Beyond the home

By sidet_omg

333 13 18

A certain events changed the life of everyone...or did it? RECOMMENDED! - read "Only You | Chase x Sweetie Fa... More

Chapter 1: Over and out, dear
Chapter 2: Hello, Ms. Crystal
Chapter 3: Runaway
Chapter 4: Road through Europe I.
Chapter 5: Road through Europe II.
Chapter 6: Trip to the Alps
Chapter 7: Pattern
Chapter 8: Chase
Chapter 9: Burning Ash
Chapter 10: Stuck in Limbo
Chapter 11: Alliance
Chapter 12: Not good, not bad
Chapter 13: Back in life
Chapter 14: Time Travel I.
Chapter 15: Time Travel II.
[FC] Chapter 16
Chapter 17: All goes down now
Chapter 19: Long time no see
Chapter 20: Now it's my turn
Chapter 21 [FINALE] : Over

Chapter 18: Rescue, the old style

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By sidet_omg

Nooshy slowly opened her eyes, seeing nothing but a pillow on her face. She reached for it and threw it down from her face, seeing a ceiling with lights on it.

She was confused because she remembers being in a car with Johnny, and then...she blacked out.

"Where am I?" She said out loud, lifting herself up to look around. She was in some kind of living room, which was pretty modern and stylish. Yet, she already saw this same style somewhere else.

"Porsha?" Nooshy said out loud, hearing nothing back. Looking around the couch she found herself on, she spotted a gray animal, a cat she only saw in pictures.

"Morning, Nooshy." She heard. Turning around, she saw Timur looking at her.

"Hi." "So, how are you doing?" He asked, as Nooshy nodded.

"Confused, but I'm alright." She replied. 

"That's great to hear." He said, giving her a smile. "Everyone is waiting for you already. Especially Johnny."

"Yeah, I thought so." She chuckled. "How will I tell him I'm pregnant though?"

"That's...why I waited till you woke up," Timur said, looking down. "Do you want it?"

"I have no other chance but to carry it, then we'll see," Nooshy said. "But, I don't think I would want a child yet." 

"Porsha told me that I should offer you this because I am a heartless monster, maybe true." Timur chuckled. "But since abortion is not allowed in your country, and neither is here...I could help you out...not legally of course."

"W-What?" "Of course with my mother's help, she's a doctor." He added.

"I think I rather talk it out with Johnny," Nooshy said. "I did think about it a lot, but I haven't came to a conclusion."

"Well..." "The only friend I have that already gave birth to someone is Rosita, but that just seemed like uncontrolled multiplication." Nooshy laughed.

"Sweetie is a mother, too," Timur added. "And Porsha is distancing herself from getting pregnant."

"Does she use a pill or?" "No, she doesn't want to do anything besides light affections, cuddling while sleeping at last," Timur said. "So, do you want me to remove the baby out of you?"

"That would look...strange." Nooshy giggled. "But...yes?"

"Great, I'll give my mum a call, and we'll drive there," Timur said, standing up. "There are clean clothes in the bathroom, go have a shower if you want, I'll wait." 

"Okay," Nooshy said and looked at the cat. "Is this the famous Oskar?"


"Chase," Sweetie said. "We can end this all with everyone forgetting about this."

The shepherd kept looking out of the window. Sweetie knew where they were flying; towards Adventure City for some reason, so the detonation of the Air Patroller was out of thought.

"Let me take control," Sweetie said.

"No," Chase said.

Sweetie sighed. Was the only option killing him? 

She then began hearing an alarm coming out of her collar. Her helmet appeared back on her head, as she looked outside.

The visor showed her that they were heading straight for the single highest tower in Adventure City; the Paw Patrol tower, which since the end of Paw Patrol became a museum.

"Chase, fly higher, now." Sweetie ordered as he was still looking straight, not doing as she ordered.

"Chase," Sweetie said once more, a laser gun appearing and extending out of her suit.

Chase still didn't move, as if he was stuck, frozen, or...

"Jarvis, living scanner, now." She said, her helmet beginning to shine lasers on the walls around her.

'No one besides you is here, Sweetie.' Jarvis said, as she immediately fired a laser ball at Chase, making him disappear into pixels at touch. Quickly replacing him on the pilot's seat, she grabbed the steering and tried to lift the Air Patroller up, but was unable.

She looked out of the window, immediately seeing the tower just a few meters in front of her.

"Oh shit." Was the only thing she said before the Air Patroller flew through the tower, her hitting the metal immediately.

The Air Patroller shattered into small pieces, as well as did the top of the tower, shooting pieces of glass everywhere, probably harming someone.

Sweetie was sent flying to the nearest building at an ungodly speed, knocking her out, cold, while also destroying her collar with pup tag completely, being unable to send for help...

People around the crash site were quickly calling the emergency services, but the chaos and the multiple calls had attracted a certain person who lived close by.

He picked up his phone, and pressed a single button, making it vibrate and display a logo with a paw on it.

"Paw Patrol is on a roll." He whispered and ran out of his apartment.


"So, you fully consent to this procedure?" Timur asked, for the third time probably. Nooshy nodded, lying on the hospital bed, her body completely numb.

"Okay, this will be quick, Nooshy, just breathe." His mother said, checking her vitals continuously, trying to give her the best of care.

The procedure came to an end, with Nooshy not even noticing that it happened. Her body came back to life, as she stayed on the bed, just to make sure she was alright.

"Hey, Timur?" Nooshy asked, receiving a hum. "Is that true?"

"Hm?" "You and Porsha." Nooshy clarified.

"Oh." Timur said, hanging his head down. "Yes, it's true."

"Porsha said..." "She herself said that she doesn't want it, and I never argued about it and tried to push it away," Timur said. "The furthest we came was being okay seeing each other naked."

"That's...sad," Nooshy said. "I thought at least once."

"No, she said no, and I have never pressured her into it," Timur said, looking at the monitor if Nooshy was still okay. "So I kept telling everyone that we are okay, but the reality is...Porsha has already thought of breaking up."

"Why?" Nooshy asked, lifting herself up. "She never said she isn't happy."

"Strange, the last time we were on a trip it ended just an hour later because she decided to end it, saying she is scared of being raped," Timur said. "It was a trip in a forest."

"But if it was bound to would rescue her from being, right?" "Not even another thought," Timur said. "But there was no civilization even 50 kilometers away, so she thought that I would rape her."

"Oh," Nooshy said in response, seeing how tears were coming out of his eyes.

"Yeah." He replied, wiping off the tears and standing up. "Vitals are normal, no elevated heart pressure, so we can go."

"Oh right, yeah," Nooshy said as he took off the leads from her chest.

"The car is ready, I'll just go and tell my mum that we are leaving." He said and walked out of the procedure room, while Nooshy stood up and put on a coat. She felt bad for him because by his words Porsha was the bad one in their relationship. And he had no reason to lie.

Walking out of the room, and heading towards the entrance, Timur caught up to her, with a forced smile on his face. They both went to the parking lot, where his car quietly stood and has been warming the inside up for a while.

"So, to the theater," Timur said as they both were in the car. Nooshy nodded, leaning back into the passenger seat as they drove away. "Because they were waiting for you for a long time, be ready they will be more nervous than ever."

"Don't worry, I'm prepared for anything," Nooshy said as the car sped up. "And...thank you."

Timur just nodded, focusing primarily on the road.


The emergency services surrounded the crash site, but kept a big distance from it since the Air Patroller was leaking toxic material; it didn't run on normal fuel, but technically on advanced rocket fuel.

They weren't aware that Sweetie was there, in the crash site, unconscious.

The chiefs of each department were discussing the safest approach, while also waiting for the special rescue force from the Central City, which would take probably 3 the already long 3 hours since the crash. was surprising that they all heard sirens; who was it?

They all looked to the main street, from where the lights and sirens came and were surprised...

the vehicles of the Paw Patrol.

"Stand back, the situation is going to be under control!" The voice of the old leader of the team was heard as they approached the emergency services.

The vehicles passed them, reaching the made border where the fuel could have reached, and stopped, getting out of their vehicles. However, the only missing dog from the team was their police dog.

"Alright guys, let's do this!" The older boy jumped out of the quad bike as the dogs jumped out of their respective vehicles, just the helicopter kept floating above.


Sweetie slowly opened her eyes, but immediately winced in pain. Whatever she hit was more painful than birth.

However, she didn't understand why her collar didn't automatically administer painkillers. With pain she lifted her paw and with closed eyes touched the collar, feeling it being broken.

Oh no. Sweetie thought, because she remembered that the crash must have broken the Air Patroller, and the fuel could harm the citizens, and now she couldn't call for help. 

I must somehow alarm people. Sweetie thought, her instincts as a rescue dog came back. Even in massive pain, she lifted herself up and tried to keep standing on four legs. It worked since she didn't fall back down, and slowly waddled out of the hole she was in.

Coming to the street, she saw the damage that happened, as well as some emergency lights coming closer and closer.

"No- ah." She shouted, accidentally lifting her paw, making her wince in pain.

"Someone is in the crash site!" She heard from the rescuers...but from a familiar voice. She couldn't match it to anyone, but she knew the voice.

Her plan now was to get inside the destroyed Air Patroller and try to re-establish the connection, so that she could call for real help that's needed.

Slowly walking towards the vehicle, she immediately saw a light shining on her. Her body was too weak to do anything, so she ignored it, but heard some mumbling from the pilot...again, a familiar voice.

She started to think it wasn't a coincidence. 

"Sweetie! Stay there!" The voice of the rescuer came again, but she still couldn't match it to a name.

Just then...she noticed why she was so weak.

She noticed a blood trail behind her. 

Touching her body with her paw, she felt a giant bruise on her stomach, and by quick thinking, she knew she hadn't had much time before bleeding to unconsciousness.

"Le- ah. Leave!" She shouted, while still walking to the Air Patroller. "It's-'s not safe!"

"Stay there, don't move!" Another rescuer said, another familiar voice. "We are making a way!"

Sweetie didn't care, as she was inside the demolished vehicle. Walking to the center console, she saw that the backup system for tracking was still somewhat working, so with a couple of presses as she slowly began fainting, she connected it to the only possible target.

"Crash...Adventure" She got out, closing her eyes. "Code...T...O."

As she fainted, the rescue team finally got to her. 

"Oh no, Sweetie!" The rescuer said. "Marshall, wrap her and get her ready for a transfusion!"

"I'm on it." The dalmatian said, wrapping Sweetie in bandages, and closing the bruise on her stomach at least temporarily. 

"Ryder, the fuel is mildly radioactive." "Good to know, she might be poisoned. Thanks, Rocky." The boy said as he came closer to Sweetie. "Let's get you out of here."

And with that, he lifted the terrier up and walked out of the crash site.

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