On a Mission

By Mr2_JL23

674 48 7

A/N: I own only the story, plot, and oc. The rest such as pictures, media, and characters from other places a... More



69 6 0
By Mr2_JL23

It was a nice calm day for Y/N. He had just woken up from his slumber and had exited his newly built Pavilion (tent).

A/N: Imagine it looks like one of these, just in your favorite color scheme

He had learned to build one from one of his many schematics from his Craftsmen Class. After he had gathered the necessary materials, he quickly got to work, so now not only did he have a roof over his head, he also now had a mobile home that he could just absorb, put in his storage, then instantly take it back out with the right amount of space needed. What was the best part was that on the inside, it was way larger.

That was thanks to him learning how to us enlarging and expansion spells. He learned a lot more magic to the point where he was very sufficient with all of his spells. He even learned basic element spells from Earth, Fire, Wind Water, and much more. With inside his Pavilion he had even made wooden and stone furniture such as chairs, tables, buckets, bed frames, and much more, leveling up his skills as a craftsman. He also made wooden tools such as an axe, shovel, pickaxe, hoe, and even a wooden and a stone sword.

Along his journey, Y/N had also fought many different creatures and monsters. Besides the regular ones, he had also fought abnormal ones such as putrid spiders of all shapes and sizes...

Bat Beasts...

Rat Beasts...

Corrupted Wolves...

slimes of all kinds...

 and even.... Goblins.

.....So. Many. Goblins......

Yet he had killed them all. In doing so, now with his Leveled-Up Absorb skill, he was even able to now separate the creature's bodies and take their blood, teeth, bones, nails, and organs. If they had clothing, materials, valuables, or weapons he was able to take them as well and store or absorb them.

Yet besides your typical fantasy creatures and monsters, Y/N had even fought more of The Grimm. He had fought more Beowolves...

To even Bear-like Grimm known as Ursas...

To even winged Grimm known as Nevermores...

He had fought so many that they were so much more than the Goblins. He didn't know where they even came from, yet they kept somehow spawning all around him. Even still, they were merely free XP in his journey in leveling up. He had become a decent sword fighter, axe wielder, spear fighter, even as a scythe user. Yet he was way better as an Archer, Bowman, Marksman, and many more with throwing and aiming from afar. He was able to see further, listen even more intently, and could even see in the dark and even gain thermal vision thanks to his Hunter class. All in all, while there may have been many creatures out to get him, he was still victorious in the end.

As a few days had passed since he had left the village. He was wondering just what could await him in the city. Yet before he could get there, he suddenly stopped when he heard what sounded like voices coming from the forest. Using his stealth skill, he quickly and quietly went towards the voices. After a little while, he had come onto a clearing where he saw what looked like a large tent. On the outside of it he saw people and different kinds of species that resembled humans but had animal traits such as whiskers, animal ears, tails, wings, fangs, and much more. Yet what they all shared was the fact that almost all of them had shackles on their arms and legs and metal collars around their necks.

Y/N: *whispers* Slaves.

There was no other option why almost everyone looked like slaves while those who didn't were shouting at the ones that were or used whips to scare and hurt them to "do what they were told".

Witnessing all of this, Y/N's anger began to rise. He had a feeling that there would be differently classes or level of Nobility or a ranking system of Hierarchy...but to even have slaves... that was too far. Nobody deserved that, yet before Y/N could even think about how he was going to kill the owners of those slaves, Sally Intervened.

Sally: Caution! Your blood pressure is going over the regular human amount. Your lust for blood is starting to pour out of your skin making you exposed! Calm yourself before you are spotted!

Y/N: *to Sally* I'm gonna kill them.

Sally: While I do agree, wait before doing anything at the moment.

Y/N: I can't just do nothing!

Sally: Not "Nothing", but instead gather more intel before attacking. See how many there are outside and inside the tent. It seems that this is a small Slave Camp. Usually those who can afford slaves would go to areas such as these. Perhaps you can pass yourself off as a buyer. Then when you have all of the information...attack those responsible.

Now that... was something Y/N could get behind. So, cleaning himself using a water spell and a heat spell, Y/N stepped out into the clearing and slowly approached the tent. Besides his usual clothing, he now also had a vest and a cloak that he took from the bandits. now he looked a bit more professional, which should help him here.

As Y/N got closer and closer to the tent, one of the workers with a whip stopped him.

Worker: *in a grouchy voice* Oy! That's far enough! State your business here!

With every fiber of his being, Y/N did his best to remain calm.

Y/N: *bows his head* Greetings and Salutations. I heard that this is where you can buy slaves. I happen to be in the market for some.

Y/N then took out a big sack full of Lien. Now while he only did have a few from a few days ago, thanks to his duplication spell. He now had to duplicate items that were living or non-living. That meant he technically had a cheat on making money or in the world Lien.

Holding up and shacking the sack, the worker simply grinned.

Worker: Well then "good sir", Stay right here, and I'll go get my boss.

Y/N merely nodded, and simply looked around and scanned his radius. As he took in every detail, he saw how there was only two more workers while the rest were all slaves. Men, women, and sadly even children and the elderly. he saw how they were bruised, malnourished, dirty, and only covered by rags. His heart went out to them and silently vowed to help them.

Before he could take in anymore, he saw that the worker was back with his boss. The man was fat, balding, and looked like a big obese Oompa Loompa.

Slave Boss: Well now, I've been told that you wish to purchase a slave, that right?

Y/N: Indeed sir.

Slave Boss: *smirks* In that case, step right in my good man! Come, let me show you what's for sale.

As Y/N went inside, he saw many cages. Each filled with different species of slaves. As he went on, the boss explained about his "legal" business.

SB: Now, I can tell you're new to this, so let me explain. When it comes to owning a slave, you have to form a Slave Bond with them.

Y/N: A Slave Bond?

SB: Yes, ya see while chains and shackles may keep them bound physically somewhat, you need a STRONGER method. They might be able to break chains *chuckles* but they CAN'T break a Bond. trust me boy, once you've made a bond with it, you can do whatever you want heh heh!

Y/N was getting angrier and sicker by the second listening to this fat bastard, as they went pass more cages, he noticed another worker near them, making it a total of Five counting the boss. y/n sensed that they were all low levels and on the same power level as the bandits from a few days ago.

Y/N: *trying to remain calm* So, have you or your men bonded with any of these slaves?

SB: HA! With these pathetic creatures hell, no! I merely run this camp with my men help keeping this trash in line. All these slaves are low quality. They've either been caught and sold, paid by those that owed a debt, they are the ones that owe a debt, or merely street rats that nobody wanted, so out of the generosity of my heart I took em in. *cackles*

Now, he had definitely heard enough. Without saying a word, Y/N slowly slid a knife that was hidden in his sleeve to his hand to slit this bastard's throat...but stopped. He stopped as he got a good look in the last cage that was by the boss's office. Maybe it was just dumb luck, maybe it was something that caught his eye, or maybe it was something more...but whatever it was made Y/N hide his knife and get closer to the cage.

As he looked in, he saw two young women. Both were in rags, yet one was a dirty yellow color, and the other was red. The one in yellow was a blond with long untamed hair, and the one in red had short brown hair with doses of red in around with most being visible by the tips of her short hairstyle. They were both unconscious, but they looked bruised, starving, and in pain...with the blond even having some piece of infected metalwhere her arm should have been.

Y/N's Mind: *in shock* No.......

He recognized them in an instant. He may have not known them from here, but from his old world...they were his best friends. He could spot them from a mile away because he knew who they were...yet who they were here might have changed.... he was absolutely sure...that in that cage was none other than Ruby Rose and Yang Xiaolong.

Yang: "Hey Y/N, working hard or hardly working~? *giggles* Get it?"

Ruby: "This is one of the very rare times where you and I are talking and it's to make sure you're actually coming to my birthday party".

Y/N came out from his memories as the slave boss was talking to him.

Y/N: What was that?

SB: *chuckles* I said, that it would be wise to look for others sir. Those two aren't worth much. They aren't of any use with them dying and all.

Y/N's Mind: Dying?!?!

SB: Ya, see that little red one ate some bad meat a few days back "by mistake" *chuckles*. And as for the blond bitch, well she wasn't behaving so the boys decided to take her arm. Ya see once we've broken them, they usually become more obedient. yet this stubborn piece of shit still didn't budge. *laughs* W-Well we felt "bad for her so we got her a "replacement" but it didn't do her any good. Top of that, it somehow even made her arm worse.

Y/N wasn't listening anymore by this point. he was just contemplating on killing the son of a bitch right here and now, yet he thought about the girl's conditions.

Y/N's Mind: Sally, be honest can I save them?

Sally: With how you stand at this moment.....No.

For a moment Y/N felt as if his world was over...but then Sally continued on speaking.

Sally: However, if you were to do the Slave Bond with them, it would increase your chances by a high percentage.

While he only knew a little bit about the bond, he knew that he would have done anything for those girls after all they did for him in his life...so now was a chance to return the favor.

Y/N: *in a firm voice* I'll take them.

SB: Boy, I'm trying to tell ya, they're nothing more than dead weight. If you bond with them, they'll actually hurt you with their condition. They'll make ya feel weak and-

Y/N: *cuts him off* If that's truly the case, then that means you'll sell them for cheap correct?

SB: *raises an eyebrow* Humph. And here I thought you were a man of good taste. *rolls his eyes* Well suit yourself. *goes into his office* Now with the bond, usually the slaves have to give their consent for the bond to fully work, but naturally that never usually happens. So, to make them become bonded with you, you merely need their blood. Luckily, we usually take some of theirs before they get in those two's condition.

The boss then brought out two tiny vials of blood, with two written contracts.

SB: Last chance, once the bonds are made, they can NOT be undone.

Y/N merely pulled out a handful of bronze Lien and handed it to the boss.

SB: *smirks* Well that's way above their price, but you did pay me, so no backing out now~.

The boss then showed Y/N where he had to sign and by his signature, he had to give some of his own blood. Y/N just used the paper to cut his thumb. As the blood came out, he quickly put his thumb to the papers by his signatures. And with that, he instantly felt a pull towards the two girls. 

SB: 8hands him the papers and grins* And with that, it's complete. Congratula-


Before the slave boss could finish, he saw his right arm hit the ground, as blood started to spurt from the cut. The man tried to scream but was instantly throat punched. As he collapsed onto his knees, he looked up to none other than Y/N who was staring at him with the look to kill...which was exactly what he did as he struck him in the middle of his forehead with a tomahawk.

Y/N: *in a cold voice* Who's trash now.

Y/N then saw that the worker was just staring at all that happened, so before he could figure out what to do next, Y/N threw a knife right into his left eye killing him on impact. Taking out the tomahawk from the boss, Y/N used it to cut off all the locks on the cages. When he was done there, he went outside. As he saw the tree workers bullying a small girl with wings. He merely picked a a whip from the previous worker and whipped the three of them.

crack! crack! crack!

As the men screamed in pain, Y/N merely continued to whip the three of them. He had cut them near their arms which paralyzed them from grabbing anything. yet with no pity or remorse, Y/n used the whip and flung one worker by an outside cage, when his head made impact, he died instantly. Y/N then repeated the process with another worker. With the last one, he actually was able wrap the whip around his neck and-


Snap the bastard's neck. Still filled with rage, Y/N went to the rest of the cages and broke the locks. When he was finished, all the slaves were looking at him in astonishment. Y/N knew that they all didn't speak the same language, yet luckily with his Linguist Class, he had the ability to speak and have his words be translated as they came out in their native tongues.

Y/N: 'Attention All. These men are now dead. They will no longer hurt you anymore. Whatever valuables are here you can have them. I'm merely taking two girls from here that are dying. I merely wish to help them. Whatever else is here is yours'.

Y/N then surprised them further by showing them a sack of lien and leaving it where he stood, along with the keys to their collars, shackles, and chains and even a basket of food. He then went back into the ten and came out with the two dying girls. As he started to leave, the slaves all came out and watched Y/N go. Slowly one by one they began to smile. They had tears coming from their eyes, not of sadness, but of joy. Whoever that young man was, many felt that they would forever be in his debt. The reason was that they now had their freedom back and felt as if life had given them a second chance. 

They also could only hope that he could help those two girls. While they only knew that the two were sisters, they also knew that they didn't have much time left... one could only hope that they make it.

A/N: And that's the end of this chapter.

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I don't own anything
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(I do not own RWBY or any of the images. RWBY is own by Rooster Teeth and all images belong to their rightful owners)
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I only own the storyline. EVERYTHING ELSE BELONGS TO THE ORIGINAL OWNERS. happy reading and pls don't sue me.