The Wolf's Chains (A TF2 Oc f...

By ZJ_Oshba

109 9 0

RED team has been really struggling against BLU team so to tip the scales and make it even Miss Pauling has f... More

Old Memories
Just the Start
The Experience
Wake Up
The Hunt

A New Beginning

28 2 0
By ZJ_Oshba

The dawn of the new morning had awakened the sleeping girl. Yawning and taking in her unfamiliar surroundings it took a moment to realize what she had gotten into. She looked around the vehicle she was on, it look like a bus from what she could see. Raising her head from the window, she had been resting against while asleep, she looked to her left where a lady with pulled-back jet black hair, a purple button up, and deep blue skirt was siting and looking down at a note book and every now and then jotted something on to it. The lady realized she was staring at her.

"Oh, good your wake." The lady spoke in a soft but even tone, "I'm Miss Pauling, I will be escorting you to your new place of work."

"Is that so?" The employee inquired, slightly muffled by the black mask covering her mouth, "How long have we been on the road exactly?" 

"Since..." Miss Pauling pauses and looked at her watch, "Since 22:00 or 10pm and it's currently 6:30 in the morning"

'6:30...earliest I've been up' The girl thought as she stared out the window again. Whilst looking at the dawn slowly fade a voice rang out in her head, "A new day brings new opportunities" it was her father's, it's what he always said when she didn't want to get out of bed. The memory made her smile to herself, then sadness filled her heart Because she remembered why she had taken this job in the first place.

"How much longer till we get to where we're going?" She asked.

"Only about an hour or two more." Miss Pauling stated, not taking her eyes away from the notebook.

The girl sighed and reached below the seat to find her bag, once found she opened up a side pocket and pulled out a phone with the earbuds still plugged in and wrapped around the phone itself. Grabbing each bud and placing them into the corresponding ear she opened her phone to her music app and began to listen to the road trip playlist her and her dad created years back, this brought a smile to her face that she wore, under her mask, until they had reached their destination. 


Looking down at her phone the time read: 8:10, she sighed taking the earbuds out, wrapping them around the phone and putting it back in the bag  pocket it came from. As both of them began to exit the bus Miss Pauling started talking to the bus driver but the girl did not care for the conversation. Finally stepping off the bus the sight of a tree covered path confused her.

"Ready?" Miss Pauling asked

"Ye- Yeah...just...where, exactly are we going?" The girl asked

"The trees are meant to hide the building," Miss Pauling stated "It's about a 10 to 20 minute walk through the trees."

'Great' the girl gritted her teeth and clenched a fist around the singular strap of the bag hanging from her shoulder. They walked in silence for a while, the girl taking in her surroundings.

"So, what exactly is my job," The girl spoke breaking the silence, "Or well my job title?" 

"Well you'll learn what we do when we get to the base," Miss Pauling responded "As for your title you're The Assassin, the tenth class." 

"Tenth?" The Assassin blurted out, "Who else will I work with?"

"Well the ten guys you wi-"

"GUYS?!?!" The Assassin interrupted "So I'm the only girl?"

"Well... there is pyro who has not stated what gender they are and they act somewhat childish, but I believe you all will work well together."

Silence fell as The Assassin sighed, almost defeated, 'A new day brings new opportunities' she said to herself hoping to raise her spirts.

It didn't take long for them to reach to building, it looked somewhat run down from the outside with a thick red stripe running along the building slightly below where the middle would be. 'RED' was written above a set of double doors, which were presumed to be the main entrance. They walked toward the doors and instead of being pulled out or pushed in the doors slid open. The Assassin looked at the entrance puzzled before Miss Pauling gestured them inside. There was a hallway leading to the main room, though it was short, for The Assassin it felt like it went on for a lifetime. Once in the room there was an area that looked like a large Livingroom to the left, on the far side of it there was another hallway that looked to be where the bedrooms would be. On the right there was a kitchenette, a fair bit bigger than one you'd find in a hotel room, on the far side of it there was another hallway, across from the one on the left, this one could only be where a training room and possible medical bay could be. However this large room was empty and there were no noises coming from either of the hallways.

"Where is everyone?" The Assassin asked.

"Must still be at the other base." Miss Pauling responded.

"Other base?" 

"Yes there are several other bases that they get shipped off to depending on where the information we need is. They should be back in few."

"Sounds fun." The Assassin sighed.

"In the mean time why don't you head down to your room," Miss Pauling said handing keys to The Assassin, "And get your things put away, I think one or two more boxes are still on the way."

Miss Pauling walked back out the door, possibly to welcome the arrival of the other teammates, as the doors closed the Assassin sighed and looked at the key. '10' was engraved on the key, the number of the door the key went to. Walking to the area between the two hallways, looking down the one to the right her assumption was correct. There was a metal door at the end of the short hallway, there were two sets of double doors on either side, the one on the left had a red cross with a circle around it painted on connecting the doors, the one on the right had a sign above it, it read 'Cafeteria'. She turned to her left and looked down the longer hallway, seemingly empty other than two hallways either side and thick metal door at the end. Walking down the hall she looked to her right, large wooden doors stood at the end with metal doors to either side. Looking to her left, doors lined the long hallway. She began to walk down the hall looking to her left the first door read '1', looking to her right, the first door read '2'. She walked keeping her eyes to the right '4...6...8...',

"Finally" She said unlocking the door.

The room was fairly clean for supposedly not being used. There was a bed on the right wall, looked like a queen size, a closet with a folding door was across from it. On the far side of the closet was another door possibly the bathroom, well at least there were private bathing areas. She took the bag from her shoulder and slung it down by the bed, upon fully entering the room there was a small desk and chair next to door on her left. She flopped her body across the bed and closed her eyes, only for a second. When she opened them there were 3 medium sized boxes lined up against the side of the bed hidden from view of the door. She sighed got up and went to her bag to look for her pocket knife to open the taped up boxes. She grabbed the knife and headed for the boxes.


It had been about an hour since she got there, everything was unpacked and put in its proper place. There was only silence, she began to wonder where everyone was. The sound of the main entrance door opening brought her out of thought, the sounds of men talking filled the base. There were accents from all over Southern, Boston, Russian, German, French, Scottish, and others that couldn't be placed, as well as mumbling and a very muffled voice. She got up grabbed the coat that she had hung across the chair, at the desk, and opened the door and began to walk down the hallway; the talking was much louder than she had expected. Before she reached the end of the hallway Miss Pauling's voice raised above the rest quieting the loud men.

"With all the losses you have been experiencing..." She paused trying to find the right words, "We have haired a new member, The Assassin."

"Oh great," A voice with a loud Boston sounding accent said, annoyed, "Another friggen bum who won't help us at all."

"Calm yourself," A French accent interrupted, "We haven't even met him yet."

'HIM?'  The Assassin thought angered, 'only a guy can do your job. . .fucker'

"I'll go get them and you can see who you're working with." Miss Pauling remarked

"No need," The Assassin spoke finally exiting the hallway she had been hiding in.

The men had been silenced and were in complete and utter shock. The Assassin wore a shit eating grin under her mask.

"This is the new member," Miss Pauling spoke breaking the silence, "The Assassin, well versed in Offence, Defense, and Support. She will be a great help you."

"It is good to meet you...mon chéri." Interjected the masked French man stepping forward and offering his hand out, expecting the girl to put her hand on his. 

She brushed past him to see the rest, she looked each of them up and down with condescending eyes.

"So," She spoke at last, "What are your name, or what should I call each of you?"

They all had been, somewhat, lined up and spoke in order.

"I'm Scout" The Boston man said, pointing at his chest with his thumb, "Or da force a' nature!" She stared through him at the last part.

"Soldier at your service." The man said, in a thick unplaceable accent, as he saluted.

"Mmph pmro!" The next spoke in a muffled voiced, there was a pause and the same person signed what they had said: 'I am P-Y-R-O'. 

She signed back 'Hi P-Y-R-O, it is nice to meet you'. Pyro seemed happy that another person could understand ASL, other than Miss Pauling and one other team member.

"Ey lass," A drunken Scottish voice said, "Ye' can call me the Demo-man." He took a swig from an unnamed liquor bottle.

"I am Heavy weapons guy." Stated the tall muscular man in a Russian accent.

"I'm the Engineer," Said the man with a southern accent, "Most just call me Engi for short." He tipped his hardhat to her.

"I am Ze Medic." Said the tall man with a heavy German accent.

"And I, am the Spy." Said the last man in nasally French accent.

There was a pause as The Assassin counted in her head.

"I thought there were nine of you?" She inquired.

"Yes, well, Sniper is in his camper van outside of the base." Miss Pauling chimed in, "As usual."

"Ve said our names Vhat should ve call you?" Asked Medic.

"Well if we go by class names it would Assassin," She thought for a moment, "Eh, but that's too long just call me Wolf. It's what most people I meet tend to call me."

"Then it's settled," Engi pipped in, "Welcome to the team Wolf!" He said with an excided tone as he stepped forward extending his hand toward the girl.

"Happy to be here." She responded grabbing and shaking the mans hand.

"Oh and there's a couple more boxes for you." Miss Pauling said pointing back to the entrance of the main hall.


A few minutes had passes since they separated and went off to do their own things. Wolf decided to go through the boxes that had come in, there was a medium sized box and two long boxes resting against the wall beside it. She headed over to them, pocket knife in hand, first she opened the two long boxes and inside each one was a Shinogi-Zukuri katana with a black handle and black holder with sliver lines engraved into it. She grabbed them and put them in the right position to have them sitting comfortably on her back. She knelt down to open the other box and rummaged through it.

As she did this The Spy had started walking toward her, while Scout and Engi watched from the couch betting on what was going to happen. As he Approached her she became suspicious of the movement and foot steps coming closer. The foot steps stopped there was tension in the air as the sound of the main door opening rang through the hallway. She spun around and pulled out one of the katanas and held it to the man's throat ready to slice him open.

"Calme-toi jeune femme." Spy said raising his hands up to his chest, palms facing The Assassin.

She kept the blade trained on him has he tried to back way. There were some quiet cheers and cursing coming from the couch as Engi handed Scout some money. 

At this moment she realized there was someone else staring at her that wasn't Spy, or the two on the couch. There was a man standing in front of the main hallway, he wore sunglasses, a hat that look old and rugged, and a vest, possibly synthetic leather, over a red shirt with the sleeves folded up to the elbow. 

'This must be The Elusive Sniper' She thought.

"My apologies madam." Spy said slightly shaken.

His voice brought her out of her own mind and she lowered the blade from his throat and slipped it back into the cover on her back. Spy disappeared in a cloud of smoke his cologne still lingering in air, made her sick.

"Pendejo." She muttered under her breath as she picked up the box to take to her room.

The man by the hall almost let out a small chuckle but kept his composure. He seemed to be enamored by the person that was now walking way. 'Who was that?', is what anyone from the outside would presume he was thinking in that moment.


(A/N: for most if not all thing people say in another language I use google translate so if its wrong or something it's google)

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