Por tangledkisses

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"There's things I wanna say to you, but I'll just let you leave" [SEASON TWO-SIX] robby keene x fem!oc Más

VOL I. Summertime Sadness
𝟎𝟎𝟏. love at first sight
𝟎𝟎𝟐. country club adventures
𝟎𝟎𝟑. first date
𝟎𝟎𝟒. mall adventures
𝟎𝟎𝟓. sleepover at the larussos
𝟎𝟎𝟕. kreese's pet
𝟎𝟎𝟖. 80s night
𝟎𝟎𝟗. egoistical asshole
𝟎𝟏𝟎. school fight
VOL II. Sour
𝟎𝟏𝟏. the aftermath
𝟎𝟏𝟐. the old karate kid's
𝟎𝟏𝟑. the twisted sisters
𝟎𝟏𝟒. revenge
𝟎𝟏𝟓. the twisted sisters first fight
𝟎𝟏𝟔. clementine isnt okay
𝟎𝟏𝟕. no more people in hospitals
𝟎𝟏𝟖. kicking down doors
𝟎𝟏𝟗. chica de canela

𝟎𝟎𝟔. miyagi-do's spy

337 10 5
Por tangledkisses


CLEMENTINE DECIDED TO DROP BY AT MIYAGI-DO. Robby's silence on her texts fueled her worry, sending her into a frenzy. With bated breath, she tiptoed and unlocked the gate, stepping into a scene that left her utterly speechless. The once pristine space was now a chaotic jumble of overturned furniture, shattered glass, and scattered belongings. It was as if a tornado had ripped through, leaving destruction in its wake.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she surveyed the scene, her eyes darting from one disheveled corner to another. The air was heavy with a mix of confusion and apprehension. She couldn't help but wonder what had transpired in this place, and why Robby had been so elusive.

As her gaze settled on the group of Miyagi-Do students, she noticed their intense stares, fixated on her every move. It felt as if all eyes were on her, waiting for an explanation. The weight of their collective gaze made it hard for her to find her voice, her mind racing to make sense of the chaos.

And then, like a storm brewing, Robby emerged from the wreckage. His face was a canvas of conflicting emotions, a mix of anger, hurt, and frustration. His eyes bore into her, demanding answers. "Did you do this?" he asked, his voice laced with accusation.

Her heart sank at his words, the accusation hitting her like a punch to the gut. The thought of Robby believing she could cause such chaos was a betrayal of their friendship, a sharp sting of disappointment. She mustered every ounce of strength to meet his gaze, her voice trembling with a mix of frustration and hurt. "What? No!" she exclaimed, her words a desperate plea for him to see the truth.

Robby's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and he slowly unclenched his jaw, releasing the tension that had built up. "I'm sorry," he began, his voice filled with a mix of regret and vulnerability. "It's just... someone did this, and I was really hoping it wasn't you." His words trailed off, the weight of his accusation hanging in the air between them.

Clementine raised an eyebrow, her expression a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. "But why would I do this?" she questioned, her voice laced with genuine confusion. "The last time I saw you, things were good. Why would I want to destroy that?" Her tone held a touch of hurt, the disbelief evident in her eyes.

Robby let out a sigh, his shoulders slumping slightly. "No, you're right," he admitted, his voice tinged with remorse. "I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions like that. I'm sorry." He looked down, his gaze filled with regret as Clementine rolled her eyes, a mixture of annoyance and disappointment evident on her face. Without another word, she walked past him, making her way towards Sam.

Sam's face twisted into a deep frown, her disbelief evident in her furrowed brows. "I just can't believe it, you know?" she said, her voice filled with a mix of frustration and disappointment. "Why would someone do this... to Mr. Miyagi's dojo?" she added. Clementine's eyes widened in shock as she instinctively reached out to comfort Sam. "Oh my gosh, girl, I'm so sorry," she exclaimed, her voice laced with genuine concern. "Could it be that dude with the funky mohawk? He seemed so hot-headed."

Just then, Demetri jumped into the conversation, his voice filled with conviction. "No doubt about it, guys," he interjected. "It was totally him. He's changed since he joined Cobra Kai."

Clementine's eyes darted nervously as she bit her bottom lip, her gaze shifting towards Sam, her voice filled with a mix of hesitation and curiosity. "You know, Sam, this whole Cobra Kai thing... it's super intense, right? But here's the thing that's been on my mind... What if I actually joined Cobra Kai? Not to cause any trouble, I swear. I just want to get a firsthand understanding of what they're teaching, without actually using it. Like, when you guys have your classes, I'll be right here, learning the correct concepts. It's just about gaining knowledge, you know?"

Sam's eyes widened in alarm as she processed Clementine's suggestion. But before she could respond, Sam's dad, Daniel, spoke up, his voice filled with concern. "It's too risky, Clementine," he said firmly, his protective nature shining through. "Cobra Kai's teaching is really manipulative."

Clementine's smile radiated warmth and reassurance as she locked eyes with Robby, her voice calm yet determined. "I'll be alright," she nodded, her words carrying a sense of conviction. "But listen, Robby, I can't ignore the danger here. Your dad, he's the Sensei of Cobra Kai, and he's teaming up with his old Sensei, John Kreese. That's a recipe for trouble, no doubt about it."

Clementine's tongue clicked softly against the roof of her mouth as she pondered the situation. "I promise you, Robby, that I won't let myself be influenced by the dark side. But if things start spiraling out of control, if I start veering towards the wrong path, I need you and Sam to step in. We'll stage an intervention, bring me back to reality, and set things right." Her gaze shifted between Robby and Sam, seeking their understanding and support. It was a pact, a promise to keep each other in check, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

"Okay, fine," Robby reluctantly conceded, his voice tinged with a hint of resignation. As Sam clasped Clementine's hand, a sense of urgency filled her words. "You're not just a regular friend, Clementine. You're becoming my best friend, and I can't bear to lose you like I did with Aisha," she explained, her grip tightening.

Clementine returned the squeeze, her voice filled with confidence and determination. "I promise you, Sam, I won't let Cobra Kai take me away from you. I'm smart, and I know how to make the right choices," she reassured, her words carrying a sense of conviction.

─────────── 🥋 . . . ───────────

CLEMENTINE WALKED INTO THE EMPTY DOJO. She ran a hand through her hair, her gaze sweeping across the room, only to realize that everyone had dispersed into different rooms. Determination etched across her face, she made her way to the entrance doorway. Clearing her throat, she commanded everyone's attention. And there, her eyes locked with Hawk's piercing gaze. "What the hell are you doing here?" he spat, striding forward. Clementine instinctively took a step back, her voice steady, "I just want to join," she informed him.

Hawk scoffed, towering over her like a mountain. "Yeah, right. You're the one who pushed me at the mall, princess. We slid across the floor," he growled, his jaw clenched tightly. Clementine met his gaze head-on, her eyes blazing with determination. "Well, I was the one who put an end to that fight, didn't I? Your sorry ass missed," she taunted, her voice dripping with sarcasm. Kreese watched the exchange with a smirk, clearly entertained by Clementine's tough act.

In Clementine's mind, she was totally freaking out. She was scared that someone might come after her, but she put on a brave front. Then, out of nowhere, Tory stepped in and pushed Hawk aside. "Leave the girl alone. She's Cobra Kai material," Tory declared. "There's a video online of her being a total badass. And guess what? She didn't even need karate. Just a good ol' push from her was enough. It's not that big of a deal." Clementine's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected defense from Tory.

Miguel raised an eyebrow, giving a nonchalant shrug. "I say we let her in," he said, shifting the decision to Kreese. Clementine's gaze darted towards Kreese, who had a terrifying presence. With a smirk, arms crossed, he finally spoke up. "Let's see if she's really Cobra Kai material. What's your name?" he asked, causing Clementine to gulp nervously. "Clementine Katz," she stated, her voice steady. "Alright, Katz and Hawk, main dojo, main mat."

Clementine steeled herself, summoning every ounce of determination as she stepped onto the mat. Across from her, Hawk's glare intensified, his eyes locked onto her with a mix of aggression and confidence. "You're dead," he spat, his fists clenched and raised in the air. Undeterred, Clementine scoffed, her own fists tightly clenched at her sides. "Yeah, sure," she shot back, a hint of defiance in her voice. Her raised eyebrows added an extra layer of challenge to her words.

With Miguel's commanding shout of "Fight!" ringing in her ears, Clementine closed her eyes, shutting out the distractions around her. In that moment, she relied on the mental images she had absorbed from countless hours spent watching YouTube tutorials. Taking a deep breath, she steadied herself, mentally preparing for the impending clash.

As Hawk charged towards her, his fist aimed at her face, Clementine relied on her instincts and muscle memory. With her eyes still closed, she swiftly intercepted his punch, her grip firm and unwavering. In one fluid motion, she twisted his arm away from her, using his own momentum against him. Hawk's balance faltered, and before he knew it, he was crashing down onto the mat, his body hitting the ground with a resounding thud.

With a triumphant smirk, Clementine opened her eyes, savoring the sight of Hawk sprawled out beneath her. The air crackled with a mixture of shock and awe as the room erupted into cheers and applause. In that moment, Clementine knew she had proven herself, not just to Hawk, but to everyone in the dojo.

The dojo's atmosphere buzzed with anticipation as Clementine faced Hawk once again, the experienced martial artist with a reputation that loomed like a challenge. The scent of polished wood and the rhythmic shuffling of feet on the tatami mats set the stage for this pivotal moment.

Hawk unleashed a fierce roundhouse kick, the swish of his gi cutting through the air. Clementine, a study in grace, evaded the attack with a swift pivot, her footwork precise and controlled. Seizing the opening, she responded with a rapid jab to Hawk's midsection, showcasing a crisp execution of traditional karate technique.

Undeterred, Hawk countered with a barrage of strikes—a combination of punches and kicks that demonstrated his well-honed skill. Clementine's defensive prowess shone as she adeptly blocked and parried, her movements a testament to watching a lot of YouTube tutorials.

The rhythm of the fight quickened, each exchange a flurry of movement. Clementine's agility and flexibility became apparent as she executed a perfectly timed backflip, narrowly avoiding Hawk's sweeping leg. In response, she retaliated with a powerful side kick, the snap echoing in the dojo.

Hawk, recognizing Clementine's formidable ability, adjusted his strategy. The two engaged in a mesmerizing display of martial arts prowess, each movement calculated and purposeful. Clementine's repertoire included a dazzling array of strikes—crescent kicks, reverse punches, and spinning back fists—all seamlessly woven into her offensive and defensive sequences.

Clementine unleashed a combination that left Hawk momentarily off-balance. Seizing the opportunity, she executed a low sweep, bringing Hawk to the mat with controlled force. The dojo fell silent for a heartbeat before erupting into applause.

Standing over her fallen opponent, Clementine's chest rose and fell with exertion, but her eyes gleamed with determination. The sensei, a nod of approval on his face, declared her the victor. Hawk, on the mat, offered a respectful nod, acknowledging Clementine's skill and earning her a place among the respected members of the dojo.

─────────── 🥋 . . . ───────────

CLEMENTINE CALLED SAM THAT NIGHT. Clementine listened intently as Sam poured her heart out, revealing the dark truth about her father's involvement with Cobra Kai. The weight of Sam's words hung heavy in the air, causing Clementine's brows to knit together with concern. "Wow, Sam, I can't even imagine how tough that must be for you," Clementine sympathized, her voice filled with genuine empathy. "To have your own dad in Cobra Kai, a place that's known for its bad reputation... it's had to be really hard."

"I really don't know if you should keep going there, Clem. After my dad told us this, I'm super extra worried about you." As Sam expressed her worry about the potential influence of Cobra Kai on Clementine, a pang of uncertainty tugged at Clementine's heart. She understood Sam's concerns, but there was a fire burning inside her that refused to be extinguished.

"I hear you, Sammy, and I appreciate your concern. But honestly, it's too late for me to turn back now," Clementine admitted, her tone tinged with a mix of determination and regret. "I've proven myself to them, and there's a part of me that just can't resist the urge to face Hawk again, to wipe that smirk off his face."

Clementine's words hung in the air, a testament to the complexity of her emotions. She knew the risks involved, but the allure of the challenge was too strong to ignore. Deep down, she hoped that her choices wouldn't lead her down a dangerous path.

She heard her brother's bedroom door creak open, causing her gaze to lift and meet his as he made his way towards the kitchen. "I'll catch up with you later, alright? I'll be at practice tomorrow. I really need to have a conversation with my brother," she informed Sam, her words filled with a sense of urgency. Sam nodded on the other end of the line, understanding the importance of the situation. "Okay. Talk to you later," Sam replied before they both ended the call. Clementine closed her laptop, ready to face the impending conversation with her brother.

Clementine stepped out of her room, making her way towards the kitchen. As she entered, she spotted Tyler rummaging through the fridge. "Hey, Ty?" she called out, catching his attention as he shot her a glare. "What's up?" he retorted, crossing his arms defensively. Leaning against the door frame, Clementine mustered up the courage to apologize.

"I'm really sorry for what I did. It was wrong of me to barge into your date. Please forgive me," she expressed sincerely, hoping to make amends. Tyler's eyebrows shot up in surprise as he processed her words. "Alright, you're apologizing... which means you want something," he responded, placing his hands on his hips, a hint of playful suspicion in his tone.

"So, I decided to join this dojo to do some undercover work for my friend Sam and my boyfriend Robby," she began, but her brother interrupted her with a mischievous grin. "Boyfriend? You and Willy are an item now? Can I give him a haircut?" he playfully teased, causing her to shoot him a glare. "Ty! No, his name is Robby!" she corrected him, slightly exasperated.

He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, and she rolled her eyes. "Anyway, back to what I was saying... I joined this karate dojo to gather intel on the dojo. And this guy, Hawk, I don't even know his real name... but I'm pretty sure he's the one who trashed Sam and Robby's dojo, so I'm out for revenge," she explained with determination in her voice.

Tyler's eyebrow shot up in surprise. "Wait, let me get this straight. You want my help?" he questioned, seeking confirmation. Clementine nodded eagerly. "Yep, that's the plan," she affirmed. Tyler paused for a moment, considering her request.

Finally, he spoke up with a mischievous grin. "Alright, I'll help you out, but on one condition. You gotta promise not to spill the beans to Auntie Anastasia about where I'll be next Saturday night. I'll be hitting up a party with my frat buddy, Joey," he declared, his tone filled with a sense of adventure. Clementine's smile widened. "Deal!" she exclaimed, sealing their agreement.

─────────── 🥋 . . . ───────────

CLEMENTINE AND TYLER STOOD OUTSIDE HAWK'S HOUSE. Clementine and Tyler were dead set on getting revenge on Hawk. They needed his address, and Demetri was their secret weapon. At first, Demetri was a bit hesitant, but after some convincing, he finally spilled the beans and gave them the address. Now, armed with the address, Clementine and Tyler hatched a plan. Clementine leaned in close to Tyler and whispered-yelled, "Ty, you go TP his house! I'll spray his car pink and key it."

Clementine immersed herself in the act of transforming Hawk's car, wielding the spray can with precision to cover it entirely in a vivid shade of graffiti pink. A self-assured smirk graced her lips as she reached for her car keys, deftly keying in the message "I guess Princesses are superior than men like you" on one side of the car. On the opposite side, she left the biting remark "Your stupid mohawk" etched into the paint. Standing proudly, she surveyed her colorful handiwork with a triumphant expression, reveling in the subtle revenge.

She cast a mischievous glance at her brother, who had just pulled off the audacious feat of toilet-papering Hawk's house. Their eyes met in a silent understanding, and with a shared smirk, they sealed the moment with a satisfying high-five. Oblivious to the fact that a discreet Ring camera had meticulously documented their mischief, they casually climbed into the car, their laughter echoing in the night air as they drove away, leaving behind a house adorned with toilet paper.


i promise clementine doesnt turn bad... unless i decided to change my mind... but i love tyler and clementine's sibling friendship 😋😋

i cant wait to show you more of clem and im really starting to like this fic???? i hope i get more ideas for the rest of the seasons because this act will be a tiny bit short ig???

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