keep every gold they own in Gringotts." Marvolo patiently answered him, "You will read detailed versions of the Goblin wars in history, and you will learn why."

Hadrianus was perplexed. "Even if you're friends with them?"

"Why take chances?"

Hadrianus snorted and playfully sang, "Aye aye, Mr Paranoid."

Marvolo didn't look impressed, he looked annoyed, which was fair because Hadrianus had been trying to annoy him.


Headquarters Of The Knights, England
1st August, 1991

Marvolo swirled the vial in his hand, watching the ruby-red potion emit a vibrant glow as if it were a liquid fire. He was way too uncomfortable holding onto the vial, as it felt like he was holding Hadrianus' blood and wondering how to trick his little child into drinking it. Why does it have to smell and feel like the child's blood and magic?

Even if it didn't smell like it, the way Hadrianus fights tooth and nail to avoid drinking his vitamins, Marvolo just knew it was going to be a huge headache getting him to drink it. Besides, the Elixir of Life needs to be administered regularly for it to work properly, and Hadrianus needs to know what it was for. If Hadrianus didn't consent to the potion, his magic would flush the potion out of his system faster than the time of the next potion. His magic is powerful, alert, and watchful even if Hadrianus didn't know it.

So Hadrianus must consent to drink the potion. 

But how could he trick an intelligent and ever-curious child, like Hadrianus, into saying that even if it smells like blood, it is actually the Elixir of Life, which had been extracted from the Philosopher's stone which Marvolo promised him to send back?

Maybe he could tell him that he has sent the stone back after he has enough Elixir? He will need only 50 ml of Elixir every Full Moon. But it will not be enough for Hadrianus, who is bound to find out that the potion needs to be freshly made and doesn't work well with preservative charms.

It is only a fail-safe for now, Marvolo needs to find out something better soon. He doesn't want his son's life to be dependent on whether he drank the Elixir in a timely manner. But he needs more time to research it, until then, the Elixir would do.

Honestly, the Elixir smelling like his son's blood was the only thing that stopped Marvolo from chugging it down himself.


Marvolo quickly put down the vial, giving Nagini an offended look, "He's my son too, in case you forgot. And no, it's not your hatchling's blood. Its Elixir of Life."

"And you want me to believe that?"

Marvolo sighed, but he was prepared for the answer, knowing it was coming. "Watch me brew it then. You know what it is?" He picked up a charmed box, passing it to the irate viper. 

Nagini frowned as she opened the box, and immediately yelped in surprise on opening the box as her hatchling's smell hit her nose from the stone.

"What on Earth - "

"It's Philosopher's Stone." Marvolo cut her off before she could even accuse him of hurting their child again. Nagini shot him a look of disbelief.

An hour later, Nagini was still suspicious, as she watched a new batch of Elixir of Life shimmering in the golden cauldron. "Do you think our Hatchling Time Travelled to the young Flamel family and gave them his healing blood and magic to experiment on?"

Marvolo stiffened as Nagini voiced the exact concern that had been on his mind ever since he saw the stone, "If so, then Flamels have no right to flaunt it in their name." His ruby eyes flashed angrily, "It belongs to our son."

"Calm down, we do not know for sure unless we ask them. But we can't do that unless we reveal we have the stone, which, at present, is their legal property."

Marvolo sighed, nodding, "I know. That's what was stopping me from confronting them. If I hadn't wasted so much time crafting myself as a new saint persona, nothing would have stopped Voldemort from finding out a way to kill them."

Nagini hummed, looking thoughtful, "They are in Hogwarts, right? Which means they will know it's him the moment Hatchling steps into the school." Like we did, went unsaid but not unheard.

Marvolo cursed when he realised it, "I need to tell Bella to keep an eye on the situation and to make sure Hadrianus is never alone with the Flamel family. We will be certain if they start giving him extra attention.  He also needs the memory of their reaction during the child's sorting. "For now, let's find out if it really works."

Nagini scowled when she realised what Marvolo was planning to do, "I don't want to watch them drinking the blood of my son! And why bother? If our Hadrianus helped create it with his blood, then it's not going to work on him! Besides, it would be morbid to have our Hatchling drink his own blood!"

"You do have a point." Marvolo was reluctant. "But how else do we ensure Hadrianus' immortality? I have no other option at the moment."

Nagini sighed as together they waited for some guinea pigs to arrive for their experiment. As soon as they arrived, Marvolo changed back to his Lord Voldemort persona.

"You.. you wanted to see me, M-my Lord?" Vernon said quietly, Petunia and the other dirty muggle were silent and standing behind him. Both of their eyes were now fixed on the stick in The Dark Lord's hand. He still had one foot in the doorway, like he still had hope that he might send them away after all. 

Voldemort levitated the several goblets filled with the new batches of Elixir and sneered at them, "Sit."

He gestured towards the chair across from Him where He levitated three of the goblets, the inevitable intention of its presence clear. Vernon and the other muggle turned pale and Petunia swallowed so hard it was audible, then nodded and did as they were told. The door closed behind them and locked on its own with a loud click.

They laid eyes on that potion, and Nagini relished the way they looked so frightened and trapped. That's exactly how her Hatchling used to feel, under their so-called 'care'.

"Who's that?" Nagini flipped her long and beautiful raven hair aside and looked at the unknown muggle curiously. She hadn't seen him before. A new maid?

"This is not just any muggle, darling. This man is as low as a muggle can get. He is what the muggles call an archaeologist. They dig on land that does not belong to them, ancient and sacred land. They take things that are not theirs and put them in museums – they take ancient artefacts, some of them cursed and some with magical powers. They rip our heritage away from us and put it in museums all for their financial gain. This particular muggle has robbed us of many important artefacts and has personally pissed me off by stealing several objects that I was trying to recover."

Nagini sneered at that. "He had it coming then."

"Of course, darling. Now," The Dark Lord turned forward, "I'll make you two a deal." Marvolo addressed Vernon and Petunia. "You'll help me ensure my son to be at his peak of health all the time, in exchange I'll let you know exactly what happened to your son."

"What do we have to do?" Vernon asked eagerly, wondering if he needed to babysit the brat again. If so, they might have a chance at escaping. They could hold him hostage and force these monsters to let them go.

"Drink it," Voldemort commanded softly. He was smiling, that pleasant expression remaining on his face, despite the rage he felt reading those thoughts on Vernon's head. He knew very well the effect it has on his enemy's heart, to see that smile on his lipless mouth.

They weren't given the chance to deliberate for long. 

"It will not harm you to do so," Voldemort said gently, as though reassuring a child that there were not, in fact, monsters hiding under the bed. "To not do so, however" Voldemort did not need to finish His thinly veiled threat as He raised His bone-white wand. 

Hands shaking violently, Vernon reached for the goblet first. Nagini was amazed that he didn't spill any of the Elixir, his trembling was so bad. He held the cup to his lips and took a sip. He didn't drink much, and he set the cup down as quickly as he could afterwards. 

"All of it."

Vernon whimpered but obeyed, and now drank the whole goblet. There was a suspended moment where he sat perfectly still, surely awaiting whatever terrible effects were going to ravage his body. When nothing immediately happened, he sighed in relief. The other two muggles also looked relieved.

Nagini took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of her Hatchling's magic flooding through the muggle scum's blood, and to his very core. 

Apparently, The Dark Lord was also doing the same, as he cast a diagnostic charm on him, humming as he read the report. Vernon was showing squib-level magic in his blood. "How do you feel?"

"Like I just drank melted and cold fire. Now please tell me where is my s-" Suddenly words seemed to be lost to him as Vernon flinched, then blinked rapidly. Vernon hissed as his body glowed for a second, and then everything calmed down. Surprised, probably, that he hadn't just died a horrible death. He looked across the table at Voldemort with a mixture of confusion and anticipation. 


"Now, I believe it was my end to hold up the deal," The Dark Lord noted, before smiling, and they looked hopeful at His gentle smile, "I have cared for your son the exact same way you did as with mine." At that, they blanched completely, "It was very unfortunate that, unlike my son, yours didn't have magic to protect him."

They burst out crying.

Lord Voldemort, still smiling, lifted His wand and twisted His wrist artfully, casually whispering, "Avada Kedavra."

Vernon slumped on his chair. Petunia jumped up as soon as she was able, rushing over to her now dead husband, chanting 'oh my god' again and again, the other Muggle began to whimper. Vernon's body was slack in the fallen chair, his wide eyes glassy and unseeing. 

"You killed him," Nagini breathed. 

"Have I," Lord Voldemort frowned as He glanced at His beautiful wife before focusing back on the dead muggle. He was disappointed.

The Dark Lord slowly stood, making His way over to where Petunia lay wailing over Vernon's body. He looked down at him with an analytical glint in His eyes. 

Nagini watched on as, for a few seconds, Voldemort simply stared, His magic quelling in curiosity, but then He started to become angry. His aura was quickly darkening, soon to become what Nagini knew would be insurmountable anger. 

"So it doesn't work on Killing Curse," Voldemort's voice was soft but Nagini knew He was beyond furious at the failure. "Clearly no one ever tried it on the Flamel couple." Well, He will be the first one to do it!

Nagini was also disappointed, but she knew now is not the time to show it. She needs to be the calm one or Tom will lose any control he has on his magic. "Relax, Tom. Our son has survived it once, who said he couldn't do it again?"

"You can't expect me to leave my son's life on 'chance'."

"What if it works only on magical?" Nagini offered and Lord Voldemort blinked, looking hopeful, before flicking his yew wand, and parchment with quill appeared before Him. He made quick notes and sent it, before sighing, "We'll find out soon, but for now, you two," He snapped at dirty Muggle and Petunia, and they flinched at the harsh voice, "Drink it."

Both obeyed without a word, Petunia suddenly looking relieved while the Muggle still looked ill. Petunia probably thought she was going to meet her family. Nagini really hoped it was not the case, she would like her to survive this one. She was yet to personally avenge her little Hatchling.

As they drank, Lord Voldemort produced another goblet full of foul-smelling potion and kept it in front of the muggle, "Now drink it."

The muggle whimpered, but drank the second sickly-looking goblet as well. As soon as he did, he gagged and Voldemort whipped His wand around and forced him to swallow. Soon he started to froth and convulse, falling from the chair.

They watched on, fascinated, as the muggle convulsed for long ten minutes, before slowly calming down. The froth stopped forming and his breathing became normal. Convulsion stopped.

"So it can recover from being poisoned," Lord Voldemort was fascinated after hitting him with a diagnostic charm and noticing he was stable. 

"Just can not bring back the dead." He nodded and sighed, then turned towards Petunia who whimpered.

"What other curses might I attempt to kill her with?" He asked.

"See if she can survive broken bones, as my Hatchling did," Nagini smirked. That would satiate Tom's anger and bloodthirst, for now, having someone deserving to direct his anger at.

The grin on Lord Voldemort's face was unholy as He snapped His fingers, and Petunia went flying, soaring quickly across the room. She collided with the wall harshly, with so much force that Nagini was sure she must have broken something. The Dark Lord did not wait a moment before sending her soaring again, this time into a different wall. Then the ceiling, then the floor. And on and on and on. 

Nagini watched on, immensely fascinated with Voldemort's blood thirst and ruthlessness. It was always entertaining to see that dark side of His, which was a rare case these days, as Nagini had devoted all her time to raising their little Hatchling instead of accompanying Tom.

It took less than a minute for Petunia to look like a battered rag doll, her limbs flopping about and twisted at odd angles. Bruises were forming rapidly all over her body.

"Alright, that's enough, Tom." Nagini was amused, and Petunia was suddenly suspended in midair, hanging stagnantly above the table.

Nagini watched on curiously as Petunia's breathing was ragged. Her bruises were getting visibly worse by the second, and it was clear that every one of her limbs was broken. Probably most of her ribs too. She looked genuinely horrid.

There was a knock. Lord Voldemort flicked a notice me not charm on Nagini, then answered the door. A Knight dragged a dirty wizard behind him.

"Keep him there and leave us."

The Knight bowed and left. Lord Voldemort stood, summoning another goblet of Elixir and forcing it down the dirty wizard's throat. He cast a diagnostic charm, noticing the significant changes in the body and magic, then cast the Killing Curse.

The wizard died, much to His disappointment and anger. But Nagini's focus was not on him, anymore. "Tom."

The greatly disappointed Lord Voldemort turned, and they watched on, both fascinated as the Elixir finally started to work on Petunia and the bones snapped back into places, the cuts, and lacerations started to mend, and the bruises started to fade. To their relief, it started to heal her other old wounds as well, leaving her almost healthy.

Petunia suddenly gasped. She began coughing deeply.

"Remarkable," Voldemort murmured and slashed His wand down in a rapid, violent motion. One of her arms was cut clean from her body, Petunia let out a small moan of protest, too disoriented to produce more sound. They watched as the blood started pouring from the open wound, slowed down eventually, and then stopped. 

Voldemort beamed, "Incredible," as He waved His wand lazily, and the severed arm aligned itself with the shoulder. Nagini watched as the skin mended itself.

Warning Ends

"So it does work on both magical and non-magical, and increases their magical capability a few times." She let out a breath she didn't know was holding. "Here's to hoping our son's powerful magic will work with the Elixir and work quicker to heal him."

"Only not if hit with the Killing Curse," The Dark Lord was still disappointed.


"No darling, I need him to be like us. Truly immortal. Dumbledore may think himself above killing others, but his bloody Order doesn't! Our child is still too soft to make a Horcrux, he still hesitates too bloody much to even use a proper harmful spell that could do permanent damage, and yet to master any lethal spell!" Frustration was coming out of His body in strong waves.

Nagini sighed, "Let's hope they don't decide on such a drastic measure about an only eleven-year-old child, and you can invent something permanent before that."

Voldemort's persona melted away as Marvolo sighed and nodded, carting his hand through his hair, "Now the real pointer is, how to get our child to drink that potion regularly. It still smells like his blood, after all."

Nagini's smirk went feral, "You have done your part, now leave that to me."

"By all means, my darling, take over." Unlike his jealous and immature teenage self, Marvolo was glad to have Nagini as the child's mother. If Nagini asked, the child would readily drink his own blood. He was a true mama's boy.

"No, I absolutely refuse to let Hadrianus come and smell it. Clean this up before your son throws a tantrum upon hearing the ban on visiting the Headquarters."

"I've noticed he's always our son when he's being an angel, but one little hint of rebellion and suddenly he becomes my son. Have you noticed that?" Marvolo teased.

"Shut up, Tom," Nagini sighed, rolling her eyes. "Come on, let's clean up,"

Marvolo called House Elves and had them take Petunia and the other muggle to their cells, harvest Vernon's and the other wizard's brain as Azure's lunch and then dump the bodies to the middle of the forest behind Headquarters for other predators to find and feed on, then clean up the blood. 

After reaching the Slytherin Manor, and taking showers to make sure they do not smell of blood and gore, Nagini had Bailey bring some snacks and asked her to bring her hatchling, who was just completing his last Math tuition before school and wrapping up.

Hadrianus happily munched on the blueberry, snuggled between his parents, rambling about his recent floo call with Viktor before his tutor came, where they discussed how Viktor coped with strangers and the unnecessary approaches by behaving unapproachable, but to him, it seemed dreadfully boring. Marvolo chuckled as he looked through the paperwork. Of course, he did.

"Father, can I ask you something?

"What is it, son?"

"Yesterday you gave me a file on most heirs that will attend Hogwarts. It even has their likes and dislikes and how to approach them. Does that mean I have a file like that as well?"

"Good question, son. You do have files like that. However, it is incomplete because of inadequate data."


"There is a reason we stayed in Hawaii at Slytherin Castle, so far away from the UK. Apart from Jim Potter's birthday party and occasional Diagon Alley visit, no one has seen you in public enough to make a file on you. Every time I was there to stand in front of you and protect you from being approached by unwanted people who would have to make such a file."


"However, I believe that will change once you start Hogwarts."

Hadrianus raised an eyebrow, "I will have a file next year?"

Marvolo nodded, "Which is why I always tell you to be careful of what you let people know, and always use the occlumency. Never let them rile you up. Control your emotions and what you say to them, how you behave. You can control what you want to be written on your file, not letting them know your weakness, or the true you."

Hadrianus nodded, "Yes I got it. I have a plan for how I should behave."

Marvolo exasperatedly asked, "Should I be concerned?"

He grinned mischievously, "No." But it only increased his worries.

Nagini interjected, "Have you prepared for my quarter in Hogwarts?"

Hadrianus perked up, "You'll go to Hogwarts? As a Professor? Let me guess, Latin Language Professor?" If so, it would be awesome! Mum was an excellent teacher. Also, he would have cuddles anytime he wanted!

"Of course not, I will go there as your mother."

Hadrianus was taken aback. "My... mother?"

Nagini smiled, "Hatchling, name one occasion where you went to Hogwarts but didn't get hurt!"

"What?" Hadrianus blinked rapidly, rummaging in his memories, "I'm sure there were plenty of times I didn't get hurt! What about the last time?"

"You mean, the time when you almost had your leg bitten off?"

Hadrianus flushed, "But I didn't, and it was just some charmed bag!" Who would have thought that some people would be paranoid enough to charm their bag to bite anything that touches them? Though it seemed a fun charm, and it would have been helpful to know while in Dursleys.

Marvolo cleared his throat, "Did I not teach you how to sense magic in inanimate things? You should have known it was charmed." It earned another suspicious look from mum, that had Hadrianus sputtered.


"No buts. I will go to watch over you."

Hadrianus squeaked, "Watch over me?" He was indignant, he wanted to share the look with his father but to his astonishment, his father only looked resigned and amused. "If you want, I can of course arrange a quarter."

"What? No!" Hadrianus shouted and both looked at him.

"Why not?"

He spluttered, "I'll- I'll behave! I swear!"

"Heard that last fifty times you said."

Harianus screamed in frustration, "No! You can't just look over me in Hogwarts! They'll make fun of me!"

Nagini sighed, "Well, if it is the price to make sure you are not hurt -"

"I won't!" Marvolo and Nagini snorted in disbelief, Hadrianus groaned, "I won't! I swear! Dear Loki! What would make you believe it?"

Nagini looked thoughtful, "Well, there is a way you can do that! Two, actually!"

"Yes! Anything!"

"First, you will not roam alone, or at least, ask Bellatrix, or any of the twins to accompany you everywhere."

Marvolo frowned at her, "Since when did you approve of Bella being around your son?"

"Since she proved herself to be a worthy protector."

"And when was that?"

"Don't worry about it. Hatchling, do you promise?"

"To be around Godmummy? Yeah, sure." Hadrianus shrugged. At least Godmummy is interesting, she always answers his questions and never backs down from any challenge or experiment, no matter how crazy they are. "What's the second?"

Nagini looked at Marvolo who produced a goblet full of Elixir on the table with a smirk.

"It's so shiny! And smells like Chocolate." Hadrianus said in awe, poking the goblet, leaving Marvolo and Nagini to exchange a look at the 'Chocolate' comment. "What is it?"

"Shiny?" Marvolo asked, exasperated, "I show you the most valuable, priceless potion that was ever brewed in the world and that's your first impression? It's shiny?"

Hadrianus exclaimed, "But it IS shiny."

Marvolo sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Nagini is right, your spirit animal must be a niffler."

"Hey! You said my spirit animal is a monkey!"

"That's not some proud achievement, is it, son?"

"Are you kidding? Monkeys are awesome! Have you seen how useful their tails are?" Hadrianus asked, glancing at the goblet again, "By the way, why does it smell like hot chocolate? It doesn't look like one."

Nagini and Marvolo exchanged a look. What are the chances that it appears like his son's favourite beverage?

Nagini rolled her eyes, "It's a Health Potion, Hatchling. You will drink this potion on the New Moon sundown after the Moon has risen. Bailey will bring you."

He frowned, "Every New Moon sundown?"

"Well, unless you want me to come to Hogwarts and -"

Hadrianus quickly cut her off, "I will drink it every New Moon sundown! Oh Loki, what's with the constant blackmailing?"

Nagini gently said, "Remember, Hatchling, every New Moon sundown. Bailey will report me if you forget to -"

"Every New Moon sundown." Hadrianus promised, "What is it, by the way?"

Nagini Answered him tiredly, "I told you, it is a Health Potion, to make sure you heal quicker and stay healthy."

"Heal quicker, huh?"

Nagini narrowed her eyes at the calculating gaze on her child, "If I ever hear that you are deliberately harming yourself -"

"I'll behave, dear Loki! I'm not a masochist! Father! Help me! Father - are you - are you seriously laughing right now!?"

Hadrianus groaned as Marvolo let out a deep laugh seeing his son wither and splutter under his mum's stern gaze.

"Fine! Today is the New Moon too, right? Moon has risen yet?"

"I believe it happened a couple of hours ago." Marvolo was amused, giving Nagini an impressed look. He couldn't believe it would work without so much of a fuss, as Hadrianus does with all other potions.

Without questioning more, Hadrianus gulped it down, then licked his lips.

"Yummy!" He declared, making his parents blink at him, baffled.

Marvolo, anticipating the change, asked, "How do you feel?"

Hadrianus snorted, "Are you pranking me, father?"

Marvolo frowned, "Why do you think so?"

"It was hot chocolate, not a potion! What did you add to change its colour and make it so shiny?"

Nagini frowned, "Hatchling, it really tasted like hot chocolate to you?"

Hadrianus indignantly interjected, "It didn't taste like hot chocolate, it was hot chocolate. I know what hot chocolate tastes like!"

Nagini and Marvolo exchanged another perplexed look. Marvolo then casts a diagnostic spell on Hadrianus, even more perplexed to see there is no change in his system. 

The Philosopher's Stone has no effect on Hadrianus.



Any guesses on why would The Stone have no effect on our Dark Prince? Share your opinions, I'll be glad to hear from you!

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